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Tema: Kratak ali jebitacan DVD to DivX vodic.  (Pročitano 42794 puta)
24. Sep 2004, 20:19:43
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Dobrodošli i bolje nas našli u kompletan vodič za konverziju DVD filmova u DivX/XviD.
Za ovu operaciju vam je potreban sledeći softver:

* XviD ili DivX kodek
* DVD Decrypter
* Auto Gordian Knot (u daljem tekstu AutoGK)

Biranje kodeka: Postoje dve verzije DivX kodeka: obična (besplatna) i Pro. Obična u startu ispada iz priče zato što ne daje zadovoljavajući kvalitet slike, pa u igri ostaju DivX Pro i XviD. Oba ova kodeka daju jednako kvalitetnu sliku, ali s obzirom da je XviD potpuno besplatan, preporučujem da njega koristite za svoje filmove. Dakle, posetite i odatle pokupite najnoviju verziju XviD kodeka (1.0.2, u trenutku pisanja teksta).

Instalacija AutoGK-a: U ovom tekstu koristićemo poslednju stabilnu verziju AutoGK-a, 1.25. Posetite i pokupite dva instalaciona fajla: setup za verziju 1.0 (AutoGordianKnot.1.0.Setup.exe, oko 6 MB), a zatim update na verziju 1.25 (AutoGordianKnot.1.25.Update.exe, oko 1,5 MB).
Započnite instalaciju verzije 1.0. Od dodatnih komponenti koje će vam ponuditi, izaberite samo VobSub i AviSynth. AutoGK dolazi sa XviD kodekom (i to poprilično starim), ali pošto ste se već naoružali poslednjom verzijom, nemojte ga čekirati u "Select components to install" listi.
Tokom ove procedure, AutoGK setup će startovati instalacione programe VobSub-a i AviSyntha, dva programa koje zahteva za rad. AviSynth instalirajte normalno, ali kod VobSub-a obratite pažnju: uz njega dolazi i DirectVobSub, plugin za plejere koji iscrtava titlove direktno na filmovima prilikom reprodukcije iz plejera koji koriste DirectShow. Ukoliko već koristite neki od "crtača titlova" kao što su ffdshow ili DivXG400, ili gledate filmove iz BSPlayera ili sličnog programa sa sopstvenim rutinama za prikaz titlova, iz grupe "Plugins" isključite "VobSub for DirectShow".
Potom instalirajte i 1.25 update za AutoGK. Ponovo, ne birajte XviD na listi opcionih dodatnih komponenti, pošto AutoGK 1.25 uključuje XviD 1.0, a vi već imate 1.0.2.

DVD Decrypter: Ovaj program služi za kopiranje (ripovanje) kompletnog filma na vaš hard-disk. Ovo radimo iz dva razloga: operacija prebacivanja u DivX traje satima, tako da bi vaš DVD-ROM bio u poslu duže vreme što nikako nije dobro za njegovo zdravlje, a drugi razlog je taj što DVD Decrypter uklanja sve regionalne i zaštite od kopiranja koje mogu ometati proces konverzije.
Kada ste sa sajta pokupili najnoviju verziju ovog programa i instalirali ga, ubacite svoj DVD u drajv a onda startujte program. U meniju "Mode" izaberite "Ifo". U listi "Input" u desnoj strani prozora otvorite najveću VTS grupu, pa zatim pritisnite dugme "Decrypt" (dugme sa slikom DVD diska i hard-diska).

Konverzija: Kada se proces kopiranja napokon završi, startujte AutoGK.
U polju "Input directory" navedite putanju do VIDEO_TS direktorijuma gde je DVD Decrypter stavio fajlove sa DVD-a. U polju "Output file" navedite ime rezultujućeg .AVI fajla.
U listi "Audio track" izaberite zvučni zapis iz filma koji želite da se čuje u vašem DivX/XviD filmu. Vodite računa da izaberete pravi zvuk, a ne onaj gde su režiserovi komentari ili sinhronizovane verzije za druge jezike. Svejedno je hoćete li staviti stereo ili surround; ukoliko ne želite da zadržite zvuk u AC3 5.1 obliku, isti će u svakom slučaju biti downmixovan u stereo. Neki filmovi sadrže bolje napravljeni stereo mix, kod nekih je 5.1 kvalitetniji, ali u principu svejedno je koji ćete izabrati (ponavljam, ukoliko želite da ga prebacite u standardni MP3 zvuk kao komponentu vašeg DivX/XviD filma).
Iz liste "Subtitle track" izaberite titlove koje želite da ostavite na filmu. Pažnja: rezultat ove procedure je DivX sa titlovima "nalepljenim" na njega. Postoji mogućnost da se titlovi skinu sa filma nezavisno, u .SRT ili .SUB fajl, ali se ova procedura obavlja metodom optičkog prepoznavanja teksta programom SubRip, što komplikuje ceo proces. Ako ste baš rešili da vam titlovi ne budu na filmu, u "Subtitle track" listi nemojte navesti nijedan titl, a titlove isčupajte SubRip-om (uputstvo ćete morati pronaći na nekom drugom mestu).
Iz liste "Predefined size" izaberite na koliko diskova želite vaš film. Preporučujem da za filmove do sat i 30 minuta koristite 1 disk, a za duže dva ili više (diskovi su bar jeftini).
Kliknite na dugme "Advanced settings".
U polju "Resolution settings" vam preporučujem da stavite "Fixed width" i upišete vrednost "640". Ukoliko stavite "Auto width", AutoGK će svojim analizama (prema kompleksnosti filma) odrediti rezoluciju, međutim ovo ne ispada uvek zadovoljavajuće. Neki filmovi će u tom slučaju biti odrađeni u full rezoluciji (720 x XXX), a pošto se DivX/XviD kodek, pored sve svoje optimizacije i ispeglanosti, još uvek ne snalazi sa velikim rezolucijama (niti je za njih namenjen), može se desiti da se na filmu pojavljuju vizuelni artefakti u obliku makroblokova, naročito na dinamičnijim scenama. Sa druge strane, niske rezolucije proizvode previše mutnu sliku prilikom njenog razvlačenja preko celog ekrana tokom reprodukcije, pa vam savetujem da horizontalnu rezoluciju držite na 640, kao zlatnu sredinu.
Kao kodek izaberite onaj koji imate (ili vam se više sviđa). Preporuka autora ovog teksta je XviD.
U okviru "Audio" vam preporučujem da stavite "CBR MP3" i bitrejt namestite na 128. Sve preko toga je bespotrebno zauzimanje prostora koji se može iskoristiti da bolji kvalitet video komponente, nauštrb diskutabilnog dobitka na kvalitetu zvuka koji se teško može osetiti (to jest nimalo, naročito prilikom reprodukcije DivX-a na televizoru). Međutim, bitrejti niži od 128 proizvode slabiji kvalitet koji se često može osetiti "golim uhom" i na lošijem ozvučenju, pa je najbolje da zvuk držite kao 128kbps CBR MP3. Naravno, nisu vam potrebni nikakvi dodatni MP3 kodeci, pošto AutoGK dolazi uz Lame MP3 enkoder i sve protrebne programe.
Razlog zašto vam savetujem CBR (Constant BitRate) MP3 je taj što ako izaberete "VBR MP3", dolaziće do problema prilikom eventualnog editovanja filma (nikad se ne zna). Argumenti pobornika varijabilnog bitrejta padaju u vodu kod prebacivanja filmova, jer ovde nema govora o nikakvom high-fidelitiju niti konverziji kvalitetnog zvuka sa audio diska, a VBR samo bespotrebno komplikuje stvari (iz ranije navedenog razloga).
"Auto" opciju za audio AutoGK interpretira na sledeći način: ukoliko ste izabrali da vam film bude na jednom disku, koristiće se MP3, u suprotnom će zvuk biti zadržan u izvodnom AC3 surround obliku. Moj savet je, naravno, da se držite 128kbps CBR MP3, iz sledećeg razloga: istina, dva ili više diska se čine kao dovoljan prostor da se na njemu kvalitetno "razvuku" i film i zvuk. Međutim, AC3 zvuk je MASIVAN, pojede poveliki deo prostora, a besmisleno je čuvati kvalitetan zvuk ako se već slika degradira konverzijom u DivX/XviD. Dakle, bolje je koristiti MP3 za zvuk, bez obzira na broj diskova, jer je i on dovoljno kvalitetan, a dozvoliti da film iskoristi ostatak prostora radi dobijanja što kvalitetnije slike. Naravno, ovo je moje mišljenje i vi se njega apsolutno ne morate držati.

Nakon što ste sve pravilno namestili, pritisnite "Add Job" a zatim "Start". Čisto informativno, konverzija će trajati dosta dugo (procesoru na 1.2 GHz za film od dva sata treba osam sati rada, ponajviše zbog dvoprolazne kompresije u DivX/XviD koja daje veoma kvalitetne rezultate) pa se slobodno možete udaljiti od računara.

Hvala na čitanju.

Disclaimer: Ovaj vodič je namenjen ljudima koji žele da svoje legalno nabavljene filmove backupuju u DivX. Autor teksta osuđuje svaki oblik piraterije i ograđuje se od zloupotrebe navedenih metoda za nelegalno kopiranje audio i video materijala

Tutorijal napisao Voodoo_NBGD
« Poslednja izmena: 28. Okt 2006, 23:57:46 od Belgrade »
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Apple iPhone 6s
DivX: Osnovni saveti

Najpotrebniji link za računarsku obradu video materijala:
DVD -> DivX

Potreban program: Dr. DivX ili EasyDivX

1. Dr. Divx:

Kliknite na Video File, odaberite VTS_01.VOB (open) pa ponovo na prvi fajl kad se pojavi lista. Pojaviće se ”Select Audio input” gde treba da stoji markirano “Track in video input”, pa Next. Obeležite “DivX High Def Video” (na levoj strani) i odaberite alternativu “Make 1 file of a 699 MB in size” (za svaki slučaj).

Odaberite mesto gde će se fillm smestiti i kliknite na “Encode”.

Preporučljivo je da se kodiranje vrši u dva procesa jer je DivX fajl onda kvalitetniji.

U zavisnosti od brzine računara proces kodiranja će trajati između jednog i tri sata.

Ukoliko imate veoma slab računar (sa procesosorom ispod 500 MHz), ovo se ne preporučuje jer može da traje ceo dan.

2. EasyDivX:

Veoma jednostavan i besplatan program koji ujedno ripuje i fajl sa prevodom.

Otvorite program i sledite uputstva. U 99 % slučajeva dovoljno je da se odobri ono što je po programu default i da se klikne na “Go for it” i fajl je gotov. To, naravno, može da potraje i nekoliko sati.
DivX -> DVD

Potrebni programi: Tmpgenc i TMPGEnc DVD Author


Otvorite Tmpgenc i kad se otvori Wizzard, odaberite DVD. Odaberite AVI fajl koji želite da prebacite u DVD format (birati NEXT) i na kraju RUN.


Kada je fajl prebačen u MPG (MPEG2) format otvorite TMPGEnc DVD Author.

Pod Source setup odaberite MPG fajl, kliknite na Chapter Cut Edit da biste doterali snimak (ram početka i kraja između ostalog), pa OK. Pod “Create Menu” pravite meny. Može se odabrati neka od gotovih tema ili pak napraviti sopstvena. Ukoliko želite snimak bez meny-ja odaberite ”No Menu”.

Pod Output odredite gde na hard drajvu ćete smestiti film i kako ćete nazvati folder i kliknite na ”Begin Output”. Proces je gotov za 20 do 100 minuta u zavisnosti od brzine računara.

Gotov fajl se može rezati preko istog programa ili preko nekog drugog (AHEAD NERO, recimo).
DivX -> VCD (SVCD)

Potrebni program: Tmpgenc i eventualno TMPGEnc DVD Author

VCD ili SVCD na običan CD

Otvorite Tmpgenc i u wizzardu izaberite željeni format. Odaberite fajl koji želite da prebacite u MPG (VCD ili SVCD) i kliknite na RUN.

Ukoliko želite da materijal snimite na običan CD, da biste ga gledali na DVD plejeru koji podržava željeni format, a materijal prelazi veličinu od 700 MB, fajl podelite (uglavnom) na dva dela. U programu TMPGEnc pod File postoji opcija MPG Tools. Tu odaberite Tab koji se zove “Merge & Cut”, birajte fajl i “odsecite” ga na željenom mestu.

VCD ili SVCD diskove je poželjno praviti uz pomoć programa Nero, gde se wizzardom odabere željeni format diska.

VCD ili SVCD na DVD disk

Na ovaj način možete snimiti više filmova u VCD ili SVCD formatu na jedan DVD disk.

Otvorite TMPGEnc DVD Author, odaberite MPG fajlove, (po želji) napravite meny-je i chaptere i kliknite na ”Begin Output”.

Ukoliko se pojavi neko upozorenje da fajl nije u standardnom DVD formatu,  ignorišite ga.

Materijal snimite uz pomoć programa Nero kao DVD Video.

Savet: Ukoliko je DVD folder veći od 4.3 GB smanjite ga uz pomoć programa DVD Shrink.

Svi mi imamo video materijal na VHS-u koji bismo želeli imati na DVD-u. Za početak je preporučljivo imati neku Video In grafičku karticu koja bi mogla da snimi  materijal na PC. Preporučuje se neka sa ugrađenim MPEG2 enkoderom koja bi materijal snimala direktno u DVD format radi rasterećivanja računara i dobijanja fajla najboljeg kvaliteta.

Povežite VCR (video) i PC (video out-video in kao i audio out-audio in) i snimite materijal kao da se presnimava kaseta.

Kad je taj materijal snimljen koristite se uputstvom MPEG2->DVD do željenog rezultata.

Ukoliko želite da prebacite u DivX (avi) koristite se uputstvom MPEG->AVI.


Potrebni program: VirtualDub

Otvoriti MPG fajl u programu VirtualDub (nekad potraje nekoliko minuta). Odaberite Video Codec (DivX) i konfigurišite ga (Video > Compression > Advanced) uz pomoć bitrejt digitrona: Pod Audio odaberite PRVO “Full Processing Mode” pa zatim i Audio Codec koji ćete konfigurisati sa vrednostima dobijenim iz bitrejt digitrona (Audio > compression).

Ukoliko želite da skratite fajl ili da ga podelite na pola odaberite strelicama početak i kraj pre snimanja fajla (Save as…).

Ukoliko želite da spojite dva avi fajla u jedan preko programa VirtuaDub:
otvorite prvi avi fajl pa zatim File>Append Video Segment i na kraju drugi avi fajl.

Ukoliko ne želite da menjate veličinu fajla (veličina jednog plus veličina drugog),  
pod Video odaberite Direct Stream copy, a takođe i pod Audio (Direct Stream copy) pa onda Save as… i snimite kao ceo fajl.

Kako urezati prevod u avi/mpg fajl?

Potrebni: VirtualDub, VirtualDub Subtitler Filter, SRT to SSA i Tmpgenc.

Preko programa SRT to SSA konvertujte fajl sa prevodom u SSA format.

Instalirajte VirtualDub Subtitler Filter (zvanični filter na virtualdub-ovom sajtu).

Otvorite AVI fajl u programu VirtualDub. Pod Video > Filter konfigurišite Subtitle filter (dodajte sub.ssa fajl)

Kad je sve to odabrano, birajte opciju File > Save as i sačuvajte fajl sa novim imenom ili na novoj lokaciji da se ne bi prekopirao postojeći fajl (koji je u programu)!

Sačekajte malo (od 30 minuta do tri sata, u zavisnosti od računara) i to je to!

Ukoliko je potrebno da materijal prebacite u MPG (VCD, SVCD), pogledajte i rubriku Frameserver!

Ukoliko neki video materijal treba da se obradi u VirtualDub-u (prevod recimo) pa onda prebaci u VCD, onda je nepotrebno raditi dupli posao (AVI>AVI sa prevodom>MPG) već je moguće direktno prebacivati u MPG preko frejmservovanja (frameserve). U tom slučaju, startujte ”frejmserver” pod File>Start Frame Server.

Ukoliko nije instaliran treba ići u direktorijum (folder) gde se VirtualDub nalazi i startovati AuxSetup.exe pa onda odabrati Install handler.

Kada se odabere frejmserver, pojavi se dijalog ”Save VDR signpost…”. Sačuvajte fajl kao film.vdr.avi., a zatim ga otvorite preko programa TMPGEnc radi prebacivanja u MPG format.
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Zastava vazduh-zemlja-voda
Ja odradio ovo sa DVD Decrypterom i imam DVD film na hard disku. Hocu da ga pomocu Nera narezem na prazan DVD, napravim onaj projekt i pritisnem burn a on mi javlja:
"DVD-Video files compliance test failed. The resulting DVD-Video might be unplayable. Do you want to continue?" Odgovorim sa DA, da vidim sta ce se desiti, a on ga sve normalno nareze bez greske. Pustim sad taj narezani DVD ali mi se ne pojavi onaj "AutoPlay" prozor sa mogucnoscu pustanja filma. Nema veze otvorim ja ASUSDVD XP player i hocu da pustim film a on mi javlja: "A disc with an unsupported format in drive G:"
Ostane mi jedino da odem u folder i da dvoklikom pokrenem film i onda mi uspe, film ide, i podeljen je u cetiri dela, kad se jedan zavrsi, moram da pokrecem drugi...
O cemu se radi i postoji li mogucnost da se sve normalno pusta i dali bi ovakav DVD mogao da se pusta na DVD playeru?
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evo jednog upustva koji detaljno objasnjava, korak po korak, kako se u nekim programima prebacuje dvd u divx i obrnuto (divx u dvd):
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Copy your DVD into DivX5 format - Guide for 16:9 anamorphic movies

This guide is an alternative to our previous DVD to VideoCD guide. Only real difference between these two guides is the format that we are using in here. So, now I suggest you to decide whther you want to use DivX5 or VideoCD format for your backup copying:

    * DivX5 offers extremely good video quality when one average-length movie is stored in 2 CDs, but on the other hand, DivX movies can't be used with stand-alone DVD players.
    * VideoCD quality can be compared to VHS quality -- and I don't mean your personal TV recordings, but to those brand-new VHS cassettes that you buy from video stores. DivX quality is significantly better anyway, but on the other hand, VideoCD discs can be played back with almost any regular stand-alone DVD player.

So, if you wish to create VCD, read this guide instead, but if you prefer DivX, continue reading this one.
Aspect ratio

Ok, now you need to check the back of your DVD movie in order to see what aspect ratio the movie has, because we have three different guides for three different aspect ratios. So, once you've found your aspect ratio, make your selection:

4:3 aspect ratio - please go to this guide
16:9 aspect ratio - please continue reading this guide

Ok, I try to make this guide a no-brainer, but unlike in VCD, good quality DivX encoding requires more tweaking and thinking. First of all, I really recommend that you encode DivXs with fast PC, as the process is _slow_. Then, you need helluva lot of free HDD space -- not hundreds of megs, but appx. 7-10 gigabytes of free HDD space for this process. And finally, in hardware section, you need to have DVD-ROM drive.

Then, you need to have bunch of free tools for this process, you can download them from here:

    * SmartRipper
    * DVD2AVI (note: you should try this new version first, but some users have had problems with it, so if you have problems opening the .d2v project with VFAPIConvert, try version 1.76 from here)
    * VFAPI Reader Codec
    * DV-Tool
    * DivX 5 Pro Codec
    * VirtualDub
    * CDEx (note: v1.5x seems to have problems with large WAVs, try it first anyway, but if it doesn't work, try v1.4x instead)

The process

In this guide we aim to create a DivX backup of DVD movie encoded with DivX5's 2-pass technique and with LAME's MP3 encoding algorithms and to adjust the data consuming so that the movie would fit perfectly on two regular 74 minute CDs. Some people prefer encoding videos to one CD, but that is a significant compromise on quality and we wont do that in here.

SmartRipper allows you to do almost anything humanly possible with the DVD-Video disc, but we wont focus on this excellent tool's details in this guide, just use it for rough and ugly DVD -> HDD rip where we copy the VOB files to harddrive.

Put your DVD disc into your DVD-ROM drive and launch SmartRipper. SmartRipper authenticates the disc -- this takes a moment -- and you're good to go. In some cases SmartRipper can't authenticate disc right away. If this happens, close SmartRipper and use some software DVD player like PowerDVD and play the movie for few seconds. Close the player and open SmartRipper again.

Now you should check that the Movie button on left is selected. If so, you see the small window in the main window listing the IFO/Angles on the disc. Window tells you also the length of each clip -- logically, the longest one is the movie, select it. After this, fill the destination directory in the bottom -- remember that this directory should have at least 4-6 GBs of free space. After this is done, click Start in left.

This takes appx. 10-15 minutes (might take longer) -- it depends on your DVD-ROM and your HDD speed.

DVD2AVI is a tool that can convert VOB files into AVI files. But we don't use it for this purpose (actually we use, but not exactly in the old-fashioned sense) because it doesn't allow certain filters etc to be added to the decoding process. Instead, we use DVD2AVI as a frameserver for VirtualDub. In this guide, we downmix the audio to 44.1kHz because most of the soundcards don't handle 48kHz very well and we want to create DivX videos that can be played with most of the PCs.
Creating a DVD2AVI project

Open DVD2AVI and select from File menu option called Open. Now you should see the file dialog, navigate yourself into the directory where you ripped your VOB files and select the first one (as they are named continuously, DVD2AVI understands to select the other ones as well). Now click OK and you should see the first frame of the actual movie in the main window.

Hit F5 and DVD2AVI starts previewing the movie. Just let it run for few seconds -- you should see a statistics box to appear next to the main window and information should appear in the boxes soon after this. After you see text in most of the boxes, click Esc in order to stop the previewing. Now, write these things down to a paper: Video type (PAL or NTSC), Frame type (progressive, interlaced, etc), Aspect ratio (16:9 or 4:3) and Frame rate (29.97fps for NTSC, 25fps for PAL and 24fps for NTSCFilm).

Note: If DVD2AVI says that the movie is FILM instead of PAL or NTSC, it means that movie is in NTSC format, but its framerate is 23.97 instead of 29.97.
DVD2AVI audio settings

Ok, ok.. This is a part that some people will whine about, but this my opinion is that this is the easiest way to deal with the audio ripping, although there are methods that produce better-quality sound, but as said: I'm not going to make this an experts guide, but just a very brief and basic DVD->DivX5 guide. Ok, now go to Audio menu and select Track number -- this normally selects the language of the movie. To ease your pain in here, you can watch the VOB files with your software DVD player (like PowerDVD) and check the language selection list -- the order is exactly the same as in here, normally English audio track is the Track #1. Select the correct audio track from the list.

Now, still from Audio menu, select 48 -> 44.1 and choose High or UltraHigh. After this, go to Dolby Digital menu and select Decode. Make also sure that Dynamic Range Control (found under Dolby Digital) is set as Normal. Select also Dolby Surround Downmix and you're done with audio settings.
Save the project

Now you just go to File menu and select Save project and choose the destination -- note that this destination should have appx. 1.5GB of free HDD space because the decoded WAV is going to be stored in that directory. Decoding and creating the .d2v project file takes about an hour with P3/800.

VFAPIConvert is a tool that allows us to convert DVD2AVI project file into a pseudo-AVI. This is required, because VirtualDub can't open VFAPI supported files. Pseudo-AVI is an extremely short AVI file that looks like a normal AVI to VirtualDub, but once VirtualDub opens it, the codec that handles the AVI kicks in (VFAPI Reader Codec) and loads the information it needs from DVD2AVI's .d2v project file and from original VOB files and passes that information back to VirtualDub in uncompressed video stream.
Convert .d2v to pseudo-AVI

Now, just open VFAPIConvert, click Add job and select the .d2v file. Then select both Video output boxes and click OK and hit Convert. That will generate a pseudo-AVI file for you.

DV-Tool is an excellent bitrate calculator that we use to determine best possible video bitrate for our DivX video. In the storage media box you should manually modify the entry and change it to 1200 MB. Then change the audio to 160Kb MP3 and enter your movie length in the length box in minutes. Note: we use 1200MB in here, so you can fit the movie into 2 74min CDs and leave a little bit room if you want to include infos, cover art or maybe the subtitle files into the CD as well. Now you should see the optimal bitrate in its box (in green font). Write this down.

We use CDEx to encode WAV file into WAV-wrapped MP3 file (or Riff-WAV, whatever). Open CDEx and go to the Options menu and select Settings. Select Encoder tab and set the values. Change the Encoder to LAME and Version to MPEG 1. Set Bitrate Min to 160kbps and Mode to Stereo. Then change Quality to Very high quality and check that VBR Method is Disabled. After this click OK.
Also, remember to change the directory where CDEx creates the output files. You can change this from Filenames tab under Settings panel.
Encode WAV to MP3

Ok, now go to Convert menu and select WAV -> MPEG. Now CDEx opens a window where you can add tracks for the task list. Just locate the dir where the WAV is that DVD2AVI created for you and you should see the WAV in the list. From the bottom of the window select Normalize and RIFF-WAV. Finally hit Convert and CDEx will create you a new MP3 file that has WAV extension (so it can be loaded with VirtualDub).

VirtualDub is the free video editing tool in the world. It basically processes the video we have and encodes it into DivX5 in this process. First of all, choose Open video file.. from File menu and select the pseudo-AVI we created with VFAPIConvert previously. If the video doesn't open, you didn't install VFAPI Reader Codec correctly.

Now, go to Audio menu and select WAV Audio and load the Riff-WAV file CDEx created for you. After that's done, select Direct stream copy from Audio menu.
Basic video settings

Now, let's go to the Video menu. Make sure that Full processing mode is selected. After this, select Compression. Here you can see all your encoding-capable video codecs. Select the one that says DivX Codec Pro 5.XX (XX being the current highest version number). In right side box you should see some information about the codec. Don't care about this, but just click Configure and you get into the most important page of this process.
DivX5 2-pass, first pass settings

Here you can make various modifications to the video encoding algorithms. I recommend leaving most of the fields as they are, but certain values need to be changed. Most important one to change is the bitrate or Encoding bitrate. Now, enter here the exact value you got from DV-Tool earlier in this guide. Then remember to select all three MPEG4 Tools options; select Use Quarter Pixel, Use GMC and Use Bidirectional Encoding. These settings will improve the video quality further.
General Parameters tab

From General Parameters tab, don't touch any of the default settings -- we don't use cropping, resizing, etc in here, because VirtualDub will do that for us.
Advanced Parameters tab

In Advanced Parameters tab you just make sure that Performance/Quality is set as Slowest which obviously provides the best possible quality. After you've done this, you can close DivX settings by clicking OK as we don't need Manage Settings tab now.
Inverse Telecine (IVTC) if video is in NTSC format

Note: This part only applies to you if your source DVD is in (applies only to 29.97fps films, not 23.97fps films!) NTSC format, meaning basically that it is purchased from United States or Canada (region 1)!

Inverse telecine is used to avoid audio synch problems with NTSC material to convert the video back to its original source framerate (23.976). Go to Video menu and select Frame rate. Leave the Frame rate conversion as No change and in Inverse telecine selection, select Reconstruct from fields - adaptive. After you've selected this one, just click OK to close the window.

If your video is in interlaced mode -- you should have seen this from DVD2AVI -- you need to deinterlace it, otherwise you can skip this part.

Go to Video menu and select Filters. You see your filter list in here. Now, select Add and from the filter list select Deinterlace and click OK. VirtualDub opens a small window for you to select the deinterlacing method. Select Blend fields together (best) because it really is the best method :-) Then just click OK.

Note! In some versions of VirtualDub, the Blend fields together mode didn't work correctly and therefor if you experience problems with delace, try using Duplicate field 1 or Duplicate field 2 setting.

This has to be done, because (as you've already noticed) the video source doesn't have the 16:9 bit inside it now when it its ripped from the DVD -- this means that programs try to show the video in 4:3 (regular TV aspect ratio) format and picture looks really funny -- picture is really in this standard TV format in terms of pixels, DVD pixels are 720x480 (NTSC) or 720x576 (PAL) which is exact same as regular 4:3 TV resolution. So, we need to squeeze the Y-axel into smaller one. Also, it is very common procedure to squeeze the X-axel to 640 pixels as well, because in that size you can use 640x480 resolution with your computer and picture doesn't have to be stretched in any way. Ok, if your movie is stored in the DVD in 16:9 format (this is the case even if your movie is in 2.35:1 format, because then it is actually in 16:9 format with black lines in DVD) which it normally is -- check your movie's case, it should say the aspect ratio -- we can easily calculate the correct resolution for the movie. Let's take 640 for X-axel and if we divide that with 16 we get 40. And 40 times 9 is 360. Ok, so our resolution will be 640x360.

Ok, let's click Add again in the filter list and select Resize from the list. Just enter the values in (in our case 640 and 360) and from the Filter mode list select Precise bicubic (there are three bicubic filters, please experiment with all of them to see what suits best for you, we've used -0.75 here, but it's really up to you what you prefer) which produces best quality when shrinking the image. Uncheck the Interlaced and Expand frame and letterbox image boxes. After you've done this, click OK.
Crop the video

Ok, now we need to get rid of the unnecessary black lines in the video -- normally there's only few pixels, but it takes up space anyway. Now, click Add and select Null transform filter from the list and click OK. Back in the filter window, click Cropping.. and you get into a window that allows you to get rid of the unnecessary parts of the picture.

Use the four adjusters to cut off the black lines of the video. Don't crop other than the black lines!. You should be able to figure out this one pretty easily -- use the slider in the bottom to view some frame from the middle of the movie so you can see the picture clearly. Once you've made your adjustments, click OK (note: if you use some small resolution, you might not see the OK button -- it is in the bottom of the window, so change your resolution to a higher one, 1280x1024 is good for this one) and you're back into filter list.

Note! In most of the cases, both axis need to be multiplies of 16 and therefor you should be careful when cropping your video to "odd" sizes -- by using other than multiplies of 16, you might end up having a video that is b/w and is in 45 angle :-). So, in case that you would reduce the height of the video to, let's say, 350 pixels, leave two black lines and crop it to 352 instead (352/16=22 -- multiple of 16).

Also, normally you shouldn't crop the right or left black lines, because we recommend to keep the width in 640. By having the width of the video in 640 allows you to watch it in 640x480 resolution fullscreen so that your player doesn't have to resize the picture once again -- resizing always reduces the quality of the picture.

Ok, now you can close the filter list window -- simply click OK.
Save the first pass

Ok, now we're done with the first part of this encoding process. Now go to File menu and select Save AVI. Select your destination directory and type the filename. Filename should be named something like this: moviename-firstpass.avi. And this one is IMPORTANT: remember to select the Add operation to job list and defer processing - this HAS TO BE DONE, otherwise the 2-pass encoding doesn't work!!
The second pass

Now we need to create the second pass encoding job. Go to Video menu and select Compression. Select DivX5 codec and click Configure. From Variable bitrate mode select 2-pass, second pass and leave other settings untouched. Just click OK to return back to codec list and click OK on that again to return back to VirtualDub. Now go to File menu and select Save AVI again. Select a directory and type in the filename. Filename should be different than in first pass phase, I recommend naming the second file something like moviename-secondpass.avi. Then, once again, remember to select Add operation to job list and defer processing. Then just click Save.

Finally you should go to File menu again and select Job control. You should see your two AVI processes in here. Just click Start and go to sleep, it takes a while :-)
Splitting the file & final words

Now you just need to split the AVI in half in order to fit it into CDs. You can read instructions for splitting the AVI files from this article.

If you have any problems, questions or comments, please feel free to post those to our discussion forums.
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Nije lisica nego medjed, i ja sam imo taj ispad jbg nisam znao ali nije lisica nego neki mali medvedic cini mi se neka crvena panda ako se secam, SF mi je reko to valjda je panda, nesecam se
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  • Ištvan Korpa - Picuka (Senta - Ljubljana), popularni "Senćanin", branio je boje istoimenog vojvođanskog kluba do `66 kada je prešao u Ljubljansku Olimpiju. Najblistaviji deo karijere doživeo je na evropskom prvenstvu u Moskvi `70 kada ga je cela Moskovska hala propratila burnim ovacijama koje su se viorile poput talasa na uzburkanom moru "Sencha, Sencha, Sencha...!!"
  • Oh, look at me! I'm making people happy! I'm the Magical Man from Happy-Land, in a gumdrop house on Lollipop Lane! Oh, by the way, I was being sarcastic.
  • Imam krasan Nježnik, ponosim se njime, Srbi kažu Kurac, tak je grozno ime! Dapače, s`problemom moram bit na čisto, jer nježnik i kurac, nisu jedno isto. Nježnik kurcu slično, za oplodnju služi, al kurac obično bude malo duži!

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Haj!! Smile Ja sam nova na forumu, a zanima me ako netko zna da mi pomogne, naime, kako se prebacuje VHS snimak sa analogne kamere na kompjuter??Znam za kartice, kompjuter mi je dovoljno jak, ali ne znam što onda dalje raditi kada sve to spojim i kako se u to uklapa DIVX, odnosno VirtualDub, što sam našla da treba za obradu?? Smile
Kakvu karticu je dovoljno da kupim i kakva je kvaliteta snimke? Jer se to prvo snima na kompjuter, pa sa kompjutera na cd? Da li to zauzima prostor na HD? Moj je 80 GB. Inače, komp. mi je 512 MB rama i 2 GHz.
Da li je kartica i VitualDub dovoljno za presnimavanje ili mi još šta treba??
Što je DVD authoring, a što softwer za uređivanje??
Hvala na odgovorima!! Smile
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Pa treba ti Tv kartica da to povezes, kvalitet snimka zavisi od kvaliteta tog sto imas na VHS-u, gubitci su mali ako sve radis kako treba, znaci kad taj materijal capturujes ili hvatas mozes direktno da ga rezes na disk ili da ga prvo hvatas na HDD sto je bolja varijanta i u zavisnosti kakav kvalitet zelis dalje obradjujes taj materijal, ti ga preko Dub-a hvatas u mpeg2 formatu i tako mozes da ga rezes na DVD disk i da to posle mozes da gledas na DVD playeru koji nepodrzava DivX format, e ako oces tako to onda mozes direktno dok hvatas i da rezes treba ti i DVD rezac a ako oces da to smestis na obican disk R ili RW moras prvo da ga uhvatis u mpeg2 formatu i onda da kompresujes isto preko Dub-a, na kvalitetu se gubi ali u zavisnosti koji kodek koristis i kako dalje obradjujes isto gubitke mozes da svedes na najmanju mogucu meru
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  • Ištvan Korpa - Picuka (Senta - Ljubljana), popularni "Senćanin", branio je boje istoimenog vojvođanskog kluba do `66 kada je prešao u Ljubljansku Olimpiju. Najblistaviji deo karijere doživeo je na evropskom prvenstvu u Moskvi `70 kada ga je cela Moskovska hala propratila burnim ovacijama koje su se viorile poput talasa na uzburkanom moru "Sencha, Sencha, Sencha...!!"
  • Oh, look at me! I'm making people happy! I'm the Magical Man from Happy-Land, in a gumdrop house on Lollipop Lane! Oh, by the way, I was being sarcastic.
  • Imam krasan Nježnik, ponosim se njime, Srbi kažu Kurac, tak je grozno ime! Dapače, s`problemom moram bit na čisto, jer nježnik i kurac, nisu jedno isto. Nježnik kurcu slično, za oplodnju služi, al kurac obično bude malo duži!

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Da, sve  sam ja napraila, tj. dobila sam sliku na ekranu, ali treba mi program koji će sad tu sliku sa kamere na ekranu kompj. prebaciti na HD. Program ulead dvd workshop trial, ne pali jer mi kaže:unable to switch to capture mode, chek if your capture driver is working properly. Kako to popraviti, i postoji li neki drugi način, neki drugi program da snimim vhs video na HD i kako to učiniti?? Smile
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Uzmes Virtual Dub, ima opcija se valjda zove Capture, samo prvo podesis kompresiju npr. u divx ili mpeg i snimas.
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