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Trenutno vreme je: 04. Mar 2025, 21:40:40
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Tema: Air Force Mexico  (Pročitano 5991 puta)
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Fly Baby, fly...

Zodijak Capricorn
Pol Muškarac
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Evo i prva avio bomba je isprobana u meksickoj revoluciji.

"This picture shows the first aerial bomb used in combat. Aerial bombing was used for the first time in combat by General Pershing in his Mexican Campaign to capture the Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa. This is a great picture showing how the bombs were strapped to the bottom of a biplane."

a evo jos i ovo:

"Americans also manned Villa's primitive air force, made up of four planes. The pilots, ex-barnstormers and every bit as colorful as their compatriots on the ground, answered to names like Mickey McQuire, Wild Bill Heath and Farnum T. Fish. It has even been claimed that the legendary Hollywood cowboy Tom Mix served with Villa's forces, though this was denied by El Paso Journalist Dale L. Walker. According to Walker, the version of Mix being a "villista" was the invention of a flack in his studio's public relations office."

pa ovo:

"In Ol' Mexico, 1914-1915
Reports On EB Flights During Revolution
by Ernest Jones
     Ernest Jones, secretary of the Early Birds, is compiling a history of the activites of American fliers in various and sundry scheduled and non-scheduled Mexican campaigns. To whet our appetite for what is to come, he sends the following tid-bits:
     "Farnum Fish, now in the lumber business in Los Angeles, was the only American pilot injured in the Mexican revolution of that period."
     "We sent him out one afternoon,' writes Lester Barlow, to the staff correspondent of Chirp, 'to make observations of Obregon's troops, with strict instructions not to fly over the troops. But all Mexicans looked alike to Fish."
     "He flew at about 500 to 600 feet and it seemed to me that every Mexican---and there were thousands of them---opened fire on him."
     "Fish was several miles from my point of observation, but I noticed the old Wright go into a steep banked turn and then start back for our lines. It came in on a long flat glide and as we ran up to the machine, Fish fell over in a swoon."
     "He was bleeding badly, and the machine clear back to the tail was spattered with blood. Only one bullet had struck him, but it made four holes. It started in the fleshy part of the leg, went in the back side of the thigh, out again and into the shoulder."
     He was not dangerously wounded, but after this his ambition for war apparently was satisfied, for he returned to his home in Los Angeles."
     "Of Masson, Lawrence Brown, Eugene Heth, Howard Rinehart, Floyd Smith, Gustavo Salinas, Leonard Bonney and others, more anon."
courtesy of Steve Remington - CollectAir

i ovo:
from an unidentified newsclipping
Collection of Todd McVickar, 6-26-07
Fish, McGuire
Shot By Villa
     Fish, McGuire and Ken Williams had gone to Mexico in 1914 during the revolution to serve as airplane spotters for Pancho Villa's forces. They were offered wages of about $550 a month in gold.
     McGuire became involved in a dispute over pay with Villa and allegedly was shot in the back by the Mexican revolutionist. Although Fish and Williams were told the death occurred in a different manner, Fish had the misfortune of seeing the body.
     He was killed by a firing squad at the age of 19.
     Williams was more fortunate. He paid off the guards and escaped to the United States on a freight train.
     The flying done by the trio in Mexico proved one important thing. Airplanes could play an important part in warfare. Mexico was the proving ground.

Fajlovi prikačeni uz poruku (kliknite na slike za punu veličinu)

First Arial Bomb.jpg
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« Poslednja izmena: 29. Maj 2009, 18:29:44 od Papalu »
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»Bogu hvala, vek i po poživeh, u zdravlju i radu. Slutim da mi je vreme umirati, te ove reči u pero govorim advokatu Nikoli Novakoviću, jer u vas, deco moja, sve zajedno, nemam ni malo poverenja ...« Dalje: »Žao mi je što ste moji, a ne deca nekog mog neprijatelja. Ko je vas poznavao, ne mora se bojati pakla; sa đavolima će mu biti lepše i prijatnije. Sto se tiče moje imovine, a to vas jedino zanima, mogu vam saopštiti sledeće: sve što imam OSTAVLJAM SAMOM SEBI, jer verujem u drugi život. Znači, neka sve ostane kako je bilo za moga života, dok se ne vratim. Vaš otac — Pantelija Topalović.«
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