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Glasanje završeno: 31. Mar 2011, 02:21:37

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Tema: Libija - (Gadafi VS Pobunjenici) - Period nakon revolucije  (Pročitano 626280 puta)
20. Feb 2011, 05:59:04
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[Edit by Crowz]

Nakon izvesnih problema tehnicke prirode, moram da otvorim novu anketu stim sto su poznati rezultati prve ankete:
Za opciju br. 1 glasalo 47   ili    73.4375%
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Da li je ovo pocetak kraja vladavine Gadafija? Protesti u Bengaziju, ljudi na ulicama, pucnjava... Protesti su posle Tunisa i Egipta presli na Bahrain a sada i u Libiju.

Libya protests: Reports of intense Benghazi violence

The unrest is part of protests across North Africa and the Middle East

Libyan troops have opened fire with machine-guns and large-calibre weapons on anti-government protesters in the second city Benghazi, witnesses say.

An unknown number of people, including children, are said to have been killed.

Witnesses described scenes of chaos as snipers shot from the roofs of buildings and demonstrators fought back against troops on the ground.

A doctor at a local hospital said he and his colleagues were treating hundreds of injured protesters.

Correspondents say Benghazi and another eastern city, al-Bayda, appear to be out of government control.
Continue reading the main story

But there have been no reports of major protests in the capital Tripoli.

The Libyan leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, is the Arab world's longest-serving leader, having ruled the oil-rich state since a coup in 1969.

Libya is one of several Arab countries to have experienced pro-democracy demonstrations since the fall of long-time Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in January. Egypt's Hosni Mubarak was forced from power on 11 February.

'Dozens killed' on Saturday

Benghazi, about 1,000 km (600 miles) from Tripoli, has been the main focus of the demonstrations against Col Gaddafi's 42-year rule.

Troops opened fire on people attending a funeral there on Saturday, killing 15, both the Associated Press news agency and al-Jazeera television said.

But an eyewitness told Reuters news agency that many more had actually died.

"Dozens were killed... not 15, dozens," the unnamed eyewitness said, adding that he had helped take victims to a local hospital.

A Benghazi resident told the BBC that security forces inside a government compound had fired on protesters with mortars and 14.5mm machine guns - a heavy machine gun typically produced in the former USSR.

They were, he said, machine-gunning cars and people indiscriminately. "A lot [of people] have fallen down today," he added.

Other witnesses spoke of snipers firing at protesters from rooftops and there were widespread reports of foreign mercenaries from sub-Saharan Africa being brought in to attack protesters.

A doctor told the BBC that situation in the city was "like hell", saying he had been seeing people with gunshot wounds being carried into his hospital all day.

Liberated' city

Another witness who spoke to Reuters said that the government compound was the only part of Benghazi still under military control.

"The rest of the city is liberated," he said.

He said that local government offices and police stations in the city had been burnt down and thousands of protesters were organising around the courthouse, equipped with makeshift clinics, ambulances, speakers and electricity.

His account could not be verified independently, and Libyan state media have ignored the unrest, focusing instead on pro-Gaddafi rallies in Tripoli.

Human Rights Watch put the death toll since Wednesday, when protests erupted, at 84, not counting those killed on Saturday.

Similar casualty figures have been reported by foreign broadcasters for the same period while.

UK Foreign Secretary William Hague said reports of heavy weapons and sniper fire being used on protesters were unacceptable.

"This is clearly unacceptable and horrifying," Mr Hague said, adding: "The absence of TV cameras does not mean the attention of the world should not be focused on the actions of the Libyan government."

The British Foreign Office is now advising UK citizens against all but essential travel to Benghazi, Ajdabiya, al-Bayda, al-Marj, Darnah, Ajdabiya, Tobruk and areas bordering Sudan, Chad, Niger and Algeria.

Izvor: BBC

« Poslednja izmena: 12. Jun 2012, 07:04:46 od Crowz »
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Ako te uhvati bes ako stojis ti sedi,ako sedis ti lezi,ako lezis ti se polij vodom,voda ce da odnese tvoj bes...

Svest nije samo materijalna manifestacija, potrazi na interenetu

Dzoni, ne budi Kristal.

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Ma Gadafi ce vladati do smrti Smile
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Moje ime je Ozymandias.

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Masakr u Libiji - snajperima po narodu

"Na stotine ljudi je ubijeno. Ovo ovde je masakr", rekao je jedan od očevidaca događaja u Bengaziju. Lekar iz istog grada tvrdi da je do sada ubijeno već 200 ljudi.

Lekar iz Bengazija rekao je za AP da je u ovom gradu dosad ubijeno već 200 ljudi.

Lekar koji je molio da mu se ne otkriva identitet rekao je za AP da bolnica više nema sredstava i da ne može da zbrine sve povređene "Plačem. Zašto svet ne sluša?", rekao je lekar u očaju.

Prema informacijama koje pristižu, Gadafijevi snajperisti bez pucaju po narodu u Bengaziju, a broj mrtvih i povređenih raste iz sata u sat.

Oko 50 libijskih muslimanskih intelektualaca tražili su od snaga bezbednosti, koje su ubile više desetina antivladinih demonstranta u Bengaziju, na istoku Libije, da prestanu sa ubijanjem civila.

"Apelujemo na svakog muslimana koji je pripadnik režima ili na bilo koji način pomaže režimu, da shvati da su naš tvorac i njegov voljeni prorok iz samilosti zabranili ubijanje nedužnih ljudskih bića. Ne ubijajte svoju braću i sestre. Zaustavite masakr odmah", poručili su intelektualci u apelu.

Organizacija "Hjuman rajts voč" objavila je da su libijske snage bezbednosti u protekla tri dana ubile 84 demonstranta, a britanski "Indipendent on sandej" danas piše da bi broj žrtava u drugom po veličini gradu u Libiji, Bengaziju, mogao biti čak 200.

"Na stotine ljudi je ubijeno. Ovo ovde je masakr", rekao je jedan od očevidaca agenciji Rojters.

Bengazi i okolina su poprište najvećih nemira, ali na osnovu onoga što ljudi pišu na društvenim mrežama i blogovima, može se zaključiti da je manjih sukoba bilo i u glavnom gradu Tripoliju, a da se u Nalutu, na zapadu Libije, noćas mogla čuti pucnjava.

Arapska televizija "Al Džazira" je danas javila da se ispostavilo da su neki pripadnici snaga bezbednosti koje su demonstranti uhvatili, zapravo, strani plaćenici.

Izjave očevidaca nije moguće proveriti zbog toga što libijske vlasti ne dozvoljavaju stranim novinarima da uđu u zemlju od kada su izbili protesti protiv režima Moamera Gadafija, a libijskim novinarima je zabranjen ulazak u Bengazi.

Internet ne radi, a često ni mobilni telefoni, tvrdi američka kompanija koja prati Internet saobraćaj, naveo je Rojters.

U Bengaziju, koji se nalazi oko 1.000 kilometara istočno od Tripolija, Gadafi je uvek imao slabiju podršku nego u ostalim delovima zemlje.

Izvor: Mondo
« Poslednja izmena: 20. Feb 2011, 17:29:19 od Shone83 »
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Glupo je gaziti ljude po ulici, a da sve to snima BBC ili CNN. Snajper mnogo bolje seje strah. Mada, ni diktatori nisu kao sto su nekad bili.  Smile
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"Бицикл је за људе који не могу да приуште ауто."
                                               Џереми Кларксон

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pobune su izbile na celom bliskom istoku , a ne samo u libiji (jemen , maroko , bahrein ... ) .

inache , amerikancima trenutno bash i ne odgovara svrgavanje gadafija . u poslednje vreme (10-ak godina) on im je bio vrlo koristan u sukobu sa islamistima . ako on padne ko zna ko ce da dodje na vlast  Smile .
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@Anea, stvarno si iskopala pesmu, a ja tek sada obratio paznju na tekst. Ludilo, a pisana je pre rata, 1940. godine. Smile Smile

Uprising flares in Libyan city

Army vehicles reportedly seized by protesters in Benghazi as demonstrations against Muammar Gaddafi's rule escalate.

Anti-government protesters in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi have reportedly seized army vehicles and weapons amid worsening turmoil in the African nation.

A local witness said that a section of the troops had joined the protesters on Sunday as chaos swept the streets of the city, worst hit by the uprising against Muammar Gaddafi's 42-year old rule.

Mohamed, a doctor from Al Jalaa hospital in Benghazi, confirmed to Al Jazeera that members of the military had sided with the protesters.

"We are still receiving serious injuries, I can confirm 13 deaths in our hospital. However, the good news is that people are cheering and celebrating outside after receiving news that the army is siding with the people," he said.

"But there is still a brigade that is against the demonstrators. For the past three days demonstrators have been shot at by this brigade, called Al-Sibyl brigade."

The witness reports came on a day in which local residents told Al Jazeera that at least 200 people had died in days of unrest in Benghazi alone. The New York-based Human Rights Watch on Sunday put the countrywide death toll at 173. The rights group said its figure was "conservative".

Police academy 'ablaze'

News of the death toll came as residents of Benghazi reported renewed gunfire from security forces in the city. Witnesses also told Al Jazeera that a police academy in the city had been set ablaze.

Meanwhile in the capital, Tripoli, supporters of the government took to the streets in large numbers, as security forces prevented others from mounting large demonstrations against Gaddafi.
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This came as witnesses told Al Jazeera that anti-government protesters were heading to Gaddafi's compound in the city of Al-Zawia near Tripoli, with the intention of burning the building down.

Moftah, a resident of Benghazi - Libya's second largest city - who requested Al Jazeera use only his first name, said the city had become a "war zone" in recent days.

Residents have barricaded the streets with overturned trash cans and debris, and security forces have largely confined themselves to two compounds, though snipers continue to target protesters, he said.

The forces who remain are "thugs" loyal to Gaddafi, Moftah said, and they are firing high-calibre ammunition at protesters.

The eyewitness report came a day after security forces - reportedly backed by foreign mercenaries  - opened fire at a funeral in the eastern coastal city on Saturday, killing at least 15 people and injuring scores more.

Protests have also reportedly broken out in other cities, including Bayda, Derna, Tobruk and Misrata - and anti-Gaddafi graffiti adorns the walls of several cities.

Meanwhile, a group of six alleged mercenaries - reportedly brought in from Tunisia and other African nations to bolster pro-Gaddafi forces - were captured and arrested by demonstrators in the city of Shahat.

Appeal for calm

Against this backdrop of violence, opposition groups said some 50 Libyan Muslim leaders have urged security forces to stop killing civilians.

"This is an urgent appeal from religious scholars, intellectuals, and clan elders from Tripoli, Bani Walid, Zintan, Jadu, Msalata, Misrata, Zawiah, and other towns and villages of the western area," the appeal, signed by the group of leaders, stated.

"We appeal to every Muslim, within the regime or assisting it in any way, to recognise that the killing of innocent human beings is forbidden by our Creator and by His beloved prophet of compassion, peace be upon him ... Do not kill your brothers and sisters. Stop the massacre now!"

Around the world, people have been gathering in solidarity with the protesters at Libyan consulates and at the White House in Washington, DC, the US capital.

Inace, poceli su protesti i u Maroku

Ja sam vam stalno govorio da to ne ide na dobro, al ne vredi, niko ne slusa  Smile
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Dzoni, ne budi Kristal.

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Mozda je iz pera Tarabica...  Smile


Eto.. sad kad im Muslimansko bratstvo dodje na vlast...
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ап и ројтерс....их...па њима треба веровати у сваком тренутку Smile
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Trenutno od tamo ne izvestava niko, cak ni domaci novinari nemaju pristup Bengaziju, sve sto dolazi, to su amaterski snimci mobilnih i intervjui, isto sa mobilnih telefona. Ni Al Jazeera nema mnogo toga. Inace, ne verujem da je Gasha bas blag prema protivnicima. Snajper je prilicno delotvoran za rasturanje mase, al zato snajperisti sledi nabijanje na kolac kad ga uhvate.
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Ako te uhvati bes ako stojis ti sedi,ako sedis ti lezi,ako lezis ti se polij vodom,voda ce da odnese tvoj bes...

Svest nije samo materijalna manifestacija, potrazi na interenetu

Dzoni, ne budi Kristal.

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