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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i

Under this midnight sky
With you here by my side
There's nothing that I could hide
You know me better than anybody else

All of myself revealed
There's nothing I could conceal
My soul is yours to steal
Take me wherever you want to baby

Baby I'm naked
So naked with you
Feels like the first time
I'm trembling, shaking
My heart's overtaken
Feels like I'm falling
All over again
Baby come and take me
'cause I'm trembling shaking
My heart's almost breaking
Baby I'm naked with you

Baby when you're away
It's almost like I'm afraid
I only wanna stay
Caught up in these stolen moments

So let's lose ourselves in the night
Forget the world for a while
Make love till the morning light
Take me wherever you want to baby

Baby I'm naked
So naked with you
Feels like the first time
I'm trembling, shaking
My heart's overtaken
Feels like I'm falling
All over again
Baby come and take me
'cause I'm trembling shaking
My heart's almost breaking
Baby I'm naked with you
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 07:55:26 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"Nature Boy"

There was a boy...
A very strange enchanted boy.
They say he wandered very far, very far
Over land and sea,
A little shy and sad of eye
But very wise was he.

And then one day,
A magic day, he passed my way.
And while we spoke of many things,
Fools and kings,
This he said to me,
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return."

And then one day,
A magic day, he passed my way.
And while we spoke of many things,
Fools and kings,
This he said to me,
"The greatest thing you'll ever learn
Is just to love and be loved in return."
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 07:55:58 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"Ne Bouge Pas"

Tu charmes, tu blesses mais tu ne mens jamais
Tu choisis seul, bon ou mauvais
Qui decide de ce qui se fait ?
Tu es comme tu es, ca me plait

Tu n'as pas d'heure d'hiver, d'ete
D'ailleurs ta montre tu l'as donnee
Mais quand je vais mal tu le sais
Tu trouves deux, trois mots et ca y est

Des comme toi, c'est pas souvent
Ecoute, c'est important...
Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas
On en fait pas beaucoup comme toi
Ne touche a rien c'est bien comme ca
Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas

Tu aimes fort et puis tu disparais
T'as bien trop d'amis pour rester
Tu ne sais meme pas t'excuser
Juste te faire pardonner

Tu oublies le mal qu'on te fait
Tu veux toujours tout partager
Tu ris, tu pleures sans te cacher
La vie s'ecoule sans t'abimer

Des gens comme ca, y'en n'a pas tant
Ecoute, c'est important....

Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas
On en fait pas beaucoup comme toi
Ne touche a rien c'est bien comme ca
Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas

On va te dire tourne la page Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas
Il faut grandir, devenir sage Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas
Tous ces mots qui nous mettent en cage Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas
Pour etre libre il n'y a pas d'age Ne bouge rien en bouge pas

Ecoute, c'est important...

Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas
On en fait pas beaucoup comme toi
Ne touche a rien c'est bien comme ca
Ne bouge rien ne bouge pas
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 07:56:34 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
 Ne Me Plaignez Pas

(Eddy Marnay / S. Thompson)

[Don't Pity Me]

Je sais qu'il me traite
Comme il traite les autres
On dirait presque
Qu'il ne m'aime pas
Quand vous me dites
Tu devrais t'en aller
Mem'si c'est vrai
Ca ne m'aide pas
Je comprends vos raisons
Vous voyez sur'ment mieux que moi
Oui mais

(I know he's treating me
Like he treats all the others
We could almost think
That he doesn't love me
When you're telling me
You should go
Even if it's true
That doesn't help me
I understand your reasons
You surely see better than I do
Yes but)

Ne me plaignez pas
Ma vie est plutot belle
Et quand ca ne va pas
Tous mes amis m'appellent
Je vous remercie
De votre sympathie
Non ne me plaignez pas
Mais restez la

(Don't pity me
My live is rather beautiful
And when it goes wrong
All my friends all calling me
I thank you
For your sympathy
No, don't pity me
But stay there)

Quand je suis seule
Je suis bien dans ma chambre
Avec un livre
Ou un film ancien
Et pour ma fete
Si c'est vrai qu'il m'oublie
J'ai vos cadeaux
Pour me chauffer le coeur

(When I'm alone
I'm happy in my room
With a book
Or an old movie
And for my birthday
If it's true he forgets me
I have your gifts
To heat my heart)

Oui... ne me plaignez pas
Ma vie est plutot belle
Et quand ca ne va pas
Tous mes amis m'appellent
Je vous remercie
Pour votre sympathie
Non ne me plaignez pas
Mais restez la

(Yes... don't pity me
My live is rather beautiful
And when it goes wrong
All my friends all calling me
I thank you
For your sympathy
No, don't pity me
But stay there)

Je comprends vos raisons
Vous voyez sur'ment mieux que moi

(I understand your reasons
You surely see better than I do
But... )

Ne me plaignez pas
Ma vie est plutot belle
Et quand ca ne va pas
Tous mes amis m'appellent
Je vous remercie
De votre sympathie
Non ne me plaignez pas
Mais restez la

(Don't pity me
My live is rather beautiful
And when it goes wrong
All my friends all calling me
I thank you
For your sympathy
No, don't pity me
But stay there)
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 07:57:26 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi"

Vous qui cherchez l'etoile
Vous qui vivez un reve
Vous heros de l'espace
Au coeur plus grand que la terre
Vous donnez moi ma chance
Emmenez-moi loin d'ici

You who are looking for the star
You who lives a dream
You hero from space
With a heart bigger than earth
You give me a chance
Take me far from here
Ne partez pas sans moi laissez-moi vous suivre
Vous qui volez vers d'autres vies laissez-moi vivre
La plus belle aventure les plus beaux voyages
Qui menent un jour sur des soleils sur des planetes d'amour

Don't leave without me, let me follow you
You who fly to other lives, let me live
The most beautiful adventure, the most beautiful trips
That lead someday to suns, to planets of love
Vous les nouveaux poetes
Vous les oiseaux magiques
Vous vous allez peut-etre trouver
De nouvelles musiques
Vous donnez-moi ma chance
Je veux chanter aussi

You the new poets
You the magic birds
You you'll probably find
New musics
You give me a chance
I want to sing also
Ne partez pas sans moi laissez-moi vous suivre
Vous qui volez vers d'autres vies laissez-moi vivre
Le bleu de l'infini la joie d'etre libre
Sur des rayons sur des soleils
Sur des chansons sur des merveilles
Et dans un ciel d'amour

Don't leave without me, let me follow you
You who fly to other lives, let me live
The blue of infinite, the joy of being free
On rays on suns
On songs on wonders
and in a sky of love
Le bleu de l'infini la joie d'etre libre
Vous qui cherchez une autre vie
Vous qui volez vers l'an 2 000
Ne partez pas sans moi

The blue of the infinite, the joy of being free
You who are looking for another life
You who are flying towards the year 2, 000
Don't leave without me
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 07:59:00 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"New Dawn"

I will follow
For each step is forgiven and never long
And as we walk
Through miles of disbelief
It will be his hand that guilds you
Leading you home
He'll say "you carry on, a new day will come"
I know it will yeah
You carry on
I know, I know a new day will dawn
Yes it will

I am woman
A mountain I will climb
Oh yes I will
I've been beat down and I've been broken
And each day I give it another try
Oh yeah

We will carry on
A new day has come
We will carry on
I know a new day will dawn

Oh yeah
I've been broken
New day will dawn

We will carry on
Yes we will
A new day will come
Carry on, carry on
New day will dawn

A new day will come
I am woman

A New day will dawn
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 07:59:38 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"Next Plane Out"

I listen to the sound of the rain fallin' down my window
Prayin' for a gentle wind
To bring my baby back again
Tryin' to be strong but I'm not getting any stronger
Loneliness is tearing apart this heart of mine
I lay awake 'coz I can't take another night lonely
It's been too long, I can't hold on no more

Leavin' on the next plane out
'Coz I gotta see my baby
It's been too long since I held him in my arms
And I just won't sleep at night
Till he's sleeping here beside me
Here beside me again
Gotta be with my baby

Talking on the phone but that don't make it any better
Nothing's gonna ease this pain
Until I'm in his arms again
Runnin' down the stairs there's a taxi that's waiting for me
Loneliness I'm gonna leave you far behind
I'd walk for days through pouring rain
Anything to be with him
It's been so long, I can't be strong no more

Leavin' on the next plane out
'Coz I gotta see my baby
It's been too long since I held him in my arms
And I just won't sleep at night
Till he's sleeping here beside me
Here beside me again

Gotta be with him
Gotta be by his side
Gotta be with him
My heart's made up my mind

Leavin' on the next plane out
'Coz I gotta see my baby
It's been too long since I held him in my arms
And I just won't sleep at night
Till he's sleeping here beside me
Here beside me again
'Coz I gotta see my baby
It's been too long since I held him in my arms
And I just won't sleep at night
Till he's sleeping here beside me
Here beside me again

Gotta be with my baby, gonna be with my baby
Gonna take the next plane or the next train
Gotta get there gotta see my baby
And nothing's gonna stop me from leavin' this time
Leavin' on the next plane out, , ,
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 08:00:12 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"No Living Without Loving You"

If you ever leave me
Life will go on
Stars will still be
Bright as diamonds in the sky now
Even if you said goodbye now
Oh, the clock wouldn't stop, no
That sun would keep shinning down
If you weren't here with me
This world would still be spinnin' 'round
But baby there would be

Just no living without loving you
How could I ever survive
Just no living without loving you
It would be like living without being alive without you

If you ever walk out this door
What would I have left to live for
What would there be left to do now
What would I be without you now
Oh, the clock wouldn't stop, no
Each day would go on just the same
There would still be air to breath
It wouldn't stop the sun and rain
But baby there would be

Just no living without loving you
How could I ever survive
Just no living without loving you
It would be like living without being alive without you

That sun would still keep shinning down
If you weren't here with me
That world would still be spinnin' 'round
But you know I would have nothing
Won't have no life if I don't have your loving
If I don't have you with me

Just no living without loving you
How could I ever survive
Just no living without loving you
It would be like living without being alive without you
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 08:00:50 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"Nothing Broken But My Heart"

I've been over you for some time now baby
I don't miss your kiss like before now anymore now
If you asked me how I'm doin' I'm fine
All I needed was a little time
So if you still think that I still need you Baby
I really don't know why
Oh baby, since you left me
You might think that my world's been torn apart
But if you see me
Baby you'll see that
Nothing's broken, nothing broken but my heart

You won't find no tears in my eyes now baby
If you think I'm sad that you're gone now
Then you're wrong now
If you ask I'll say I'm happy I'm free
Tell you that's the way I wanna be
And all those nights we shared together baby
We'll they don't mean a thing

Oh baby since you left me
You might think that my world's been torn apart
But if you see me
Baby you'll see that
Nothing's broken, nothing broken but my heart

So if you still think that I need you baby
I don't think about you
I'm happy now without you

Oh baby, you might think my world's been torn apart Oh but you'll see that
Nothing's broken, nothing broken but my heart

Oh baby since you left me
You might think that my world's been torn apart
But if you see me
Baby you'll see that
Nothing's broken, nothing broken but my heart
Nothing broken, nothing broken but my heart

Baby, you might thing my world's been torn apart
But nothing's broken, nothing broken but my heart, , ,
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 08:01:27 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"O Holy Night"

O Holy night, the stars are brightly shining
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Til He appeared and the soul felt it's worth
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoyces
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn
Fall on your knees

O hear the angel voices
O night divine!
O night when Christ was born
O night divine!
O night, O night divine!

And in His Name, all oppression shall cease
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we
Let all within us praise his holy name
Christ is the Lord!
Their name forever praise we

Noel, Noel
O night, O night Divine
Noel, Noel
O night, O night Divine
Noel, Noel
O night, O holy Divine
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 08:02:02 od CharmedS »
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