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Shopping Centre and Hotel Ivanium

Investor: Grading Invest
Object info: Apartments, hotel, and shopping centre
Construction start: 2003
Construction finish: Summer 2006

In the very center of Belgrade, at a distance of only 150 metres from Terazije square, a business trade center with a hotel is being built. The total area of this facility is 10.700 m2, divided into 3 underground and 7 above ground levels.

This multifunctional facility consists of four areas:
- Shopping Center (total area of 3500 square metres)
- Hotel (total area of 2800 square metres)
- Garage (approximately 2600 square metres)
- Business Apartments (total area of 1800 square metres)

The hotel is situated in the centre of Belgrade and is close to many important locations and traffic connections in the city. The hotel has obtained a four-star rating and is intended mainly for businessmen, since the offer is based on complete service for guests who come for business purposes.

Business Apartments
There are 22 business apartments in Ivanijum that vary in size from 45 square metres to 150 square metres.

Shopping Centre
The shopping mall in this building consists of 105 commercial units with designed interiors, which are connected to the public area and arranged on three different levels.

Underground Garage
The undeground garage consists of 80 internal parking places (20 of which belong to the hotel), which are exclusively intended for the owners and users of this multifunctional complex.

Izvor : Beobuild
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Kalenićeva pijaca reconstruction


Investor: City of Belgrade
Object info: Reconstruction of the open market
Construction start: 2007
Construction end: 2008 not confirmed


The total reconstruction of the one of the oldest open markets in Belgrade. Kalenic pijaca is located in hearth of Belgrade, in Vracar district. The reconstruction of the open market includes the reconstruction of the whole market infrastructure, few underground levels and covered market.


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Project Francuska

Američka kompanija "Ocean Atlantic Properties" je najavila izgradnju moderne zgrade sa apartmanima i poslovnim prostorom u Francuskoj ulici. Sam objekat bi trebao da ima 12 000 kvadratnih metara, cena je projektovana na najmanje 12 miliona evra. 80% objekta će činiti stambeni prostor, ostatak će biti namenjen kancelarijama.

Investor: Ocean Atlantic International
Object info: 12.000,00 m2, 8 floors, 3 levels of underground garage
Construction start: November 2006
Construction finish: April 2008

Only 800m from main city square “Trg Republike” Ocean Atlantic International in partnership with “Immo East” the Austrian publicly traded investment company is developing the project “Francuska”.It is a mixed use residential commercial project of 18.500m2 gross surface with 8 floors above and 3 floors below ground. On a very attractive location in a popular downtown residential neighborhood called Dorcol.

Dorcol area is one of the old parts of city center, also very popular as residential area. The project is situated along a main arterial running into the Central Square of the city, approximately 8 blocks away from ground zero for Belgrade Primary school is less than 50 meters from our location, and one of Belgrade’s most popular farmer’s markets is three blocks away. 150 m from the location tenants can use bus, and tram lines, which connect to all parts of Belgrade. The longest side of the building fronts Francuska Street, which leads directly to the main city square. One of the Belgrade’s larger churches is only 3 blocks away.

Business residential facility is 12.000,00 m2, ground floor + 8 floors, and 3 levels of underground garage:

- Residential 80% apartments of all structures 30m2 – 140m2
- Business 20% - commercial space, office space – business apartments.

Izvor Beobuild

Hteo bi da dam skroman doprinos temi i ponekad okacim ako naidjem na nesto zanimljivo. Pozdrav.  Smile
« Poslednja izmena: 05. Nov 2006, 01:43:40 od Kowakian Monkey - Lizzard »
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Aqua Park Blok 44


Investor: Mikeli Stars and Genel
Object info: Water park and sports centre
Construction start: November 2005
Construction finish: June 2006


In New Belgrade, a presentation was held regarding a new recereational water park that has just started to be constructed in Blok 44. Serbia's famous basketball player Zarko Paspalj has announced this future attraction as his investment along with the company, Genel, from Novi Sad.

People in Belgrade will soon have the opportunity to enjoy at the water park, which have up until now only been present elsewhere. This kind of investment is important not just for New Belgrade, but for the entire city. The construction of this water park will enrich the lives of people in Belgrade.

Currently works in Blok 44 are concerning preparing the land for construction, and the park should be completed by May 25th, 2006. The project for the water park was done by Atelje Dušan Tešic' (ATD) and Polin from Turkey. The park will stretch across five hectares of land, where there will be 11 pools and 21 slides. These will be constructed in the first phase due to be completed by 2006.

Updated on june 15th
Due to financial problem, the construction of aquapark is on hold.



Updated in March 2006:

Updated in April 2006:

Aquapark Beograd
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Laki šinski sistem

Laki šinski sistem (Light Rail Transit) ili laki metro je glavni deo transportnog sistema mnogih svetskih gradova čiji je broj stanovnika približan Beogradu. U mnogim elementima razlikuje se od klasičnog ili teškog metroa, a za Beograd je najvažniji ekonomski - cena izgradnje lakog metroa je duplo niža.

U Beogradu se od sedamdesetih godina 20. veka čine napori da se krene sa izgradnjom šinskog sistema koji bi zadovoljio potrebe našeg grada. Početkom 21. veka Beograd se, u skladu sa Generalnim planom Beograda 2021. opredelio da započne projekat izgradnje lakog metroa koji će biti od izuzetnog značaja za budući sistem javnog prevoza grada. Na narednim stranicama možete pogledati delove projekta BELAM, koji je prva faza rada na beogradskom lakom metrou. Ovaj projekat finansirala je Direkcija za građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju Beograda, a njime se daje generalno rešenje trase prve linije lakog metroa kao i Prethodna studija opravdanosti.

Izvor: Direkcija za građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju Beograda

Trasa prve linije (Ustanička-Tvornička)

Shema Metroa

Koridor prve linije lakog metroa, koji je Generalnim planom Beograda za 2021. godinu definisan kao prioritetni, prostire se od Zemuna na zapadu do ukrštanja Bulevara Kralja Aleksandra i Ustaničke ulice, na istoku. U neposrednoj zoni uticaja koridora živi oko 270.000 stanovnika i ima oko 150.000 radnih mesta.
Trasa je postavljena površinski, u baštici, po sredini Bulevara kralja Aleksandra i ide do ukrštanja sa Sredačkom ulicom, gde ulazi u plitki tunel. Tunel ide ispod Bulevara, do Trga Nilole Pašića, zatim dubokim tunelom ispod Trga Republike i u blagom luku skreće ka ulici Pop Lukina.
Tu je formirana stanica Varoš kapija iz koje trasa dalje nastavlja novim mostom preko Save. Na levoj obali Save trasa ide do stanice Hyatt, gde se vrši ukrštanje sa postojećom tramvajskom trasom, zatim na zapad Ulicom Milentija Popovića i skreće u Bulevar AVNOJ-a gde nastavlja središnjom bašticom do ukrštanja sa Ulicom Omladinskih brigada. Trasa lakog metroa zatim skreće na sever, ka SO Novi Beograd i kod postojeće kružne raskrsnice nastavlja Bulevarom Mihajla Pupina do terminusa u Tvorničkoj ulici.

Ustanička - Varoš kapija (Download animacija01.avi 8,6MB)
Varoš kapija - Tvornička (Download animacija02.avi 11,1MB)

Izvor: Direkcija za građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju Beograda

Buduci izgled trase

Kliknite na sliku za uvećan prikaz izvoda iz tehničkog crteža trase prve linije lakog šinskog sistema (trasa.jpg 335KB)

Ukupna dužina predložene trase prve linije lakog metroa je 12,5 km, gotovo polovina trase je ili u tunelu ili na mostu tj. potpuno nezavisna trasa i to u centru grada što je karakteristika pravog metroa. Predviđeno je 20 stajališta od kojih je 8 podzemnih.
Planirano vreme trajanja izgradnje Prve faze lakog metroa iznosi 5 godina, a orijentaciona cena je oko 450 miliona EVRA. Broj putnika na novoj liniji lakog metroa procenjuje se na oko 40 miliona godišnje.

Laki metro izabran je i zbog ekonomski prihvatljive jedinične cene izgradnje po fazama, a tempo i način izgradnje usklađen je sa potrebama grada uz minimalno ometanje ostalog saobraćaja.
On će unaprediti sistem gradksog prevoza i ispuniti zahteve našeg grada i njegovih stanovnika.

Kada se svim navedenim karakteristikama dodaju i niski troškovi održavanja i eksploatacije, jednostavno se zaključuje da je ovo efikasan, siguran, isplativ, vizuelno privlačan i samim tim najbolji odgovor na potrebe savremenih Beograđana.

Izvor: Direkcija za građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju Beograda

Gox, ovo je malo verovatno da će u skoroj budućnosti biti kod nas.
argument, koji sam čuo je da će karta biti 1 euro. sad ti meni reci da li bi neko plaćao 1 euro da stigne fino do zvezdare do buvljaka?
odgovor je da neće. što bi plaćalai kad mogu da se klackaju 7-icom ili 95-icom za 27 dindži  Smile
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Pa jbga cuo si...Cisto sumnjam da ce biti 1 euro.Realnije je pola eura da je cena
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Dubai is to build the world's largest retail development (over five million ft²) alongside Burj Dubai (Dubai Tower). Burj Dubai is expected to be the world's tallest building when it is completed in 2008–2009 (although there are a lot of contenders for the title). Expected investments of Dh800 million and Dh3.9 billion, respectively, have been reported by EMAAR Properties PJSC, the real estate company behind both ambitious projects.

The Burj Dubai is designed to be at the centre of a large mixed development including 30,000 homes, nine hotels, six acres of parkland, 19 residential towers, and the 12ha Burj Dubai Lake. The whole development including the Burj Dubai and the Dubai Mall is exepcted to cost about US$8 billion.

The Dubai Mall project comprises a five million ft² mall, and residential and retail facilities. The actual mall will cover the equivalent of 50 international-sized soccer pitches and will be the largest shopping space in the world, larger than any existing malls in the USA. When completed in 2008, it is expecting to receive 35 million visitors in the first full year of business, followed by annual increases of 20%–30%.

Known affectionately as 'the Emerald Necklace', the 3km-long Burj Dubai Boulevard (located on the interchange between Sheikh Zayed Road and Doha Road) will incorporate a 73m right-of-way, three traffic lanes on each side, a landscaped parkway, pavement and plaza. The pedestrian pavement will be lined by date palms and shrubs and will feature outdoor cafes and restaurants. There will also be 16,000 underground car parking spaces, with further parking above ground.

The Burj Dubai Boulevard pedestrian pavements will open out at intervals in four main piazzas (named Piazza of Water, Wind, Fire and Earth), each one accommodating events and activities to suit the diverse tastes of visitors.

The Boulevard will lead to Tower Park, which surrounds the Dubai Tower. Tower Park will amount to 15ha of land containing water cascades, manicured lawns and exotic plant terraces. The Boulevard will also lead to the Island Park, a 2.6ha site laid mainly to lawn where visitors can relax, picnic and participate in outdoor sports.

Resembling an ocean liner from the outside, the interior of the Mall will accommodate over 1,000 individual shops located in between 10 and 15 distinct 'malls-within-a-mall'. The three-storey glass façade Mall will house the world's largest gold market and will be adjacent to a 12ha artificial lake.

The main centrepiece, Waterworld, will incorporate a water terrace, fountain oasis, waterfront atrium and an aquarium. The aquarium will be three storeys tall and feature glass 'walk-through' tunnels that will contain sharks, stingrays, turtles and other exotic marine life.

Construction started in late 2004, for completion in 2008. The mall construction is well underway according to the latest (2006) reports. Dutco Balfour Beatty-Al Ghandi & Consolidated Contractors International Company (DBB/ AG & CCC) are the main contractors for the Mall development. The architects are DP Architects PTE Ltd. The Civil and Structural Engineer is Meinhardt (Singapore) PTE Ltd. The main roof contractor is Arabian Profile.

EMAAR Properties contracted architects Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (Chicago, USA) to design and engineer the Burj Dubai. Located on Sheikh Zayed Road, it will be the centrepiece of the mixed development that will combine residential, commercial, shopping, hotel, entertainment and leisure outlets with open green spaces.

The Tower topping-out is expected in late 2008 and the tower will be ready for occupation in early 2009. Its height is being kept a well-guarded secret until completion (the architects have planned extra-deep foundations to enable more storeys to be added if another skyscraper under construction threatens to be taller) thus ensuring that when Burj Tower is completed, it will be the world's tallest building. It is estimated that the height will be approximately 810m.

Ground breaking occurred in September 2004 and the Burj Dubai has been under construction properly since 15 April 2005. The total number of habitable floors will be around 160. As of 26 June 2006, the Burj is at 50 stories and well over 190m high.

The height to the roof of the final building is likely to be around 575m while the remaining spire from the 156th floor onward to the top, will be a steel frame structure, unlike the lower portion's concrete. Emaar has stated this steel section may be extended to beat any other tower to the title of tallest, however once the tower is complete the height cannot be changed.

The tower design is derived from the geometries of an indigenous desert flower, as well as incorporating patterns found within Islamic architecture. The design was originally proposed by Skidmore Owings and Merrill for the Grollo Tower in Melbourne, Australia.

Designers shaped the structural concrete Burj Tower – which resembles a fat 'Y' in cross section, with a stepped-back profile – to dramatically reduce forces on the tower, keeping the structure simple.

The Tower has 15 tiers or groups of commonly-shaped floors over 100 storeys. They are staggered in a spiral stepping pattern as you go up the building. This causes the Tower's width to change at each setback – designed to 'confuse the wind', therefore keeping forces weaker. The building will use DOKA formwork systems for its initial structure.

The interior of the tower will be decorated by Giorgio Armani. An Armani Hotel (the first of its kind in the world) will occupy the lower 37 floors. Floors 45–108 will have 700 private apartments on 64 floors (which, according to the developer are already sold, having been bought within eight hours of going on sale).

Corporate offices and suites will fill most of the remaining floors, except for a 123rd-floor lobby and 124th-floor indoor/outdoor observation deck. The spire will also hold communications equipment. An outdoor zero-entry swimming pool will be located on the 78th floor of the tower. The tower will also feature the world's fastest elevator, at 18m/s (40mph).

Bauer Spezialtiefbau of Germany, along with Middle East Foundations (UAE), was awarded a €14 million contract to construct the foundations of the tower. A deadline of mid-July 2004 was set for the foundation and this was completed with little delay.

Samsung Corporation of South Korea along with Besix and Arabtec are the general contractors for the project, with assistance from Grocon of Australia and Turner Construction Corporation.

OTIS and Lerch, Bates and Associates Incorporated will provide the elevator engineering, installing double-decker elevators. Otis of the US has been awarded a contract to supply and install up to 54 lifts, while Switzerland's Schmidlin has won a contract for the tower's cladding. Construction subcontractors include Al Naboodah and Laing O'Rourke.

Trane, the air-conditioning systems and services business of American Standard Companies, was awarded the supply contract of one of the biggest district cooling networked systems in the world for the whole Burj development. Trane will provide 20 CenTravac centrifugal chillers (four were ready for installation in November 2005 and the remainder were delivered in January 2006).

EMAAR has also instigated an ambitious project to build three district cooling plants (DCP), designed by Allied Consultants, at the Burj Dubai site. These will support a sophisticated system that will offer a total capacity of 145,000t of refrigeration. An estimated 41,000t of air conditioning equipment will be involved in servicing the Burj Dubai tower and The Dubai Mall.

Due to the height of Burj Dubai, in order to achieve design temperatures at the top of the tower, Allied Consultants decided to use special low-temperature chillers. The ice storage will serve as a back-up cooling system in case of a major failure.

The central cooling plant will use the latest technology, based on low temperature chillers run on a special glycol solution, to deliver chilled water to the buildings. Emaar District Cooling, a newly established company, will be operating and managing these central plants. The Burj Dubai's water system will supply an average of about 946,000L (250,000gl) of water per day.


Eight international chain and boutique hotels will be an integral part of the 500-acre Burj Dubai development. These will add over 2,000 rooms to the Dubai hotel industry. Emaar Properties has recently signed an agreement with Southern Sun Hotels, the leading hotel group in the southern hemisphere, to manage and operate two hotels within the prestigious development (these will be opened by 2007).

The Business Park at Burj Dubai will consist of a number of commercial towers. Bu Haleeba Contracting and Al Nakhreh Contracting have been awarded two packages for the construction of office towers (each contract is worth Dh300 million).

Burj Dubai (Dubai Tower) will be the world's tallest building when it is completed in 2007.

The three-storey glass façade Mall will house the world's largest gold market.

Location of Dubai Mall in the shadow of Burj Dubai.

Resembling an ocean liner from the outside, the interior of the Mall will accommodate over 1,000 individual shops
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Bahrain World Trade Center, Bahrain

The Bahrain World Trade Center is an extension to the existing Sheraton Hotel complex and comprises two 50-storey sail-shaped commercial office towers, which taper to a height of 240m and support three 29m diameter horizontal-axis wind turbines. The towers are integrated on top of a three-storey podium which accommodates a new boutique shopping centre, fine dining, business centre and car parking.

Inspired by Arabian wind towers, the sail-shaped towers funnel the sea breeze into the three wind turbines. They act as aerofoils, funnelling and accelerating the wind velocity between them. The vertical sculpting of the towers also progressively reduces the pressure so that when combined with the rising velocity of the onshore breeze at increasing heights, a near equal regime of wind velocity on each turbine is achieved.

Understanding this phenomenon has been a key factor behind the success of this design. Extensive wind tunnel testing also confirmed how the shapes and spatial relationship of the towers sculpt the airflow, creating an ‘S’ flow. This ensures that within a 45° wind angle either side of the central axis, the centre of the wind stream remains perpendicular to the turbines. In this way, the turbines’ potential to generate power is dramatically increased.

The building also incorporates a large number of other sustainable features which make it environmentally responsive in reducing carbon emissions. The deep gravel roofs in some locations provide kinetic insulation, while balconies to the sloping elevations with overhangs provide shading. Dense concrete core and floor slabs will level loads and reduce peak demand with associated reductions in air and chilled water transport systems.

As it nears completion with the turbines being lifted into place this October, the project will signal a world first and potentially become a cornerstone of a new global emphasis on building design. The BWTC sets a precedent that wind turbine integration is possible in the built environment. It places environmental design on the forefront of clients’ and designers’ agendas in a highly visual way, and hopefully helps initiate more energy conscious developments worldwide.

The entrance to the Bahrain World Trade Center.

The building overlooks the Arabian Gulf.
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