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Tema: RAGE  (Pročitano 14834 puta)
01. Okt 2011, 00:45:47
Svakodnevni prolaznik

Zodijak Aries
Poruke 449
Opera 11.51

Oficijalni sajt
Rage is the highly anticipated postapocalyptic action game that's being developed by id Software, creator of Doom and Quake. This unusual game combines first-person shooter gameplay, racing, and exploration on a planet that was absolutely devastated by a falling meteor, but it wasn't always clear exactly how the game would work. Until now. We recently had an opportunity to visit id Software's new headquarters in Richardson, Texas, to see for ourselves not only how the game is coming along, but also how you'll progress over the course of the game. Please note: This story contains minor plot spoilers.The Electronic Entertainment Expo demonstration of Rage will consist of five portions of the game: "find buggy parts," an early-game mission; Mutant Bash TV (we've covered this section of the game previously and found it to be a life-or-death game show reminiscent of the classic arcade game Smash TV); Dead City (the mutant-filled city we've also visited previously, at last year's QuakeCon event); the Authority prison, an all-new area we decided to explore extensively in this session; and "Dusty 8 Rocket Race," a series of vehicle races.

 Since we've seen most of the other areas and have also seen how some of Rage's races work, we started with the early buggy mission to get a better sense of how the game begins and then spent most of our time playing through Dead City and the previously unrevealed Authority prison.

 We began our session in the spacious office theater of id's new offices, playing the Xbox 360 version of the game on a huge cinema-style screen (which we highly recommend as a way to play all games, if possible), with id creative director Tim Willits at our elbow to help walk us through the game (which we found to be more of a take-it-or-leave-it proposition). All kidding aside, the game's creative director helpfully pointed out that Rage will be structured around the wasteland--a sizable outdoor area that will provide many opportunities for exploration but will also serve to guide you toward specific indoor missions, which id refers to as "instances." Instances, Willits explained, will represent "more of the traditional id game experience," with plenty of directed, close-quarters combat--though as we'll explain later, Rage's gun battles aren't exactly the same as what you might expect from a Doom or a Quake game. In other words, throughout the game, while you'll usually have the freedom to putter around the wasteland, you'll generally always have somewhere specific to go on your to-do list.

 Rage apparently starts with a tutorial area that runs through the basics of the game's controls, as well as how to use a wingstick, one of the game's most basic, low-tech thrown weapons. As we've explained in our previous coverage, this crude-looking and unassuming sliver of scrap metal acts as a boomerang when thrown and will return to your hand if it has an unobstructed path back to you. However, against poorly armored humanoid enemies, such as bandits and weaker mutants, a well-armed wingstick toss can be an instantly lethal attack that cleanly decapitates its target. With a couple of these in our inventory, we were ready to get started playing the game--just as soon as we took a moment to familiarize ourselves with the console interface.

 Spend about three seconds poking around Rage's interface, and it'll become pretty obvious that this isn't just another arcade-style shooter that gives you 10 different guns and puts you on the hunt for health packs lying on the ground. Instead, pressing the select button (or back button, in the case of the Xbox 360 controller) opens up Rage's multi-page inventory screen, which includes all items your character has picked up sorted by their purpose (whether they be crafting components, usable items, or junk items you can sell for cash). If you have even the slightest interest in exploring environments and poking around, you'll pick up plenty of items as loot from fallen enemies, hidden valuables locked behind secure doors, or just remnants from before the world, as people knew it, came to an end. When we asked how much all this stuff would weigh down our character, Willits quipped, "I love [Elder Scrolls and Fallout 3 lead producer] Todd Howard, but I hate encumbrance." Yes, even though the game's exploration and loot discovery seem highly reminiscent of Bethesda's Elder Scrolls games and Fallout 3, Rage won't have any kind of inventory encumbrance system to slow you down.

 In addition to letting you quickly view all the items you're carrying, Rage's inventory menu chronicles all your outstanding "jobs" (in-game quests you've taken), a huge list of stats (which chronicle your weapon use, enemies killed, and many other figures), and any and all crafting recipes you've picked up, such as for bandages (which are created by combining rags with antiseptic), wingsticks, and more-advanced items like exploding remote-control cars, stationary turrets, and spider robots--pint-sized, autonomous, eight-legged robots with built-in miniguns that automatically chase down your enemies without having to receive any orders. This inventory menu also lets you scroll through your weapons, which, in Rage, include the basic settler's pistol, the combat shotgun, the semi-automatic assault rifle, the rocket launcher, the sniper rifle, a fully automatic machine gun you pick up from the mysterious antagonists known as the Authority, and the "striker" crossbow--though weapon selection isn't the end of the story, since most, if not all, weapons have at least two types of ammunition, and some have three or four. While you start off with only the basic settler's pistol, you can eventually pick up multiple ammo types that will let you really mess around with environments and with your enemies. The striker crossbow, for instance, uses a basic crossbow bolt that silently deals piercing damage to its target, but it can also be equipped with electro bolts that can electrify pools of water, turning them into deadly traps, and can also neutralize the glowing tower shields that some Authority troopers use to absorb incoming fire. Later, you can even find mind-control bolts that briefly give you control of an enemy and let you walk it in a certain direction, such as toward other enemies, before blowing it to bits with a concussive blast that damages other nearby foes.You can use this inventory screen to manually equip different weapons and ammo types, but the console versions of the game will let you map four different weapons to a diamond-shaped, four-slot quick menu accessed by pressing your controller's right bumper (you can hold down the button and then use your right analog stick to choose a specific weapon, or repeatedly tap the bumper to swap to the next one). In addition, you can map up to four different usable items to a four-item quick menu by first assigning each one to the menu using the D pad and then tapping the left bumper to use your currently selected item. It took a bit of practice, but we eventually got the hang of things.
Once we'd gotten our bearings, we ventured forth into this brave new world to pick up our first wingstick from the helpful members of the Hagar settlement--the residence of wasteland tinkerer Dan Hagar and his ragtag band of misfits. The early part of the game even has a simple shooting gallery minigame to acquaint you with using the wingstick (which again, when equipped, can be tossed with a quick tap of your controller's left bumper) but quickly scoots you out into the desert on your first mission with a word of advice--seek out as much valuable feltrite (the mysterious metal from the asteroid that nearly destroyed the earth) as possible.
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Get Whredy to DIE!I was born whredy motherfucker!

Zodijak Capricorn
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Oficijalni sajt
Rage is the highly anticipated postapocalyptic action game that's being developed by id Software, creator of Doom and Quake. This unusual game combines first-person shooter gameplay, racing, and exploration on a planet that was absolutely devastated by a falling meteor, but it wasn't always clear exactly how the game would work. Until now. We recently had an opportunity to visit id Software's new headquarters in Richardson, Texas, to see for ourselves not only how the game is coming along, but also how you'll progress over the course of the game. Please note: This story contains minor plot spoilers.The Electronic Entertainment Expo demonstration of Rage will consist of five portions of the game: "find buggy parts," an early-game mission; Mutant Bash TV (we've covered this section of the game previously and found it to be a life-or-death game show reminiscent of the classic arcade game Smash TV); Dead City (the mutant-filled city we've also visited previously, at last year's QuakeCon event); the Authority prison, an all-new area we decided to explore extensively in this session; and "Dusty 8 Rocket Race," a series of vehicle races.

 Since we've seen most of the other areas and have also seen how some of Rage's races work, we started with the early buggy mission to get a better sense of how the game begins and then spent most of our time playing through Dead City and the previously unrevealed Authority prison.

 We began our session in the spacious office theater of id's new offices, playing the Xbox 360 version of the game on a huge cinema-style screen (which we highly recommend as a way to play all games, if possible), with id creative director Tim Willits at our elbow to help walk us through the game (which we found to be more of a take-it-or-leave-it proposition). All kidding aside, the game's creative director helpfully pointed out that Rage will be structured around the wasteland--a sizable outdoor area that will provide many opportunities for exploration but will also serve to guide you toward specific indoor missions, which id refers to as "instances." Instances, Willits explained, will represent "more of the traditional id game experience," with plenty of directed, close-quarters combat--though as we'll explain later, Rage's gun battles aren't exactly the same as what you might expect from a Doom or a Quake game. In other words, throughout the game, while you'll usually have the freedom to putter around the wasteland, you'll generally always have somewhere specific to go on your to-do list.

 Rage apparently starts with a tutorial area that runs through the basics of the game's controls, as well as how to use a wingstick, one of the game's most basic, low-tech thrown weapons. As we've explained in our previous coverage, this crude-looking and unassuming sliver of scrap metal acts as a boomerang when thrown and will return to your hand if it has an unobstructed path back to you. However, against poorly armored humanoid enemies, such as bandits and weaker mutants, a well-armed wingstick toss can be an instantly lethal attack that cleanly decapitates its target. With a couple of these in our inventory, we were ready to get started playing the game--just as soon as we took a moment to familiarize ourselves with the console interface.

 Spend about three seconds poking around Rage's interface, and it'll become pretty obvious that this isn't just another arcade-style shooter that gives you 10 different guns and puts you on the hunt for health packs lying on the ground. Instead, pressing the select button (or back button, in the case of the Xbox 360 controller) opens up Rage's multi-page inventory screen, which includes all items your character has picked up sorted by their purpose (whether they be crafting components, usable items, or junk items you can sell for cash). If you have even the slightest interest in exploring environments and poking around, you'll pick up plenty of items as loot from fallen enemies, hidden valuables locked behind secure doors, or just remnants from before the world, as people knew it, came to an end. When we asked how much all this stuff would weigh down our character, Willits quipped, "I love [Elder Scrolls and Fallout 3 lead producer] Todd Howard, but I hate encumbrance." Yes, even though the game's exploration and loot discovery seem highly reminiscent of Bethesda's Elder Scrolls games and Fallout 3, Rage won't have any kind of inventory encumbrance system to slow you down.

 In addition to letting you quickly view all the items you're carrying, Rage's inventory menu chronicles all your outstanding "jobs" (in-game quests you've taken), a huge list of stats (which chronicle your weapon use, enemies killed, and many other figures), and any and all crafting recipes you've picked up, such as for bandages (which are created by combining rags with antiseptic), wingsticks, and more-advanced items like exploding remote-control cars, stationary turrets, and spider robots--pint-sized, autonomous, eight-legged robots with built-in miniguns that automatically chase down your enemies without having to receive any orders. This inventory menu also lets you scroll through your weapons, which, in Rage, include the basic settler's pistol, the combat shotgun, the semi-automatic assault rifle, the rocket launcher, the sniper rifle, a fully automatic machine gun you pick up from the mysterious antagonists known as the Authority, and the "striker" crossbow--though weapon selection isn't the end of the story, since most, if not all, weapons have at least two types of ammunition, and some have three or four. While you start off with only the basic settler's pistol, you can eventually pick up multiple ammo types that will let you really mess around with environments and with your enemies. The striker crossbow, for instance, uses a basic crossbow bolt that silently deals piercing damage to its target, but it can also be equipped with electro bolts that can electrify pools of water, turning them into deadly traps, and can also neutralize the glowing tower shields that some Authority troopers use to absorb incoming fire. Later, you can even find mind-control bolts that briefly give you control of an enemy and let you walk it in a certain direction, such as toward other enemies, before blowing it to bits with a concussive blast that damages other nearby foes.You can use this inventory screen to manually equip different weapons and ammo types, but the console versions of the game will let you map four different weapons to a diamond-shaped, four-slot quick menu accessed by pressing your controller's right bumper (you can hold down the button and then use your right analog stick to choose a specific weapon, or repeatedly tap the bumper to swap to the next one). In addition, you can map up to four different usable items to a four-item quick menu by first assigning each one to the menu using the D pad and then tapping the left bumper to use your currently selected item. It took a bit of practice, but we eventually got the hang of things.
Once we'd gotten our bearings, we ventured forth into this brave new world to pick up our first wingstick from the helpful members of the Hagar settlement--the residence of wasteland tinkerer Dan Hagar and his ragtag band of misfits. The early part of the game even has a simple shooting gallery minigame to acquaint you with using the wingstick (which again, when equipped, can be tossed with a quick tap of your controller's left bumper) but quickly scoots you out into the desert on your first mission with a word of advice--seek out as much valuable feltrite (the mysterious metal from the asteroid that nearly destroyed the earth) as possible.
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Pa ne moguce je da niste culi za RAGE Smile
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id su nek bili tate za FPS, narocito sto se tice tehnickih mogucnosti igre. Ono sto sam do sada video o igri me uopste nije ubedilo da "majstori zanata" ponovo prave revoluciju vec da su podlegli trendovima u modernom FPSu tipa ironsight nisanjenjea iskreno ni grafika nije nesto preterano impresivna (moze da ih izvuce eventualni draw distance i siroki prostori ali to nisam video u trejlerima). Iskreno bih voleo da ispadne odlicno, da se vrate u velikom stilu i ponovo budu studio na cije igre secemo vene a graficke vriste dok teraju te igre.
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Borderlands 2... s tim što se igra razvija mnogo duže od B1.
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Otaku koji jede burek kod Trpkovica

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Problem ID Software-a je bio u skorije vreme, i ostao, da prave "moderne igre iz 90tih godina" (isti problem ima Raven Software i Rebellion npr.). Doom 3 je igra koja je bukvalno služila za demonstraciju engine-a. Takođe svaka čast što je u njoj svaka prostorija pravljena zasebno, što opravdava vremenski period tokom kojeg su je pravili. Ali i dalje, kada se zagrebe, ona je bila i ostala šuplja. Storyline je bio jednak rečenici "ja protiv njih", poruke nisam ni čitao, a većina likova je bila tu čisto da se ne bi kopirao System Shock 2. Jumpscare je nešto na šta sam navikao posle trećeg kupljenja municije u mračnom ćošku i druge prostorije, posle koje sam u svaku sledeću ulazio leđno, jer se monster gotovo uvek spawnoao iza leđa.

Isto ovo očekujem i od Rage-a. High budget igru pravljenu da demonstrira novi engine, gde je sve ostalo pravoliniska galerija, kojoj igrač treba da se divi tokom prolaska. Čak i sam engine u uskim hodnicima ne izgleda ništa specijalno. Modeli i okruženje kao da je rađeno u ID Tech četvorci, sa podrškom DX11. Jedino što me zanima jeste ishod u "borbi licenciranih engine-a" jer sada pored UT III i Source-a, dolazi novi igrač, sveže zategnut i spreman za rock.

« Poslednja izmena: 02. Okt 2011, 14:53:05 od BlizzardJakkal »
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ima da se kupi u prodavnicama 22GB je teska qq nemam mesta  Smile
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