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Trenutno vreme je: 29. Sep 2024, 01:10:10
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Tema: Zeitgeist,The movie (Srpski subtitle)  (Pročitano 471599 puta)
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Очистимо Србију !

Pol Muškarac
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ne nisam u tom fazonu. ti o Tesli sigurno ucis iz knjiga u izdanju samizdata.
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Tako, tako, tako ... samo plivaj !

Pol Muškarac
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Ja sam o Tesli 4 godine slushao do detalja ... i uchio iz svih mogucih predmeta to chime se on bavio ... i danas me cela ta problematika jako interesuje ... dakle, bavim se elektro-tehnikom a ne Teslom.
Mitovi koji se o njemu shire samo kaljaju chinjenicu koliki je on genije bio i ostao.
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"Brian: You're drunk.
Stewie: You're sexy."
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'Ajde, 'ajde onda nemoj da kaljas nasu profesiju takvim izjavama...  Smile
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Tako, tako, tako ... samo plivaj !

Pol Muškarac
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kakvim ? shta sam pogreshno rekao ?
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"Brian: You're drunk.
Stewie: You're sexy."
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Izgledas mi kao lutkica iz Trsta ;)

Zodijak Gemini
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Ne mogu samo da se setim odakle su bili oni likovi sto su nam drzali predavanje o ovome...  Etf ne...  Smile

Na MIT-u su pre godinu dana tek uspeli da napajaju sijalicu sa rastojanja od jednog metra. Josh uvek ne postoji bezhichni prenos elektrichne enrgije koji mozhe da se kontrolishe na velikim rastojanjima, kao i prenos struje niskog napona ... pa nije Tesla bio Gandalf Smile ...


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You sharpen the human appetite to the point where it can split atoms with its desire; you build egos the size of cathedrals; fiber-optically connect the world to every eager impulse; grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar-green, gold-plated fantasies, until every human becomes an aspiring emperor, becomes his own God...
...and where can you go from there? 

12 MAR 2012 | 16 MAR 2012
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Џукеле ће ме докусурити...

Zodijak Aries
Pol Muškarac
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Alcatel OT 800 Tribe
Ne mogu samo da se setim odakle su bili oni likovi sto su nam drzali predavanje o ovome...  Etf ne...
Ma nemam pojma. Nesto sam odatle zapamtio i malo se tada zainteresovao pa sam i ponesto procitao...  Smile
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Speed kills, drive 2cv and live forever.
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Evo kako na infowars neki gledaju na film (odnosno Venus project):

1. Zeitgeist is the underhanded attempt of the globalist to infiltrate the truth movement.
But they didn’t get past ALEX……………………………

2. Zeitgeist is talking ABOUT CONTROL AND re-education !!!!!!!!!
I do not want Zeitgeist WORLD view pushed on me what would happen to me if i SAY NO?
That is a big no to this as well from me.

3. The way I see it, if a significant amount of people began utilizing free energy systems such as solar and wind energy, it would create a domino effect in society. When your neighbor sees that you no longer have to pay today’s ever-increasing gas prices or electricity bills, they will logically see the benefits and try to make their own cars and homes self sufficient. No shouting or waving of the fist would be necessary, the surrounding people would simply understand on their own why they should adopt the new ways of living. Is this not a good example of a simple, peaceful solution to the problem of elite control over the oil and energy monopoly?The key is to start strategically forcing the system we’re in to shift in the people’s favor until its collapse… While we’re still stuck in the monetary system, we have to do what we must to survive, so there’s no reason why we shouldn’t begin utilizing alternative, clean, free energy sources that will save us money to spend on other necessities and new alternatives to the current stale corrupt system. I think clean, infinite energy is a big first step to fixing the mess we’re in.

It’s reasonable to be skeptical of a system like the one Zeitgeist advocates being taken over by the corrupt elite, until you realize that the elite’s power lies completely in their ability to control and provide limited resources in a monetary system. No one can sell, or prohibit sunlight/wind/wave/tidal/geothermal energy. These energies are practically infinite, free to all who call this planet home. Once we realize and utilize these understandings and technologies, the most logical solution - a resource based economy of some sort - will surely prevail.

4. Ziegeist is pure NWO double speak. Example: The Federal Reserve is bad, 911 was an inside job, and Christian ethics are wrong. That’s why, according to the movie, we need a One World Consciencenous steeped in Marxism and Scientologist ideology. Pure B.S. from the director.

5. The opening symbol of this film is the sun god of the Illuminati. Again repeated at 1:43:40

Illuminati symbol eye at 0:00:21

Amazing how the woman, Roxanne Meadows, demonizes BARTER!!! I mean, cummon, if they want to to make the argument that money doesn’t exist in nature and a monetary system is inherently evil, why on earth demonize barter. This makes absolutely no sense. Barter is the hallmark of small independent self-sufficient communities. 1:11:13

Resource based economy = “is really concerned with people” aka Human Resources. Us. Taxed. Controlled. Us as the machines. Make sure you focus and fantasize on the pretty young woman’s face helping a child on the computer when they talk about this. 1:15:50

Roxanne Meadows: “People don’t know a lot about a lot of different subjects. I don’t think you could get people to go to war if they knew a lot about a lot of things.” 1:30:00 No you stupid ….., all we have to know is that all wars are manipulated so as to make the decision not to go to war.

Demonization of patriotism and weapons at 1:31:05

Roxanne Meadows: “The smarter your kids are, the better MY life will be.” 1:30:43 It doesn’t matter how you look at what she it trying to say here it makes absolutely no sense.

As Alex said today on the show, the hands making the pyramid symbol of the illuminati with the sun at the center is pretty disgusting. “Joy from from that bliss of connectedness. You can feel is DEEP in side of you. It’s just amazing.” 1:43:03 Pffffffffffffffffffft. Ooooooooooh it just feels soooooooooooooo gooooooooooood. Retard addict John Perkins trying to find forgiveness for all the bad things he’s done. Look at the guys tired looking heroine face. I’m sure he had to sober up for this interview.

1:55:40 “Create Critical Mass”. For what????? Certainly not for 9/11 truth. How bout saying no to income tax. Stop being a slave. There’s a critical mass for you. That would slap the system silly real quick.

6. ....
Read the pdf by venis project before you comment. Dont follow blindly.

Again I think no social movement will fix social problems since all problems are social problems.

At least Pter Joseph has a working solution rather than just ranting and bitching about the problems. No other Doc out there comes close to solutions like this.

Put up or shut up.

7. First off The Venus”Morning Star, Lucifer” Project is based in Venus, Florida, which is an unincorporated community, that is also the home of the “Mars Compound” which is the worlds largest, strictly homosexual community.

Secondly to all the Christians who say that if you deny Christ then you are anti-Christ, or against Christ; that is untrue. It’s a lure. To be anti-Christ, is to be INSTEAD of Christ. The Morning Star hails the arrival of the Sun/Son, or one can say it is the false light of morning, masquerading as the coming Sun/Sun. Denying Christ, is denying the true light, the truth, facts, and being suckered by the false, instead of light, lies. Not UNDERSTANDING.

Thirdly, and going back to my first point, the Venus Project and the people who want to implement it will offer a false son/sun, or anti-christ, instead of Christ.
Christ is nothing more than intellectual enlightenment, and there are people
who are Christ, and there are anti-christ.

There are very wicked powers at work who are sorcerers of Black(Saturn) magick, and those who are of Christ in effect are White sorcerers, because the practice of dispelling Black Magick is simply white magick.
That is why it is veryyyyyyyy important that the name given to the movement suggested in the film is occult(that which is hidden) for Lucifer, because it part of the lesser magick.
You need to wake up and realize that words terms and symbols are all the tricks these cheap magicians have, except for the ham fisted armies they manipulate.

8. ...
Even without the rational decision making problem the Resources-Based Economy raises several questions:

   * who controls the resources and makes the decisions (and based on which criteria)?
   * who allocates the work needed?
   * who is behind the law and order, and their enforcement?
   * By who’s standards, beliefs and values the society operates?

If the system is not based on voluntarily and mutual interaction between members of the society without any coercion and force against those who do not want to participate to the community it is no different from our current centrally controlled and manipulated (often tyrannical) structures.

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Pol Muškarac
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Sony xperia
IIzgleda da mesate neke stvari.
Ono sto Fahrenheit kaze, jos nisam negde procitao da je u vecoj meri uspelo. Medjutim, koriscenje tzv. polja, je stvar koja je otisla poprilicno daleko.

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S=T=O=P=======✈ =C=H=E=M=T=R=­A=I=L=S ===========✈

Zodijak Aries
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 Ok,sve je ok,mora da postoji zdrava rasprava.Takvi dokumentarci podižu veliku buru ali meni nije jasno zbog čega ne čujem ništa čak ni o postojanju Addenum-a na televiziji  Smile Smile Smile
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Ovi religiozni napadaju Josepha zbog onog anti religijskog dela iz keca. Drugi povezuju Z i venus project sa okultnim. Treci kazu da Z zagovara socijalizam (tj. komunizam), na sta su Ameri, jel, alergicni. Cetvrti ga pljuju jer se nije svideo Alex Jonesu, zakletom krscaninu, pa se odma i njima ne svidja. Peti da je to, ustvari, nista drugo do NWO sa matrejom (Antihristom) na celu. Ekonomisti (a i mnogi drugi) posmatraju movement iz sadasnje perspektive (a i verovatno im se ne svidja sto bi u tehnokratiji postalii tehnoloski visak!  Smile) pa nema sanse da progutaju Z, nego ce da ga zvacu dok ga ne ispljunju...

Ne znam, nisam pametan. Malo cu da iskuiram, ima da skinem DVD i upucam titl koji ce nadam se neki junak da upotpuni i sredi. A onda da ga rezem i delim.
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