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Tema: Sony Ericsson [ FAQ, Tips & Tricks ]  (Pročitano 73760 puta)
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
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Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
Title: T610 E-Mail Client - How to Set-Up and Use
Author: Jamba
Description: How to set up your t610 as an email client.

You need to get all information from your (a) Internet Service Provider and (b) Mobile Service Operator. In setting up an account, you need to have the following:

1. Your user name (example : username)
2. Your password (example : password)
3. Your email address (example :
4. Your ISP's incoming (POP) mail server (example :
5. Your mobile service operator's outgoing (SMTP) mail server (example :
6. Your mobile service provider's "Internet" Data comm account (example : Cellular Internet)**

To set-up on your T610 based on the above information, do the following:

Messaging->Email->Options->Edit account->New account ....

Under account name : MyISP Mail ->Ok
Connect using : Choose the Data comm account from #6 above
Protocol : POP3 if POP or IMAP4 if IMAP4 type of account you have
Incoming server : ->Ok
Incoming port : 110 ->Ok
Mailbox : username ->Ok
Password : password ->Ok
Outgoing server : ->Ok
Outgoing port : 25 ->Ok
E-mail address : ->Ok
Leave all others as is then press "Save"
Go back to "Options" then "Set account" then choose "MyISP Mail"

That's it. Turn off your phone then turn it back on. Test your email.
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Apple iPhone 6s
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Zodijak Gemini
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Apple iPhone 6s
Title: Floats Mobile Agent - A Short Guide
Author: Jamba
Description: Using FMA

I noticed that there are a lot of people asking about Floats Mobile Agent and connectivity using the said software. I decided to post a short guide to help members. So here goes ....

FMA is a Phonebook Manager, SMS Manager, Mobile Phone Monitor, Remote Control Agent (via Scripts), Profiles Manager, and OBEX File Manager.

You need to do the following things in order to get BT to work (on Windows XP).

1. First, check your BT setting on serial ports. Open My Bluetooth Places, click on View or modify configuration, click on the Tab called Client Applications, at the bottom of the list, you should see Bluetooth Serial Port and the COM number. Take note of this COM number and close the Bluetooth configuration and BT places.

2. Next, open FMA. click on Tools, then Options. Click on the tab Connections and choose "Use Serial Port." In the Serial Port Setup, choose the Connect port to be the COM port number you have seen in #1 above. Baudrate should be set at 115200, RTS and DTR should both be enabled.

That's it. Turn on the BT of your phone and just press the Connect button of FMA. You should be connecting at this time without error.

You can download the latest FMA at


1. FMA does not connect on serial port. Sometimes this happens. To solve this, connect manually to your phone's serial port. To do this, open My Bluetooth Places, click on View Devices in Range, when you see your phone, right-click on your phone's icon and select Connect to Serial Port 1. You should see green arrows in your icon indicating a serial connection and you should also see blue arrows beside the BT indicator in your phone indicating the same. Start FMA, then Connect. Exit FMA, restart your PC, then the next time you start FMA again, there will no longer be a need for you to manually connect the serial port.

2. After upgrading or applying patches to FMA, you get errors in the Inbox folder of SMS messages. Just exit FMA and restart your PC. This should remove the error.

3. FMA does not connect - I am using Microsoft Bluetooth Drivers. Use Native Bluetooth instead of Serial Port.

4. FMA does not connect - I am using Infrared. Use Native Infrared instead of Serial Port.

5. OBEX File Not Supported. If you are using IR, OBEX File browsing is not supported.

6. FMA does not connect - I am using DCU-11 Cable. Go to Control Panel->System->Hardware tab->Device Manager
Expand Ports (COM & LPT) and you'll see DCU-11 Cable (COM x) where x is the number of the COM port assigned to the cable. In FMA set Use Serial port enter the number x enable RTS Flow Control. Click connect. Note: I have been informed by jacowannabe that from the XE version, FMA can now handle file transfers from phone to PC via cable.

7. I am using Windows 98 and I get errors regarding Active X. To run FMA on Win98SE, you need to install ActiveX controls/Windows Scripts. You can download them at [Microsoft]
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
How To Backup Games In Your Pc!

You need OPERA - it's free with a banner , you can download it from
And PROXOMITRON - it's here -

1. Install opera

2. Install Proxomitron

3. Click on the 'Headers' button(in Proxomitron).

4. Go right to the bottom of the list and select one of the User-Agent rules.

5. Press the 'Dupe' button and fill in the following:
HTTP Header - "User-Agent: SonyEricssonK700i/R2A"
Replacement Text - "SonyEricssonK700i/R2A"

6. Press OK. Select the 'Out' check box in front of the new rule.

7. Apply and OK and make sure that the 'Outgoing Header Filters are enabled.

8. Open Opera and go to preferentes (ALT+P) -> Network -> proxy server-> and mark “http” and “https” and write right “localhost” in both and as used port “8080” in both too and ACCEPT all.

If you do it ok you must see WAP versión of google if you enter in and you can not enter in any web if you close Proxomitron.

10. Buy a game and enter in Opera the WAP link to download it (For example[....]6a6956d61d180b4eeec8ce901a7a2)

11. Sometimes you´ll download a *.jad archive first. Edit it with Notepad and inside you must see the link (total o parcial link) to the jar (the true game) file.

12. Enter this link in OPERA and download the game.

Download the file with Opera don’t use any download manager like reget, getright,… If you enter in the download link two or more times you could not download the game anytime
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
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Windows XP
Opera 9.02
Apple iPhone 6s
W800i Tips & Tricks

1# Music Only Mode ( Enable Camera Function)
In Music Only Mode, Your phone Play longer Music but cannot make calls
For R1L, Locked the phone in Walkman Mode --> then you can
be able to take pictures.

2# Changing Tracks while the Phone is Locked
Press and hold vol - or vol +

3# Enable/Disable Start up Menu,AutoLock
Settings-->General-->Start-Up Menu/AutoLock

4# Enable Walkman while Phone is Locked
Press Twice on the Play Button

5# Walkman Manipulation Via KeyPad
Use 1 or 3 to go back or forward a track. 2 to pause/play, and 4 or 6 can be used to ffwd or rewind.

6# View video clips in FullScreen
Open walkman, Select videos

7# Zoom to picture in File Manager
View in Horizontal-->Press the Vol up and down Key

8# Camera Shortcuts
Vol up and down : zoom
Keypad 1 : picture size
Keypad 4 : macro on/off
Keypad 7: night mode on/off
Keypad *: flash on/off
Press < or > to adjust the exposure.
* Always remember to slide back the camera cover when finish photo session tongue.gif

9# Backup Contacts Easily
Phone Book->Options-->Advanced-->Send All Contacts-->BT/irDa --> send to your PC/other Phone

10# Access Phonebook while making calls

11# Off Camera Shutter Sound
Hold # to On Silent Mode (might not apply to AP set. Some AP firmware does not allow mute Camera Sound due to region Setting)

12# Rename Pictures Taken
Go to Camera Folder -->Select the Picture-->More-->Manage Files-->Move to Folder-->Put at the Pictures Section
Now back to Pictures Folder -->Select the Picture--> More--> Manage Files--> You can Rename The Picture Now

13# Caller Picture
Select Picture from File Manager--->More-->Use as Contact Picture
Alternatively go to Phone book-->Select Contact-->More--> Third tabs--> Pictures

14# Timer and StopWatch
Organizer--> StopWatch is use to count time runs until u press stop
Organizer--> Timer, Set a duration when the Timer reaches 0 , your phone will rings. Kinda useful for Evening naps tongue.gif

15# Text Messaging Shortcuts
Hold * key to On/Off T9 Dictionary
Hold # Key to select input language
Press * to switch to big Caps/small Caps
More--> to Select Symbols
Hold Number key will prompt the Numeric out (instead of press repetively to select 1)

16# Songs in Playlist Sorting
Select Playlist -->Open --> More--> You can sort the songs in the play list
sad.gif you cannot sort Playlist itself.

17# Memory Status
File Manager -> press More -> Memory Status

18# Record Video more than 10 seconds
In Video Recording mode press settings-->Shoot Mode to High Quality. or Press 0 when in video mode

19# Video Playback
To Capture Frame : During Video Playback press pause. Then Select More-->Capture Frame
To Slow Down Movie : Slide the JoyStick down

20# Radio
Pressing # to manual Enter Frequency
In Minimized Mode. Press and Hold vol - for next available station and vol + for previous available station

21# Read Text Files with W800i
Transfer the txt/htm to the Web Pages\Save Pages folder. Later on access via File Manager.

22# Show Note in Stand By
Organizer --> create a new Note -->select the Note --> More-- Set at StandBy

23# Set Mp3 Message Alert Tone
File Manager--> select audio files --> More--> Use--> Set as Message Alert Tone
But it only for 10seconds duration.

24# Install applications/games from W800i
Transfer to W800i Via irDa/BT will automatically prompts the Install options
Alternatively, transfer to the memory stick at the others folder, later on open the .jar at the other folder
it will prompt to install.

25# Open Note when making calls
During calls, Press More--> Menu-->Organizer--> Note

26# Manual Equalizer
In Media Player Menu--> More-->Equalizer-->Manual
Set to your preferences

27# Secret Menus / Codes
Service menu = >*<<*<*
Lock status = <**<
IMEI number = *#06#
Access contacts on sim card = Any nubmer then # (e.g. 9# to go to 9th entry on sim card.)
Phone status = Either volume button

28# Light up clock in standby mode
Press the volume button

29# Mute a phone call without rejecting it
Press the volume button

#30 Hidden Smileys

#31 Don't Drain The Battery
With Lithium batteries there is no advantage to draining the battery. The battery will infact last longer with partial rather than full discharges. There is no battery memory effect with a lithium battery - you can charge the battery whenever you like without fear of reducing its charge capacity, and you do not need to drain a lithium battery completely before recharging it.

Find out more about Lithium batteries here:

In response to lots of questions about the battery, I've explained things in greater detail on page 4 of this thread.

#32 Receiving call
+ or - or # --> mute ringtone
Hold + or - ---> reject call
Hold C to mute/unmute

#33 Highlight Text
Hold + Or - in input text screens --> Highlight text

#34 Create Contact Pictures
Creating contact pictures --> Zoom in on the face and save as large. Did not try saving as small or other size, so dont know how it will appear.

#35 Open Large Size Text File
Rename the .txt to .html. Transfer to your phone and then go to saved pages folder to open it.

#36 Quit application
Press and Hold Return Key

#37 Use Code Memo
1. press code memo
2. new password (******)
3. repeat password
4. checkword - subject
5. exit the program
6. go back program and type password

#38 Remove Sony Ericsson File Manager Icon at Desktop
To make it dissapear (copy the whole command below):
regsvr32 /u /s "C:\Program Files\Sony Ericsson\Mobile\File Manager\fmgrgui.dll"

To make it come back like b4 (copy the whole command below):
regsvr32 /s "C:\Program Files\Sony Ericsson\Mobile\File Manager\fmgrgui.dll"

#39 Record a call Conversation
When receiving call, press the joystick middle then press record

#40 Block a group
Create a new group of contacts, from Contacts | Options | Groups (you could name the group Blacklist or something else). Assign any people / phone numbers to that group.
Set a profile which has the Accepted callers set to that new group.
Now you don't have to bother any unacceptable callers.

#41 Speed Dial
To add speed dial, just go to "Contacts" "options" "speed dial"..
Call using speed dial, press "number",then "Call".
Hold a number to ativiate speed dial not exists in this phone.

#42 Camera in Flight Mode (R1AA) new
To enable this function, first set your autokeypad locked : on
Off and On your phone to the StartupScreen
Wait until the keypad is autolocked.(Either way, u can just manual lock the phone)
Slide the camera shutter. There you have your camera.
(This method only works few times for me)
(R1BC002 does not support this function)

#43 Search File/Folder (R1AA) new
Go to File Manager Other
Press '6' 3 times, O
press '8', T
press '4' 2 times, H
press '3' 2 times E
press '7' 3 times. R
Then u can search for ur file like the way u search for ur contact.
Highlight folder to search folder.

#44 Chinese Horoscope in Calendar new
Change your phone language settings to chinese
Now open your calendar.
You are be able to view the Chinese horoscope in the calendar smile.gif

More.. Soon to be added..

To prevent Repeated and repeated Questions in the thread
See below

W800i FAQ
1. How many Sms can W800i Store?

2.What are the differences between the K750i and the W800i?
External housing,W800 has the Walkman Shortcut instead of K750i 's Activity Menu. Flight Mode, and standard package W800i, Hpm70 earset and 512mb Ms Pro Duo while K750i comes with normal handsfree and 64mb Ms Pro Duo

3.Maximun Storage
W800i supports Memory Stick Duo PRO sticks of up to 2GB.

4.What can I use to save my phone contacts / SMSes to my PC?
Use floAt's Mobile Agent MyPhoneExplorer

5.What video / audio files does the phone support?
Video Support : mpeg-4, 3gpp, h.263, xmf, svgt
Audio Support : midi, midi40, amr, aac, wav, mp3, mp4

6. Does it support Mp3 throught Bluetooth Earset?

7. Is D750i same with W800i?
It is a K750i in W800i housing and diff color. Anyway it is not available here.

8. Why can not copy pictures to the memory stick?
External files are only allowed in Media/pictures section only.
Memorystick->DCIM folders --> only allow DSCxxxxx.jpg format pictures files.

9. How Long do I need to charge the phone for the first time
Approx. 8 hours
More to come..

10. Is it normal the battery meter increasing a little sometimes? new
Yes is it.

11. I buy original set but why the memory stick is SanDisk? new
Most of the units available here is bundled with SanDisk. Anyway, Sandisk and Sony Magicgate is same.
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
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Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Windows XP
Opera 9.02
Apple iPhone 6s
"Save a Missed Call into your phone directory"

Scroll to "Missed Call", press "Yes" to display the required number. Press any number (i.e. 0 to 9), then press "clear" once to clear that number, then press & hold "<" until you see "Store". Press "Yes"

"Hide your number when calling when you don't
want the other party toknow your number)"

After dialling the required number & before pressing "Yes", press ">" twice to choose "Hide Id?" & then press "Yes". Also works for pre-programmed & last dialled numbers just press "No" & wait for the number to appear on the screen first then follow same procedure

"Check you battery level when phone is off Press "No" quickly one time & wait for the battery meter to show up!

"Save a number into your phone memory (not SIM card)"
Follow normal procedures to store a phone number. When prompted to set a storage position, press "#" once & key in desired location, or press "#" twice for next available position

"Call a phone number from SMS message"

You can call from within a SMS message if the phone number is written in it. Just scroll the message until the phone number appears on the display, then press "Yes" to call
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
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Windows XP
Opera 9.02
Apple iPhone 6s
T And Z Series Tips and Tricks:

Standby Screen:
*#0000# - Reset language back to english
>*<<*<* (>= move joystick right, <=vice versa *=press * key) --> Service Menu
< --> leads to the first item on shortcut list
Holding down corresponding number on the keypad --> Will lead you to the corresponding name in your address book. ie: holding down #5 will lead to letter "j" on your book.
# --> Brings up screen saver.
More>Post --> Can post notes.
+ Or - --> Phone Status
Press # then no. --> Goes to no.'s contact on sim.
Hold < --> SMS Popup.
Hold C --> Silent mode

Hold back --> Returns to standby screen

Contact edit:
*1 -> cut
*2 -> copy
*3 -> paste

1 --> Toggles Picture Size
2 --> Toggles Nightmode
3 --> Toggles Special Effects
4 --> Self Timer
Up Or Down --> Adjusts Brightness

On the calendar, you can set your phone to switch profiles at a given date and time using the autoswitch option.

Put frequent text recipients as an individual group. ie group:"john" members: john -->Quick SMS Recipients.

P Series Tips and Tricks:

Flip Closed then Jog-Up * Jog-Down Jog-Down * Jog-Down * --> Service menu.

Goto the Control Panel > Connections > Internet Accounts > Other tab >Preferred mode to GSM only --> Increase Battery Life.

File manager> open image> choose the folder that the pics are in> check the pictures you want to hide> click on file> properties> check the hidden box --> Hide Pictures.

If you ever find your icons (apps residing in memory stick) missing out all a sudden, don't reset you phone but simply reload your memory stick.

*#06# --> Shows IMEI No.

Flip Closed then jog dial down * * jog dial down --> Network Lock Menu. Becarfull :Do not mess around in this setting as you could end up permanently locking your phone!

You can have animated gifs for fliped closed wallpaper.

Hold C --> Silent Mode

**61*VoicemailNumber*11*delay#[SEND] --> Diverts unanswered calls to voicemail after a set delay The delay can be anything from 5-30 seconds. Your VoicemailNumber must be your actual voicemail box. Not the short code i.e 121 for example **61*+44123456*11*30# will divert to +44123456 after 30 seconds.

Battery Tap the battery icon in the bottom right and click Settings. Click on the Screen tab and set the Screen saver to None. Click on the Power tab. Set the Light to Auto, Light (car) to Off. Set Power save to either Clock or Blank and Activate after 2-3 minutes. --> Increase Battery Life

View SMS> edit> Show subject --> See more sms in one page.

Flip Closed> Hold Options key --> Go straigt to applications menu.

If you open the flip during a call, the speakerphone function is activated. This lets you continue the conversation while using other functions of the phone.
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
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Windows XP
Opera 9.02
Apple iPhone 6s
Change System Fonts

Files that you need:
- SMan 1.3
- True Type Support.
- Font file of your choice. Can be obtained from Control Panel-->Fonts


1- Install Sman 1.3 on your device. ( C: or D:)
2- Install FreeType. ( C: or D:). A "Fonts" folder will be created under the "system" folder.
3- Move the font file to the System/Fonts folder.
4- Open Sman and go to  Fn--->Utilities-->Set system font
5- A list of available fonts will be shown including the one you added. Choose a font and a size.
6- Tick "Anti-Aliasing" for a better font look.
7- Restart your phone and see the changes.
8- If your phone gets stuck during restart, restart again with hard reset (Hold power for 10 seconds). Fonts should be changed.
9- If you wish to revert to the original fonts, go to step 4 and choose "Reset"
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Windows XP
Opera 9.02
Apple iPhone 6s
How can I listen to recording (AMR) on my PC?
Download the latest QuickTime from

Is it possible to use AMR as a ringtone?
It's both impossible and undesireble.

I made my own WAP site but I am unable to download themes and JAVA games directly from my phone. What's wrong?
Correct MIME types have to be defined on the server. Contact the system administrator.

I need to modify my ringtones and change the volume. Where can I find a small MIDI editor?
PSMPlayer 5 -
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Windows XP
Opera 9.02
Apple iPhone 6s
How do I get into the service menu?
T610/T68/T310/T200/T100 Press: [joystick right] [star] [joystick left] [joystick left] [star] [joystick left] [star] P800: Close flip or activate virtual keyboard then: [jog dial up] [star] [jog dial down] [jog dial down] [star] [jog dial down] [star]

How can I find out my phone firmware version?
Go into the service menu, then Service Info, then SW Information

What is the latest Firmware version available for my phone?
Latest firmware for: T68 is R8A015 T610 is R3B011 P800 is R2F T310 is R3B003
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