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Tema: Nile  (Pročitano 12809 puta)
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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 44343
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.1
6. Laying Fire Upon Apep

Fire be upon thee Apep
Ra maketh thee to burn
Thou who art hateful unto him
Ra pierceth thy head
He cutteth through thy face
Ra melteth thine countenance
Lo your skull is crushed in his hand
Thy bones are smashed in pieces

Burn thou fiend
Before the fire of the eye of Ra
The hidden one hath overthrown thy words
The gods have turned thy face backwards
Thy skull is ripped from thy spine

The lynx hath torn open thy breast
The scorpion hath cast fetters upon thee
Maat hath sent forth thy destruction
Thou shalt burn

[solo: Karl]

The god aker hath condemned thee to the flames

Fire be upon thee Apep
Thou enemy of Ra
Let flames gnaw into thee
And sear thy flesh
Fall down Apep
I hath set torch upon thee
Taste thou death Apep
The burning is upon you
Thou art consumed
I hath lain fire upon thee
I hath smeared thy remains with excrement
I hath spat on thin ashes
Taste thou death

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"Бицикл је за људе који не могу да приуште ауто."
                                               Џереми Кларксон

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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 44343
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.1
7. The Essential Salts

The necromancers of Giza
A cult of reanimators
Concerned with interrogation of the long dead
Corpses who may be revived and made to talk
And describe the contents of rare books
And gold hidden in the earth
Although they are often reluctant to reveal their secrets
And must be encouraged with fire and blade

A corpse chosen for resurrection
Is cut into parts of convenient size
Boiled in clean water
Linen strips of mummification are removed
And the skull and bones liquefied
And boiled until all water is gone
What remains in the bottom
Is a white crystalline substance
That may be carried in the palms of two hands
This white powder contains the essential salts
Of the man whose corpse was boiled
It is from this powder that the living body may be reconstituted
And made to serve as a house for the soul
Which is called back into its former flesh by words of power

It is a great shock to the soul
To tear it back from its resting place and reanimate it
The resurrected are often insane and scream ceaselessly or dash themselves into walls
If the salts are contaminated with the essence of other living beings
When the mummy has been the breeding place of vermin
The revitalization of the salts produces something
That is part man and part whatever gnawed his corpse
These horrors lack the faculty of speech
Or their speech is crazed and bestial
And must be immediately slain
For though the memory of the man may remain intact
The verminous parts of his reanimated nature
Inhibit his human expression

Those who have served their purpose are killed
By strangulation with a cord around the neck
And their bodies burned
Their ashes gathered and cast into the Nile
Where the currents carry them to sea

[solo: Karl]
[solo: Dallas]
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"Бицикл је за људе који не могу да приуште ауто."
                                               Џереми Кларксон

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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 44343
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.1
9. The Language Of The Shadows

Abandon hope
And I shall become free
And with freedom acquire emptiness

With the mind cleansed and empty
There is the void known as despair
A gateway upon an emptiness endless and vast

In despair the language of the shadows is intelligible
In madness all sounds become articulate

Terror and despair they guide me
Into nightmares that follow one upon the other
Like windblown grains of sand

[solo: Dallas]

I have become as the wastelands
Of unending nothingness
Now shall the night things
Fill me with their whisperings
And the shadows reveal their wisdom

[solo: Karl]
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"Бицикл је за људе који не могу да приуште ауто."
                                               Џереми Кларксон

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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 44343
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.1
10. Even The Gods Must Die

Invoked in stone
Of epic proportion
Was his temple of pillars
Magnificent colossal
Humbling all who entered its sacred halls
Yet now fallen to decay and ruin
Its past grandeur
Obscured by the cruelties of time
The priests of the temple
Dead all dead
And fallen to dust
Their undying whispers of despair
Echo amongst sand strewn
Broken paving stones

Desolation desolation
The end of days
The glory of the gods
Is put out
Like a reed torch
In the water
The roof of the house of Amun is fallen
Even the gods must die

[solo: Karl]

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"Бицикл је за људе који не могу да приуште ауто."
                                               Џереми Кларксон

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