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Diskografije + Domaci lyrics: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L Lj M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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Tema: Enrique Iglesias  (Pročitano 58632 puta)
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Poruke 2050
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox
"Para Qué La Vida"

Han pasado quince dias y seis horas
desde que te fuistes de mi vida.
Lloro por las noches y duermo por el dia,
desde que te fuistes de mi vida.
Si supieras que sin ti yo no sé ser feliz,
si supieras que sin ti yo no sé sobrevivir.
Ya nada me importa
ni los sueños
que parecen una estupidez
si no estoy contigo para qué ?
Siendo medio loco
dando vueltas
y te busco y no te puedo ver,
Para qué la vida?Para qué ?
Para qué la vida...
Salgo por la calle, llamo a mis amigos,
dicen que te aranque de mi vida.
Fui donde el doctor, me dió unos sedativos
Pero qué tu quieres que te diga?
Que no hay forma, mira no, de romper esta cruz
Que por más que quiera,
ay Dios, nunca hay nadie como tu.
Ya nada me importa,
ni los sueños que parecen una estupidez
Si no estoy contigo para qué?
Siendo medio loco,
dando vueltas
y te busco y no te puedo ver
Para qué la vida? Para qué?
Dicen que es una obesesion
este que no tiene fin
pero es que nadie se compara a ti.
Ya nada me importa
ni los sueños
que parecen una estupidez
Si no estoy contigo para qué?
Siendo medio loco
dando vuetas
y te busco y no te puedo ver
Para qué la vida? Para qué?
Para qué la vida...
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Poruke 2050
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox
"Chica De Ayer"

Un dia cualquiera no sabes que hora es,
te acuestas a mi lado sin saber por qué.
Las calles mojadas te han visto crecer
y tu en tu corazón estas llorando otra vez.
Me asomo a la ventana eres la chica de ayer,
jugando con las flores en mi jardin.
Demasiado tarde para comprender,
chica vete a tu casa no podemos jugar.
La luz de la mañana entra a la habitación,
tu cabellos dorados parecen sol.
Luego por la noche al Penta a escuchar
canciones que consiguen que te pueda amar.
Me asomo a la ventana eres la chica de ayer,
jugando con las flores en mi jardin,
demasiado tarde para comprender,
chica vete a tu casa no podemos jugar.
Um dia cualquiera no sabes que hora es
te encuestas a mi lado sin saber por qué
Me asomo a la ventana eres la chica de ayer
demasiado tarde para comprender.
Mi cabeza da vueltas persiguiéndote
Mi cabeza da vueltas persiguiéndote
Mi cabeza da vueltas persiguiéndote
Mi cabeza da vueltas persiguiéndote.
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Poruke 2050
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox

Yo no soy aquel
que tú te imaginabas,
yo no soy aquel
que el mundo te ofreció,
en el que tú ciegamente confiabas,
el hombre de tus sueños, ese no soy yo.
Si alguna vez,
mirándote a los ojos
yo te robé
un trozo de ilusión,
te juro hoy no quise hacerte daño,
Y si he fallado en algo, te pido perdón.
porque sé que te he engañado
para estar aquí a ti lado,
cuántas cosas una vez te prometí.
pero es que te quiero tanto,
tú no te imaginas cuánto
y de eso si que nunca te menti.
Ay mentiroso. ´
Yo no soy aquel
que tú te imaginabas,
yo no soy aquel
que el mundo te ofreció,
en el que tú ciegamente confiabas,
el hombre de tus sueños, ese no soy yo.
Si alguna vez,
mirándote a los ojos
yo te robé
un trozo de ilusión,
te juro hoy no quise hacerte daño,
Y si he fallado en algo, te pido perdón.
porque sé que te he engañado
para estar aquí a ti lado,
cuántas cosas una vez te prometí.
pero es que te quiero tanto,
tú no te imaginas cuánto
y de eso si que nunca te menti.
Ay Mentiroso.
Ay Mentiroso.
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Krajnje beznadezan

~ za ljubav opet imam volje ~

Zodijak Leo
Poruke 14445
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.3
feat Sean Garrett

Away away, oh yea away away this feels like the coldest day in a hurricane looking through a glass window
and ya screaming to the top of yours lungs,
and the bells done rung and the crowd can’t hear you
and all that i can see is a building burning
i just gotta rescue my baby but you don’t even recognize me
and even though the feeling’s been gone
i just wanna be here to pick up the little pieces of remains

i’m going down the plane is smoking
and the only one who can save me is you but you wanna throw me

Chorus: Away, away, away, away,
oh why i wanna know
i wanna know why you wanna throw me

Away, away, away, away,
oh why
i gotta know why you wanna throw me away

you used to ask why i was i so skeptic of love
girl cuz it changes,
and it ain’t got to be no real reason

you start to live the dream and before you know there’s a door that open,
and the moment you walk in it close

maybe it’s somebody else or a situation that you can’t help

oh love, oh love, oh love,
oh love just ain’t what it used to be
i confronted my fears with open arms
although you said you will never give up on us
but now you blow me away

Perfect we said we’d never be so why is this happening to me no way no way no way
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~ za ljubav opet imam volje ~

Zodijak Leo
Poruke 14445
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.3
Taking Back My Love
feat Ciara

Go ahead just leave, can't hold you, you're free
You take all these things, if they mean so much to you
I gave you your dreams, 'cause you meant the world
So did I deserve to be left here hurt
You think I don't know you're out of control
I ended up finding all of this from my boys
Girl, you're stone cold, you say it ain't so,
You already know I'm not attached to material

I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love
My love..

What did I do but give love to you
I'm just confused as I stand here and look at you
From head to feet, all that's not me
Go 'head, keep the keys, that's not what I need from you
You think that you know (I do), you've made yourself cold (Oh yeah)
How could you believe them over me, I'm your girl
You're out of control (So what?), how could you let go (Oh yeah)
Don't you know I'm not attached to material

I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love

I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love

So all this love I give you, take it away, (Unh, uh huh)
You think material's the reason I came, (Unh, uh huh)
If I had nothing would you want me to stay (Unh, uh huh)
You keep your money, take it all away

I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love

I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love

I'd give it all up but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, I'm takin' back my love
I've given you too much but I'm takin' back my love
I'm takin' back my love, my love, my love, my love

Ooh, my love
Ooh, my love
« Poslednja izmena: 01. Dec 2008, 13:20:18 od IsoLde »
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Träume nicht dein Leben, lebe deine Träume.

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Žena
Poruke 11967
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.6
Nokia 6300
"Experiencia Religiosa"

Un poco de ti para sobrevivir
Esta noche ue viene fria y sola
Un aire de extasis en la ventana
Para vestirme de fiesta y ceremonia

Cada vez que estoy contigo
Yo descubro el infinito
Tiembla el suelo
La noche se ilumina
El silencio se vuelve melodia

Y es casi un
experiencia religiosa
Sentir que resucito si me tocas
Subir al firmamento prendido de tu
es un experiencia religiosa

Casi una experiencia religiosa
Contigo cada instante en cada cosa
Besar la boca tuya merece
un aleluya
Es una experiencia religiosa

Vuelve pronto mi amor
te necesito ya
Porque esta noche tan honda
me da miedo
Necesito la musica de tu alegria
Para callar los demonios que
llevo dentro

Cada vez que estoy contigo
Yo descubro el infinito
Tiembla el suelo
La noche se ilumina
El silencio se vuelve melodia

Y es casi un
experiencia religiosa
Sentir que resucito si me tocas
Subir al firmamento prendido de tu
es un experiencia religiosa

Casi una experiencia religiosa
Contigo cada instante
en cada cosa
Besar la boca tuya merece
un aleluya
Es una experiencia religiosa

Y es casi un
experiencia religiosa
Sentir que resucito si me tocas
Subir al firmamento
prendido de tu cuerpo
Es un experiencia religiosa

Casi una experiencia religiosa
Contigo cada instante en cada cosa
Besar la boca tuya
merece un aleluya
Es una experiencia religiosa
Religious Experience
A little of you to survive
this night that came cold and lonely
An air of extacy in the window to
cover me in festivity and ceremony

Each time I'm with you
I discover the infinite
I touch the sky
the night illuminates
the silence returns a melody

And it's almost a
religious experience
To feel that I'm revived if you touch me
To rise to the heavens caught
by your body
It's a religious experience

Almost a religious experience
With you in ever instant in everything
To kiss your lips is worthy
of a halleluya
It's a religious experience

Hurry to return my love,
I need you now
Because this night so deep,
scares me
I need the music of your happiness
to calm the demons that I carry

Each time I'm with you
I discover the infinite
I touch the sky
the night illuminates
the silence returns a melody

And it's almost a
religious experience
To feel that I'm revived if you touch me
To rise to the heavens
caught by your body
It's a religious experience

Almost a religious experience
With you in ever instant
in everything
To kiss your lips is worthy
of a halleluya
It's a religious experience

And it's almost a
religious experience
To feel that I'm revived if you touch me
To rise to the heavens
caught by your body
It's a religious experience

Almost a religious experience
With you in ever instant in everything
To kiss your lips is
worthy of a halleluya
It's a religious experience
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Diskografija + Domaci Lyrics Search
0-9  A  B C D E F G H I J K L Lj M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Pre nego sto se dodje do brzopletog zakljucka i pre nego sto se pocne misliti lose, Gledaj sa paznjom detalje, vrlo cesto situacija nije onakva kako izgleda nama na prvi pogled!!!!
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Träume nicht dein Leben, lebe deine Träume.

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Žena
Poruke 11967
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.6
Nokia 6300
Be With You

Monday night I feel so low
Count the hours they go so slow
I know the sound of your voice
Can save my soul
City lights, streets of gold

Look out my windo to the world below
Moves so fast and it feels so cold
And I'm all alone

Don't let me die
I'm losing my mind
Baby just give me a sing

And now that you're gone
I just wanna be with you
And I can't go on
I wanna be with you
Wanna be with you

I can't sleep and I'm up all night
Through these tears I try to smile
I know the touch of your hand
Can save my life

Don't let me down
Come to me now
I got to be with you some how

[Repeat Chorus]

And now that you're gone
Who am I without you now
I can't go on
I just wanna be with you

[Repeat Chorus]
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Diskografija + Domaci Lyrics Search
0-9  A  B C D E F G H I J K L Lj M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Pre nego sto se dodje do brzopletog zakljucka i pre nego sto se pocne misliti lose, Gledaj sa paznjom detalje, vrlo cesto situacija nije onakva kako izgleda nama na prvi pogled!!!!
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Träume nicht dein Leben, lebe deine Träume.

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Žena
Poruke 11967
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.6
Nokia 6300
I Have Always Loved You

Since the beginning of time
Since it started to rain
Since I heard you laugh
Since I felt your pain
I was too young, you were much younger
We were afraid of each other's hunger

I have always loved you
There's never been anyone else
I knew you before I knew myself
Oh my baby, I have always loved you

Since we kissed the first time
Since we slept on the beach
You were too close for comfort
You were too far out of reach
You walked away, I should have held you
Would you have stayed for me to tell you?

I have always loved you
There's never been anyone else
I knew you before I knew myself
Oh my baby, I have always loved you
Years go by in a matter of days
And though we go separate ways
I never stop dreaming of you
I have always loved you

When you call it makes me cry
We never made time for you and I
If I could live it all again
I'd never let it end, I'd still be with you
Oh God, I miss you

I have always loved you
There's never been anyone else
I knew you before I knew myself
Oh my baby, I have always loved you
Years go by in a matter of days
And though we go separate ways
I never stop dreaming of you
I have always loved you
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Diskografija + Domaci Lyrics Search
0-9  A  B C D E F G H I J K L Lj M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Pre nego sto se dodje do brzopletog zakljucka i pre nego sto se pocne misliti lose, Gledaj sa paznjom detalje, vrlo cesto situacija nije onakva kako izgleda nama na prvi pogled!!!!
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Träume nicht dein Leben, lebe deine Träume.

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Žena
Poruke 11967
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.6
Nokia 6300
"Sad Eyes"

Every day here you come walking
I hold my tongue, I don't do much talking
You say you're happy and you're doin' fine
Well go ahead, baby, I got plenty of time
Sad eyes never lie
Sad eyes never lie

Well for awhile I've been watching you steady
Ain't gonna move 'til you're good and ready
You show up and then you shy away
But I know pretty soon you'll be walkin' this way
Sad eyes never lie
Sad eyes never lie

Baby don't you know I don't care
Don't you know that I've been there
Well if something in the air feels a little unkind
Don't worry darling, it'll slip your mind

I know you think you'd never be mine
Well that's okay, baby, I don't mind
That shy smile's sweet, that's a fact
Go ahead, I don't mind the act
Here you come all dressed up for a date
Well one more step and it'll be too late
Blue blue ribbon in your hair
Like you're so sure I'll be standing there
Sad eyes never lie
Sad eyes never lie
Sad eyes never lie
Sad eyes never lie
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Diskografija + Domaci Lyrics Search
0-9  A  B C D E F G H I J K L Lj M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Pre nego sto se dodje do brzopletog zakljucka i pre nego sto se pocne misliti lose, Gledaj sa paznjom detalje, vrlo cesto situacija nije onakva kako izgleda nama na prvi pogled!!!!
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Prijatelj foruma
Krajnje beznadezan

Träume nicht dein Leben, lebe deine Träume.

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Žena
Poruke 11967
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.6
Nokia 6300
I’m Your Man

You can be a million miles away from me
You can be kissin` another man`s lips
But i`m your man, i`m your man

If tomorrow would stay behind
And my eyes that never wake up
I`m still your man, i`m your man

I pray to god,
I pray for time I pray
I can hold you in my arms
Pray with me eternally
Time is forever ours

It`s the way that you smile
The way that you cry
Why I always want to be your man
It`s the way that I feel, when I feel you inside
Why I always want to be your man

You can be a million miles away from me
You can be kissin` anoth-er man`s lips
But i`m your man, i`m your man

They can take away my heart and my soul
They can even tell me you don`t love me no more
But i`m your man, i`m your man

I won`t give up,
I won`t let you down
I promise to always stand by your side
Pray for faith, pray for you
Pray that we`ll always be

It`s the way that you smile
The way that you cry
Why I always want to be your man
It`s the way that I feel, when I feel you inside
Why I always want to be your man

It`s the way that you`re weak
It`s the way that you`re strong
Why I always want to be your man
It`s the way you believe
It`s the love that you give
Why I always want to be your man

I pray to god,
I pray for time I pray
I can hold you in my arms
Pray with me eternally
Time is forever ours

It`s the way that you smile
The way that you cry
Why I always want to be your man
It`s the way that I feel, when I feel you inside
Why I always want to be your man

It`s the way that you`re weak
It`s the way that you`re strong
Why I always want to be your man
It`s the way you believe
It`s the love that you give
Why I always want to be your man

It`s the way that you`re weak
It`s the way that you`re strong
Why I always want to be your man
It`s the way you believe
It`s the love that you give
Why I always want to be your man
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Diskografija + Domaci Lyrics Search
0-9  A  B C D E F G H I J K L Lj M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Pre nego sto se dodje do brzopletog zakljucka i pre nego sto se pocne misliti lose, Gledaj sa paznjom detalje, vrlo cesto situacija nije onakva kako izgleda nama na prvi pogled!!!!
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Trenutno vreme je: 13. Mar 2025, 09:21:36
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Poslednji odgovor u temi napisan je pre više od 6 meseci.  

Temu ne bi trebalo "iskopavati" osim u slučaju da imate nešto važno da dodate. Ako ipak želite napisati komentar, kliknite na dugme "Odgovori" u meniju iznad ove poruke. Postoje teme kod kojih su odgovori dobrodošli bez obzira na to koliko je vremena od prošlog prošlo. Npr. teme o određenom piscu, knjizi, muzičaru, glumcu i sl. Nemojte da vas ovaj spisak ograničava, ali nemojte ni pisati na teme koje su završena priča.

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