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Tema: Nuklearno naoruzanje (lista zemalja, istorija...) [eng]  (Pročitano 344064 puta)
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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 4404
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Opera 9.80
Губитак технологија, кадрова и компетенције није задесио само нас.
Американци су на пример размонтирали специјално постројење за производњу специјалног аерогела Fogbank неопходног за њихове термонуклеарне бојеве главе још 1993 године.
Када су одлучили да ремонтују главе схватили су да немају Fogbank нити технологију за његову производњу.
Избио је велики скандал.
Морали су поново да развију технологију, изгубили су време и новац.
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2011, 21:22:19 od aleksa »
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"It is better to Burn Out then to Fade Awey "

Pol Muškarac
Poruke 5487
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Mini nuklearke bezbedne za civile

Consensus for Nuclear War

No dissenting political voices have emerged from within the European Union.

There are ongoing consultations between Washington, Paris and Berlin. Contrary to the invasion of Iraq, which was opposed at the diplomatic level by France and Germany, Washington has been building "a consensus" both within the Atlantic Alliance and  the UN Security Council. This consensus pertains to the conduct of a nuclear war, which could potentially affect a large part of the Middle East Central Asian region. 

Moreover, a number of frontline Arab states are now tacit partners in the US/ Israeli military project. 
A year ago in November 2004, Israel's top military brass met at NATO headquarters in Brussels with their counterparts from six members of the Mediterranean basin nations, including Egypt,  Jordan,  Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Mauritania. A NATO-Israel protocol  was signed. Following these meetings, joint military exercises were held off the coast of Syria  involving the US, Israel and Turkey.
Israel participated in military exercises and "anti-terror maneuvers" together with several Arab countries.

The media in chorus has unequivocally pointed to Iran as a "threat to World Peace". 

The antiwar movement has swallowed the media lies. The fact that the US and Israel are planning a Middle East nuclear holocaust is not part of the antiwar/ anti- globalization agenda. 

The "surgical strikes" are presented to world public opinion as a means to preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons. 

We are told that this is not a war but a military peace-keeping operation, in the form of aerial attacks directed against Iran's nuclear facilities.

Mini-nukes: "Safe for Civilians"

The press reports, while revealing certain features of the military agenda, largely serve to distort the broader nature of the military operation, which contemplates the preemptive use of tactical nuclear weapons. 

The war agenda is based on the Bush administration's doctrine of "preemptive" nuclear war under the 2002  Nuclear Posture Review.

Media disinformation has been used extensively to conceal the devastating consequences of military action involving nuclear warheads against Iran. The fact that these surgical strikes would be carried out using both conventional and nuclear weapons is not an object of debate.

According to Senate decision, the new generation of tactical nuclear weapons or "low yield" "mini-nukes", with an explosive capacity of up to six times a Hiroshima bomb, are now considered "safe for civilians" because the explosion is underground.

Through a propaganda campaign which has enlisted the support of "authoritative" nuclear scientists, the mini-nukes are being presented as an instrument of peace rather than war.  The low-yield nukes have now been cleared for "battlefield use", they are slated to be used in the next stage of America's "war on Terrorism" alongside conventional weapons: 

Administration officials argue that low-yield nuclear weapons are needed as a credible deterrent against rogue states Iran, North Korea . Their logic is that existing nuclear weapons are too destructive to be used except in a full-scale nuclear war. Potential enemies realize this, thus they do not consider the threat of nuclear retaliation to be credible. However, low-yield nuclear weapons are less destructive, thus might conceivably be used. That would make them more effective as a deterrent. Opponents Surprised By Elimination of Nuke Research Funds .

In an utterly twisted logic, nuclear weapons are presented as a means to building peace and preventing "collateral damage". The Pentagon has intimated, in this regard, that the ‘mini-nukes’ (with a yield of less than 5000 tons) are harmless to civilians because the explosions ‘take place under ground’. Each of these ‘mini-nukes’, nonetheless, constitutes – in terms of explosion and potential radioactive fallout – a significant fraction of the atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.  Estimates of yield for Nagasaki and Hiroshima indicate that they were respectively of  21000  and 15000 tons.
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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 11709
Zastava Okolina "Venerinichinih brezuljaka"-najcesce !
I-mate il` nemate
Zbog oblaka čađi nastala bi desetogodišnja zima, NAPAD ĆE BITI SAMOUBISTVO ZEMLJE KOJA GA POKRENE!

Kada bi SAD i Rusija ušle u potpuni nuklearni rat, planeta bi se suočila s katastrofalnim posledicama, a pre svega s desetogodišnjom nuklearnom zimom

Kada bi SAD i Rusija ušle u potpuni nuklearni rat, planeta bi se suočila s katastrofalnim posledicama, a pre svega s desetogodišnjom nuklearnom zimom, piše list „Dejli mejl“, prenoseći zaključak koji su izneli eksperti iz Univerziteta Ratgers u Nju Džersiju.

Usled nuklearnih eksplozija, tvrde autori, u atmosferu bi bilo izbačeno oko 147 miliona tona čađi. Zatim bi u nekoliko narednih sedmica oblak čađi nošen vetrovima u stratosferi okružio celu Zemlju, zbog čega bi na planeti počela dugotrajna nuklearna zima.

Prosečna temperatura na površini planete pala bi do devet stepeni Celzijusa, pošto bi oblaci čađi bukvalno zaklonili Zemlju od sunčeve svetlosti, objašnjavaju stručnjaci.

Prema oceni naučnika s univerziteta u Nju Džersiju, sedam godina bi bilo potrebno da se oblaci čađi raziđu, a još tri da se pokazatelji sunčeve svetlosti vrate na normu.

Autori istraživanja su zaključili da bi „nuklearni napad velikih razmera bio samoubistvo za zemlju koja ga je pokrenula“, kao i da bi imao katastrofalne posledice po ceo svet.

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