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Tema: Pregled korisnih java aplikacija (review)  (Pročitano 73021 puta)
26. Apr 2007, 00:53:49
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GPSJ V2.65 Java    GPS/J is a console for Bluetooth-enabled GPS receivers, a mobile navigation tool for cellular phone owners. It is a J2ME (Java Micro Edition®) application for JSR82-compliant devices.Three customizable information screens presenting the following information:

    * current speed
    * geographic position in various formats
    * elevation
    * heading
    * compass
    * pointer and distance to chosen point
    * number of satellites received
    * Compass indicates:
    * the direction user is moving in
    * distance and azimuth to the selected point


    * location of 20000 towns&cities in Europe
    * the rest of the world downloadable
    * displaying current position and track, user defined waypoints and saved tracks
    * zooming
    * scrolling

Saved tracks and waypoints export (not available for some Nokias S40 - JSR75 required) in the following formats:

    * CSV - Microsoft Excel®
    * KML - Google Earth®
    * GPX - GPS Exchange

Saved tracks and waypoints import (not available for some Nokias S40 - JSR75 required) in the CSV format.

    * Raster maps with zooming.

Compatible with:

Nokia Series 40v2 / 128x128 :: Nokia 2610, 3220, 5140, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6060, 6230, 6235, 6822, 7260, 7270

Sony-Ericsson 176x220 :: Sony-Ericsson D750, K600, K608, K610, K700, K750, V600, W550i, W600, W700, W800i, W810, W810iv, Z1010, Z800

Siemens 132x176 :: Siemens C75, CX65, CX70, CX75, M65, ME75, S65

Nokia Series 60v2 :: Nokia 3230, 6260, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 7610, N70, N72

Motorola 128x160 :: Motorola C261, L6, V190, V235  GPS/J is a navigation console for your cell phone, palm,pocket PC or any other JSR82 capable device. It is a Java(midlet, J2ME) frontend for most Bluetooth® enabled GPS receivers.2.65 (2007-02-19)raster maps with zooming (keys 1 and 3), currently "only"public content from MapQuest(TM),track&waypoint import (CSV) for JSR-75 capable hardware,     
     JAR customization - you can compile any map into the JAR (see Jar configurator), GPRS is no longer the only way to download a map,new track settings - interval and whether to store altitude,and other attributes,names of exported tracks are longer,track subsystem rewritten from scratch to speed up operations,JSR-75 is available for Siemens and Benq-Siemens hardware,better OutOfMemory exception handling,choosing waypoint is global (affects other menus),language discovery works on Motorolas,startup status messages (for support),problem with blinking on Motorolas solved,setting waypoint by pointing on the map,workaround for loosing connection on SonyEricssons while backlight switched off.

(01. May 2007, 10:30:42)

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jDictionary Mobile The World FactBook v3.4 S60 Java   World Factbook is the reliable and extremely popular source of information on all the nations of the world. It provides up-to-date, valuable data for more than 250 countries and territories in a concise, well-organized format wherever and whenever you want.

Each country entry has its own high-resolution, full-color map and flag picture. The World Factbook also provides interesting chapters for our changing planet, oceans and parts of the world whose status has not yet been resolved (e.g., West Bank, Spratly Islands). Topics addressed include natural resources, industries, GDP, religion, ethnic groups, legal system and much more. Key data are grouped under the headings of introduction/background, geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, transnational issues. The World Factbook is a must-have application for those who possess a curiosity or concern about the rapidly changing world in which we live.


• Up to date
The World Factbook database is updated regularly, updates are free of charge for registered users.
• Spectacular
It contains not only all the nations of the world but interesting chapters for our changing planet, oceans and parts of the world whose status has not yet been resolved (e.g., West Bank, Spratly Islands).
• Reliable content
The database of The World Factbook is gathered and maintained by the Central Intelligence Agency.
• Fast
Fast look-ups, snappy user interface, smoothly scrolling screens and maps.
• State-of-the-art compression technology
It keeps The World Factbook as small as possible so that it fits your device memory conveniently. • Widely accepted
The World Factbook database is used by many government agencies, businessmen, students etc. Hundreds of thousands of users worldwide.
• Advanced search capabilities
Enables you to search countries/territories by name, FIPS, ISO or internet code, perform fuzzy search and more.
• Easy-to-use
The World Factbook incorporated a powerful, internet browser like user-interface on which you can efficiently reach what you are mostly interested in. It's so intuitive that you won’t need to wade through manuals before you start.
• GUI designed for S60 devices
The user interface of The World Factbook follows the S60 and S60 3rd edition style standards

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« Poslednja izmena: 26. Apr 2007, 01:28:57 od wayfaringpilgrim »
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Long live Rock n' Roll

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Nije zgoreg na samom početku i predstaviti verujem i najbolji FTP Client i File Manager u Javi:


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Long live Rock n' Roll

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Možda najbolji MSN klijent za Java telefone jeste sigurno:


Mobile MSN client with P2P file transfer and easy photo sharing. Send photos or files on phone to MSN firends via a P2P way. Support "MSN display picture" changing and receiving.

Send photos or files to your MSN friends via absolute peer-to-peer way. UltraIM Pro supports genuine P2P file sending like real MSN does. Unlike other mobile instant messengers on the market, most of them upload photos or files to their server first, then notify your MSN friend to download them again. UltraIM Pro sends photos and files to your MSN friends directly, never passed by our server!

The only mobile messenger supports "MSN display picture" changing and receiving! UltraIM Pro is the only mobile messenger that supports "MSN display picture" and utilizes the power of your camera phone. All you have to do is to take pictures and set it as your display picture in UltraIM Pro, then buddies chatting with you will see the picture automatically! The picture sharing is implemented by peer-to-peer technology, never passed by any server. Once the picture is transferred it won`t be transferred again, because receivers have cached the picture, just like real MSN does!

UltraIM Pro is real proxyless. Why proxyless is very important? It means you can connect as a standard MSN client without any compromise. And connecting to the public MSN network directly can save you money by reducing network flow significantly. In order to provide a fast, economical and full-functionality service, UltraIM Pro connects you directly to the public MSN network, not via proxy server.


* Sound notification for selected users when they are online NEW!
* Message templates NEW!
* Change in contact's icon for incoming messages NEW!
* A bandwidth usage meter NEW!
* Auto detected, scalable icons for high resolution phones (Nokia N80, N90, etc...) NEW!
* Send photos or files to your MSN friends via genuine peer-to-peer way
* The only mobile messenger supports "MSN display picture" changing and receiving
* Save chat history
* Real proxyless, connect directly to the public MSN network
* Support sign in status (you can pre-set your status before signing in)
* Presence as on mobile device or on PC
* Add and remove contacts. Contact list keep synchronized with MSN client on your PC automatically
* Support classification by groups or online/offline status, you can manage up to hundreds of contacts easily
* Block and unblock contacts
* Support multiple conversation sessions
* Invite multiple contacts to join one conversation (create a conference)
* Change your display name and status at any moment
* Built in about 40 emoticons
* Sound notification for login, error and new messages
* Support multiple characters, including English, all Western, Cyrillic, Central European languages and Far Eastern languages

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« Poslednja izmena: 26. Apr 2007, 02:05:24 od Cigla tel. »
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Opera Software Opera Mini v3.1.7196 J2Me Kad smo vec kod app koje su neizbezne,bez obzira sto je ovo vec spominjano u drugim temama,nije zgoreg predstaviti ponovo mozda i najbolju java app - Opera Software Opera Mini v3.1.7196 J2Me   Opera Mini is a fast and tiny Web browser, that allows you to access the full Internet on your phone. Take all your favorite Web sites and download images, MP3`s on the go with Opera Mini!

New features in version 3.0 include:

* RSS feed aggregation: You can now keep track of news and information from your favorite websites by adding the feed to Opera Mini.
* Content folding: Opera Mini identifies menu items in a web site and folds them, giving quicker access to the relevant content and reducing clutter.
* Picture upload: You can upload pictures taken from the phone camera to your web album or blog in seconds!
* SSL:Client security has been added to Opera Mini, removing the warning message used today for secure sites.

and much more...

Opera Mini uses a remote server to pre-process Web pages before sending them to your phone. Web content is optimized for your device, ensuring fast browsing and a great user experience.

All subsequent requests to a server within a session are now quicker. Opera Mini keeps an open connection between server and client reducing overhead TCP set-up times.

Opera Mini offers the same speed and usability as the renowned Opera mobile browser, and uses Operas Small Screen Rendering technology to provide access to the Web. It has all the features expected of a browser, and more, such as content download, skinning, bookmarks, browsing history. In addition, Opera Mini recognizes your phone and optimizes Web pages accordingly to provide faster browsing.

Opera Mini simply offers user-friendly access to all Web pages to nearly all mobile phones. It has all the features expected of a browser, and more, such as content download, bookmarks, skins, multi-search and smooth scrolling. In addition, Opera Mini recognizes your phone's capabilities and optimizes Web pages accordingly for fast and easy browsing.

Change Log:
* Manage RSS FEEDS New
* Support for More models
* Fixed Network and Connectivity bug
* Render Fixes
* Fixed Overlapping text in menu
* Fixed Menu bar height
* Input and Key event Fixes
* Snapshot fixes
* Page loading error fixes

Get all RSS news on your phone

Subscribe to your favorite RSS news feeds and every time you connect with Opera Mini all updates are just one click away. Sort the articles by feed source or by date.

Point, snap, publish

Share a picture from anywhere, anytime with your phone using Opera Mini's photo sharing feature. Upload your photo to a blog or forum, or as an e-mail attachment. Photo sharing just got easier.

Right to the point

The content folding feature shrinks lengthy menus to save your scrolling thumb. You can easily inspect the block of hidden content by hitting the
  • button next to it.

    Safe and sound

    Do even more online with Opera Mini. Secure connections will now let you safely use secured sites, such as your e-mail, bank site, online stores, with no exposure of your personal details.

    And now even faster

    All subsequent requests to a server within a session are now quicker. Opera Mini keeps an open connection between server and client reducing overhead TCP set-up times.

    More features

    Opera Mini™ simply offers user-friendly access to all Web pages to nearly all mobile phones. It has all the features expected of a browser, and more, such as content download, bookmarks, skins, multi-search and smooth scrolling. In addition, Opera Mini recognizes your phone's capabilities and optimizes Web pages accordingly for fast and easy browsing.  Moram da kazem da je mnogo bolji web browser Opera mini russian mod,tj. samo ruske modifikacije i koristim.Evo i kako to izgleda:

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    Sun Complete English Dictionary v1.0 S60 Java  Key Features:

    * Size: 3.25 MB
    * The dictionary composed of most common 120,000 words and more than 480,000 hyperlinks
    * The Sun Complete English Dictionary is the most suitable dictionary of its kind around the English language and noted for its clear, concise definitions as well as its comprehensive and authoritative coverage of the vocabulary of the English literature.
    * The clear, most accurate definitions, based on the language research program in the world
    * Usage notes, offering help with tricky and controversial questions
    * In-text lists and tables focusing on core study subjects
    * It offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.
    * Quick or dynamic search of words while you type
    * Stylish user interface
    * User can add or edit/delete a new word while not available in the dictionary
    * The note book section is useful to keep data or new word after collection
    * The most useful words are furnished here
    * Does not require an internet connection
    * It`s search speed is very fast.

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    Periodic Table 2.0 Periodic Table 2.0 is a tool for scientists and students of Chemistry and Physics. A quick and easy UI offers data of all elements in list and chart view.
    Periodic Table 2.0 comes with an excellent and easy to use UI, so you have the periodic system of the elements always handy. Equal whether you busy yourself professionally or as a hobby with chemistry, pupils or student are, Periodic Table 2.0 offers you a multiplicity at information to each element. You get information to about 35 physical and technical properties with graphical comparison, sort options and animations.
    List of data

        * Name
        * Symbol
        * Atomic number
        * Periodic number
        * Group number
        * Group name
        * Type
        * Dicovered at
        * Dicovered when
        * Density
        * Electrical resistivity
        * Velocity of sound
        * Young's modulus
        * Rigidity modulus
        * Bulk modulus
        * Poisson ratio
        * Mineral hardness
        * Reflectivity
        * Melting point
        * Boiling point
        * Critical temperature
        * Superconducting temperature
        * Thermal conductivity
        * Heat of fusion
        * Heat of vaporization
        * Heat of atomization
        * Specific heat capacity
        * Linear thermal expansion
        * Atomic weight
        * Atomic radius
        * Covalent radius
        * Electron affinity
        * First ionization potential
        * Pauling's electronegativity
        * Crystal structure
        * Shell structure
        * Electron configuration

    Compatible Devices
    Motorola: A760, A780, A845, A920, A925, A1000, C380, C385, C390, C650, C651, C975, C980, E398, E550, E680, E680i, E770v, E1000, i730, MPx220, PEBL U6, Razr V3, Razr V3x, ROKR E1, ROKR E2, SLVR-L2, SLVR-L6, SLVR-L7, T725, V180, V191, V195, V220, V235, V300, V303, V360, V3, V400, V500, V525, V550, V555, V560, V600, V620, V635, V80, V975, V980, V1000, W220
    Nokia: 3108, 3152, 3155, 3220, 3230, 3250, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, 5140, 5140i, 6020, 6021, 6030, 6060, 6070, 6101, 6102, 6103, 6152, 6155, 6170, 6230, 6230i, 6235, 6235i, 6260, 6270, 6280, 6600, 6620, 6630, 6650, 6651, 6670, 6680, 6681, 6682, 6822, 7260, 7270, 7360, 7600, 7610, 7650, 8800, N-Gage, N-GageQD, N70, N71, N91, N92
    Panasonic: X700, X701, X800
    Samsung: D720, D730
    Siemens: AP75, C65, C72, C75, C81, CF75, CF110, CFX65, CL71, CL75, CX65, CX70, CX75, CXT65, CXT70, CXV65, M65, M75, ME75, MT65, S65, S65V, S68, S75, S81, S88, SF65, SFG75, SG75, SK65, SL65, SL75, SP65, ST60
    SonyEricsson: D750i, F500i, J300i, K300i, K310i, K500i, K508i, K510i, K600i, K608i, K610i, K700i, K750i, K790, K790i, K800i, M600i, P900, P910i, P990i, S600i, S700i, V600i, V800, W300i, W550i, W600, W700i, W800i, W810i, W900i, W950i, Z300i, Z500i, Z520i, Z530i, Z800i, Z1010

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    UNTEH.MobiCalc.v1.10  MobiCalc is a simple calculator with good-known design. You can use MobiCalc for making basic calculations with percentages functions.

    Supported phones:

    Mobile phones with JAVA MIDP 1.0

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    Worldmate lite  Empower yourself to work and travel smarter, better and more efficiently than ever before - with the award winning WorldMate, global business and travel services are accessible directly on your mobile phone.

    Flight Status Updates
    Weather Forecasts World Clocks World Map Currency Converters

    Whether you're on business or pleasure, going to one city or around the world, WorldMate will serve all your travel needs: World Clocks, Weather Forecasts from The Weather Channel, World Map, Currencies converter and more...


    World Clocks - Compare 4 world clocks from over 1000 cities to your home time, Automatic Daylight Saving Time calculation.

    Weather Forecasts - 5-day forecasts from The Weather Channel for over 250 cities worldwide.

    World Map - Locate cities on the map, view day / night status

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    Poslednji odgovor u temi napisan je pre više od 6 meseci.  

    Temu ne bi trebalo "iskopavati" osim u slučaju da imate nešto važno da dodate. Ako ipak želite napisati komentar, kliknite na dugme "Odgovori" u meniju iznad ove poruke. Postoje teme kod kojih su odgovori dobrodošli bez obzira na to koliko je vremena od prošlog prošlo. Npr. teme o određenom piscu, knjizi, muzičaru, glumcu i sl. Nemojte da vas ovaj spisak ograničava, ali nemojte ni pisati na teme koje su završena priča.

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