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Trenutno vreme je: 14. Mar 2025, 17:19:13
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Tema: Blindside  (Pročitano 31816 puta)
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"King Of The Closet"

I answer with a restless ok but I'm about to blow when you're gone
I keep this to myself; a restless ok but I fear the dawn
I've never been afraid to hide up in the dark
It's the first morning stream of pure light that makes me rather swim with the sharks
And it'll make me say I'm ok even though it hurts more if I stay
And I'm ok. Yes, I'm ok. If that'll make your questions go away

I'm a vampire, I'm afraid the light will set me on fire

I'm cold in a way I just want to stay
And I'm cold this way

Reckon I'll close the door
Pull down the curtains stay close to the floor
Mercy is for the weak; we do not train to be merciful here
Mercy is everything I fear; we do not train to see His mercy here

Crawling again
The heart is screaming with a smile
Pride says no because of the stain
The heart pounds for love, pride says no
Because of what the heart is longing for
I'm not sure I want to be a man anymore

This choice I've got to make,
I've got to make alone
A heart of stone
This choice I've got to make
I've got to make it true
A heart broken in two
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"My Mother's Only Son"

Talks about it all the time
It's a sickness he says
So sure all the time
He hates it
And I honestly believe him
So sure all the time

Maybe the one who screams the most
Screams about himself

Fed up of giving up
Clean cup please drink up

He sees it's eating him up
It's the price he pays
But it's not even worth a dime
So scared that people may find out
He is what he hates
So scared all the time

This is his naked inside

Piece by piece he's trying to build a ladder
For him to fall from
Every time he climbs
He condemns their actions
So that no one will suspect
That he's the victim for his own crime

This is his darkness
In which he will stand
This is his naked inside
Alone in a desert land
And I'm a coward
Shut my eyes and concentrate
On my shell, on soap and shower
Oh God how I want to tell the world
But I hesitate

So why don't I have the guts to tell you he's me?
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i

I will drive a thousand miles
To escape the smog in this town
I will drive although I don't have a license
To escape the ideal that this city crowns

Hide every little scar with so much make-up
The skin can't even breathe
Hide every little scar or become the food they feed

Shift into a higher gear
Place the brick on the gas
On what I left behind I won't waste a tear
My rearview mirror has got broken glass

I will drive until I reach the desert
And wait until I see with my own eyes again
I will drive I'll head for the desert
And wait until our minds speak the same words as back then

This makes me into nothing in their eyes
But I'm willing to pay the price
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"Silver Speak"

They spoke their minds
As I stood there smiling
This brain understood their arguments
So I just stood there
Keep on smiling
Cause it's not on me they're throwing their darts
So why are they heading this way for my heart?

How come I'm the one bleeding
When you're the one being cut
And every stabbing word about you stings

An allergic reaction towards all of this
Have to respond, although without an answer back
And I throw everything back into their face
Hear my own stupid sentences and I have lost track

You have strength beyond words
And You have communication beyond my words

This battle is not mine
I try to forget
Every time they spit Your name out on the sidewalk
And I will let the candle shine inside me without any regret
But where's Your voice in all my talk

I'm an ant trying to protect my dinosaur friend
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"Where Eye Meets Eye"

One glimpse of You and I shrink
The hand of shame squeezes my stomach
You don't really know me I allowed myself to think
One glimpse of You and I know it's not in your nature to turn your back
And I want to give You more than I have got
So tiny I'm almost disappearing in this world
You're holding in your hand
Still you know my name

This is my heart resting in the palm of my hand
This is more then I've planned from the start
Holding it up to the sky for you to see
I feel You but don't understand

The second You stepped through the door or was it the ceiling
I stood and beheld your beauty
This worn-out skin is pealing
I will never again praise You because of duty

I want my heart to break for the things that make
Your heart break
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"Nära (Close)"

[In Swedish]
Hennes hjärta slog hårdare för varje sekund
Skalet höll emot som aldrig förut
En vägran till var allt detta har sin grund
Skalet höll emot men stora bucklor buktar ut
Inte nu, kanske senare och aldrig förut
Som en blomma som aldrig slagit ut
Om en längtan som aldrig fött ett beslut
Om en längtan som aldrig tagit slut

Med fötterna så långt under markytan
Och ändå bärare av ett rotlöst hjärta
För svårt att ta sig upp och ändå veta
Att skönhet kommer ur smärta

Och jag önskar jag kunde dra dig upp därifrån
Men ingen annan utom den ende kan
Och jag önskar jag kunde dra dig upp därifrån
Min tunga kan aldrig klä i ord att min låga är sann

Och jag ska aldrig mer vara rädd att visa mig vek
Aldrig mer med hot försöka bevisa min kärlek

Så låt dig träffas i hjärtat låt det blöda
Om jag kunde skulle jag ta tillbaks de ord som var döda
Om hans liv fick bli din föda
Om ditt hjärta fick blöda
Försök inte vinna tid
För jag ser ingenting av den varan
Trots att jag kommer att stå kvar där jag är

Vilket val du än tar
Står jag kvar

Möt mig vid fridsfurstens fötter
Jag har ingenting utom det som är mina rötter
Möt mig på knä framför hans fötter

[In English]
Her heart was beating harder for every second
The shell was holding up like never before
A refusal to where all this has it's foundation
The shell hold up, but big dents bulge

Not now, maybe later and never before
Like a flower that never blossomed
About a longing that never given birth to a decision
About a longing that never ended

With the feet so far below the ground surface
And yet carrier of a rootless heart
Too hard to get up and still knowing
That beauty comes out of pain

And I wish I could pull you up from there
But no one else than The Only One can
And I wish I could pull you up from there
My tongue can never dress in words that my flame is true

And I shall never again be afraid of showing my weak self
Never again with threat try to prove my love

So let yourself get hit in the heart, let it bleed
If I could I would take back the words that were dead
If you could be fed through His life
If your heart would bleed
Whatever choice you make
I remain
Meet me at the feet of the Prince of Peace
I have nothing except what are my roots
Meet me on your knees before His feet
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"In The Air Of Truth"

I'm waiting for You
Until you give my spirit wings
I'm waiting for You
Until winter breaks into spring

In the air of truth I held up my bruised spirit
For everybody to see
So no one can drag me away from this place
Before You heal it
For my soul to breathe only before thee

Let me hear it once again
Silent thunder shake me
I will wait forever if that's what it takes for me to hear and see
So they can go ahead and say that I swallowed the bait
And I'll still sick around Your precious voice, yes I will wait

So let me glow like I was new
Pure as if this was where it all should have begun
If I could I would give more then I have to You
As I've walked this night
Your hand guides the morning sun

A chance to breathe
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"Across Waters"

That day I woke up, screaming of emptiness
A thought crushed my mind
To all of them she's just a worn-out dress
They can seek but not find
Time pass please this day of rain
I'm in this world and she's in another
Her fragile voice of sorrow let my brain go insane
I'm in this world and she's in another

And You must be my arms around her now

We both agreed on this choice
To let me be helpless
And she to stick to your voice
Me to my knees everyday I guess

Leave footprints on her/my/our floor tonight
To slumber in Your light
Let her/me/us sleep with angels tonight
Can't even breathe without holding you tight

Trade my will against yours
Is something I'd rather say then do
I want to kick down some doors
For me to see through
But she believes in love
Makes this distance pass
She sees the dove
Makes me stay and not trespass

And you must be her arms around me now

I'll make you a promise
To bring her safe home
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"Nothing But Skin"

I put on my stinking coat again
But that so much rain would come from inside
I didn't understand
I could always protect me
But I couldn't protect me from this
That all of this was just a death kiss

Just one silent word and I'm whole again
You said it

Look at me now
I'm hardly moving
It's only you and me now
It's only you
I scream but the walls suck my air

I look at my arms resting on her back
They can't be mine they look more dead then alive
I hate that I own the ability to not get back on track
I wet her hair and they still look more dead then alive

To be allowed to break into a thousand pieces
In her arms and in your hand
Can't even form my lips to say Jesus
But I thank you for knowing where I'm supposed to land

People say I should eat more, boy they should see me now
I'm almost vanishing, skin so thin I can see right through
Makes you more visible inside me, you rise as I bow
Fight for every breath and breathe only you
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"Walking Home"

please just take one step closer
for it is me who hasn't let You keep me warm
once marked my heart, each letter with pride
once marked my heart, the name of the storm
break my heart again and i'll hold You close
i'll break in parts again so You can hold me close

every word is an understatement
and every exaggeration is true
for this is walking home

so this is just the beginning all over again
so this is just what keeps me alive
so it says You died and we still hated You
so it says You died to keep us alive

break out hearts again and we'll hold You close
i'll break in parts again so You can hold me close

every word is an understatement
and every exaggeration is true
for this is walking home
i'll try this time to remember
every exaggeration is true

can a revolution be at hand
just be walking home?
this is walking home now
love can crush the hardest stone
and God i am one
this is walking home now
i'll always remember
you gave a little be of home (called peace)
to hold close to heart, this is longing home now
and yes, i'm still longing to get there, still longing

(still they ask me)
how can a man love someone so much?
he hasn't yet seen
how a move loves a place so much
he hasn't yet seen
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