ovu mladu cigancicu treba dobro odvaliti od kurca pa da vidi sve grandove zvezde i zvezdice, bolje da je neko cepa sa foruma nego onaj degenerik sasa popovic [flash=200,200][/flash] Bravo!
Ко рескира профитира... Србија Србима, Европа Европљанима... Heart Breaker... U kafileriji se neprekidno ubijaju psi i to ne agresivni, već SVI. Štenci stari mesec, dva, veliki, mali, mešanci i rasni, bez izuzetka, posle sedam dana biće ubijeni injekcijom otrova! U proseku između 50 do 200 pasa ubiju nedeljno! Više od 7 000 pasa ubiju godišnje u kafileriji u Beogradu.
-Kyle: Wow! That's a lot of seamen, Cartman. -Cartman: Yeah, I bought all that I could at this bank, and then I got the rest from this guy Ralph in an alley. -Stan: That's cool. -Cartman: Yeah, and the sweet thing is, the stupid asshole didn't even charge me money for it. He just made me close my eyes and suck on a hose.
-Kyle: Wow! That's a lot of seamen, Cartman. -Cartman: Yeah, I bought all that I could at this bank, and then I got the rest from this guy Ralph in an alley. -Stan: That's cool. -Cartman: Yeah, and the sweet thing is, the stupid asshole didn't even charge me money for it. He just made me close my eyes and suck on a hose.
-Kyle: Wow! That's a lot of seamen, Cartman. -Cartman: Yeah, I bought all that I could at this bank, and then I got the rest from this guy Ralph in an alley. -Stan: That's cool. -Cartman: Yeah, and the sweet thing is, the stupid asshole didn't even charge me money for it. He just made me close my eyes and suck on a hose.