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Tema: Satan Panonski  (Pročitano 19695 puta)
29. Nov 2006, 15:47:08
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Satan Panonski

Ivica Čuljak, rođen 04.06. 1960. možda poznatiji pod nadimkom Kečer II. sa svojom popratnom legendom dolazi iz Cerića, malog sela kraj Vinkovaca. 1980. godine započinje svoj umjetnički životni pravac, okušavši se kao pjevač alternativnog benda Pogreb X, nakon čega četiri godine kasnije, preuzima pseudonim "Satan Panonski" pod kojim nastaju tri autorska albuma, desetak demo snimki uživo, nekoliko "Hard-blood-shock" video zapisa, jedna od kvalitetnijih zbirki poezije na ovim prostorima, te gomola recitala i performansi. U umjetnosti je prije svega sudjelovao i svojim svakidašnjim ekscentričnim odijevanjem i mističnim ponašanjem. Bio je jednostavan, a jedinstven čovjek, koji je poginuo 27.01. 1992, kao Hrvatski vojnik, negdje na bojištu, a pri toj bi izjavi njegovi mnogobrojni prijatelji i fanovi uvijek rado voljeli reći: "Satan Panonski je možda i poginuo, ali mrtav sigurno nije!" Stoga, možemo i zaključiti, kako Satan Panonski ne predstavlja samo muziku ili umjetnost. Satan Panonski predstavlja i način življenja!

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Biografija pisana od strane doticnog!
by: Ivica Čuljak
Satan Panonnian

The name, by which shall I, Ivica Culjak - catcher II, perform was not found by myself, (in my head) it was concieved by Reality, Society, Mediocrity of Vinkovci, first of all a town of phantoms, terrorists, anarchists, junkies, homosexuals, lesbians, a city of desinformation, controverse, apsurd, paradox, a town of 40,000 inhibitants, a city which is rightfully named:"Chicago of Yugoslavia".....
There were and there still are teachers and proffesorship, who in their primary and high school still lecture on themes:"Catcherism-terrorism", "Anti-Catcherism" of which by its teaching and lesture is most dangerous for adolescents:"Catch-punk". I don't swear Balkan, or my cornfields of Slavonia where I was born, but which I can not feel. It is obvious (as in most of the cities) that Mediocrity condemns every form of larger freedom, freedom that the "people" never saw (got used to it), people in whose name they bring verdicts-press charges, in whose name they deceit and invent some dogmatic principles. If my desperate attitude about discrimination, my rejecting of class diferences made me leave in May 1977, my high school. If I competed in always open (but now late "dog-house", "shack", "flee-house") with notorious alhocolics in bizzare championship not coming out of it for seven days just to get a reward of three litres of "Brandy", it was not because I hated the system, or those who with their megalomanic tendencies run it, because I started despising my own being, and to make me more suffer I accepted in 1978, the "host" of Punk in Germany, and in that form, form of a self destructor, penetrate into the Ghost itself of the town Vinkovci. I like that town. I like the river Bosut though it stinks, and stinks because in its waters my beloved friends, the faithfull Pavo Pap and Goran Matoševic drowned, and even Mario Pokrovac with whom I was not so close, because he had and he needed a different kind of peace beside ours, Once shiny and never grey-toned self destructor became an agressor....the town didn't need explanations, or did he tolerate them, the town transformed good into more good, evil into greater they made a Legend out of me, and a mystery, on the other side crystal-clear, someone everybody knew about. They could have accepted me better if I was a homosexual or a "nationalist-terrorist", but they did not because I was a heretic, pagan, by my national belonging a Punk, by my proffesion a Friend.
That's why the cop when asking for my I.D. (which I openly stated on my trial in 1985) left mad. It was not written in the State law, Constitution. It was not written in it, but in 1997 when I saw it all, I mixed it and put into myself, and then I started throwing out of me the thunderous truth. The Agressors did not like my self-destruction, so they attacked me with various "tools", and I defended myself, first spitting ice out of my eye, then with words, and if that didn't help I used this little paws and my fangs. If those who represent the Law don't protect me, unless I'm a member of Mormons, I will go and take that Law and take it myself through the criminal squads. Ther are no more attacks in the town of Vinkovci, not on me, on my friends. This is a time of prosperity. After eight years of tormenting isolation, I am no more a man, but TIME. They still fight betveen themselves, not only adolescents, but everyone who wants to publicly display his Pride, because in Vinkovci to be proud is forbidden, but if you display it you have to be a KAMIKAZE, you have to be considered smart & crazy, then, only then you have a chance to be a legend, from who everyone runs away. The cause for everything written down here, it's easy to make a conclusion why I, in 1988. decided that my new creative life, work and artistical forming, carries the name of "SATAN PANONNIAN", so strong, convincing, trustworthy and necessery. The author of everything that was made, brought up as Satan Panonnian is Ivica Culjak-Catcher II with a help of some of my friends....
Eleven years of my punk existence, Punk is not my way, or my style of living, not a kind of music or a kind of life, because Punk can not be played, Punk can be lived only if that is the name you have given to your walk through naughty reality. I could have called myself a hippy or heavy-metal, anything, but nothing like the "underground" was so close to reality, nothing like that honest Truth, spoke bravely of Truth, nothing like punk, and the beauty is when a punk recognize other punk, like one gypsy another on the street. Thats the charm of punk and I think the main characteristic of punk. Through all these years I unite people in Punk, and when I reached the highlight, the limit, I went into something different but similar, Rock'n'roll, but what is punk than a R'n'R chil weaned with revolt, not allowing itself to be harassed, like it was the case with the hippies (except honourable specimens) who sang of peace and love, something surreal, surrounded by lies, greed, envy, fight for prestige. They sang of something nonexistent, they didn't write and sing of the Truthfull Moment. I remind there were exceptions (not C. Manson). Punk was and is still being rejected in those countries in which it showed up. They shouldn't and couldn't forbid it to those under 18 who call their living by that honourable word, but no punk will suceed, who came out of prankishness, out of youth-curiosity, who is not resistent, who has not his own understandings-truths about Reality, Civilization, Man. That is luminous and with out any power, like those whom their fathers and mothers afford everything, who has the protection of the Law-giver, who finds satisfaction in providing materialistic, and than he plays with drugs....and goes to ruins. Everyone who took drugs out out of desperate situation, and knew why they needed it, with what kind of play, the play of Truth shall be forgotten, they survived, and I know them, here and everywhere, who stick the needle for 20 years. Desperate with the injustice I was twice addicted to drugs (tablets), but I'm not now, because I'm strong, because I had a reason to take them, not to make my youth a cheerfull one, but for the reason of not breaking down of pain and weakness, to fight those who judge me in many ways, out of many reasons. It is known that I comitted homicide in 1981, but I truthfully claim, defending myself from bunch of gamblers and those who don't believe, can think of it how they wish. I just want that those who I love and know, trust me, and others how they please.
Speaking out the truth, out of myself (not about myself) in form of music I started in autumn of 1980. When I put out a thought, I have to accomplish it, do it, it has to happen. The band "Pogreb X" (Funeral X) out of Vinkovci, formed a man named Vlado Soldo, a bass player. Seeing me jumping on Sex Pistols, Sham 69, Clash, Ramones, U.K. Subs...asked me if I know how to sing, and I replayed:"I don't sing and I don't know if I can sing, but if you need it, and if I want to know it, I'll sing in your band". The same auatumn of 1980., came my appearance with them in the "Youth Hall" as a part of a "Youth Conference" where they were discussing the problems of youth (drinking, Hong Kong films) of all negative tendencies for the development of socialistic consciousness, progress. The bosses of the town fled away with the threat that it wont happen again, when I broke a bottle of bear on my head, and said: "You came here to cheat, deceit them, not to help". But there was no sense and no way of forbiding me to appear, and if they did that in the town itself I would do a concert in my village Ceric, in the forest, anywhere. The lyrics of that time, were good for that time but now when I look upon them, they don't feel the same, except the lyrics of the song "Eyes In The Fog", which can be found on this record. I learned, then in 1980./81. that when I write lyrics to sing, I know how to sing it rightaway. So I sang it to the bass player Soldo, he played a tune on the bass and it went...I can listen and enjoy many types of music, except Madonna and standard jazz. Everything that has its artistic value. My music is underground, like before back west, Iggy Pop, Siouxie, Damned, underground is art, everything else is just transforming R'n'R into filth, everything what is sold in 500.000 copies. Absolute, original art can not be commercial (on the Jackson level) because the people, mass, mediocrity don't consume art. Some consume it, and act they understand it without knowing what is it all about, they lie about what they feel, they act of being with strong intelect and power of breaking into the core of Truth. Satan Panonnian is not only music, performing concerts, it is theater, poetry, prose, art of painting, artistic decoration of clothes, if you want I'll artistically dug up potato, there is no grass blade that my eye will miss. I destroy weed. Satan Panonnian is not R'n'R band, Satan Panonnian is a NEW LIFE, without tricks, representing itself on a most ghastly way with the "fear requisites", with a Self-destructive way of shoving my own views of Total Truth (which if I feel it completely, makes me suicidal, but I play, and with the play I forget the Total Truth, so I stay alive). With the band "Pogreb" I made my last appearance in 1985. in Zagreb, then came a pause, until 1988, when with the blessing of Z.F. I held a recital of lyrics in "Kulušic", then on "Teat-rock" (three days of recital), and in March in Zagreb and Beograd. I owe my gratitude to Korozija (Corrosion)-drummer (he doesn't belong only to the band Majke but to every human), Goran Bare-vocal, Killme-bass player (all out of the band Majke) who accompanied me to make the demo, play with me on concerts, sing back vocals. I don't know anyone beetveen of those hundreds of musicians who could have played that what Satan Panonnian showed on this record. They can do it, because they can read my soul on my face, out of my blood while performing body art, out of anger when I cut my head with my nails. I deserved this vinyl, although satisfaction is greater, because my father will no longer say:"Fuck you, you are a dirty punk for ten years, and you haven't accomplished anything. Satan Panonnian is Catcher II, by the age, second of three sons, of anarchist Nikola Culjak, who is guilty, my dear father, of me being Satan Panonnian. Satan is like reumatism, when drawn into the bones (of R'n'R) it can never come out. I am proud of all truth that you are about to listen, or are listening.....

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by: Ivica Čuljak
Riznica ekstremiteta

"Y", učlanjen jesi u Prokletstvo moje. Hrabro ulaziš ne obaziruć se na sve Avetne Stražare pred Vratima Krvi Lake, Hrama Prokletstva. Da bi stigao jasno blizu Satana Panonskog, nužno je zaboravit sve čem' učiše Te, u nepovrat baciti sve što darovahu Ti, ismijati ono što obećaše! Zidovi hrama su ledeni, njih ne dotiči, prije no što zaplačeš pričešćen Teškom Krvlju Satanovom, ledom i vatrom umij oba obraza, vatrom lijevi, ledom desni obraz, jer u desnom krilu Satanovom sjediti hoćeš, ako uspiješ. Cigle što čine zid Hrama, od živa tkiva jesu ispečene Satanova, a te cigle u ime vezivnog materijala pijesak ne povezuje, ne, nego balzamirani Smaragdni Spermatozoidi Satanovi. Tijelo Satanovo ikad ugledaš li sasvim nago, vidjeti hoćeš ubode još užasavajuće žive, kao invazija gusjenica tenkova boljševika i napalma fašističkog da trgala to Tijelo jest. A tijelo sveto nije! Mnogim izuzetno smionim Ratnicima što krcati darovima Istine htjedoše desno krilo zaposjesti Satanovo, na samim vratima već, ulazu u Hram, Avetni Stražari razne ekstremitete pootkidaše, sve one koji Totalnu Istinu ne sadržaše! Nekima glave, onim baš kukavicama, što baš ne bijahu valjani Ratnici a prsiše se jeftino. Ma nije se moguće pretvarati ni pred oštrim Umom Stražara ulaznih vrata Hrama, a nikako ne kod ulaza u Riznicu Ekstremiteta, gdje hladniji no mermer očima što parališu Psihopata stražari, on – Komandant Kaznenog Odreda Za Odmazdu (COZZO), kojeg ni najnadareniji mitski glavosječa nadmašio po Djelima nije. Psihopata nema Dušu; još dok u utrobi majčinoj bijaše, skovao je paklene planove za iz sebe Oslobođenje od Istine i Laži. On ne može pogriješiti. Dušu iz maternice materine mu uze Satan, odnese do Vrha Planine Odmazde, i dade je za posljednji obrok orlovima trima, koji uskoro će iščeznuti iz svoje vrste! A zašto dušu Psihopatinu Satan Panonski za se ne zadrži? Jer, ona će, Satan je znao, biti Oslobođena od Istine i Laži, i, takva mu Duša ne treba, nego koristi jedino Psihopatine Oči i Srce, oštroumnost od čije rafiniranosti oni koji dokučiti je htjedoše, Razum izgubiše. U Riznici Extremiteta gdje Testisi potpuni i Vagine nedeflorirane ležaj sačinjavaju, a jastuk jesu dva unakrsno u Vagine zabijena Penisa, tu je SATAN PANONSKI, te onima bez extremiteta nudi svoju Krv Tešku nek piju. Nitko čitav do Riznice dospio nije, nit vidio, nit doživio Mir Satanov, dakle nije Spasio Satanovo Tijelo da zadrži Dušu. Smjeli mladi PUNK ratniče uspiješ li kojim slučajem, kleknuti, ja, Satan Panonski nad Tobom hoću, tad na Tvoje zjenice očne pustiti po dvije suze ubojite, i, nikad više svojeg Vida, Srca, Razuma, Duše – imati nećeš. Što, samo slijep kadar si ugledati Mir Satanov, Mir kojeg sam Satan pronaći ne može, nego samo takva pobjednička ruka Istine. Taj Mir, Satan čeka od nastanka svojeg. Mi, tad biti hoćemo jedan drugome Žrtva! Volim te! Plakati ću ako Statut i Odmazda straže Avetne i Psihopata oslobođen Istine i Laži uništi Te! Stoga, dugo i čistim brusom oštri sječivo Istine, što samo tako put do mene i sve prepreke savladati se mogu!

Ako jesam ikad imao saznanje, značenje riječi Čovjek i Vrijeme, jesam izgubio. Vidim, već si prošao pored Straže Avetne ulaznih vrata Hrama. Sad si u holu i na sve strane bezbroj vrata, a samo jedna vode do Riznice Extremiteta. Ako promašiš, nema nanovnog pokušaja. Samo savim čistom Ljubavlju i Istinom vođen, znati ćeš koja Vrata treba otvoriti, kojeg Stražara Sablasnog Istinom sasjeći. Moja Duša nad Tobom lebdi, let čuješ, podstrekom si prožet mojim. Dok sve ovo Ti iznosim riječju napisanom, ne osjetim se Čovjekom, nego Duhom bez Tijela, tako ovaj čas puno

misliš na mene, znam. Ne pitam se je li pravedno ovo što Ti činim, odnosno – jedan drugome. Nekad, u doba CATCH's WAY-a dok oči sam mnogima otvarao i otvorio, to tad se pitah. U Tvom slučaju ne, jer doživljavam ljepotu Istine Ti apsolutno. Imaj snage! Duša moja Tijelu kad naredi da padne, a to će izreći kad Ratnik pobije sve Stražare Avetne i Sablasne, a Ratnika uništi Psihopata. Tad Psihopata koji je Oslobođen od Istine i Laži, umišti moje Tijelo, a Duh moj vine se do Vrha Planine Odmazde k uginulim orlovima, iz usmrđenih im lešina skupiti djeliće Duše Psihopaatine, učinim mozaik, a to je jedinjenje ravno najvećim mitskim Pobjedama. Tad će nakon obilna plača, svi ljubljeni drugovi i drugarice najkrasnije Darove steći za Srce si i Um, a od njihova Prvog duševnog Ljubavnika, Prokletstvo Satana Panonskog. Idi i Čekaj! Čekam Te i samome sebi molim se za Pobjedu Tvoje Istine. Čekam Te!

Mrff. Ivica Čuljak – Kečer II
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