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Tema: Luftwaffe night fighter  (Pročitano 19656 puta)
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Fly Baby, fly...

Zodijak Capricorn
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 11585
Zastava Serbia
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Mozilla Firefox 3.6.26
Ujkaalberte stara kuco i uzdanico, Zagore ("Dushe sa sekirom") interneta ( Smile), hvala ti mnogo za ove prevode i sjajne fotografije. Mislim da cu ovo sve lepo da slozim u uredne foldere i da na tenane studiram sve vise i vise, pogotovo ako budem radio neke makete ovih aviona, a sigurmo hocu. Dragocen materijal i veliki rad. I sam znam da se covek treba naterati da nesto prevede, pronadje fotke, downloaduje itd, mnogima je i to tesko. Sta bi bilo kada bi trebalo detaljno i u dubinu sami nesto da prouce, napisu itd. Mnogi su lenji i da na nekom forumu procitaju sve sto pise Smile. Zato svaka cast na trudu i jos jednom hvala! Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile

Nadam se da neces stati i naravno kad god uzmognes i nadjes vremena i raspolozenja, dodas ovoj temi ponesto. Smile

Takodje, pozivam sve ostale da malo budu aktivniji kod svih tema - istrazujuci po netu (googlajuci da tako kazem) mogu dosta nauciti, ako samo imaju strpljenja, a onda to i ovde proslediti. Ima toga mnogo i razliciti ljudi razlicite stvari nadju. Onda, zajedno, svi smo jaci i bogatiji.

A Luftwaffe mi je omiljena tema, bilo koji segment. Naravno ovo omiljen nema nikakve veze sa politikom ili bilo kakvom ideologijom, da se razumemo, stvar je prvenstveno tehnicke, ratne i istorijske prirode, na stranu od ideologija i stavova - tako se jedino i moze... a ove druge stvari, to je vec teren, pored same istorije, i nekih drugih nauka (pravo, etika, filozofija, psihologija, itd)

Ziveli Smile Smile

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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 3978
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 10.0
Ujkaalberte stara kuco i uzdanico, Zagore ("Dushe sa sekirom") interneta ( Smile), hvala ti mnogo za ove prevode i sjajne fotografije. Mislim da cu ovo sve lepo da slozim u uredne foldere i da na tenane studiram sve vise i vise, pogotovo ako budem radio neke makete ovih aviona, a sigurmo hocu. Dragocen materijal i veliki rad. I sam znam da se covek treba naterati da nesto prevede, pronadje fotke, downloaduje itd, mnogima je i to tesko. Sta bi bilo kada bi trebalo detaljno i u dubinu sami nesto da prouce, napisu itd. Mnogi su lenji i da na nekom forumu procitaju sve sto pise Smile. Zato svaka cast na trudu i jos jednom hvala! Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile

Nadam se da neces stati i naravno kad god uzmognes i nadjes vremena i raspolozenja, dodas ovoj temi ponesto. Smile

Takodje, pozivam sve ostale da malo budu aktivniji kod svih tema - istrazujuci po netu (googlajuci da tako kazem) mogu dosta nauciti, ako samo imaju strpljenja, a onda to i ovde proslediti. Ima toga mnogo i razliciti ljudi razlicite stvari nadju. Onda, zajedno, svi smo jaci i bogatiji.

A Luftwaffe mi je omiljena tema, bilo koji segment. Naravno ovo omiljen nema nikakve veze sa politikom ili bilo kakvom ideologijom, da se razumemo, stvar je prvenstveno tehnicke, ratne i istorijske prirode, na stranu od ideologija i stavova - tako se jedino i moze... a ove druge stvari, to je vec teren, pored same istorije, i nekih drugih nauka (pravo, etika, filozofija, psihologija, itd)

Ziveli Smile Smile

Sve za prave ljude. Smile Smile
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A nekad su proizvodili čelik, je li ? Iz dimnjaka se dimi, ali unutra. . .   Spiros 'Vondas' Vondopoulos

»Bogu hvala, vek i po poživeh, u zdravlju i radu. Slutim da mi je vreme umirati, te ove reči u pero govorim advokatu Nikoli Novakoviću, jer u vas, deco moja, sve zajedno, nemam ni malo poverenja ...« Dalje: »Žao mi je što ste moji, a ne deca nekog mog neprijatelja. Ko je vas poznavao, ne mora se bojati pakla; sa đavolima će mu biti lepše i prijatnije. Sto se tiče moje imovine, a to vas jedino zanima, mogu vam saopštiti sledeće: sve što imam OSTAVLJAM SAMOM SEBI, jer verujem u drugi život. Znači, neka sve ostane kako je bilo za moga života, dok se ne vratim. Vaš otac — Pantelija Topalović.«
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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 3978
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Evo malo padataka za mesec Maj 1944.U toku ovog meseca Nemacki piloti zabelezili su veliki broj pobeda.

Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer - 13 pobeda
Helmut Lent - 2 pobede
Günther "Fips" Radusch  - 4 pobede
Heinz Rökker -4  pobede
Wilhelm Herget - 1 pobedu
Josef Kraft - 2 pobede
Heinz Strüning  - 6 pobeda
Werner Hoffmann - 2 pobede
Reinhard Kollak - 4 pobede
Georg-Hermann Greiner - 8 pobeda
Herbert Lütje - 3 pobede
Hans-Heinz Augenstein - 5 pobeda
Martin Drewes - 14 pobeda
Dietrich Schmidt - 7 pobeda
Werner Baake - 5 pobeda
Helmut Bergmann - 5 pobeda
Gunther Bertram - 5 pobeda
Werner Husemann - 1 pobeda
Ernst-Wilhelm Modrow - 10 pobeda
Karl-Heinz Scherfling - 2 pobede
Friedrich-Karl "Nasen"Müller - 3 pobede

Ovi podaci nisu konacni. Smile
« Poslednja izmena: 18. Feb 2012, 12:34:15 od ujkaalbert »
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A nekad su proizvodili čelik, je li ? Iz dimnjaka se dimi, ali unutra. . .   Spiros 'Vondas' Vondopoulos

»Bogu hvala, vek i po poživeh, u zdravlju i radu. Slutim da mi je vreme umirati, te ove reči u pero govorim advokatu Nikoli Novakoviću, jer u vas, deco moja, sve zajedno, nemam ni malo poverenja ...« Dalje: »Žao mi je što ste moji, a ne deca nekog mog neprijatelja. Ko je vas poznavao, ne mora se bojati pakla; sa đavolima će mu biti lepše i prijatnije. Sto se tiče moje imovine, a to vas jedino zanima, mogu vam saopštiti sledeće: sve što imam OSTAVLJAM SAMOM SEBI, jer verujem u drugi život. Znači, neka sve ostane kako je bilo za moga života, dok se ne vratim. Vaš otac — Pantelija Topalović.«
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Fly Baby, fly...

Zodijak Capricorn
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 11585
Zastava Serbia
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Mozilla Firefox 3.6.27
Da, to prolece je bilo veoma zanimljivo! Smile Smile
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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 3978
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Mozilla Firefox 10.0.2

Evo jos malo podataka o aparatu koji nije bio toliko zastupljen, ali je vise nego uspesno obavljo poso nocnog lovca.

Dornier Do 217N

The end of the J series did not mean the end of the Dornier night fighter. One of the few German fighter pilots to side with the type against its critics was Hauptmann Schoenert of III./Nachtjagdgeschwader 3. Schoenert suggested to his Commanding officer, in July 1942, that trials be made by with slanting weapons (later known as Schräge Musik) at an angle of 70° in the fuselage in the hope of increasing efficiency of his Do 217. This entailed mounting four to six MG 151/20 guns in the centre of the fuselage. At Teschnische Amt, two Do 217s, one with four and the other with six MG/151/20 cannon were ready for inspection on 5 August 1942 and testing in September. The idea of the upward firing cannon had originally come from an engineer, Dr. Poppendieck, in June 1942. Nevertheless Schoenert built on it, and with the introduction of the IR spanner and headlight, the bomber could approach from below a British bomber and avoid exposure to its powerful powered turrets guarding its tail, nose and upper fuselage by attacking from behind or head-on. Unlike the B-17 Flying Fortress the British bombers lacked a Ball turret and the new Dornier design attempted to take advantage. It decided, owing to technical expense to limit the armament to four oblique guns. Other tactical improvements involved fitting a semi-rigid brake parachute on October 1942, allowing the Dornier to adjust to the speed of the bomber before firing on its target. The prototypes J-1/U2 and J-1/U4 were tested under these conditions.

These designs were to be carried forward into the new variant, the Dornier Do 217N. The BMW 801 that powered the Do 217J proved underpowered, so a night-fighter using the more powerful DB 603A-1 engines was produced, with the first prototype flying on 31 July 1942. While it had much improved performance, it was still unpopular due to its poor agility and climb rate, and was prone to engine problems. Ten pre-production series N variants were designated as test beds. Trials began in the summer, 1942. On 16 August 1942 the Do 217 NV2 entered trials, the second prototype. The NV1 and NV2 were the main test beds and the DB 603A-1s they were powered by, were tested at high altitude. On 11 October 1942 the NV1 crashed after stalling and with its landing gear down and crashing into Müritz Lake killing the crew. On 21 December 1942 engine 100 hour endurance trials began at Rechlin began with the DB engines. The pistons were rendered useless after 91 hours. Testing of DB 603 A-2 inline engines was carried out between the 28 April and 8 May 1943, but the programme was beset by continual breakdowns and the project was abandoned. There was no further record of the N variant prototypes after 20 June 1943.

In April 1943, the four MG FF guns had started but were not completed until the late summer. The third prototype, N-1/U and was fitted with MG 151/20 and unspecified aerodynamic refinements. The machine was used in high altitude de-icing tests and was the aircraft tested with Lichtenstein BCR and Bernhardine radar. In August 10 of these aircraft were constructed and between 27 and 31 August, they were fitted with their Schräge Musik at Tarnewitz and Wismar Testing Facilities. The tenth N variant, designated N-0, was tested with radio trials. The machine was tested with the Peil G VI/APZ 6, a later and more sophisticated variant automatic direction-finding equipment. On 2 December further tactical trials with infrared target illuminating equipment. These trials were carried out with DB 601 powered J-1s.

After testing was satisfied the two variants, the N-1 and N-2, which had two subvariants, were fitted with FuG 202. The N-1 variants were given two subvariants which were to follow the design of the E-2/E-4 and the J-1/J-2 with emphasis on range and endurance. Extra fuel tanks were added to the empty bomb bay. For operations over water the heavy night fighters were fitted with lifeboats and radio transmitters. The FuG X with TZG 10 and FuG 16. IFF equipment was the FuG 25s. The N also had the FuG 101 radio altimeter, blind flying equipment FuB1 2 and PeilG V. AI search radar was the FuG 202. The defunct bomb release gear remained, bring the aircraft up to 15 tons so it was barely able to reach 7,400m. Fuel consumption lightened the load and the Dornier could reach a maximum operational ceiling of 8,400m. The speed of the N was a maximum of 500km/h at 6,000m. The N-2 was much improved, as it was much lighter and refined.

Overall the N-1 was an initial production of the J-1 version. Powered by a DB 603 it had similar armament to Do 217J-2, retaining defensive armament. Entered service in April 1943. Some modified with dorsal and ventral guns replaced by wooden fairings as Do 217 N-1/U1, conversion with Schräge Musik arrangement of four upward firing 20-mm MG 151s as Do 217 N-1/U3. About 240 built.

The Do 217 N-2 was a new build equivalent of Do 217 N-1/U1, some were fitted with two or four cannon in Schräge Musik installation. About 95 were built until it was retired from front line use in mid 1944.

The N-2 was originally not to have the Schräge Musik armament configuration or a break parachute. It was then decided the configuration to fit the armament set for better tactical reasons. A semi-rigid brake parachute was also installed for unspecified reasons. The N-2 prototype was a converted E-1, serial 0174, code PE+AW. The Dornier N-2 handbook gives the date of the aircrafts appearance as April 1944. The communications were improved with FuG 16 ZY and FuG 214. The B and C cupolas were deinstalled and the positions fared over, with plexiglass and wood. The MG FF guns were eliminated and MG 151/20 cannons replaced them. The MG 17s in the nose were to be removed with more powerful armament, but this was never carried out. To kill the excess weight that had plagued earlier types, the bomb bay, its doors, the bomb release gear and changes to the control panels. The gaps were replaced by lighter wood parts which reduced weight and enabled more weight to be expended on armament protection for the crew. The N variant was the most heavily armoured Dornier variant. The improvements enabled a top speed of 525km/h (an increase of 25km/h) and a reduction from 15 to 12.5 tons, which increased ceiling height to 9,500m.


Do 217N - four 20mm cannon and four 7.9mm machine guns in nose. Some with four upward firing 20mm cannon (Schräge Musik) in fuselage (both versions)

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Do 217 N1 31 night fighter.JPG
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Dornier DO 217 N-1  11-Staffel Nachtjagdgeschw France.JPG
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A nekad su proizvodili čelik, je li ? Iz dimnjaka se dimi, ali unutra. . .   Spiros 'Vondas' Vondopoulos

»Bogu hvala, vek i po poživeh, u zdravlju i radu. Slutim da mi je vreme umirati, te ove reči u pero govorim advokatu Nikoli Novakoviću, jer u vas, deco moja, sve zajedno, nemam ni malo poverenja ...« Dalje: »Žao mi je što ste moji, a ne deca nekog mog neprijatelja. Ko je vas poznavao, ne mora se bojati pakla; sa đavolima će mu biti lepše i prijatnije. Sto se tiče moje imovine, a to vas jedino zanima, mogu vam saopštiti sledeće: sve što imam OSTAVLJAM SAMOM SEBI, jer verujem u drugi život. Znači, neka sve ostane kako je bilo za moga života, dok se ne vratim. Vaš otac — Pantelija Topalović.«
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Fly Baby, fly...

Zodijak Capricorn
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 11585
Zastava Serbia
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Mozilla Firefox 3.6.27
AH, lepa sprava Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile  Smile
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