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Trenutno vreme je: 09. Jun 2024, 16:24:00
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Tema: Saturn  (Pročitano 128193 puta)
Svakodnevni prolaznik

Zodijak Taurus
Poruke 477
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Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7
ma da Smiley
ne znam ni ja sve, ucim se i ja aiwess
ponekad je bolje razmisljat malo za sebe i to.... mada vjerujem da meni zbog retro merkura dolazi greska do izrazaja... inace mi se tvoje znanje svidja  Smile Smile
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Zvezda u usponu


Pol Muškarac
Poruke 1315
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Ericsson T-68
jel ? Smiley

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Edit by SerbianFighter: Maksimalna dozvoljena velicina slika u potpisu je visina: 60pix, sirina: 468pix i velicina 20KB
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Zodijak Taurus
Poruke 477
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dakako, ja jos uvijek ne znam barem vise od  50 % a budem nadam se Smile
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Pol Žena
Poruke 26
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moje saturn je u 12 kući u ribama, obično kazu najnezgodnije mjestro je izabrao, ali opet on je moj
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Pol Žena
Poruke 26
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imam opoziciju saturna i urana, to znači da ću pod starost psihološki se lošije osjećati,mogući padovi,  a satur trigon neptun prikazuje me kao mističnu osobu, kvadrat merkur saturn govori da imam previše briga , depresije, lomovi kostijuali opet imam mars sekstil saturn prikazuje me kao izdržljivu osobu istrajnu, upornu i punu  snage. da mogu da izdržim i najgore borbe. vitalnost pod straost. seksualna aktivnost do kasnih godina žvota
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Zodijak Aquarius
Pol Žena
Poruke 33
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probam da iskljucim roditelje iz svog zivota,tj da vise ne razmisljam o njihovim problemima,da polako sa ocem izgladjujem odnos i da mu oprastam neke stvari i mislim da kad sve to budem odradila da ce me saturn nagraditi.
Mislim da si dobro postupila,a pretpostavljam da ti je astrologija pomogla da ih bolje razumijes,a tako da pomognes i samoj sebi!
A Saturn...on samo odradjuje svoje karmicke zadatke Smile
U pravu si,astrologija mi je pomogla puno i sreca je sto sam pocela da je proucavam (pre nekih 5god.) jer ne znam kako bih drugacije izdrzala svoje roditelje i neke druge situacije u zivotu.Ovako je mnogo lakse i bezbolnije.
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Ucesnik diskusija

All We Need Is Love

Zodijak Leo
Pol Žena
Poruke 135
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evo ja da prob
Saturn Libra 06°48'56 08 direct

Jupiter Conjunction Saturn 1°36
Moon Trine Saturn 2°45

lav-asc vodolija jupiter takodje libra mjesec vodolija

s interesuje me saturn i jupiter su jako jako blizu sta to znaci ?
i nesto malo o tome kad se nadje saturn u 8 kuci *koja mi je inace fullirana Wink

hvala unaprijed!

ponovo da dodjem do odgovora da postavljeno pitanje  Smile
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Svedok stvaranja istorije

Ne tece to reka,nego voda!Ne prolazi vreme,već mi!

Zodijak Taurus
Pol Žena
Poruke 18761
Zastava Srbija
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox
Ja jedino mogu ovako da ti pomognem, nadam se da znaš Engleski  Smile

Jupiter i Saturn su jako blizu pa prave konjukciju a to mu znači ovo

Jupiter conjunct Saturn

The conjunction of Jupiter to Saturn shows that you have enormous potential for success, although it won't come without effort. In spite of overwhelming odds against success, you are eager to explore new means to make a massive assault and assert yourself in the world. You have the fortitude and staying power to mobilize all your resources for this task. Planning every step of the way is absolutely essential, aliong with knowing when to act and when not to. You have a vivid picure of your future already realized in your dreams, but you are realistic enough to accept the responsibility this entails. You know that even with a driving ambition, striving for significance is not enough unless it satisfies a clearly pictured mental vision. You have the courage to be ostentatious about your belief in yourself, while remaining cautious enough to stay within your limits. Your capacity to achieve goals is in direct proportion to your willingness to accept self-discipline and hard work. The glow of success is so sweet that you can accept these facts.

You are hopeful yet realistic, eager yet serious, assertive yet deliberate. Generally you don't take chances, preferring to use proven methods to get what you want. You apply your talents in the most practical way so that little effort is wasted on non-productive projects. You can find rewarding satisfaction and exploit your creative talents in law, education, medicine, accounting, or the ministry. To these fields you would bring a profound understanding of people and an ability to help solve their problems. You are patient with less gifted people and willing to be of assistance when they need you.

In your moments of relative leisure, you enjoy reading informative books that are useful in your professional interests. In your constant striving to raise your level of competence, you might attend evening sessions at an educational institution. Never satisfied with the extent of your knowledge, you realize that competition requires to to keep abreast of current thought and developments in your field.

You respect the lessons of history, which stimulate your philosophical musings on destiny and the role of each individual in the destiny of man. Your retentive memory is a great help in crises that require an immediate solution; you may even be surprised that the necessary information comes to mind so readily at the right time.

Overdoing is your most persistent problem, for it can cause physical exhaustion. You especially need to get away from your daily concerns and truly unwind. Frequent 'little vacations' are especially effective in restoring vitality and giving you a fresh approach to your goals.

Moon trine Saturn

Potentially, these two disparate planetary energies can be reconciled; and you will probably feel a more positive and optimistic attitude than is common with the other Moon-Saturn aspects.

Your personality is relatively stable; and, in developing a suitable life-style, you will demonstrate resourceful and practical skills. You are reliable, and persevere to fulfil your duties and responsibilities, whether domestic or family, or through career, social, and civic involvements.

Your outlook may be cautious and conservative, respecting social rules and traditions, preferring to live by self-conformity to 'civilised behaviour'. You may view social experimentation and radical ideas to change cultural establishments with unease and suspicious concern, preferring the familiar and trusted ways. However, you also do recognize the renewing virtue of change, and will support change if you believe it will be beneficial; yet change for change's sake you will view with distaste.

Establishing firm life foundations is seen as important. This motivation may have come from valuing childhood stability and permanence, where you felt safe within a secure home and enjoyed the comforting presence of parents. You realize that 'successful building' depends on right foundations. Following this 'pattern' will increase the likelihood of success in any endeavours, whether in business, career, marriage, or family life. You may benefit from inheritance, perhaps in business or through some type of institutional involvement.

You apply shrewd, pragmatic common sense to your affairs, preferring either self-employment or positions of authority and responsibility, where opportunities to express potential are more available. You have creative abilities, although these may be directed along traditional channels, into business or career. The spheres of law, medicine, engineering, politics, management, and education may especially attract. You tend to be a good worker, believing that to gain benefits you need to wholeheartedly commit your efforts to tasks.

You are rarely emotionally effusive; and you may seem austere and privately withdrawn. You prefer to remain in control and be reasonably stable; and yet feelings can be displayed honestly and in a straightforward manner, ensuring that others know what you think and feel about things. Emotional manipulation and distorted relationships are anathema to you; and you dislike anyone acting in such a way.

Friendships are founded on mutual compatibility, trust, and faith in genuine care and support for each other, although each has to be an independent personality and secure in his or her self-esteem; you are not interested in dependent personalities whose emotional vacillations and confusion may agitate the emotional unease that can be hidden within you.

You are cautious in making emotional decisions, taking time to evaluate your feelings and instincts, knowing that they ofer valid messages, and yet also recognising that you may not listen to them enough. Once certain, you commit yourself, especially in a marriage or partnership context; and you will expect similar clarity and commitment from your partner. Maturity and emotional stability are necessary in a partner, and you dislike emotional changeability; if you find the right partner, much of your creativity will flow into the relationship, so that it develops and progresses for mutual benefit.
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Ako je Supermen tako pametan zašto nosi donji veš preko odela??
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if there is a will,there is a way

Zodijak Libra
Pol Žena
Poruke 302
Windows XP
Internet Explorer 6.0
ja imam sunce u kojukciji sa saturnom-da li je to los ili dobar aspekt?joj ja nekako ovo sto sam procitala o mojim saturnovim aspektima dozivljavama kao bas lose,sve je nekako crno....
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Jet set burekdzija

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Žena
Poruke 6537
Zastava montenegro
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ja imam sunce u kojukciji sa saturnom-da li je to los ili dobar aspekt?joj ja nekako ovo sto sam procitala o mojim saturnovim aspektima dozivljavama kao bas lose,sve je nekako crno....

      Sunce u konjukciji sa Saturnom- donosi istrajnost korist od starijih osoba,izdrzljivost,pomoc od mocnih,odgovornost.Ljudi sa ovim aspektom ne dozvoljavaju srcu da ih vodi,oprezni su.Uspjeh koji postignu,je stabilan i dugotrajan,jer do njega dolaze velikim i strpljivim radom. Smile
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Trenutno vreme je: 09. Jun 2024, 16:24:00
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Poslednji odgovor u temi napisan je pre više od 6 meseci.  

Temu ne bi trebalo "iskopavati" osim u slučaju da imate nešto važno da dodate. Ako ipak želite napisati komentar, kliknite na dugme "Odgovori" u meniju iznad ove poruke. Postoje teme kod kojih su odgovori dobrodošli bez obzira na to koliko je vremena od prošlog prošlo. Npr. teme o određenom piscu, knjizi, muzičaru, glumcu i sl. Nemojte da vas ovaj spisak ograničava, ali nemojte ni pisati na teme koje su završena priča.

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