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Trenutno vreme je: 02. Feb 2025, 20:09:06
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Tema: The devil inside (horor)  (Pročitano 7441 puta)
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39.min Bozic Petar (Partizan mt:s) missed dunk
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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 17305
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Па добро, већина хорора је оцењена просечном оценом 5. Неки мало преко, а неки као овај мало испод (или мало више, како се узме Smile ). Што се тиче хорора оцена на ИМДБ није баш меродавна.

Slazem se Smile

Ali opet...

Chicago Tribune Michael Phillips
The Devil Inside joins a long, woozy-camera parade of found-footage scare pictures, among them "The Blair Witch Project," the "Paranormal Activity" films and certain wedding videos that won't go away.
The Hollywood Reporter Michael Rechtshaffen
Never gets off the ground, trotting out the same predictable twisting heads and psycho-babble without a whiff of originality or discernible visual flair. As a result, the would-be thriller proves as scary and unsettling as a slab of devil's food cake - only considerably less satisfying.

A i samo to sto su 500 njih dali ocenu 1, ne znaci da nisu u pravu.Ali gledajuci ovo, i koliko su dali ocenu 10, ne bi me iznenadilo...

Gledao sam vec onaj Exorcismus pre par meseci, i nemam bas zelju da gledam neki slican film skoro...ali pogledacu nekad, cisto da vidim dal' je sranje kao sto kazu. Smile
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Calmly.. walk down the road.. and into your death..
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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 17305
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Cekao sam review od ovih sa "Upcoming Horror Movies" sajta da vidim dal' valja...

If you weren’t one of the millions of Americans who had the displeasure of sitting through “The Devil Inside” this past week, you’ve most likely heard the intense backlash that’s been associated with it. A lot of times, when a movie garners this much hatred, it’s the result of people just jumping on the bandwagon. But in special cases, such as this one, the infuriation is well deserved.

Told in the seemingly never ending “found footage” gimmick that has taken over our beloved genre the past few years, “The Devil Inside” is nothing more than scenes sloppily cut together featuring a young woman trying to prove that her mother is not criminally insane, but demonically possessed. But instead of focusing on the mother aspect of the story (which is never fully resolved), the movie chooses to jump around between different side plots in an attempt to leave no exorcism movie cliché unturned.

Like most of the audience in the near packed theater, I was foolishly tricked into seeing this waste of 80 minutes by EXTREMELY well cut TV spots and trailers. Unfortunately, any of the few tense or “scary” moments in the movie were shown in said advertisement, leaving nothing for the audience than weakly acted, implausible events.  Our main character enlists the help of two rogue exorcists who constantly defy the church’s orders to do what they believe. After scene after scene of the priests saying how their careers will be over if anyone ever found out what they’re doing, I really had to ask myself, “then why the hell are you letting a guy with a camera capture everything you do?” Just saying.

Like most found footage movies, everything that’s “important” is conveniently caught on camera. But this film brings new meaning to the word “laziness” when it comes to explaining why the cameraman is still rolling. There’s a scene during a baptism that has zero to do with any of the events involving the exorcisms, so to explain why it’s being recorded, the cameraman simply says “oh hey, remember you said you’d let me tape that baptism today?” That’s it.

Though it starts off as a slow burn of a movie, it abruptly switches to a barrage of insanity involving exorcism after exorcism. And while nothing original at all was involved in these scenes, the movie started to move at a good pace. I accepted the movie for what it was, and I would even say I was legitimately entertained by the last fifteen minutes’ absurdity as the demon jumped from person to person like HPV in a college dorm.

Just when you thought the movie was about to veer into a third act of mindless, stupid badassery, the movie just ends. Yup, spoilers be damned, the piece of shit just fucking ends. Smile Even worse, it ends with a website popping up on the screen that the audience is encouraged to go to find out what happened during this “case”. People go to movies like this to be entertained for a couple hours, NOT to be given homework. The ONLY redeeming part of this “movie” (and I use that word with a grain of salt) is that Suzan Crowley’s performance as the possessed mother was standout intense and, dare I say, captivating.  If only she was actually given something that resembled significant screen time.

“The Devil Inside” is a lazy, uncreative cash-in on the popular “found footage” gimmick. The plot (and most of the performances for that matter) is all over the place, when it should have just picked one story and stuck with it. Never before has an ending given such a big “we already got your money, so fuck you” to an audience before.

« Poslednja izmena: 21. Jan 2012, 03:33:08 od pleybeck »
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Calmly.. walk down the road.. and into your death..
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Zodijak Scorpio
Pol Muškarac
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Nisam gledao i ako sam horor fanatik, ali ovi me ubedili da ga zaobiđem u širokom krugu
U toj recenziji sam video dovoljno scena da slobodno mogu da kažem, da neće izaći veće sranje od horora do kraja godine.
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Before all else, be armed.

Zodijak Scorpio
Pol Muškarac
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Zastava Beograd, Mirijevo
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To "najstrasniji" bas ide sa 4.2 ocenom Smile

Сада има још нижу оцену. Smile

"Đavo u tebi" stiže u bioskope

Horor film "Đavo u tebi" (Devil inside) režisera Vilijema Brenta Bela od četvrtka, 16. februara, stiže na repertoare bioskopa Kolosej, Cineplexx Srbija i Takvud u Beogradu, kao i bioskop Arena u Novom Sadu..

Godine1989. godine, policija je primila poziv od strane Marije Rosi (Suzan Krauli) koja je priznala da je brutalno ubila troje ljudi. Dvadeset godina kasnije, njena ćerka Izabela (Fernanda Andrade) pokušaće da otkrije šta se tačno desilo te večeri. Ona će otputovati u bolnicu Sentrino za lečenje duševno obolelih kriminalaca u Italiji gde je njena majka zatvorena da bi proverila da li je njena majka zaista mentalno obolela ili je zaposednuta demonom. Kad regrutuje dva mlada isterivača đavola (Sajmon Kvoterman i Evan Helmut) da izleče njenu majku koristeći nekonvecionalne metode kombinovanja nauke i religije, susreće se lice u lice sa čistim zlom u formi četiri moćna demona koja su zaposela Mariju.

Film je napravljen po istinitoj priči, a za prvi vikend prikazivanja je zaradio čak 33 miliona dolara na svetskim blagajnama.

Izvor: B92

Fajlovi prikačeni uz poruku (kliknite na slike za punu veličinu)

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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 17305
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Mozilla Firefox 3.6.21
"Đavo u tebi"

Jes' u meni... Smile Valjda "Djavo unutra"?

A dobro...makar nisu preveli nesto deseto, kao sto RTS radi.

3.6 ocena jbt, mora da su ga bas usrali.Briga milion, uzeli 50...
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Calmly.. walk down the road.. and into your death..
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Zivot je ringispil i kola na sudaranje

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zna li se kad izlazi DVD verzija?
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Trenutno vreme je: 02. Feb 2025, 20:09:06
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