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Tema: Cowboy Junkies  (Pročitano 60019 puta)
Mudrijas Burek Foruma
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"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong"

Poruke 49711
"Upon Still Waters"

(a curly blonde disaster
Lying out there)

He said, "you make me feel
As desired as a crackling fire."
She said, "I saw a man out walking
Upon still waters...

(I want to lie beside you
In a warm bed,

Feel your heart
Beat in my throat.)

...and no one stopped to stare.
There he was all, alone,
Out walking upon still waters."

He said, "you can feel it fall,
All at once upon the land."
She said, "you don't know what you've missed
Until you've walked upon still waters."

(a curly blonde disaster)
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"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong"

Poruke 49711
"Dark Hole Again"

Stuck in that dark hole again.
Someone throw me a ladder
On which I can depend.
Someone give me a handhold
To help me ascend.
Someone give me a reason
To start up these walls once again.

Lost in those gray clouds again.
Trying to punch my way through them
As fear settles in.
Earth growing larger as I fall into a spin.
Someone give me a reason
To take on those gray clouds again.

Caught in this rip tide again.
My mouth wide open,
The sea pouring in.
Perhaps I'll just float here
And see where this journey ends.
Until someone gives me a reason
To stay clear of those rip tides again.
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"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong"

Poruke 49711
"Thousand Year Prayer"

Here we all are at the end of "the century of beauty lost".
We greedily ate what you gave us, the rest we tossed.
We've trapped all your rivers, paved every pass,
Pulled at your sky till we caused it to rip.
But you've got Jimi Hendrix so lets call it an even split.

I've met a girl who has turned my whole world upside down.
The stars I once stretched for, now litter the ground.
I am cursed by too little, or is it too much belief,
In the strength of another man's words.
But I've got a girl, thank you Lord.

Here we all are at the start of another thousand years.
All those love stories, yet to be told.
Ours is this river asleep at our feet,
Blessed by this wet autumn day.
Here we all are...
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"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong"

Poruke 49711
"I'm So Open"

Just outside there waiting.
Just outside the circle.
Waiting for that finger to point your way.
Just keep running. Just keep running.

New ones quickly burning.
Old ones die away.
Fires lit to say goodbye or hello.
Which way you looking? Which way you looking?

Count all wounds that brought you here.
Lay your blessings end to end.
Rid yourself of all regrets
Because here is where it all begins.
A bumbler's game, a cheaters wheel
Where the winner pays the highest cost.
You've laid your marker now watch the ball.
Hold your breath its about to fall.

Just outside there waiting.
Just outside the circle.
Waiting there is someone I don't know who.
I'm so open, I'm so open.

I don't sleep most nights,
Just lie awake and count my blessings.

I'll take this endless life
Of perfect pointless mornings.

I'll hold you till the morning comes
'cause it's all that I can do.

I'm so open. I'm so open.

I don't like these last goodbyes.
I don't like goodbyes.
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"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong"

Poruke 49711
"Small Swift Birds"

I've been told that it's just the way life goes.
Once the wildest river is now a trickle to the sea.
The peak we risk our lives to scale becomes dirt beneath our feet.
The wisdom of a life time always disappears untapped.
Paradise once given will always be taken back.
And the love you hang your life upon will start to slowly crack.

I have seen people suffocate the dream.
Forgetting to turn that one last time while she watches through the door.
Focusing on the garbage that she use to ignore.
Thinking she looks so beautiful but not yelling it out loud.
He should have thought to kiss her before he headed out.
Just forgetting how fucking lucky you are to have found her in such a crowd.

But we've seen a cloud of starlings rising on a crisp autumn day.
We were handed the weight of a child sleeping and bore her away.
We've tasted the tears that fall when saying goodbye forever.
And we've seen the silver from a waxing moon wash upon the shore.

I have heard about the lives of small swift birds.
They dazzle with their colour and their deftness through the air.
Just a simple glimpse will keep you simply standing there.
Legendary journeys made on fragile hollow wings.
The night skies rich with whistling each and every spring.
And then there's the day we look for them and can't find them anywhere.

I've been told that it's just the way life goes.
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"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong"

Poruke 49711
"Beneath The Gate"

She was found beneath the gate,
Forsaken at the gate.
Who would have thought that so much love
Could be so carelessly misplaced.
Found. Beneath the gate.

We gazed upon the moon,
A honed and whetted moon.
Wondered if you saw the same
An hour from your mothers womb.
Gazing at the moon.

We stood beneath the gate.
Three beneath the gate.
The rare good will of the random world,
Smiling like a sickle moon.

She was found beneath the gate.
Forsaken at the gate.
Found beneath the gate.
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"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong"

Poruke 49711
"Close My Eyes"

I want to walk away
Like Judas from the table.
Turn my back
And walk away.

I want to close my eyes
Like that novice at the altar.
Bow my head
And close my eyes.

Sorrow took Love's splintered hands
And waltzed her 'cross a painted floor.
Whispered softly in her ear,
"let's get outta here".

I'm going to breathe the air
That my children will be breathing.
Breathe them out
And breathe them in again.

I'm going to close my eyes
And walk away.
Turn my back
Bow my head
And close my eyes.
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"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong"

Poruke 49711
"One Soul Now"

Abandon all those precious things.
One soul now
Carry only what twilight brings.
One soul now
Watch the colour drain from the sky.
One soul now
Stillness settles, glides on by.
One soul now

I don't understand how these things
Move the way they do.
Collide the way they do.
Feel the way they do.
When we touch the way we do.

Fireflies drift on a midnight fog.
One soul now
Twinkling gifts from a puzzling god.
One soul now
Journey out into the fields.
One soul now
Crane our necks and watch us wheel.
On soul now

I don't understand how these things
Move the way they do.
Collide the way they do.
Feel the way they do.
When we touch the way we do.

Feel the weight of all those slings
One soul now
Carrying only what twilight brings
One soul now
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Mudrijas Burek Foruma
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"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong"

Poruke 49711
"Why This One"

Of all the lives to live why this one?
Filled with could-have-been. No fun.
Countless nights of anxious frustrations.
Of all the lives to live why this one?

Of all the souls to meet why these two?
One, old and dark, furious as a shrugging ocean.
The other, shiny, fresh as a winter morning.
Of all the souls to meet why these two?

Another night in bed with you
Another day beside you gone.
Slipping softly off to sleep
You say, "do you ever wonder why this one?"

A dusty simple-minded piece of fiction.
Strange and odd, twisted as a contradiction.
A glittering jewel of flaws and celebration.

Another night in bed with you
Another day beside you gone.
Slipping softly off to sleep
You say, "do you ever wonder why this one?"
You say, "do you ever wonder why this one?"
You say, "do you ever wonder why this one?"
Why this one, why this one, why this one?
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"I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong"

Poruke 49711
My Whild Child

Betrayed? It's the question
That I am asking.
Or just a lucky one deceived by too much love.

Confused. Is the issue.
I'm in need of high rescue.
Another lucky one stunned by too much love.

My wild child
She's my salvaged shipwreck.
My wild child she's my stone.
My wild child
She's my constant reminder.
My wild child she's my home.

Lost. Is the place
Where I'm hammering stakes.
Sign says, "A lucky one done in by too much love."

Saved. Is the state
That we are told was graced.
He was just a lucky one betrayed by too much love.

My wild child
She's my salvaged shipwreck.
My wild child she's my stone.
My wild child
She's my constant reminder.
My wild child she's my home.

Life. Is the riddle
Of which we're caught in the middle.
A couple of lucky ones
Tangled up in too much love.

My wild child
She's my salvaged shipwreck.
My wild child she's my stone.
My wild child
She's my constant reminder.
My wild child she's my home.
My wild child brings me home.
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