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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"Refuse To Dance"

Got your invitation to the dance
Wear your party dress
Maybe I was just an innocent
But I confess
I never even knew the song
The orchestra was playing

See the cuties in their party clothes
Oh it's getting warm
Off the shoulder cut into the hip
Like a uniform
Did you think I'd want to tow the line
Well now the line is broken

Refuse to dance
Refuse to dance
Refuse to dance
Refuse to dance

You said you're such a pretty thing
You could make a mark
I'll teach you all the steps you'll need
Guide you through the dark
Suddenly I tought I knew the song
The orchestra was playing

[Repeat Chorus]

See how they follow
You say jump. They jump
You say turn. They turn
Look back in sorrow
I won't be there

[Repeat Chorus to fade]
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 08:23:15 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i

C'est comme une machine a fond de train
Une locomotive qui foncerait sans fin

It's like a machine at full power

A locomotive charging without end
Des coups des secousses, je m'habitue pas
Qui conduit, qui pousse ce train, qui sait ou il va?

Hits shakes, I'm not getting used to

Who's driving, who's pushing this
train, who knows where it goes
J'ai mal a la tete, j'ai mal au coeur
Faites que l'on arrete, appelez-moi le controleur

I have a headache, I have a heartache

Please make it stop, call me the ticket inspector
Je veux qu'on m'explique, je veux quelqu'un
En cas de panique c'est ecrit la,
Oh, tirez sur le frein a main

I want they explain to me, I want someone

In case of panic, it's written there

Oh, pull the hand brake
Et toi qu'est-ce que tu fous la,
Sur ton sofa, a cote d'moi

And you what are you doing here,

On your sofa, at my side
Tu vois pas que j'creve [ 1 ] , que j'suis videe
Que j'ai plus de seve, que je vais lacher

Don't you see I'm dying, I'm exhausted

I'm out of sap, I won't hold
Regarde-moi, dis-moi les mots tendres

Ces mots tout bas,
Fais-moi redescendre loin de tout loin de tout ca
Je veux, je commande, regarde-moi

Look at me, tell me the soft words

These words wispered

Let me get off far away far away of all this

I want, I order, look at me
J'ai besoin de tes yeux,
C'est le miroir ou j'existe sans eux
Je ne me vois pas

I need your eyes

It's the mirror where I exist without them

I don't see myself
Mais tout nous aspire, petits ecrans
Faut montrer le pire ailleurs
Pour accepter nos neants

Everything inhales us, small screens

Must show the worst elsewhere

To accept our nothings
Si t'y prends pas garde, avec le temps
Tu te fous des gares et jamais plus tu ne redescends

If you don't take care, with the time

You don't care about stations and you never get off
Les tempes qui cognent, ca me reprend
Ou tu te raisonnes ou tu prends des medicaments

Temples hitting, it takes me again

Or you reasoned yourself or you take medication
Mais je voudrais savoir, une fois seulement

But I wanna know, one time only
La fin de l'histoire et pourquoi, ou et comment

The end of the story and why, where and how
Qui sont les bons et les mechants?

Who are the good ones and the bad ones
[ 1 - j'creve: Contraction of "je creve", I die ]
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 08:24:24 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i

Si tu me vois tourner la tete
Regarder trop par la fenetre
Oh, retiens-moi

Si tu me surprends l'ame grise
A preparer qu'une seule valise
Oh, retiens-moi

Retiens mes pas
Fais marcher ta sirene d'amour
Ouvre tes filets de velours
Retiens-moi, love-moi
Au creux de tes promesses encore
Tout pres contre ton corps

Si tu vois dans mes yeux des armes
Tirer sur le signal des larmes
Oh, retiens-moi

Si je me fais trop dure et trop fiere
Si je prends l'ete pour l'hiver
Oh, retiens-moi

De preferer la nuit au jour
De dire < je t'aime > sans < toujours >
Meme sans appel au secours
Retiens-moi, c'est ton tour

Oh, quand tout sera fragile
Quand j'aurai l'air d'une proie facile
S'il te plait, retiens-moi

La paix de tes errances
La chaleur de ta chance et l'oubli
Dans le creux de tes reins

Ce que j'ai perdu un jour
Dans ces routes et ces detours
A chercher le chemin
De tes mains

De tes mains
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 08:25:07 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i

In a never ending circle
I've been sheltering a dream
I could climb over a rainbow
To a place I haven't been

Never felt this way before
Trusting you I feel so sure
Now we are behind closed doors
The way you make me feel


What we do in privacy
Make a woman out of me
When you're close it feels so right
You and I reveal tonight

Take me from this lonely river
Home into the open sea
Never felt this way before
In your hands I'm free to fall
Show what's underneath it all
The way you make me feel


What we do in privacy
Make a woman out of me
When you're close it feels so right
You and I reveal tonight

An every breath I take
I feel you here inside me
Each night I lie awake
Dreaming you will find me

And every brand new morning
You're the sun that's dawning
And I love that landslide
Feels so good I want to cry

Never felt this way before
In your hands I'm free to fall
Show what's underneath it all
The way you make me feel


What we do in privacy
Make a woman out of me
When you're close it feels so right
You and I reveal tonight


What we do in privacy
Make a woman out of me
When you're close it feels so right
You and I reveal tonight

Let me reveal myself
Let me reveal myself
Let me reveal myself
Let me reveal myself
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 08:26:10 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"Rien N'est Vraiment Fini"

Aux promesses eternelles
Aux jours de grand soleil
Aux instants d'or et de lumiere
Aux silences des ames
Aux non-dits qui s'enflamment
Aux feux complices des lunes claires

Tant que l'eau s'endort aux yeux des reines
Comme au lit des rivieres
Tant que nos mains se souviennent
Rien n'est vraiment fini
Les vents du large parfois ramenent
Le marin qui se perd
Tant que ta voix suit la mienne
Rien n'est vraiment fini

Aux parfums irreels
Aux nuits d'ambre et de miel
Aux douces magies de la peau
A nos chemins de vie
A tout ce qui nous lie
A ce passe qui nous tient chaud

Tant que l'eau s'endort aux yeux des reines
Comme au lit des rivieres
Tant que nos mains se souviennent
Rien n'est vraiment fini
Les vents du large parfois ramenent
Le marin qui se perd
Tant que ta voix suit la mienne
Rien n'est vraiment fini

Si les vents du large te ramenent

Rien n'est vraiment fini

Tant que l'eau s'endort aux yeux des reines
Comme au lit des rivieres
Tant que nos mains se souviennent

Les vents du large parfois ramenent
Le marin qui se perd
Tant que ta voix suit la mienne
Rien n'est vraiment fini

Rien n'est vraiment fini
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 08:26:44 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
 Right In Front Of You

It can twist your heart
Put you in the dark
I was cold and lonely

It can close you in
Build the walls within
I let fear control me
I let go
Didn't know
Where the answer would be

Right in front of you
Right in front of me
We were looking
But somehow, some way
We couldn't see
That the love was always there
It's been around us everywhere
I had to fall to finally see
That you were right in front of me

It can lift you up
And we've got enough
To reach a new beginning

Can withstand a storm
In the final hour
We'll find the joy in living
Don't let go
'Cause that I know
Pretty soon you will see

Right in front of you
Right in front of me
We were looking
But somehow, some way
We couldn't see
That the love was always there
It's been around us everywhere
I had to fall to finally see
That you were right in front of me

You are my tomorrow
There's safety in your arms
Where you go, I'll follow
'Cause you're the world where I belong'

Right in front of you
In front of me
Somehow we couldn't see
Right in front of you
I had to fall to finally see

Right in front of you
Right in front of me
We were looking but somehow, some way we couldn't see
That the love was always there
It's been around us everywhere
I had to fall to finally see you

Right in front of you
Right in front of me
We were looking but somehow, some way we couldn't see
That the love was always there
It's been around us everywhere
I had to fall to finally see
That you were right in front of me

I finally see, yeah

I had to fall to finally see,
That you were right in front of me
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 08:27:30 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i

"Right Next To The Right One"

What if we were meant to be together
What if you were meant to be the one
I could hide a million years and try to believe
That any time the girl in mind will come and rescue me

Cause you're the fire, you're the one
But you'll never see the sun
If you don't know, you're right next to the right one
And I could call it many names
But it's myself I need to blame
If you don't know, you're right next to the right one

In the end you've got a friend for lifetime
Truly there to truly care for you
I know you cry a million tears so I want you to know
That a pretty face can take you places, you dont wanna go

Cause you're the fire, you're the one
But you'll never see the sun
If you don't know, you're right next to the right one
And I could call it many names
But it's myself I need to blame
If you don't know, you're right next to the right one

So in the end it all depends on whether you'll find
Warm embraces when I replace the one you had in mind...

Cause you're the fire, you're the one
But you'll never see the sun
If you don't know, you're right next to the right one
And I could call it many names
But it's myself I need to blame
If you don't know, you're right next to the right one
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 08:28:04 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"River Deep, Mountain High"

When I was a little girl
I had a rag doll
Only doll I've ever owned
Now I love you just the way I loved that rag doll
But only now my love has grown

And it gets stronger, in every way
And it gets deeper, let me say
And it gets higher, day by day

And do I love you my oh my
Yeh river deep mountain high
If I lost you would I cry
Oh how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby

When you were a young boy
Did you have a puppy
That always followed you around
Well I'm gonna be as faithful as that puppy
No I'll never let you down

Cause it grows stronger, like a river flows
And it gets bigger baby, and heaven knows
And it gets sweeter baby, as it grows

And do I love you my oh my
Yeh river deep, mountain high
If I lost you would I cry
Oh how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby

I love you baby like a flower loves the spring
And I love you baby just like Tina loves to sing
And I love you baby like a school boy loves his pet
And I love you baby, river deep mountain high
Oh yeah you've gotta believe me
River Deep, Mountain High

Do I love you my oh my, oh baby
River deep, mountain high
If I lost you would I cry
Oh how I love you baby, baby, baby, baby
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 08:28:40 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"Seduces Me"

Everything you are
Everything you'll be
Touches the current of love
So deep in me
Every sigh in the night
Every tear that you cry
Seduces me

All that I am
All that I'll be
Means nothing at all
If you can't be with me
Your most innocent kiss
Or your sweetest caress
Seduces me

I don't care about tomorrow
I've given up on yesterday
Here and now is all that matters
Right here with you is where I'll stay

Everything in this world
Every voice in the night
Every little thing of beauty
Comes shining thru in your eyes
And all that is you becomes part of me too
'Cause all you do seduces me

And if I should die tomorrow
I'd go down with a smile on my face
I thank God I've ever known you
I fall down on my knees
For all the love we've made

Every sigh in the night
Every tear that you cry
Seduces me seduces me
All that you do , , , .. Seduces me
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 08:29:22 od CharmedS »
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Званични Лоодак ::Бурек:: Форума

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 78747
Zastava Beograd
SonyEricsson k800i
"Shadow Of Love"

live my life like a runaway
I hide my dreams in a special place
I'm waiting here for my prince to come
To save me from the darkness

I count the nights, I count the days
The ways, yeah
Don't wanna fight, it would be in vain
So in vain, so in vain

I can run but I can't hide
It's because... I'm living in the shadow of love
Yeah, yeah
To me you are the only one I dream of
I'm living in the shadow of love

Your love surrounds me, it's everywhere
It is my shelter, it is my air
A moon eclipse and a burning sun
Make a shade just for me

For you I wait forever and a day
Yes I would
To be there if your love should come my way
My way

I can run but I can't hide
It's because... I'm living in the shadow of love
To me you are the only one I dream of
I'm living in the shadow of love

Too many nights, too many days
I've hidden from the sun
And though I've tried to break away
You hold a leash just too strong

I love you in the shadow of love

I can run but I can't hide
It's because... I'm living in the shadow of love
To me you are the only one I dream of
Cause I'm living in the shadow of love

It's because... living in the shadow of love
Shadow of love, yeah
I can run but I can't hide
It's because... the shadow of love
Shadow of love
« Poslednja izmena: 04. Jan 2008, 08:29:52 od CharmedS »
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