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30. Avg 2006, 19:37:36
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WM je kao svemir (beskrajan).

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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 2105
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Samsung L870
::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS :::
Mobilni Internet(GPRS)

::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS ::: GPRS :::

GPRS omogucava korisniku brz pristup internet mreži i mogucnost prenosa podataka velikom brzinom preko mobilnog telefona.
Osim pristupa internetu, GPRS omogucava i pristup standardnim WAP sadržajima preko mobilnog telefona.


Telekom 064

GPRS WAP Podešavanja
Programs/More/Settings/Data Connections/Menu/Edit Connections/
GPRS Connections
Unesite sledeće vrednosti
Description: mts064
Connects to: The Internet
Access point: gprsinternet (ili gprswap)
User name: mts
Password: 064
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
IP address:

Done dva puta

Sledeći korak je proxy konekcija
Programs/More/Settings/Data Connections/Menu/Edit Connections
Proxy Connections
Unesite sledeće vrednosti
Description: mts064
Connects from: The Internet
Connects to: WAP Network
Proxy (name:port):
Type: Wap
User name: mts
Password: 064

Programs/More/Settings/Data Connections

WAP Connection: mts064

Mobtel 063

GPRS WAP Podešavanja
Programs/More/Settings/Data Connections/Menu/Edit Connections/
GPRS Connections
Unesite sledeće vrednosti
Description: Telenor GPRS
Connects to: The Internet
Access point: internet
User name: mobtel
Password: gprs
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
IP address:

Pritisnite Done dva puta

Sledeći korak je proxy konekcija
Programs/More/Settings/Data Connections/Menu/Edit Connections
Proxy Connections
Unesite sledeće vrednosti
Description: Mobtel GPRS
Connects from: The Internet
Connects to: WAP Network
Proxy (name:port):
Type: Wap
User name: mobtel
Password: gprs

Programs/More/Settings/Data Connections

WAP Connection: Mobtel GPRS

Programs/More/Settings/Data Connections/Menu/Edit Connections
GPRS Connection
Podesite sledeće parametre
Description: Mobtel MMS
Connects to: MMS Connection
Access point: mms
User name: (ostavlja se prazno)
Password: (ostavlja se, takođe, prazno)
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
IP address:
Pritisnite Done

MMSC mora biti konfigurisan
Programs/More/More/Accessories/MMS Setup/Profile/Edit

Podesite sledeće
Profile: Mobtel MMS
Data Connections: Mobtel MMS
Gateway: Wap 2.0 Gateway
IP Address:
Port: 9201
Encoding: Binary Encoding
Pritisnite Done

(01. May 2007, 10:37:39)
« Poslednja izmena: 16. Dec 2006, 20:38:02 od gimza »
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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 2105
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7
Samsung L870

* # * * 3 7 2 # FQC (test mode)
* # * * 3 6 4 # Engineering menu
* # * * 2 6 6 * 0 # Set as data COM port
* # * * 2 6 6 * 1 # Set as log COM port
* # * * 7 9 7 # Time to failure timer & Power down code
* # * * 2 2 6 3 * 0 # Set to default Band
* # * * 2 2 6 3 * 1 # Disable GSM Band
* # * * 2 2 6 3 * 2 # Disable DCS Band
* # * * 2 2 6 3 * 3 # Disable EGSM and DCS Band
* # * * 2 2 6 3 * 4 # Disable PCS Band
* # 9 9 9 # which displays the command log
* # * * 8 3 7 # Version info
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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 2105
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox
Samsung L870
??????????????????? Najcesca pitanja ????????????????????

P: Kako da onemogucite Master Reset? Smile

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\MasterReset ->Values->Status
Ako je Value Data 1, onda master reset ne moze biti odradjen, ako je 0 – onda je moguce.[Ne radi na svim romovima]

P: Kako da produzite trajanje svetla na tastaturi?

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - System - CurrentControlSet - Control - Power - ActivityTimers - UserActivity
Pritisnite Value
Key Timeout treba da se promeni na 15.
Tastatura ce svetleti 30 sekundi

P: Kako da instaliram mini operu ?

O: U exploreru ukucajte
downloadujte i uzivajte.

Ako nece da se conktuje onda uradite ovako:

start/Games & Apps/ oznaci Opera Mini (ne pokreci jos ), Options/4 Options.Pojavljuje se "Permissions for Opera Mini suite".Sva podesavanja stavi na Prompt.Save.Exit.To je za Operu, a sad za mrezu.Start/Settings/Data Connections/Menu/Options/Idle disconnect after :10 minutes/Done/Done.
Posle pokretanja Opere sledi pitanje "Opera Mini wants to send or receive bla,bla,bla....", odgovor "Yes,but ask me next time". OK i to je to.

P: Kako da pustim javu na ovaj tel.

O: Pomocu nekih java emulatora, ovaj je jedan od njih: link

P: Kako da promenim ime za BT ?

O: start>settings>more>more>phone settings>device name i tu izmenite ime.

P: Kako da ubacim smajlije u poruku ?

O: Pomocu programa SmartInsert

P: Kako da izbacim  go tone ikonu

O: evo linka skinite full.home.xml i kopirajte negde u storage
i nacicete jos jedan windows default u home screenu
i zaberete onaj koji nema ikone.

P: Kako da podesim da mi telefon cita kartice od 1GB.

O: HLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell\LowMem dword StorageLimit iz 512000 promeni u 1024000 i 1gb je tu, ako pak hocete 2GB dodate jos 1024 znaci = 2048000.

P: Zasto nece da instalira programe i igre [Installation faild.The program or setting cannot be installed because it is not digitally signed with a trusted certificate]

Prvo instalirajte SDA ApplicationUnlock, pa ako i snjim nece onda instalirajte i DisableSecurity smartphone

P: Kako da povecam font ?




Font Name ex. “Nina”


stavite na 800 meni se tako svidja

Ako zelite da slova budu italic u istim opcijama samo promenite u IT value data sa 0 na 3 i bice kao italic.

P: Kako da prebacim na Engleski posle flesovanja sa Aziskim romom ?


start, 9, 1, 9, 6, plavo dugme i izaberes jezik.

P: Kako da prebacim kontakte sa kartice u telefon ?

Program SIM Manager ima opciju da prekopira sve telefone sa kartice na memoriju telefona.

P: On clicking setup.exe I get the message "Are you sure you want to remove the tool and all its components?" Why is this?

O: It is possible you already have the application installed on your PC.

P: I am getting the error "Device not detected". What does this mean?

O: Check your ActiveSync connection. Make sure the MPx220 is not requesting user input before proceeding.

P: Da li mogu da flesujem telefon preko IR ili Bluetooth-a ?

O: Ne, flesovanje se vrsi iskljucivo preko USB kabla [ActiveSync].

P: Pod kojim operativnim sistemima mogu da koristim MPx220 System Update Tool ?

O: Pod Windows 2000 and Windows XP.

P: Why must I remove the battery from the MPx220 during the update process?

O: This is necessary so that your PC can apply updates directly to the devices ROM.

P: What does ROM stand for?

O: ROM stands for Read Only Memory, which contains the devices basic firmware and operating system.

P: Why do I have to remove the battery a second time during an upgrade?

O: If there are two upgrades to be applied. These have to be applied separately.

P: I can see small white text on my phone during the upgrade. What does it mean?

O: This is normal, and merely part of the Flash loader software that applies the software updates to your device.

P: How long does the upgrade process take?

O: The update itself will take between 5-10 minutes, the downloading of the update files will depend on your connection speed.

P: Imam problem sa MPx220 System Update Tool.

O: Unistalirajte System Update Tool, restartujte Windows i ponovo instalirajte MPx220 System Update Tool.

Q) Why does the ActiveSync connection not appear when the battery has been removed from the phone?

A) This part of the process does not involve ActiveSync. The update files are delivered directly to the device’s ROM.

Q) Can I turn my computer off during the update procedure?

A) No – in fact, if the MPx220 Update Tool is applying the ROM update and your PC is switched off, it could damage your phone.

Q) I have an ActiveSync connection, but the tool keeps saying “ActiveSync is currently Disconnected”.

A) Disconnect the data cable from your MPx220 and reconnect it, this should re-establish the ActiveSync connection. If this fails, reboot your machine and re-start the Update Tool.

Q) I cannot get the USB driver to install properly.

A) For full instructions on how to install the USB driver please visit

Q) Where can I get the USB driver I need for my MPx220?

A) To download the current driver for your MPx229 please visit

Q) When the tool tells me to boot my MPx220 up, I get a blank screen and the text “Master Reset!”.

A) This is normal – after a ROM update has been applied, the tool sends an instruction to the phone to reset (hence the need to back up your data). Just wait a few seconds and press the power key on your phone and it will boot normally.

Q) My phone will not boot up when I remove the data cable.

A) Check that the battery has sufficient power for a reboot.

Q) My device does not connect properly when the power is off and the battery removed – what should I do?

A) Try uninstalling the driver, reinstalling the MPx220 System Update tool and running it again (you could also try using a different USB port).

Q) After running the System Update, the Time Zone on my MPx220 was set to GMT -8 Pacific, this is not correct.

A) The Time Zone is automatically set to GMT -8 Pacific US as default after the MPx220 ROM has been updated. If you do not choose to backup your Date & Time Zone settings at the beginning of the System Update, then your device will lose your current settings. If you do select this option, after the System Update has been applied your device will have the correct Time Zone configured and the clock set to match the time on your desktop PC.
« Poslednja izmena: 16. Dec 2006, 20:39:50 od gimza »
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Zodijak Pisces
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 2105
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 2.0
Samsung L870
Najcesca registri podesavanja

Da biste mogli da menjate registri potreban vam je program regedit.

  Change Timeout setting for the External Display ( LCD )

Set the value in milliseconds ( 6,000 = 6 seconds, 70,000 = 70 secs )
Reboot to take effect..

Ja sam stavio na 10 sec.

  ActiveSync ime

Wanna change the name of your phone for ActiveSync?

Go into RegEdit and change this key:
Select 'Values'
Select 'Name' (sometimes theres 2, dunno why, just edit any)
and change the Value Data to the new name for your phone (no spaces)

Next time you plug in yer phone, ActiveSync should connect as normal, but the name will have changed.


Most Recently Used
Ever wanted to change the default icons of the MRU? (the icons displaying Inbox, Contacts, Calendar, Internet Explorer etc)

Fire up RegEdit, and go to:
Select 'Values'
Select 'InitialOrder'
and now just change/add to the links (see the Start Menu Order Tweak for info on links in the IPSMWindowsStartMenu folder.

   Image Tweaks

Changing the Operator Logo (Dial and In-Call)
WARNING: watch what you are doing with this, cos i managed to totally reset my phone, incluing turning certification back on, so change this at your own risk

Theres two operator logo's ('orange' on my phone) you can change that are displayed while typing in the number, and the logo that is there while in-call.

The logo size must be 176 x 20, and the file must be a GIF file.
And the file MUST be on the phone, NOT the SD card.

And here's the Registry Setting:

The Logo that appears while dialing:
Select 'Values'
Select 'BannerImage'
and change the Value data to the location of the logo (eg., IPSMdial.gif if the logo is saved in the IPSM folder and is called 'dial.gif')

The Logo that appears while In-Call:
Select 'Values'
Select 'BannerImage'
and change the Value data to the location of the logo (eg., IPSMcall.gif if the logo is saved in the IPSM folder and is called 'call.gif')

you have to reboot your phone now for the changes to take place.

Skin More Screens

It is possible to change the look of the phone beyond the standard homescreen by doing a few little reg tweaks, example......

IPB Image

note: the xbox skin is used a demonstration, and i would now like to credit jay-z2k for this skin (something microsoft forgot to do at a recent demonstration).
all modifications are made by myself, and none of these screens will be given to anyone without the permission of jay-z2k (although, to be honest, i'd prefer him to make the screens himself :wink: )

note: These images MUST be on the phone for the same reason as changing the operator logo as explained above. Also, all images must be the correct size and a .gif file.

Here is a zip containing Photoshop templates for each of these screens.

The size of the images is always 176 x 180, however, it appears to work for smaller images as they appear to be aligned bottom right on the screen.

The Error, Exclamation. Info and Question dialogs appear to be basically the same, and consist of a title and information. It is best to make sure that the lower part of the display is kept as clear as possible as text may fill the whole of this area depending on the appliction.

Lets edit the registry...
Open up PHM Regedit and change the following values...

and one of the following:
:CallAlert (used for incoming calls)
:ErrorBox (used for error messages)
:ExclamationBox (warning messages)
:InformationBox (information screens)
:QuestionBox (when a question is asked)
:VolDlg (for the volume control)

select 'Values'
select 'BKBitmapFile'
and change the path to that of your image (eg. IPSMvolume.gif)

If you want to change skins at any time you may want to reset these values back to the original default screens, these are:
:CallAlert windowscall.gif
:ErrorBox windowsyell.gif
:ExclamationBox windowsyell.gif
:InformationBox windowsinfo.gif
:QuestionBox windowsques.gif
:VolDlg windowsvolume.gif

and thats all there is to it, have fun.

         Evo kako da prosirite Call history:       

HKET_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Phone

pa u CallHistoryMax promenite do 500 da bi pamtio zadnjih 500 brojeva! Smile Smile   

PS. vazno je da imate REGEDIT jer bez njega to ne funkcionise

Disabling/Enabling the Moto log when the flip is open on the EXT LCD.

HKCU\Control Pannel\ExternalLCD


Change from 1 to 0 to disable
Change from 0 to 1 to enable

Bluetooth Receive File Directory

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - SOFTWARE - Microsoft - Obex - Services - f9ec7bc4-953c-11d2-984e-525400dc9e09 - BaseDir -

Change /Storage/My Documents/FTP to a directory on your Storage Card. ( ex /Storage Card/BTFolder )

*with paired devices only

Change your operator name

There add a string value named with your network number.
Then change the value to the name preferred.

Turn off the Camera Shutter Sound

“Shutter sound”
To turn it off change the value to “0”.



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WM je kao svemir (beskrajan).

Zodijak Pisces
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 2105
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 2.0
Samsung L870

Programe koje biste trebali da instalirate:

 - RegEdit - Registry editor
 - Clear View Suite - Otvara Office97,2000,XP,Od slika JPG,BMP & PNG cak i PDF.
 - IA Caller ID - Nezamisliv caller ID program
 - Echo - veoma dobar Voice recorder
 - Resco Photo Viewer - Organizator slika
 - XBar [
xBar is a all in one tools for all Wince platform.

    * Task manager (with close function, auto memory cleaner)
    * Application Launcher
    * Mini file explorer
    * Task Scheduler (crontab like & event trigger : power on/connect/disconnect...)
    * Macro Manager (Pen/keyboard/button emulation, power managment)
 - Smart SS - Snima sadrzaj sa ekrana
 - Wordpad 2.9
 - Stopwatch
 - RJV Tone Setter (postavljane melodija za pozive, poruke ...)
 - Total Commander
 - Kai MP3 Alarm Clock
 - AbstractStart - (ako volite vece ikonice)

 - TCPMP (najbolji media player)
To je ja mislim najosnovniji programi koji morate da imate.

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Pre nego sto postavite pitanje vezano za Motorolu mpx220/200,pogledajte da vec nije ogovoreno na temi ? Najcesca pitanja ? :. Registri podesavanja ...
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WM je kao svemir (beskrajan).

Zodijak Pisces
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 2105
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 2.0
Samsung L870
::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje :::

::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje ::: Flashovanje :::

Pre flesovanja obaveno  backup-ujte podatke sa moba.
To se radi na sledeci nacin:
Fajlove tipa filmova,mizika,slika kopirate rucno.
A tel.imenik,poruke i propustene pozive nekim programom, kao sto su "Jeyo Mobile Companion" ili "smart phone backup" koje sam postavio.

::Jeyo Mobile Companion::
 Kada startujete program, file -> Export...
vracanje na Import.

Flashovanje je veoma lako. Napunite bateriju. Iskljucite telefon. Izvadite bateriju. (Mozete i karticu ako imate.)
Otpakujte rom u jedan direktorijum, ukljucite Motorola_Mobile_Upgrade_Wizard_V1.8.5 I samo citajte upustvo na engleskom koje se pojavljuje po prozorima. I ne spajate telefon dok on ne zatrazi.

Ako vam i dalje nije jasno kako se to radi posetite temu Flashovanje Motororole MPx220-200....

Active Sync 4.1
Driveri za MPx200

GSM Fix for WM2003

Motorola Mobile Upgrde Wizard 1.8.5
Motorola Mobile Upgrde Wizard 1.8.3

WM 2005 for MPx200

WM2003SE 1.15 for Motorola MPx220 (26MB)
WM2003SE 1.28 for Motorola MPx220 (25MB)
WM2003SE 1.29 for Motorola MPx220 (25MB)
WM2003SE 1.47 for Motorola MPx220 (33MB)
WM2003SE 1.49 for Motorola MPx220 (23MB)
WM2003SE 3.45(1.45) for Motorola MPx220 (26MB)
WM2003SE 3.46(1.46) for Motorola MPx220 (26MB)
WM2003SE 3.50(1.50) for Motorola MPx220 (27MB)
WM2003SE 3.51(1.51) for Motorola MPx220 (28MB)
WM2003SE 3.53(1.53) for Motorola MPx220 (24MB)
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NI jedan link od ovih za dnld ne radi, gde da nadjem ROM fajlove da ih skinem ? Ako tema ne radi vec 6 meseci mora da postoji neko drugo mesto odakle mogu da se skinu ?
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Pol Muškarac
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HTC desire s
Posto je zabranjeno kaciti linkove na forumu, od drugih foruma i sajtova, a kacenje na neke od servera tipa rapidshare, megaupload, send space nema smisla jer se brisu fajlovi, ja cu postaviti 2 najcesce koriscena roma za motorolu mpx220 u delovima. Bice nekoliko partova i obavezno skinite sve partove da bi mogli da otpakujete rom. Smile
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MPx220 1.53 Rom-Asian

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HTC desire s
MPx220 1.53 Rom-Asian

Fajlovi prikačeni uz poruku (kliknite na slike za punu veličinu)

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