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6. Chapter Of Obeisance Before Giving Breath To The Inert One In The Presence Of The Cresent Shaped Horns

[Music and lyrics by Karl Sanders]

Khensu Neter Hetef.
Who Possesseth Absolute Dominion over the Evil Spirits that Infest the Earth and Sky.
He of the Silence of the Moon.
Giver of Oracles.
He that Must Forever Wax and Wane.
Thou Art in Union with Thoth.
The Excellent Tehuti of Truth and Time.
Keeper of the Lunar Cycle.
Whose Hands are Able.
Whose Tongue is Mighty in Speech.
Author of the Works of Knowledge.
Writer of the Ancient Wisdom.
Master of the Words of Power.

Obeisance before giving breath to the Inert One
In the presence of the Crescent-Shaped Horns.

Lord of the Two Horns.
God of the Full Moon.
Aah Tehuti.

As it Was for Thoth So Shall it Be for Me.
As it Was for Thoth So Shall it Be for Me.

[Guitar solo]

As it Was for Thoth So Shall it Be for Me.
As it Was for Thoth So Shall it Be for Me.

I am He Who Sendeth Forth Terror into the Domain of Rain and Thunder.
I have Made My Knife to Flourish along with the Knife Which is in the Hand of Thoth.

Lord of the Two Horns,
God of the Full Moon.

I am He Who Calleth Down Curses and Commandeth the Elements unto Darkness.
I Hath Uttered the Hidden Words.
Even unto the Divine Words which Art Written in the Book of Thoth.

Written in the Book of Thoth.
[Repeat and fade]
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"Бицикл је за људе који не могу да приуште ауто."
                                               Џереми Кларксон

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7. Lashed To The Slave Stick

[Lyrics by Karl Sanders, Music by Dallas Toler-Wade]


Fiends, Criminals, Slaves, Blasphemers.
The Word of Ra is Against Ye.
Ye are Fettered and Bound with Leather Straps.
Helpless, Doomed, Wailing in Unendurable Torment.
Lashed to the Forked Slave Stick By the Neck.

Lashed to the Slave Stick.
Abata Ankh t Khet.
Neba t Steb Tcha.
Lashed to the Slave Stick.

Ra Pronounceth the Formulae Against Thee.
The Eye of Horus is Prepared to Attack Thee.
Sekhmet Uttereth Words of Flame Against Thee and Pierceth Thy Breast.

Your Evil Deeds Have Turned Against You.
Your Plottings Have Come upon You.
Your Abominable Acts
You shall be lashed to the Slave Stick.

Abui, The Gods Who Burns the Dead.
Shall Leave You Smoldering in Exile from the Netherworld.
The Gorer.
Causes You to Howl like a Jackal in Anguish.

Your Doom Hath been Decreed by Ra.
Your Unjust and Perverse Judgments are upon Yourselves.
The Wickedness of Your Words of Cursing are upon You.
It is You Who Hath Committed the Unutterable and Wrought Iniquity in the Great Hall.

Your Corruptible Bodies Shall be Cut to Pieces.
Your Souls Shall have No Existence.
Ye Shall Never Again See Ra as He Journeyeth in the Hidden Land.
The Doom of Ra is upon You.

Lashed to the Slave Stick.
Abata Ankh t Khet.
Neba t Steb Tcha.

Lashed to the Slave Stick.
Abata Ankh t Khet.
Neba t Steb Tcha.
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"Бицикл је за људе који не могу да приуште ауто."
                                               Џереми Кларксон

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9. Annihilation Of The Wicked

[Music and lyrics by Karl Sanders.]

The Dominion of Seker.
Barren Desert of Eternal Night.
Shunned by Ra.
Behind the Gate Aha-Neteru.
The Wastelands of Seker.
Eldest Lord of Impenetrable Blackness.
Death God of Memphis.
He of the Darkness and Decay of the Tomb.
He of Rosetau.
The Mouth of the Passage to the Underworld.
Closely Guarded by Terrible Serpents.
Who Careth Not for His Own Cult of Worshippers.

Ancient and Dead.
Primeval Master of the World Below.
Remaineth Unwitnessed, Unseen, Hidden in His Secret Chamber.
His Primitive Graven Image like as a Hawk-headed Man.
Shrouded and Swathed in Tomb Wrappings.
Standing Between a Pair of Wings which Issue Forth from the Back of a Monstrous Serpent.
Having Two Heads.
Having Two Necks and Whose Tail Terminates in a Human Skull.

In Thick Darkness.
Amid Violent Tempests of Unendurable Cacophony.
His Serpents Make Offerings unto His Image and Live upon Their Own Fire.
His Servants.
Hideous Reptiles of Terrifying Aspect.
Whose Work is Nothing Less than the Annihilation of the Wicked.
Consume the Bodies of the Damned by Flames of Liquid Fire They Emit from Their Mouths.
And the Goddess Quetet Tent which Liveth on the Blood of the Dead.

On Their Blocks.
They Cut into Pieces the Flesh of the Dead.
Singing Hymns of Torture and Mutilation to Their Master.
Accompanied by the Wailings and Anguish of the Damned.
They Wreak Destruction upon the Wicked.
Those Who Hath Not Recited the Formulae.
Nor Made the Sacrifices or Who Know Not the Words of Power.

[Guitar solo]
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"Бицикл је за људе који не могу да приуште ауто."
                                               Џереми Кларксон

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10. Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten

[Music and lyrics by Karl Sanders]

I Hath Dreamed Black and Grim, Desolate Visions
Of the Pre-Human Serpent Folk and Communed with Long-dead Reptiles.
Silently Watching Through the Ages in Cold, Curious Apathy.
The Unending Sorrows and Suffering of an Abysmal Humankind.

I Dare Not Again Surrender to the Deep Sleep Which Ever Beckons Me.
Lest I in Dread.
Shudder at the Nameless Things.
That May at this Very Moment.
Be Crawling and Lurking.
At the Slimy Edges of My Conciousness.
Slithering Forth from the Bowels of Their Infernal Pits.
Worshipping Their Ancient Stone Idols and Carving Their Own Detestable Likenesses On Subterranean Obelisks of Blood-soaked Granite.

[Guitar solo]
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"Бицикл је за људе који не могу да приуште ауто."
                                               Џереми Кларксон

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11. SSS Haa Set Yoth

[Japanese bonustrack]

Lurking Among Us Hidden in Obscurity,
Descended from the Dawn of the Ages,
The Children of Yig And Set,
Serpent Volk.
Whose Civilaztions were Ancient,
Long Dead And Forgotten
Before The Eldest Pyramids were Built.
Man Was Not the First
To Walk Upright Upon the Earth.

Cruel, Pitiless, of a Cunning Mind.
Unwilling to Relinguish Dominion of the Earth.
They Are Cold, Knowing No Remorse.
They hath Made UnWitted Slaves of a Blinded Humanity.

They walk amongst us Unseen,
Possessing Empty Human Shells.
Consumed by a Reptile Mind,
Reveling in Sodomy and Rape
And Unspeakable Horrors Exacted Nightly Through
Astral Dreamscape Manipulation.

They Feed on Human Suffering.
They crave the Despairing of Man.
They Prey upon Those who are weak,
The Young whose minds are Innocent,
And those grown Weary and Exhausted
In a Decadent Civilization.

Cruel, Pitiless, of a Cunning Mind.
Unwilling to Relinguish Dominion of the Earth.
They Are Cold, Knowing No Remorse.
They hath Made UnWitted Slaves of a Blinded Humanity.

Seemingly Lost in Meditation,
Their Cold Eyes
Stare Sightlessly into Nothingness.
But they are not there.
Nay, they hath Left their slithering forms,
Lurking, Skulking, Crawling on the Astral Plane,
Stealthily Defiling Forever the unwary minds
Of those who Sleep Unguarded.
Committing Perverse Acts of Torment,
Violent Sexual Atrocities
Of Which None Dare Speak,
Once they Have Been Awakened.

And thus they keep us Ever Subjugated,
Hopeless, Fearful
And despairing in the Deep Hidden Abysses of our Souls.
Helpless, Unable to Escape the Unending Quiet Desperation.
We have Been Broken down
Conditioned to Accept Unconscious Slavery.

[Guitar solo]

SSS Haa Set Yoth.
[Repeat 8x]

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"Бицикл је за људе који не могу да приуште ауто."
                                               Џереми Кларксон

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1. What Can Be Safely Written

Great Cthulhu
Ever the warrior God
Of all the old ones
He is the most terrible
For it is his delight
To slay and lay waste to everything that lies beneath his taloned feet
And the very lust to conquer
What was once free
Drives him onward across the heavens and through the spheres

It was he and his spawn
That defeated the elder things
Who had long possessed sovereignty of this world
Before he descended on his gray and leathern wings
Through the upper gate opened by yog sothoth

On the walls of lost cities
And in the carvings of madmen
Who have glimpsed him in their dreams
Is his image delineated
Within a tomb protected by great seals
He lies in death
Under the weight of the dark waters of the deep
Yet he dreams still
And in his dreams continues to rule this world
For his thoughts master the walls of lesser creatures

[solo: Dallas]

When the stars in their endless turnings
Assume the angles of the same rays they shed down
In the primordial dawn of the world
Then does r'lyeh rise upward so the house of Cthulhu
Emerges from under his watery prison
The mind of the god waxes strong
And he sends forth his will to those men
Who are open to his influence
The command to release the seals that bind his tomb

[solo: Karl]

Always the stars
Never remain in alignment long enough
For the enslaved men to reach distant r'lyeh
Before r'yleh sinks once more under the sea
Severing the bond
Between the will of Cthulhu
And the flesh of those he has enthralled
Leaving them to wail in confusion and despair
Upon the bosom of the vacant sea

[solo: Karl]

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"Бицикл је за људе који не могу да приуште ауто."
                                               Џереми Кларксон

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2. As He Creates So He Destroys

At the seething and fiery center
He sits upon his ebon throne
Within his halls of darkness
Which no man has seen and survived the vision

Both blind and bereft of mind
He pipes unceasingly on his reed flute
And the notes that rise and fall in measured patterns
Are the foundations of all the worlds
Ever calculating in sound the structure of space and time

Were his flute ever to suddenly fall silent
All the spheres would shatter into one another
And the myriads of worlds
Would be unmade
As they were before creation

The flute of the blind idiot
Both makes and unmakes the worlds in ceaseless
Spinning on the woven carpet of time

No creation without destruction
No destruction without creation

To unmake a thing is to make another
Each time a thing is made
Another is destroyed

[solo: Dallas]

The idiot god on his black throne
Does not choose
What shall rise into being
And what should pass away
He cares only to maintain
His mindless unholy music of
Random creation and destruction

No living creature can look upon his face
And endure its terrible heat
And black radiance
That is like the reverberating unseen rays of molten iron
Which strike and burn the skin
Of those who would dare
Gaze into the countenance of the idiot god

Never does he receive supplicants
In his black halls of uncouth angles and strange doors
Nor does he ever hear prayers or answer them
Endlessly he pipes
And endlessly he devours his own substance
For his hunger is insatiable
As he consumes his own wastes after the custom of idiots

As the god creates
So he destroys

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"Бицикл је за људе који не могу да приуште ауто."
                                               Џереми Кларксон

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3. Ithyphallic

As for mine enemies
The sun shall impede the beating of their hearts
And blind their eyes

Let the shades of my fathers
Curse their faces
Let the eye of sekhmet
Send the violence of the sun
Down upon their heads
Let searing torrents of fire
Descend upon their brow
Let flames immolate their places of sleeping

Let the eye of sekhmet
Cause their hearts to burst into flames
Let carnivorous dogs consume their entrails

As for mine enemies
Let their charred ashes
Be as discarded refuse
Lying forgotten in the desert
Let their shades not rise again

Let my curses be heard
Let my will be as menthu the bull
Potent to create
And savage to slay those whom I hath cursed
Let my wrath be terrible
And my vengeance unmerciful

Anoint my phallus with the blood of the fallen

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"Бицикл је за људе који не могу да приуште ауто."
                                               Џереми Кларксон

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4. Papyrus Containing The Spell To Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks From He Who Is In The Water

Lord of the gods
Thou who art of the four rams heads upon thy neck
Thou standest upon the spine of the crocodile fiends
To thine sides are the dog headed apes
The transformed spirits of the dawn

Drive away from me the lions of the wastes
The crocodiles which come forth from the river
The bite of poisonous reptiles
Which crawl forth from their holes

Be driven back crocodile thou spawn of set
Move not by means of thy tail
Work not thy feet and legs
Open not thy mouth
Let the water which is before thee
Turn into a consuming fire

I possess the spell to
Preserve me from he who is in the water

Thou whom the thirty seven gods didst make
And whom the serpent of Ra didst put in chains
Thou who wast fettered with links of iron
In the presence of Ra
Be driven back thou spawn of set

Drive away from me the lions of the wastes
The crocodiles which come forth from the river
The bite of poisonous reptiles
Which crawl forth from their holes
The command to release the seals that bind his tomb

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"Бицикл је за људе који не могу да приуште ауто."
                                               Џереми Кларксон

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5. Eat Of The Dead

The highest fulfillment of man
Is to become food for the crawling things
That burrow and slither in human flesh
Unceasing in mindless hunger
Remorseless undefiled by reason
The worms of the tomb they are pure

Their purity elevates them
Above the putrefying pride of our race

The destiny of man is
Merely to be
The nourishment of the worm
Yet their excrement bestows higher wisdom

From decay arises new life
Fill myself with that which rots
And I shall be reborn

By writhing upon my belly like a mindless worm
I shall rise up in awareness of truth
I gnaw upon my own decaying flesh
And my mind is forever purged
Of the corruption of faith

Believe in nothingness
There is no purpose in birth
No blessedness after death
Only oblivion

Eat of the dead
For I am like as one who is already dead
Eat of the dead
Lest I be consumed by the emptiness

Annf feth
Tema fentu

Eat of the dead
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"Бицикл је за људе који не могу да приуште ауто."
                                               Џереми Кларксон

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