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Јер, Они нису Ми.

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Супер. Имам плату од 200 000$ 1 и подржавам и подржавам тамо неке људе који раде два посла дневно, а сва плата им иде на враћање кредита. Ја сам велики филозоф, а они су у ''99% случајева'' анонимуси. Чак се тако и престављају! Браво ја!!!  Smile

Чувајте се од лажних пророка, који вам долазе у одијелу овчијем, а изнутра су вуци грабљиви. По плодовима њиховим познаћете их. (Мт 7.15-16)

Од Ролсове ''филозофије'' једино важно помена је његова трогодишња војна каријера по бојиштима Пацифика.
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Вуковар је коштао хиљаде српских живота – добрим делом управо оних наочитих момака који су 10. марта 1991. у колонама пристигли на Теразијску чесму са Звездаре, Карабурме, Чубуре, Чукарице, и из разних приграђа.
Јер, све до слома „Шездесет осме“ у Београду би се и пролазници на улици умешали у тучу, јачему вичући: „Шта си навалио на слабијега!“
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Чувајте се од лажних пророка, који вам долазе у одијелу овчијем, а изнутра су вуци грабљиви. По плодовима њиховим познаћете их. (Мт 7.15-16)
Kao da govore o sebi.
: ))) Ovo postaje sve bolje i bolje....Ali mi nije jasno sledece: kakve sad ovaj citai ima veze sa ovom temom? Kakve veze imaju verske alegorije sa temom? Dobro, postoje ljudi koji u tome vide "odgovor" na sve, verujem da je to poenta!? Okrenemo Bibliju ili neku slicnu svesku i tu pise sve i tako treba da se ponasamo...ok, shvaceno.

I sad, ti citiras, nekog ko je navodno rekao nesto pre 20 000 godina, pises na pamet, a nisi ni procitao tekst,mozda samo naslov, jer da jesi, ne bi napisao to sto si napisao. U tekstu lepo stoji:

SR: Hajde da ovo spustimo na ulični nivo i porazgovaramo o tome šta ovo znači za pokret Occupy Wall Street. Kako se Rols može primeniti na koncept 99% i koncentraciju bogatstva u rukama 1%.

JC: Dozvolite mi da kažem dve stvari. Pre svega, niko ne govori u ime Occupy Wall Street, pa ni ja. To je difuzna grupa ljudi sa snažnim ubeđenjima, i ta ubeđenje se kreću u različitim pravcima, tako da nema autoritativne izjave – izuzev one o 99% i 1% – stvarno nema autoritativne izjave onoga za šta se zalaže Occupy Wall Street. I ovo nije kritika; mislim da je to dobro. To je pokret, ne politička partija, ili vlada. Drugo, očigledno je da sam oprezan sa odgovorom na pitanje „Šta bi Džon Rols rekao“. Ja sam ga prilično dobro poznavao; imam neku predstavu o onome što bi on mogao da kaže. Želim da budem oprezan.

S tim u vidu, socio-eknomske nejednakosti u SAD su se kontinuirano povećavale tokom poslednjih 40 godina. Ni sedamdesetih ovo nije bilo naročito egalitarističko mesto, ali je to bilo u većoj meri nego što je sad. Postalo je mnogo nejednakije, a desila se i promena u političkom diskursu, svojevrsno prihvatanje ovog porasta nejednakosti kao savršeno prihvatljive i krajnje neproblematične stvari. To je, po mom mišljenju, promena u javnom diskursu o nejednakosti u odnosu na sedamdesete, pa čak i u odnosu na osamdesete i devedesete.
Dakle, citiraj ovaj citat i primi ga k znanju: "ne trci kao zdrebe pred rudu!" : ))  (85Kristal Sk 23-45, GHH)
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London: Veliki protest zbog štednje

London -- Više desetina hiljada ljudi protestovalo je Londonu, Belfastu i Glazgovu protiv vladinih mera štednje čiji je cilj smanjenje državnog duga.

Sindikati, antiratne organizacije, političari leve orijentacije i drugi aktivisti priključili su se demonstracijama kako bi iskazali nezadovoljstvo zbog smanjenja troškova u javnom sektoru, za šta zvaničnici kažu da je neophodno kako bi se smanjio dug koji je premašio 1.000 milijardu funti (1.700 milijardi dolara).

Programom štednje postignuti su neki manji uspesi, kao što je neznatno smanjenje budžetskog deficita, ali ekonomski pad je zabeležen u već tri uzastopna kvartala.

Brendan Barber iz Kongresa sindikata, jednog od organizatora demonstracija, izjavio je da je poruka današnjeg protesta da štednja jednostavno ne daje rezultate.

"Vlada otežva život milionima građana smanjenjm plata radnicima, dok bogatima smanjuje poreze", kazao je Barber.

Lider opozicione Laburističke partije Ed Miliband obratio se okupljenima u Hajd parku, gde je dobio podršku kada je kritikovao, kako je rekao, "samoporažavajuću štednju". Demonstranti su mu, međutim, zviždali, kada je rekao da će neka smanjenja troškova morati da budu učinjena na jedan ili drugi način.

Protesti su bili mirni i niko nije uhapšen. BBC javlja da su pojedini demonstranti u okolini Ulice Oksford, odnosno van područja protesta, pokušali da izazvolu nerede.

Među demonstrantima je bilo i dece obučenih kao medicinske sestre, saobraćajci i drugi radnici, s transparentima na kojima je, između ostalog, pisalo da je britanski premijer Dejvid Kameron "recept za katastrofu".

Slični protesti održani su i u Belfastu i Glazgovu.

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Douglas Carswell: Bad news for the big state

The West’s political and social model is in crisis - but emerging internet technology will make it possible to survive without big government

"Until August 1914,” wrote the historian AJP Taylor, an “Englishman could pass through life and hardly notice the existence of the state. [Government] left the adult citizen alone.”
How different it is today. From the moment he gets out of bed in the morning, an Englishman’s life is overseen by officialdom.

As he switches on a bedside light, the energy comes from a market supervised by the state. As he dresses, he does so in clothes imported according to official trade quotas. Government subsidises the sugar and corn in his cereal bowl.

Walking out the front door, there’s a good chance he steps out of a house designed to conform to state specifications. Heading off to work, there is a one-in-five chance he is off to work for government. Out of his income, by far the largest bill he must pay is not the mortgage, nor the cost of food or clothes. Rather it is the bill he must pay for government. For every £100 he earns that day, £46 will end up going to pay for officialdom.
Across much of the Western world, government has now grown to a size that would have seemed unthinkable to mainstream politicians just a generation ago. Many supposedly free-market countries now have a larger state sector than those that spent most of the past century following Marx.

Like the Marxist model, the West’s big government approach cannot work indefinitely. Indeed, it is bust.
The global financial crisis is not a global crisis. It is a Western crisis, one ultimately caused by the fact that Western governments have lived beyond the ability of the rest of us to pay for them.
Like the fantasist who pays for a lifestyle he cannot afford with credit cards, we have funded our big government model by borrowing. So much so that rich Western nations are in danger of growing poor.
In Greece, Spain and Portugal, interest payments on the debt now grow faster than the debt can be paid back. For all the talk of austerity, public debt in Britain under the Coalition will approximately double in just five years. In America, federal government debt is now so large every US citizen faces the equivalent of $11,000 (£6,770) in interest payments each year.

Faced with runaway debts, governments have begun to appropriate ever more wealth to pay for bloated state bureaucracies. The result is relative – and even absolute – economic decline.
In 1990, the West accounted for more than 80 per cent of global GDP. Today it accounts for less than 60 per cent. Within seven or eight years, it is likely to account for less than half.

A stagnating West has been maintaining her living standards by borrowing off the dynamic, productive non-Western world. Within the space of a generation, the West has gone from a position of global economic pre-eminence to bailout beggar.

What went wrong?
We are bust financially because we are bankrupt politically. Western democracy once kept government small. Those with the kratos – “power” – were answerable to the demos – the people. And because the demos were expected to pay for the grand ideas and ambitions of those with the kratos, they generally voted to keep government small.

Politicians today might be regarded as expropriators for more government. But the legislatures and parliaments in which they sit came into being in the first place to prevent monarchs and ministers levying taxes without the consent of the people.

Taxation, in the words of King Louis XIV’s finance minister, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, is the art of “plucking the goose to obtain the largest amount of feathers with the smallest amount of hissing”. Starting about a hundred years ago, those with the kratos discovered ways of extracting more feathers without the geese noticing.
It was not the extension of the franchise in the 19th century that led to the growth of big government. Rather it was unequal – so-called “progressive” – taxation. This allowed the governing to extract more feathers from a minority of the geese at any one time, thereby confining the hissing to a few. Then – particularly over the past 40 years – came the systematic debauching of the currency, which transferred wealth from the people to the state, without many geese even realising.

However successful at fleecing us, this big government model is unsustainable. The three pillars on which it rests – excessive borrowing, unequal taxation and manipulation of the money – are starting to crack.
Increasingly Western governments are discovering that they cannot keep borrowing money in order to live beyond their tax base. Nor can they count on massed ranks of geese waiting to be plucked via the payroll, as there once were. When so much is just a mouse-click away, it is not only the very rich geese that can take flight. In an age of digital money, governments are going to find it harder to continuously debauch the money.
It is not just the maths that says the big government model has failed. The public policy outcomes it has produced have been appalling.

Not answerable to the people, the West’s governing elites – the civil servants, central bankers, academics, technocrats – answer only to themselves. Unproven theories have been elevated to the status of dogma. Grand follies – from the idea of European monetary union to the notion that we might engineer economic prosperity – have been pursued by those who believe that they can arrange human social and economic affairs by grand design. From Fannie Mae to banking failures, the result has been a series of catastrophic public policy blunders.
Should we despair? Actually, no.

The West is on the cusp of a dramatic transformation, driven by the failure of our elites, of technology and maths. At the precise moment that big government becomes unaffordable, the digital revolution makes it possible to do without it.

The internet is a sprawling network of organic and spontaneous design. Each time you do a Google search, you are harnessing the wisdom and knowledge of millions. The web is a collective endeavour, without any central directing authority. It makes collective action and intelligence, free from any directing authority, possible on a size and scale that was previously impossible. Collectivism without the state – the dream of every anarchist in history – begins to seem possible, practical and mainstream.

When I was growing up in the 1980s, the idea that everyone might one day have their own personalised radio station would have seemed absurd. Yet today a personalised radio station is pretty much what millions of people have on their iPods and Spotify playlists.

Government spends a great deal of money commissioning public services on behalf of you and your family – about £30,000 per family this year. Imagine if you could commission services bought in your name for yourself? A personalised health account, with your own medical records on your own app. Or, instead of a national curriculum, why not a tailor-made one made for your child, paid for out of a personalised learning account?
All a bit fanciful, I hear you say. It is far easier to imagine than the idea of an iPlayer would have seemed 20 years ago.

The digital revolution will reinvigorate the West, lifting us out of our big-government-induced stupor. The West arose because Europe, unlike the empires of the Ming, the Mughals or the Ottomans, was never politically centralised. Europe progressed because no oligarchy could ever impose its idea of what progress should look like. Since the Treaty of Rome, Europe has stagnated because a centralised elite is trying to run a whole continent on the basis of blueprints.

Maths and technology are about to do to the grand planners in the West what the collapse of Communism did to the socialist planners in the old Soviet bloc. We are about to be set free not only from the grand plans, but from the conceit of the grand planners.

Cheer up! The days of Big Government are coming to an end.
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Over 100,000 March in London for 'A Future That Works'

No to Austerity!

- Common Dreams staff

Over 100,000 take part in an anti-austerity protest march entitled "A Future That Works" through central London, Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)

Firefighters, nurses and teachers marched alongside unemployed teens, anti-war activists and other activists today in a massive protest for 'A Future That Works' and against the Government's austerity measures.

Over 100,000 marched in a boisterous anti-austerity demonstration in London, with similar protests underway in Glasgow and Belfast.

British union leaders have said they will call for a country-wide general strike to be held as soon as possible after today's protests.

According to the UK Press Association union leader Brendan Barber said today's massive turnout showed how unpopular the Government's policies were.

"We are sending a very strong message that austerity is simply failing. The Government is making life desperately hard for millions of people because of pay cuts for workers, while the rich are given tax cuts." [...]

Dave Prentis, leader of Unison, said hundreds of thousands of public sector jobs were being lost as a result of government policies.

He said: "We are fighting for a better future. We are not here today for the millionaires - we are here for the millions of people who don't have a voice. We just can't take any more." [...]

Groups involved in the protest include the Stop The War Coalition and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, which published adverts highlighting the "disastrous" implications for public services of committing tens of billions of pounds to a new nuclear weapons system.

The protesters carried banners which read: 'Cameron Has Butchered Britain', '24 Hour General Strike Now' and 'No Cuts' as they marched through Whitehall towards Hyde Park.

They booed at Downing Street and shouted "pay your taxes" as they passed a Starbucks

Young people call for a future that works..

Paul McKeever, Chair of the Police Federation, sends a message of solidarity to the March for A Future That Works on October 20 in London...

« Poslednja izmena: 21. Okt 2012, 22:07:05 od 85Kristal »
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Russian “show-trial” imprisons Pussy Riot.

After already serving 5 months behind bars, three members of Pussy Riot were sentenced in Moscow to serve a further two years for performing a song with anti-Putin lyrics. The Russian court found them guilty of charges of hooliganism and inciting religious hatred.
Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, Maria Alekhina and Yekaterina Samutsevich performed their punk prayer, “Hail Mary, Expel Putin” at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, on the 21st February 2012.

Nadia Tolokonikovoy stated “The words we spoke and our entire punk performance aimed to express our disapproval of a specific political event: the patriarch’s support of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, who took an authoritarian and antifeminist course. Our performance contained no aggression towards the audience, but only a desperate desire to change the political situation in Russia for the better…”
A spokesperson from Amnesty International said: “The Russian authorities should overturn the court ruling and release the members of Pussy Riot immediately and unconditionally. What Maria Alekhina, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Ekaterina Samutsevich did was calculated to shock – and did shock many. But in sentencing them to two years’ imprisonment, Russia has set the limits of freedom of expression in the wrong place. A number of measures restricting the freedom of expression and association have been introduced in response to the wave of protest that accompanied the recent parliamentary and presidential elections. This trial is another example of the Kremlin’s attempts to discourage and delegitimise dissent. It is likely to backfire.”
Amnesty helped coordinate a global day of actions, in over 64 cities: from Buenos Aires to Brighton, from St Petersberg to San Francisco.

In Helsinki over 100 protested outside the Russian Embassy, joining thousands in similar protests across the world.
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Nov. 5: Move Your Money Out Day of Action


On November 5th, we invite everyone to come together and hold the banks accountable for their greedy display of democracy. They got billions in bailouts and get millions in tax subsidies and have done nothing to help the economy but make their shareholders and CEOs richer. They have foreclosed on millions of hard-working families and denied them refinancing on their loans. They have lost billions of the American people's money through risky gambling and illegal activities. We must stand up to them and say "NO MORE"!!

So on this day before the elections, we encourage everyone to move their money and move their debt from big banks into credit unions and local community banks. Since November of last year, over $100 million has been moved, and we hope to see another $100 million moved on this day.

Please share this event with all groups, organizations and occupy movements across the nation. Thanks!!

-Occupy The Banks PDX
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Fight "Right to Work" in Michigan: Occupy the Capitol #SaveMI

Update: 12/11: This is what Lansing looks like this morning as around 15,000 people have converged on the capitol:


“In our glorious fight for civil rights, we must guard against being fooled by false slogans, such as ‘right to work.’ It is a law to rob us of our civil rights and job rights. Its purpose is to destroy labor unions and the freedom of collective bargaining by which unions have improved wages and working conditions of everyone…Wherever these laws have been passed, wages are lower, job opportunities are fewer and there are no civil rights. We do not intend to let them do this to us. We demand this fraud be stopped.” —Martin Luther King


Last Thursday, nearly a thousand union members and supporters gathered inside the Michigan capitol building in Lansing to protest lawmakers' decision to ram through "right to work" legislation. The day ended abruptly when police began assaulting and pepper-spraying protesters, provoking an evacuation and lockdown of the capitol building. The protests have continued, and at least eight people have been arrested. This Tuesday, thousands more will descend upon Lansing to protest the 1%-backed "right to work" legislation, the most extreme anti-union law Michigan has ever seen. Nurses, teachers, autoworkers, service sector employees, iron-workers, and many other workers (including the unemployed), plus their families, allies, and communities, have already spoken out. Many have also received training and are preparing for nonviolent civil disobedience.

Occupy stands staunchly in solidarity with these days of action. The unfolding events in Michigan are the latest assault on workers' rights in the U.S. and across the globe. Government policies such as the cynically-named "right to work" legislation will lower living standards for the 99% and benefit the elite who profit from our labor. In the face of these blatant attacks on low-income and working people, we must show sustained and escalating resistance. Together, we can defeat the Wall Street, corporate agenda of consolidating wealth in the hands of the few at the expense of the many.

Therefore, we call on all Occupiers in Michigan, the Midwest, and beyond, to join in solidarity and Occupy the Capitol. Now is the time to activate the networks we've created and begin organizing for mass action. The lesson of Wisconsin's failed recall vote was that election politics are not enough — we need to put everything on the table: sustained physical occupation, mass civil disobedience, even the option of general strike. From the Flint Sit-Down Strike of 1936-37, to the West Coast Port Shutdowns of 2011-12, history has shown time and time again: direct action gets the goods.

"light brigade" solidarity message from Wisconsin
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