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I reject your reality and substitute my own!

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Kako u fazi izgradnje kada je prvi eksperiment izvrsen pre nedelju-dve?  Smile
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“Pronašli smo se
na zlatnoj visoravni
daleko u nama.”
- Vasko Popa
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valar dohaeris

Pol Muškarac
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Ipak ce izum jednog Srbina na kraju sve da nas zavije u crno Smile Smile

Ajde nek iskulira do kraja svetskog prvenstva posle moze da se trese koliko oce Smile
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Soy un hombre muy honrado
Que me gusta lo mejor
Las mujeres no me faltan, ni el dinero, ni el amor
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Pol Muškarac
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Kako u fazi izgradnje kada je prvi eksperiment izvrsen pre nedelju-dve?  Smile

Gradnja je trajala decenijama . Prvi eksperimenti su poceli pre vise od godinu dana - bili su neuspesni i moralo je da se prekine . Secas se kolika se propaganda napravila kad je pusten u rad - bili su tamo i neki nasi politicari i naucnici . Onda je zbog ,, tehnicke greske ,, sve naglo obustavljeno - i niko nista nije vise pisao o Cernu . Osim jednog clana engleske naucne grupe ( nazalost on je iznenada preminuo ) .

Sada su nastavili eksperimente - videcemo kako ce sve da se zavrsi .

Inace sam akceletator je zaista bio predmet napada - prilicno davo dok radovi tek bili na pocetku .

Sto se tice HARPA , on ima znatno manje mogucnosti od slicnog ,,uredjaja ,, koji je 1973 instalisan u SSSRu .
« Poslednja izmena: 16. Apr 2010, 13:59:33 od G-H-O-S-T »
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“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.”

Najsladje se smeje onaj koji prvi puca .
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Jet set burekdzija

"It is better to Burn Out then to Fade Awey "

Pol Muškarac
Poruke 5487
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Internet Explorer 8.0
A to mi je poznato ,Ja sam gledao uzivo prenos kad su ga stavljali na liniju.

A Cernov Hajdron kolajder,Alice,LHC ,Titan  i drugi eksperimenti super,
Prosle nedelje su po prvi put sudarili cestice protona 4 sata kasnije od predvidjenog vremena ,
Nikada pre nije vidjena takva energija 7 miliona volti.

1.Odakle cesticama dolazi masa ili trazenje cestice Higs Bozona
2.Kreiranje minijaturnih crnih rupa.
3.Potvrdivanje postojanja paralelnog Univerzuma i novih zakrivljenih dimenzija kojih po novoj teoriji ima 26.
4.Kreiranje novih vrsta energija

U kladionicama sirom Evrope cak daju opkladu  1 : 100 da ce naci Boga.

Doomsday machine A quantum wormhole
CERN Experiment Said To Have Destabilize Earth Orbit

This article claims to know that a disturbing report rushed from the Kremlin to President Putin today states

'... that an early morning experiment at Switzerland’s Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (CERN), and which is the World’s largest physics laboratory, has caused what is described as a ‘tensor transformation’ that has ‘destabilized’ our planets orbit.'
Then the article continues with a quote from Australia’s The Age News Service:
“Will the world end later this year? In mid-August, in a chamber deep underneath the Swiss-French border, physicists will switch on a machine that might produce the first man-made black holes. Normally only found in outer space, these high-gravity objects have a reputation for devouring all matter in their vicinity — and they only stop when the food runs out. Could the Earth's first black hole also end up being its last, after it sucks in the chamber, the physicists, and the entire planet?”

« Poslednja izmena: 16. Apr 2010, 14:23:06 od Alex616 »
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Zodijak Leo
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Ja kakve sam sreće, taman ću da isplatim kredit, i onda će da grune ....  Smile
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Gom Džabar

Zodijak Cancer
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Ja sam razgovarao sa likom koji je nekada radio za americki "space" program i koji je bio tamo kada su ga upotrebili prva dva puta.  On kaze da su sjebali nesto, i talas je otisao na pogresno mesto, koliko ja razumem uz pomoc tog cuda se mogu aktivirati zemljotresi.  Teslina tehnologija, sad ko zeli da veruje nek veruje, meni ima dosta logike, a koliko stvari ima o kojima mi ne znamo nista jer su "poverljive"
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Србочетничко комунистички фашиста.

Koљем по кућамa.
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"It is better to Burn Out then to Fade Awey "

Pol Muškarac
Poruke 5487
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China quake survivors found as death toll nears 2,000 
Tens of thousands of rescue workers have arrived in the remote region

Two survivors have been rescued from the rubble in China's Qinghai province, as the number of people killed in the quake five days ago reached 1,944.
Wujin Cuomao, 68, and a four-year-old girl, Cairen Baji, were found under a house near Jiegu in Yushu County, the worst-hit town, state media said.
They had been kept alive by water and food passed through gaps in the debris.
Tens of thousands of people have been made homeless in the remote region by the powerful 6.9-magnitude quake.
Another 12,135 were injured, many of them seriously, and 216 people are still missing, officials say.
China's CCTV broadcast images of the two survivors as they were taken for medical treatment.

They been trapped under a bed in a village about 20km (13 miles) from Jiegu. It was not clear whether the two were related.
'Nothing left'
Officials say people in the quake zone now have basic shelter, food and water, but it has not been easy to get supplies to the area 4,000m (13,000ft) above sea-level.
Miao Chonggang, deputy head of the China Earthquake Administration, said some 15,000 rescue personne were on the scene.
This included 11,000 soldiers, 2,800 firefighters and 1,500 search and rescue workers, he told Xinhua.

  Barren, remote Qinghai province
"No time to react" 
One man, Zhang Zhaojun, said he had only received a tent so far and feared for his family's future.
"Life would be very difficult. All the houses here have collapsed and we don't have any economic means to support ourselves," he told Reuters.
"We have nothing. It is going to be very difficult for us."
Thousands of people have slept in the open since Wednesday's quake, despite freezing temperatures.
Ninety-seven percent of Yushu's population is ethnic Tibetan and hundreds of translators have been sent to the region.

Tibetan Buddhist monks have been heavily involved in the emergency operation, digging through the rubble for survivors, distributing aid and collecting bodies.
Many of the monks have travelled from other provinces to help.
"We have over 10,000 monks here for one reason - to save people," one monk told the Associated Press news agency on Monday.
On Sunday, the bodies of more than 700 quake victims were burned on vast funeral pyres.
The scale of the deaths meant that traditional Tibetan sky burials - where bodies are left in the open to be eaten by vultures - were impossible.

President Hu Jintao, who visited Qinghai on Sunday, has promised the region will be rebuilt.
On Saturday, the Dalai Lama appealed to the Chinese authorities to allow him to visit the quake zone.
The exiled Tibetan spiritual leader was born in Qinghai province but has not set foot in China since a failed Tibetan uprising more than 50 years ago.
Correspondents say it is highly unlikely that the Chinese government - who see the Dalai Lama as a dangerous separatist - will agree to his request.

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Legenda foruma

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Hodze u Iranu kazu da vanbracni seks izaziva zemljotrese. Mozda sada Nedzad isproba nesto i pokusa da kresne nesto sa strane  Smile
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Ako te uhvati bes ako stojis ti sedi,ako sedis ti lezi,ako lezis ti se polij vodom,voda ce da odnese tvoj bes...

Svest nije samo materijalna manifestacija, potrazi na interenetu

Dzoni, ne budi Kristal.

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"It is better to Burn Out then to Fade Awey "

Pol Muškarac
Poruke 5487
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Evo jos jedan veliki koji ce pruzrokovati Tcunami

Earthquake hits Indonesia's Aceh 
  Indonesia has issued a tsunami alert after a 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck near the province of Aceh.
The quake struck offshore, 214km (133 miles) south-east of the provincial capital of Banda Aceh, the US Geological Survey (USGS) said.

It had a depth of 61.4km, the USGS said.
The site is very near that of the 2004 9.2 magnitude earthquake that triggered the Indian Ocean tsunami, which killed about 220,000 people.

The epicentre of the latest quake was about 66km (41 miles) south-west of Meulaboh district, an area devastated in the 26 December 2004 earthquake, Indonesia's earthquake agency said.
The quake hit at 1259 (0559 GMT).

There was thought to be no threat of a destructive, widespread tsunami, said the USGS.
"However there is the possibility of a local tsunami that could affect coasts located usually no more than 100km from the earthquake epicentre," Reuters news agency quoted the agency as saying.

Indonesia is located on the volatile Pacific Ring of Fire, a belt of tectonic activity girdling the Pacific Ocean that triggers earthquakes and volcanic activity.
Aceh is on the north-western tip of Sumatra, one of Indonesia's main islands.
Another earthquake last year killed more than 1,000 people on Sumatra.

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Izgledas mi kao lutkica iz Trsta ;)

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
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Zastava Puerto Pollo
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Sa razarajućim zemljotresima koji su se desili u ovoj godini nije začuđujuće što ljudi sumnjaju na neuobičajene aktivnosti. Ali istina je ... odnosno činjenica je da se godišnje registruje između 10.000 i 20.000 zemljtresa. To mu dođe negde oko 50 zemljotresa na dan. Od tih 10-20 hiljada zemljotresa oko 20 je onih većih, jačine 7. stepeni rihterove skale.
Stvar je u tome da se posle onog Haitija mediji mnogo više koncentrišu na zemljotrese i pumpaju vesti mnogo češće... i izazivaju paniku. To je ključna stvar.
Ne isključujem ja odma' to vaše super super tajno oružje za izazivanje zemljotresa i mlevenje šećera niti zanemarujem vašu peticu iz prirode i društva u četvrtom razredu... ali zašto bi odbacili neke razumne činjenice?

Zapravo postoji preko milion zeljmotresa godišnje, ali većinu ne možemo osetiti i mogu se registrovati jedino pomoću seizmometra i osetljivih uređaja pa nisu toliko ni bitni, ali u temi kao što je ova - treba ih navesti.


Grandiozan i veliki zemljotres (8.0) komada jedan... godišnje. Smile

Velikih i jakih zemljotresa (7.0 - 7.9, Haiti Čile Kina)  20 puta... godišnje.

Velikih zemljotresa (6.0 - 6.9 ali svakako destruktivnih) 1000 - II - .

Manjih (4.0 - 5.9) 6000 - II - .

Generalno osetljivih (3.0 - 3.9) 49.000 - II - .

Potencijalno osetljivih (2.0 - 2.9) 300,000 - II - .

Neosetljivi (manje od 2 stepena rihterova skale) 600,000 puta godišnje.

Mada nije isključeno ni da je Zemlja jednostavno popizdela. Smiley
Ne krivim je.  Smile Smile

Lepa moja plavo-zelena Zemljice... poskidaj te parazite i kraste zvane ljudi sa sebe...   Smile
« Poslednja izmena: 09. Maj 2010, 10:41:10 od WhiteGoa »
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You sharpen the human appetite to the point where it can split atoms with its desire; you build egos the size of cathedrals; fiber-optically connect the world to every eager impulse; grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar-green, gold-plated fantasies, until every human becomes an aspiring emperor, becomes his own God...
...and where can you go from there? 

12 MAR 2012 | 16 MAR 2012
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