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Tema: Masivan meteorit osvetlio nebo USA ...  (Pročitano 6277 puta)
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Zodijak Capricorn
Pol Muškarac
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   Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile
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Ako te uhvati bes ako stojis ti sedi,ako sedis ti lezi,ako lezis ti se polij vodom,voda ce da odnese tvoj bes...

Svest nije samo materijalna manifestacija, potrazi na interenetu

Dzoni, ne budi Kristal.

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Pol Muškarac
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@marko 284

Ma drugar opusten sam do daske, nego cisto zbog ostalih .. .samo da imaju info.  Smile  Ako mislis da se opterecujem .. jbg, onda od kako znam za sebe me interesuju i pratim "neke" stvari. Ali to ne smatram opterecenjem.  Smile Jednostavno to je deo mene, to sam ja. Fizika, kvantna fizika, astrofizika, elektronika, optoelektronika, astronomija, parapsihologija, video, 3D, nerazjasnjene stvari istorije i praistorije ... to je deo mene. Lepi se jednostavno. I da zelim ne mogu pobeci. Kako da pobegnem od sebe. A i ne zelim. Mnoge stvari sam skontao, ... ali me to i uzdrmalo. Jer sam skontao koliko toga jos nisam. Koliko sam mali u svom tom neznanju , saznajuci kroz znanje. Sve je ok sa mnom.  Smile  Smile
« Poslednja izmena: 16. Apr 2010, 22:36:53 od lightsoft »
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Always outnumbered, never outgunned.

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ma jasno je to meni sve, ali ne moze biti velikih iznenadjenja, osim ako se neki podatak namerno ne sakriva  Smile  Njima je najvazniji sastav, a njega odmah znaju iz kretanja nebeskih tela i dogadjaja u bliskoj proslosti i to ih u principu najvise interesuje.

Da je ovaj zalutali smesko bio kojim slucajem metalni, mislis da ne bi javnost bila upoznata sa tim jos ko zna kad  Smile
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Zodijak Capricorn
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 41361
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Ma svejedno, znam ionako da cu umreti ko budala, ne menja nista  Smile
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Ako te uhvati bes ako stojis ti sedi,ako sedis ti lezi,ako lezis ti se polij vodom,voda ce da odnese tvoj bes...

Svest nije samo materijalna manifestacija, potrazi na interenetu

Dzoni, ne budi Kristal.

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Iz Secrets of the UFO; Chapter 9, Death, destruction, chaos and other bad stuff by Don Elkins 1977

Here is the Hatonn source on the same subject; except that he is speaking of
the end of the present cycle.
There are many vibrations within this creation. It has been written in
your Holy works that “in my Father’s house, there are many mansions.”
This was a statement of these conditions. The mansion, or vibration, in
which an entity finds himself is a result of his desire. If there is a
separation, or choice, to be made, then it is up to each entity to select,
according to his desire.
For that reason, we visit your planet at this time, to attempt to help
those who could wish to make their choice. There are many who have
chosen already, even though they are not aware of it.
There will be an experience in this illusion, in the not-too-distant
future, which will be alarming to some of the people of this planet.
are attempting to provide an understanding of the truth of this
experience prior to its occurrence. Our service is to aid those who wish
to choose a different mansion.
If an entity has chosen a particular mansion, then he will receive it. It is
not a good or a bad place. It is simply a different place.6
There are several events that will occur. There will be events of a
physical nature. These events will be, from the point of view of those
who are living with the illusion, of a very destructive nature. However,
there is no such thing as destruction. There is only change. This you
must understand. If you understand this, then you will understand the
truth of what is to occur.

There will be change, a physical change. This change will be very
beneficial. However, the people of this planet who view these changes
from their present state of ignorance will consider them to be quite
This is unfortunate. However, the people of this planet have had a
sufficient length of time to become educated. They have, however,
sought to educate themselves in the ways of their illusion, rather than
the ways of the Creator.
This illusion is so strong in their understanding
that most of them have no awareness in a waking sense of reality. These
people will be very difficult to communicate with. They will view the
changes in their immediate creation as destructive and irreversible.
Q. Well, is it going to be an earthquake, or a depression, or what?
The changes will be of a physical nature. The depression of which you
speak is of no consequence. It would be viewed as nothing compared to
the physical changes that will occur. It will be necessary for members of
groups such as this one who wish to serve to understand fully the reality
of these changes, and to understand fully the accuracy of the statement
made in your holy book which states that “Although you walk through
the valley of the shadow of death, you will fear no evil.”
This must be
kept uppermost in your consciousness. For you will walk through this
valley. And you will demonstrate to those who seek your knowledge of
truth and only your ability to demonstrate this knowledge will alert
those who seek the knowledge that you are a true and knowing channel.

For many false channels will at this time be lost. For they will not be
able to demonstrate their knowledge of truth. For they will cling to the
illusion that has surrounded them, and will display the fear that this
illusion brings upon them.

This change is looked upon by those of us who understand it as an
extremely beneficial change. It is also looked upon, by those members
of groups such as this one who have realized the truth of this
information, as extremely beneficial to all the peoples of this planet. It
will be difficult for some of the members of groups such as this one to
demonstrate an understanding of these truths, since they have been
strongly affected by the illusion that has been created by the people of
this planet.
However, this understanding is a necessity to be demonstrated.
Q. What’s going to be happening, exactly?
Physical change, of all types.
There will be massive destruction wrought upon your surface. It will be
of such a nature as to totally change the surface of your planet. This
destruction is within your planet at this time. It has been put there by
thought. It has been put there by the thought of the population of this
planet through thousands of years of thinking this thought. This
thought is of a vibratory nature. You are at this time passing through
the last portion of what you know as the third density vibration.
Shortly, your planet will be sufficiently within what you know as the
fourth density vibration. At this time there will be a disharmony
between the thought that creates the vibration that is your planet, and
the thought that dwells within the density that is the fourth.
Much energy will be released of a physical nature. This energy will
create physical changes within your planet. There will be changes
within your land masses. Changes in your atmosphere.
Changes in all of the physical manifestations of your planet. This will
be of a nature that will be considered to be cataclysmic. This is a very
good thing. However, it will not be considered good by those that are
within the illusion.

Labeling this change good or bad is something that is dependent upon
the individual observing the change and his orientation. My friends, the
reason for this change being of a cataclysmic nature is that the thought
that has been generated upon and in your planet for the past several
thousands of years is a thought that is out of harmony with the new
vibration that your planet now goes into. The Creator never conceived
of the condition that is shortly to manifest upon your planet. This
condition is manifested as a result of the desire of all the individuals that
dwell on this planet. They are not aware of this desire, but their desire
has created this.

They have created a condition by their desire that is shortly to be
severely out of harmony with where they will physically be. Due to this,
there will be a large energy release, which will manifest itself upon your
planet in the form of earthquakes, storms, volcanic eruptions, and in
fact a shift of the poles of your planet with respect to their orientation
in space.
This change that will shortly manifest itself upon your planet is, as I
have said, a result of the mismatching of vibrations of your planet and
its new position in space.
This change will alert many of the people of
your planet who are very lightly slumbering, and many of the ones who
are slumbering relatively deep. Many of these people will at this time be
what is known in many of your religions as “saved.” It will save them,
because they will get the violent awakening that is necessary to cause
them to raise their vibrations that last amount that is necessary to get
them off the fence, so to speak.

There will be those who are more deeply slumbering, so to speak, who
will not make the transition. It is up to you to provide those who will
be awakened with the information that they desire. We have stated that
this transition is both good and bad. Ultimately, in its most broad
sense, it is a good transition; however, it is an unnecessary transition. In
a normal transition there would be no energy release, since in a normal
transition, the vibration of the planet would match closely enough and
be in harmony with the new and higher vibration.
This would result in
no energy release, and the planet would continue in a relatively normal
sense from a lower vibration to the higher. Your planet is an aberration
in the evolution of the spirit of the people of the planet and the planet.
The change that will take place will be a beneficial change. However,
the mechanics of the change will seem anything but beneficial.
Those of the people who dwell upon this surface at this time who are
totally aware of the results of this change, and the reason for it, will not
in any way be affected by this change. Those who are not aware of this,
but who are aware of this in a spiritual sense, will be affected only
emotionally, because they will not understand. There are the people we
wish to communicate with.7
The UFOnauts emphatically feel that this catastrophic time is not
absolutely necessary. We could avert it if we came into harmony with the
new vibration. In fact, the precise timing of the Earth changes depends
entirely upon us:
We of course cannot interfere, but do ask that you who are on the Earth
planet work metaphysically, mentally with love in your hearts to
eliminate, as much as Spirit will allow to be eliminated, danger, fear,
panic, and loss. Thank you. We are on the alert. We do not know when
and how some of these will strike. But they are scheduled, from what
we can gather of auric conditions and mass thinking in this section of
the world, which is very serious at this time.8

But let me say to you this, that prophecies were given so that Man
would have the opportunity to avoid these things. Prophecies do not
necessarily need to be fulfilled, for Man’s destiny lies entirely within his
own hands. You see, prophecies are made by the realization of a pattern,
but patterns can be changed, and you, my friends, the People of Earth,
have it within our power to change and avoid these things
And from Case No. 3, Chapter 1:
Then he gave us to understand that the little men might represent a
threat for all of us in the future. But, as he was not sure whether the
danger came from the particular type of individual who had abducted
him or from other unknown types, he was at present prepared to have a
further meeting with them in order to clarify the matter. In any case, he
said, he was certain that the world was in great danger, without however
knowing from where this danger would come. The danger had been
revealed to him by the fair-skinned individual of friendly mien who had
appeared mysteriously before him in the chamber, unperceived by the
little men. The danger would involve the whole of mankind, and would
possibly include intervention by unknown beings, in addition to other
calamities. This danger might however be avoided if mankind changed
their present behavior.10
The Confederation is hoping that we on Earth will become aware of what
power our thoughts actually have, and its members are here to keep the
message of love flowing to those on Earth who desire to hear it and learn
from it.
Your planet, along with its neighbors, is moving as your galaxy is, into a
new area of space, a new vibration. In this creation, there is nothing but
order. It is only necessary to look about you to see the order and
perfection of this universe.
You are about to experience a gift. This gift will be a new
understanding of love. Some of you have already begun to experience
this, and as the progression takes place, it will become more and more
apparent to many of those of Earth.

We are here to help with this experience. This is the reason that so
many of your brothers from space, as you call it, are now here with
planet Earth. We are here to serve and to help the Creator’s plan bring
to you the love that you desire.11


The planet Earth is now in a state of transition toward a greater
unfoldment of man’s progression; the world is not going to end!14

… we are now diligently preparing the way for His footsteps to be
heard throughout the world. The Kingdom is no longer at hand, the
Kingdom is here, and He is shortly to manifest to all men.
We have
awaited this time with eagerness through the long centuries. Is it not
then a time for great rejoicing even though some catastrophe shall come
to the world? But through this catastrophic purification man shall
inherit his godhood.15

Full knowledge of our presence will soon be known to your people.
There will be, at that time, great upheavals on your planet. We regret
this cannot in any way be avoided. We knew this from the beginning.
We, therefore, have warned man repeatedly to prepare for these events,
both mentally and physically.16
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Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 45679
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Razumem ja tvoju potrebu za znanjem i da ga preneses dalje samo ti kazem da se ne sekiras bezveze

To ti je lepota nauke, koliko god otkrivala nesto uvek ce postojati potreba za jos vecim naucnim otkricima i tako u nedogled.I da otkriju 100% pretnji meteorita uvek se moze desiti da neki od njih koji nije pretnja promeni putanju i eto ga na kursu prema Zemlji

Citao sam za meteorite i njihovu pretnju, kazu da postoji realna sansa da nas jedan veci udari 2034-te.Sa njima se nikad ne zna, samo sto ja mislim da od toga 2012-te nema nista ali videcemo
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"Oni koji su vešti u borbi, ne obuzme ih bes. Oni koji su vešti u pobedi, ne obuzme ih strah.
 Zato mudri pobeđuju pre borbe, dok se neznalice bore da bi pobedili"
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Sertifikovani hejter i negativac

Pol Muškarac
Poruke 32361
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eh,sto nije udario poneki komadic (od...10 kila) u grad...  Smile

Smile Smile

onako,taman da porazbija par staklenjara,i unese malo panike u debeloguzane...  Smile Smile
« Poslednja izmena: 16. Apr 2010, 23:04:34 od hkj »
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Pol Muškarac
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Sony xperia
A ne , nisam mislio da ce nas 2012-e zakucati, vec nesto drugo pod tim. Nebitno sada, da ne spamujem temu time.  Smile  Mislim da bese za 2028-u, mozda i gresim, mozda je tvoja god tacna, ... zaista se trenutno ne mogu setiti.
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Ko tebe kamenom, ti njega hlebom... starim 15 dana

Zodijak Leo
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Zodijak Capricorn
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Ja sam vise onako za Milanceta Taratologa, ima covek diplomu  Smile
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Ako te uhvati bes ako stojis ti sedi,ako sedis ti lezi,ako lezis ti se polij vodom,voda ce da odnese tvoj bes...

Svest nije samo materijalna manifestacija, potrazi na interenetu

Dzoni, ne budi Kristal.

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