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Tema: Obama declassifies Anti Gravity Technology  (Pročitano 49557 puta)
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Fly Baby, fly...

Zodijak Capricorn
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Tesla je imao neke ideje sa letenjem i snabdevanjem energijom preko antene, koristenjem magnetnog polja zemlje. Stvarno, zamisljam da je letilica kao neki lagan magnet koji se kontrolisano ponasa u magnetnom polju Zemlje i tako se krece kroz njega - eh, kad bi se tako nesto prokljuvilo - u svakom slucaju, barem bi buka "motora" bila manja. Smile Smile
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Da, i mene buni zasto elektromagnetizam mesaju sa antigravitacijom. Videcu da nesto iskopam po tom pitanju, pa se cujemo. Smile

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u principu , levitacija je posledica lencovog zakona koji kaze da ce indukovana elektromotorna sila uvek imati smer suprotan smeru magnetnog polja koje indukciju vrshi  Smile ...

i par interesantnih klipova  Smile :

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Pol Muškarac
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Da, poznato mi je to. Po tom principu i vozovi u Japanu se rade.

Evo neceg, sto mi deluje ozbiljno i razlozno. Moguce da i jednim delom objasnjava zasto se mesaju pojmovi.


If you were born between 1930 something and 1960 you were a part of the ufo phenomenon that swept the world in the fifties.

And many contemplated the idea of antigravity such as Thomas Townsend-Brown and before him Nikola Tesla and before him John Worrell Keely, who takes us to a place before any of us were born, the 1880's.

Keely's method of gravity control involved sympathetic vibration at the atomic level while Tesla's system took energy from the aether. Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov employed another idea which involved a natural lift from cavity structures in insects. He said that he built his antigravity platform so he might more easily get to his 'digs' most inaccessible otherwise.

The scientists other than previous who achieved antigravity were John Searle, Townsend-Brown, Eric Laithwaite, John Hutchison and Evgeny Podkletnov. But they didn't achieve gravity control (look for 'lifters' if you want to see antigravity in action but not gravity control). A German scientist, Viktor Schauberger, way ahead of his time was studying water vortexes. His method of propulsion involved the implosion effect created by tornadoes.

Much of the above has slipped from history. Although science today has recreated the antigravity of the past which existed before ufo's, official and alternate science just can't seem to come up with gravity control.


To many people, the term, antigravity has the same meaning as gravity control. This is fine and somewhere between gravity and antigravity lies control. In searching for gravity control you first discover that myths from ancient history are not just the stories of a pre-ancient past. Then there appears to be a huge period of nothing since ancient India to the 1880’s of John Keely in Philadelphia, followed closely by Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein and TT Brown.

Meanwhile in 1930’s Germany they were well ahead of the west in saucer technology, all seized and shutdown after the war. It becomes a conundrum when you look back to the 1948 ufo flap where everyone thought flying saucers were antigravity vehicles carrying beings from other worlds. Could it actually have been the direct application of Viktor Schauberger’s vortex implosion theory? Probably not but Schauberger deserves merit in the search for antigravity. Today, though there are many, Alexander V. Frolov gets our vote for man of the hour on the quest for gravity control.

Gravity Control
Please understand that this document far from covers the entire realm of the search for gravity control but helps to give it an earthly base and an earlier date when deals were made in the heavens.

The oldest known earthly and heavenly flying machines were called Vimanas. From Sanskrit texts thousands of years old comes this translation:

In the Sanskrit Samaraanganasutraadhaara it is written: Strong and durable must the body of the Vimana be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky. The movements of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically descend, move slanting forwards and backwards. With the help of the machines human beings can fly in the air and heavenly beings can come down to earth.

The vimana texts are estimated to be from fifteen thousand years ago.

John Ernst Worrell Keely, 1837-1898

John W. Keely, discoverer of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, found a means of negating the effect of gravity as well as developing a form of propulsion.

From 1888 to 1893, Keely worked on developing his system of "Aerial Navigation." The first successful test was in 1893 which led the way to the construction of an aerial craft. In 1896, Mr. Keely had so perfected his system that he arranged to give a demonstration of the aerial craft to the United States War Department. In attendance at the demonstration were a number of invited members of the press.

Most astounding was the apparent total lack of acceleration effects to Mr. Keely as he sat on the stool before the keyboard, controlling the airship. Although the government officials were impressed, they stated [that] they could see no use for such a complex device and so did not pursue the matter further. (Remember [that] the Wright Brothers did not demonstrate their airplane at Kittyhawk, NC until December 17, 1903; seven years later!)

Nikola Tesla 1856-1943

Although Tesla had great credibility after installing the world’s first power grid at Niagara Falls, there is question as to whether he ever actually built and flew his craft which was said to receive its power from the aether.

In an interview he said,
"My flying machine will have neither wings nor propellers. You might see it on the ground and you would never guess that it was a flying machine. Yet it will be able to move at will through the air in any direction with perfect safety, higher speeds than have yet been reached, regardless of weather and oblivious of 'holes in the air' or downward currents. It will ascend in such currents if desired."

Summation of Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity

N A Kozyrev 1908-1983

"In reputation and in work achieved, he is the most important scientist we met. He is attempting to elucidate a new world view, a new cosmogony. Under Kozyrev’s new conception, psychic happenings would fall into place. They would no longer be, as they are in the current view of science, something outside the system, something that must be denied to protect the system."

-Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder’s comments on N. A. Kozyrev from their 1970 book, Psychic Discoveries

"Time is a whole world of mysterious phenomena which cannot be followed logically. The properties of time should be constantly clarified by physical experiments"

- N A Kozyrev Fundamental's of Kozyrev's causal mechanics

Albert Einstein 1879-1955

" theoretical physics, we cannot get along without the ether, i.e., a continuum assigned physical properties, because the general theory of relativity... excludes direct long-range action; and each theory of short-range action assumes the presence of continuous fields and, consequently, the existence of the ‘ether.’"

- Albert Einstein (1924)

It is known that Einstein dismissed the existence of the aether but was it before or after 1924?
"Gravity cannot be held responsible for people falling in love."

- Albert Einstein

Viktor Schauberger 1885-1958

Schauberger’s theory of vortex implosion began by watching fish climb a column of water to what appeared to be beyond physical limitations. This lead to the building of craft that derived their power from a swirling vortex of water. When it reached a certain speed it was self sustaining. The powerful implosion effect literally sucked the craft in any direction. Not gravity control but during the same time period there was The Thule.


Thomas Townsend Brown 1905-1985

In a similar time frame in America, TT Brown was zapping discs with huge voltage and making them levitate at high speeds around a tether. It was rather half the formula in that without the tether it was simply levitation without control.

Alexander V. Frolov

Alexander Frolov is a world class scientist who is hot on the trail of antigravity. He resides in St. Petersberg, Russia and his associates cover the globe.

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« Poslednja izmena: 22. Apr 2009, 20:23:44 od lightsoft »
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Antigravitacioni pogon spada u tzv. kvantne pogone i oni samo postoje u teoriji i na papiru. Inace to sto tako zovu je cist dokaz kako su pukli a prilog tome je mali milion veoma smisaonih izjava bivseg predsednika Busa. Pokojni predsednik Ronald Regan je svakog cetvrtka pre podne primao savetnika za nauku i tehnologiju i on bi reganu drazao predavanje i upoznavao ga sa svim vezano iz te oblasti. Tako da njemu nije moglo da se desi da odvali glupost ili da "nije upoznat".

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Ma i oni su mutadzije teske. Dal' su bas pukli, ili zele opet upetljati marketing i reklamu u sve to, ... pa nesto predstaviti kao da je to to ...  Smile
Mislim bez veze je petljati i govoriti o dvema totalno dijametralnim stvarima kao da je isto. Ok mozda jedna iz druge prostice. Ali elektromegnetizam, magnetizam, ... nisu isto sto i gravitacija. Jos se i ne zna prava njena priroda, da li je po Anstajnu, zakrivljenost vreme/prostora, ili po nekima, je stvaraju gravitroni. A i to su hipoteticne cestice u racunicama, koje ni da nisu dokazane, vec ih ni nema na vidiku. A to mesati i poistovecivati bas je cudno. A uz sve to se zkukulje i nulta tacka, od koga bi trebalo da sve potice, ... i govore o koriscenju njene energije, .... sto je pa sasvim nesto trece.
Jer opet se tu petlja kvantna fizika, i teorija struna. A one pa govore nesto drugacije.

Na kraju krajeva, videcemo sta ce od svega ispasti. 6 meseci i nije mnogo. Ako ne slazu. Jedino da ne bude po onom ustaljenom, sto i istorija potvrdjuje, ... javnosti se prezentuje nesto tek onda kada se u "pozadini" ima nesto jos "mocnije".

Samo da ne ispadne da se ta objava poklopi sa eventualnim napadom na Iran, kako bi se pokazala mocnost, a ujedno i isprobalo u "realnosti".

Jbm liga. Sacekajmo, pa cemo videti sta i na sta su mislili. A do tada mozemo samo da spekulisemo. Smile

« Poslednja izmena: 23. Apr 2009, 02:53:39 od lightsoft »
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Sad bih molio sve one koji su mi pili krv sa letecim tanjirima i vanzemaljcima da ovo sve lepo procitaju i da konacno shvate kad sam im vise puta reko da su sve to letelice zemaljskog porekla, razni projekti i tajne letelice i da nema ni jedan dokaz da je ista vanzemaljsko....

Samo dodjite i kazite da ste videli ovu temu, ne  mora ni da citate.... evo lepo Vas molim

I want to believe  Smile

Da, poznato mi je to. Po tom principu i vozovi u Japanu se rade.

Mislis Maglev ili "Transrapid" koji su Nemci napravili i jedino saobraca u Kini?
« Poslednja izmena: 13. Okt 2009, 22:40:27 od Maradic »
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Ako te uhvati bes ako stojis ti sedi,ako sedis ti lezi,ako lezis ti se polij vodom,voda ce da odnese tvoj bes...

Svest nije samo materijalna manifestacija, potrazi na interenetu

Dzoni, ne budi Kristal.

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Ovo baš i nije najbolji primer. Svojevremeno sam na FTN video nešto slično. Ekperimentalni uređaj se sastojao
od jedne manje sfere i veće polusfere, koje su bile međusobno spojene tankim cevima (izolatori).
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