Snima filmove.Otac joj je Srbin,neki Rajko Vukadinovic.Obratite paznju na film DOA.A o filmu koji ce da snima kaze: new article in Herald's Sun about Holly. Tells us about how filming DOA was, her role in Pirson Break, Pledge This and also new movies news on her film The Tourist. Here is an extract::
Next up she heads to Serbia for a role in the British independent film The Tourist, set in the Balkans War.
"It's about weekend snipers who used to come in and borrow arms from the paramilitary and then take out random civilians. It's a true story, the writer is an ex-SAS soldier who was there.
"I'm Serbian myself, but I'm playing a Bosnian Muslim, which is interesting -- it's a touchy subject, but I thought it'd be good to do something totally different to DOA."
британски сас је поуздан и истинољубив....јебем ти продане пичке.....још није осетила српски курац па ће да види што јој се мама удала за србина пичку...а тек кад види како прави срби туцају има да заволи сваки педаљ ове земље....убио би је од курца па би имала осмех на лицу нареднух годину дана......