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Tema: Gradonačenik i njegova žena optuženi za nestanak 43 studenta  (Pročitano 1354 puta)
05. Nov 2014, 12:32:04
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Gradonačenik i njegova žena optuženi za nestanak 43 studenta

Tanjug   | 05. 11. 2014. - 10:52h  izmena vesti 11:08h | Komentara: 1
Meksička policija privela je danas begunce - bivšeg gradonačelnika grada Iguala i njegovu suprugu koji se smatraju odgovornima za smrt šestoro ljudi u policijskom napadu i nestanak 43-oje studenata.

Marija i Hose optuženi su za šest smrti i nestanak 43 studenata

Bivšeg gradonačelnik Hose Luis Abarku i Mariju de los Anheles Pinedu uhapsila je federalna policija u Meksiko Sitiju. Još 56 osoba uhapšeno je do sada u okviru tog slučaja, a šef policije Iguale i dalje je u bekstvu.
"Nije bilo nasilja u operaciji", rekao je portparol policije, dodajući da je bračni par predat federalnom tužilaštvu radi saslušanja.

Abarka i njegova supruga i šef gradske policije bili su u bekstvu, a nestali su dva dana posle policijskog napada, 26. septembra.

Studenti Učiteljskog koledža i dalje se vode kao nestali i pored ogromne potrage, u državi Gerero, gde je otkriveno desetak masovnih grobnica sa 38 neidentifikovanih tela.
Studenti sa seoskog učiteljskog fakulteta bili su došli u Igualu da prikupe donacije, a federalne vlasti su navele da je Abarka naredio napad na njih, u uverenju da je cilj studenata bio da ometu govor njegove žene.
Vlasti su takođe rekle da je napad sprovela policija koja sarađuje sa narko kartelom Gereros Unidos, a navodno je Marija Pineda bila glavni operativac u kartelu.
Vlasti navode i da je taj narko kartel u suštini upravljao gradom Iguala, a Abarka je svakih nekoliko nedelja dobijao od dva do tri miliona pesosa (150.000 do 220.000 dolara) kao mito i da bi platio svoju korumpiranu policiju.

Ovaj slučaj izazvao je i međunarodni revolt i izložio Meksiko pritisku da uđe u borbu i ukroti korupciju u policiji i nasilje bandi.

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Eskalacija nemira nakon ubojstva 43 studenata u Meksiku:

prosvjednici optužuju vlasti, izveden napad na predsjedničku palaču

Skupina prosvjednika pokušala je provaliti u meksičku Državnu palaču, pokušaj im nije uspio nakon čega su zapalili ulazna vrata. Prosvjedi su reakcija na vladinu upletenost u nestanak i najvjerojatnije ubojstvo 43 studenata potkraj rujna.

Sudionici prosvjeda za provaljivanje u palaču, u kojoj se najčešće održavaju predsjedničke ceremonije, iskoristili su željeznu ogradu postavljenu od strane policije radi zaštite. Iako su zapalili ulaz, nisu uspjeli ući, a na kraju ih je policija uspjela rastjerati.

Istovremeno druga velika skupina prosvjednika okupila se ispred ureda državnog tužitelja, pojavila su se izvješća o ozlijeđenima i privedenima.

Jurišanje na Državnu palaču eskalacija je nedjeljnog prosvjeda "Ya Me Canse" inspiriranog otkrićem državnog tužitelja Jesus Murillo Karama, kako su trojica privedenih pripadnika narko bande Ujedinjeni ratnici priznali ubojstvo i spaljivanje tijela studenata. Osumnjičeni su ustvrdili da je upravo državna policija bila ta koja im je predala ranije privedene studente.

"Želimo ih natrag žive! Oteli su naše drugare žive i neka ih takve vrate", rekao je maskirani student, sudionik prosvjeda.

Studenti su nestali 26. rujna nakon što ih je lokalna policija privela za vrijeme prosvjeda u jugozapadnom gradu Iguali. Nakon privođenja gubi im se svaki trag.

Osim što su razbješnjeni oko činjenice da je državna policija u smrt ispratila studente, prosvjednici su bijesni na komentare državnog tužitelja koji je nakon sat vremena odgovaranja na novinarske upite oko slučaja rekao "Dosta je bilo, umoran sam".

U snimljenom priznanju, pripadnici narko bande, izjavili su kako su studente u dva kamiona odvezli na odlagalište kod grada Cocula, tamo ih ubili i sljedećih 14 sati proveli spaljujući njihova tijela.

Policija je zbog povezanosti u masakr uhitila 74 ljudi uključujući i bivšeg gradonačelnika Iguale Jose Luis Abarca i njegovu ženu Mariu de los Angeles Pinedu, 36 pripadnika policije i nekoliko pripadnika bande Ujedinjeni ratnici.

Prije nego li je državni tužitelj opasno lošim odabirom riječi zatvorio novinsku konferenciju, okupljenim novinarima je objavio kako su osumnjičenici odveli vlasti do vreća za smeće u kojima se navodno nalaze posmrtni ostaci otetih studenata.

Od samog početka nestanaka studenata koledža u državi Guerro, javnost je pokazala bijes prema vlastima i njihovoj nemogućnosti pružanja odgovora na pitanja oko nestanka.

Slučaj nestanka studenata žarište je bijesa građana zemlje u kojoj je gotovo 100 tisuća ljudi u posljednjih nekoliko godina izgubilo živote zbog povezanosti s organiziranim kriminalom.

U gradu Chilpancingo, glavnom gradu države Guerrero, prosvjedi zbog nestanka studenata već su i prije znali krenuti putem nasilja, a ove subote za vrijeme prosvjeda ispred ureda guvernera bacale su se zapaljive bombe, oštećena je državna imovina i nekoliko policijskih automobila je zapaljeno.

Istražitelji su objavili kako je policija naredbu za uhićenje studenata dobila od gradonačelnika Iguale i njegove žene. Bračni par je strahovao kako će se prosvjedom upropastiti svečani događaj koji su organizirali.

Za vrijeme sukoba koji je nastao, policija je u nekoliko navrata koristila vatreno oružje, pri tome usmrtivši šest ljudi. Nakon čega su predali uhićene studente lokalnoj kriminalnoj bandi.

Obitelji nestalih izjavile su kako neće prihvatiti da su im djeca mrtva dok vlasti o tome ne donesu uvjerljive dokaze. Dijelovi kostiju poslani su u Austriju na analizu, no glavni tužitelj rekao je kako već sada postoji dovoljno dokaza koji upućuju da se radi o skupini nestalih studenata.

Glasnogovornik obitelji nestalih studenata, Manuel Martinez, izjavio je kako je prosvjed "Dosta je" pokazuje koliku snagu su dobili obiteljski zahtjevi za odgovorima.

"Ljudi su s pravom bijesni i nadam se kako će nas nastaviti podržavati", rekao je Martinez.

Да резимирамо... Градоначелник нареди милицији да растера студенте... милиција при том побије шестеро људи а похапси четрдесетак... и онда збуњена мурија неопремљена за бригу о толико ухапшених, предаје исте локалним кримосима ...који све то решавају по кратком поступку... метак у главу па у пећ.

Па ово као да је Тарантино смишљао јбте леб.
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I've had enough,' says Mexican attorney general in missing students gaffe

    Associated Press

‘Ya me canse’ becomes a rallying call for anger over the government’s handling of the apparent killing of 43 students

mexico students protests Classmates of the missing 43 students protest outside the Guerrero state palace in Chilpancingo on Saturday 8 November 2014. Photograph: Jose Luis de la Cruz/EPA

An off-the-cuff comment by the attorney general to cut off a news conference about the apparent killing of 43 missing college students has been taken up by protesters as a rallying cry against Mexico’s corruption and drug trade-fueled violence.

During the televised appearance on Friday, attorney general Jesus Murillo announced that two suspects had led authorities to trash bags believed to contain the incinerated remains of the students missing since being led away by police in the southwestern town of Iguala on 26 September.
Protesters have adapted Jesus Murillo’s comment with the slogan “I’m tired of fear”.

After an hour of speaking, Murillo abruptly signalled for an end to questions by turning away from reporters and saying, “Ya me canse” a phrase meaning “Enough, I’m tired.”

Within hours, the phrase became a hashtag linking messages on Twitter and other social networks. It continued to trend globally Saturday and began to emerge in graffiti, in political cartoons and in video messages posted to YouTube.

Many turned the phrase on the attorney general: “Enough, I’m tired of Murillo Karam,” says one. Another asks: “If you’re tired, why don’t you resign?”
guerrero protests Demonstrators set vehicles on fire outside the Guerrero state palace in Chilpancingo after classmates of the 43 missing students attacked the building. Photograph: Jose Luis de la Cruz/EPA

Other people used it to vent their frustrations with messages such as “Enough, I’m tired of living in a narco state” or “Enough, I’m tired of corrupt politicians.”

Mexicans have reacted with outrage to the disappearance of the students from a rural teachers college in Guerrero state and a government response that has failed to fully explain what happened. On Saturday, protesters burned several cars and trucks outside the governor’s offices in Chilpancingo, the Guerrero capital where demonstrations over the students’ disappearance have escalated into violence several times.

Investigators say Iguala Mayor Jose Luis Abarca and his wife, Maria de los Angeles Pineda Villa, ordered police to confront the students, who had gone to Iguala to raise money and had commandeered passenger buses for their use. The couple reportedly feared the students would disrupt an event being led by the wife.
El Zocalo square Proesters angry at the government’s handling of the disappearance of 43 students in Guerrero state gather in El Zocalo square, Mexico City on Saturday 8 November 2014. Photograph: Sashenka Gutierrez/EPA

Iguala police fired on the students in two incidents, killing six people. Officers then allegedly turned over 43 arrested students to a local drug gang. Murillo Karam said members of the gang confessed to killing the students before burning their bodies and tossing the ashes and bone fragments into a river.

At least 74 people have been arrested, including Abarca and his wife, who were found Tuesday hiding in a dilapidated home in a rough section of Mexico City.

Families of the missing students insisted they will continue to believe their sons are alive until authorities prove the recovered remains are theirs. Murillo Karam said the bone fragments would be sent to a lab in Austria for testing.

Manuel Martinez, a spokesman for the families, said the “YaMeCanse” rallying cry was proof that their demand for answers is gaining strength.

“The people are angered and I hope that they continue support us,” he said Saturday.

Filmmaker Natalia Beristain was among hundreds of people posting YouTube videos tagged #YaMeCanse.

“Senor Murillo Karam, I, too, am tired,” she said. “I’m tired of vanished Mexicans, of the killing of women, of the dead, of the decapitated, of the bodies hanging from bridges, of broken families, of mothers without children, of children without fathers.”

“I am tired of the political class that has kidnapped my country, and of the class that corrupts, that lies, that kills,” she added. “I, too, am tired.”

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Da li i u političkoj sferi postoji kolonijalno potčinjavanje? Nekome se može i to pričiniti. Ali, kada Šreder ili Bler savetuju vladu, to nikako nije čin najcrnjeg ponižavanja nacije i ruganje žrtvama iz 1999. To nije ni tragična slika države koja je izgubila svako samopoštovanje. Ne, to je manifestacija mudrosti, dubokog političkog uvida i afirmacija realpolitike kakva nije viđena još od vremena kneza Miloša. Srbija je, nema sumnje, na pravom putu.
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Mexican students: first murder victim identified amid continued protests

DNA tests confirm burnt remains found at rubbish tip are those of Alexander Mora, 19, one of 43 believed killed by drug gang

Protesters say demonstrations have turned into something bigger than the search for the missing.

One of the 43 students missing since they were attacked by police in southern Mexico 10 weeks ago has been confirmed dead following DNA tests on badly charred human remains found in a rubbish tip.

Alexander Mora was 19 at the time he disappeared with the other students in the city of Iguala in the state of Guerrero. The students, from a radical rural teacher training college about two hours away, had gone to the city to commandeer some buses.

Confirmation of Mora’s death coincided with the latest major protest sparked by the disappearance of the students. The march of thousands held in Mexico City on Saturday was headed by parents of the remaining missing who insisted the grim news about Alexander only made them more determined to press on with their demands for justice.

“If the government thinks we are going to retreat and cry it is mistaken,” Felipe de la Cruz, the main spokesman for the parents, told a rally in front of the Monument of the Revolution in the capital’s centre. “They have taken so much from us, even our fear, but they have left us with rage and fury and that is going to keep us going.”

The protests – which have ranged from large and peaceful marches to violent attacks on government buildings and clashes with riot police – have created a major crisis for President Enrique Peña Nieto. On Saturday the relatives were joined by students from universities in the capital, as well as contingents from workers’ and peasants’ organisations, and many individuals who have taken up the cause of the missing students.

As well as demanding the government do more to find the students, the protests have focused attention on deep-rooted political corruption that has allowed drug gangs to establish a reign of terror in parts of Mexico. The president’s efforts to channel the fallout towards local authorities rather than his government has only fuelled the anger. “Enrique Peña Nieto should be in prison,” De La Cruz told the rally. The crowd responded with chants of “Peña Nieto Out”.

The students went missing on the night of 26 September after police opened fire on the convoy of buses in which they were leaving Iguala, in the first of a series of attacks in which six people died including three students.

Mexico’s attorney general, Jesús Murillo Karam, said the city’s mayor ordered the police to go after the students and the police handed those they had rounded up over to a local drug gang called Guerreros Unidos. On 7 November Murillo announced that the authorities had collected badly burned human bone fragments from a rubbish tip outside of a neighbouring town called Cocula. He said detained members of the gang had led them to the tip where they said they had participated in the massacre and incineration of dozens of young people on a huge funeral pyre that burned for 15 hours on the same night as the students disappeared.

The remains were in such bad condition the government said it did not have the capacity to attempt to identify them and sent them to a specialist lab in Austria. The confirmation that one of the fragments belonged to Mora is the first news to come out of the lab.

Mora came from the village of El Pericón in the municipality of Tecuanapa. Six others also came from the same municipality. Omar Chavez, a doctoral student from Mexico City who was in the march and has family in the town, said a wake for was being held for Mora in Tecuanapa on Saturday night, “but it is a symbolic wake, because there is no body”. Chavez said he expected the identification of the remains to intensify the already acute levels of tension between local communities and the authorities in the area.

« Poslednja izmena: 11. Dec 2014, 00:31:38 od sergio ramos »
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Da li i u političkoj sferi postoji kolonijalno potčinjavanje? Nekome se može i to pričiniti. Ali, kada Šreder ili Bler savetuju vladu, to nikako nije čin najcrnjeg ponižavanja nacije i ruganje žrtvama iz 1999. To nije ni tragična slika države koja je izgubila svako samopoštovanje. Ne, to je manifestacija mudrosti, dubokog političkog uvida i afirmacija realpolitike kakva nije viđena još od vremena kneza Miloša. Srbija je, nema sumnje, na pravom putu.
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