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Tema: Drive (2011)  (Pročitano 5262 puta)
10. Dec 2011, 17:55:45
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Zodijak Scorpio
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 33603
Zastava Beograd, Mirijevo
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.24
HTC Smart

Drive is a 2011 American crime neo-noir drama film directed by Nicolas Winding Refn, starring Ryan Gosling as the principal character, with Carey Mulligan, Bryan Cranston, and Albert Brooks. Although Drive shares several characteristics with the similarly-named 1978 Walter Hill car-chase film, The Driver, it is actually adapted from the 2005 James Sallis novel of the same name, with a screenplay by Hossein Amini.

Like the book, the film is about a Hollywood stunt performer (played by Gosling) who moonlights as a getaway driver. Prior to its September 2011 release, it had been shown at a number of film festivals. At the 2011 Cannes Film Festival, Drive was praised and even received a standing ovation. Winding Refn won the festival's Best Director Award for the film. Reviews from critics have been acclaimed, with many drawing comparisons to work from previous eras. Praise has also been given to Gosling's and Brooks' performances. The director has said influences came from Bullitt (1968) and The Day of the Locust (1975); and that Drive was a tribute to Alejandro Jodorowsky.


The unnamed Driver (Ryan Gosling) lives in a low-rent apartment building and works as a mechanic, stunt driver, and getaway driver. His driving skills and precision are evident when he helps two burglars evade police and split up at the Staples Center's crowded parking garage. The Driver works anonymously, never for the same people twice, and allots them only five minutes to do their business. Shannon (Bryan Cranston) owns the garage where the Driver works and sets up his other jobs. Shannon borrows $300,000 from mobster Bernie Rose (Albert Brooks) and buys a stock car for the Driver to race. Bernie agrees to back the plan after he sees the Driver's skills. Bernie's business partner is a Jewish mobster named Nino (Ron Perlman) who once had Shannon's pelvis broken when he found out Shannon overcharged him.

The Driver helps his neighbor, Irene (Carey Mulligan), and her young son, Benicio (Kaden Leos), when Irene has car trouble at a local market. Later, Irene has her car towed to Shannon's garage, and the Driver gives her and Benicio a ride home. The Driver begins spending more time with Irene and Benicio and even has dinner with them after Irene's husband, Standard (Oscar Isaac), comes home from prison. Standard owes "protection money" to an Albanian gangster, who goes by the name Cook (James Biberi), dating back from his time in prison. Cook beats Standard and threatens to come after Irene and Benicio if Standard does not rob a pawn shop.

The Driver agrees to help Standard placate Cook by driving Standard to and from the pawn shop. Blanche (Christina Hendricks), a woman associated with Cook, also participates in the heist. The job goes wrong, and Standard is shot dead by the pawn shop owner as he returns to the car. The Driver leaves with Blanche and the money, but a car follows him and tries to run him off the road. The Driver eludes the other vehicle, and he and Blanche hide out in a motel room. The Driver discovers that the amount of money is much more than he expected for a pawn shop robbery. He threatens to hurt Blanche if she does not tell the truth. She tells him the car belonged to Cook, and they planned to double-cross the Driver and Standard and take the money for themselves. Suddenly, two of Cook's men attack them in the motel room, killing Blanche with a shotgun blast to the head and injuring the Driver before he kills them both.

The Driver confronts Cook in his strip club and learns that Nino has been behind the heist all along. Nino later explains to Bernie that the money from the pawn shop belonged to the East Coast Mafia. Fearing retaliation if it becomes known who was behind the robbery, Bernie stabs Cook to death and tells Nino to take care of the Driver while he takes care of Shannon. The Driver agrees to give Nino the money in exchange for Irene and Benicio's safety. However, Nino sends a hitman to their apartment building. The Driver and Irene unknowingly ride the elevator with the hitman, but the Driver notices his concealed gun. The Driver gives Irene a quick kiss before overpowering the hitman, dispatching him by repeatedly stomping on his head before a stunned Irene. Bernie finds Shannon attemping to flee town and slits Shannon's wrist in his garage with a straight razor.

The Driver follows Nino to the Pacific Coast Highway in his car and t-bones him. With Nino wounded and weakened, the Driver drowns him in the Pacific Ocean. Bernie calls the Driver, telling him to meet at a Chinese restaurant. The Driver then makes a final phone call to Irene, to tell her he was leaving and thanking her for her time with him. At the restaurant, Bernie promises Irene and Benicio's safety in exchange for the money, but not the Driver's. In the parking lot, Bernie stabs the Driver in the abdomen as he pulls the money from the trunk of his car. The Driver then stabs and kills Bernie, leaving his corpse on the ground next to the satchel of money. Later that evening, Irene knocks on the Driver's apartment door, but there is no answer. The film ends with the Driver driving through the night.


    * Ryan Gosling as Driver
    * Carey Mulligan as Irene
    * Bryan Cranston as Shannon
    * Albert Brooks as Bernie Rose
    * Oscar Isaac as Standard Gabriel
    * Christina Hendricks as Blanche
    * Ron Perlman as Nino
    * Kaden Leos as Benicio
    * Jeff Wolfe as Tan Suit
    * James Biberi as Cook
    * Russ Tamblyn as Doc

Izvor: Wikipedia

Мало подсећа на Транспортера, али нема везе. Волим акционе филмове са пуно лудачке вожње, али оне праве где разваљују аутомобиле, а не набуџене и нашминкане сцене помоћу компјутера. Видим да на ИМДБ има веома високу оцену. Може да се набави добар снимак, за превод нисам сигуран. Smile
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Zodijak Aquarius
Poruke 4146
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Odma ću ti reć - ovo nema ni a od akcije, a još manje sa vožnjom.

Apsolutno ne razumijem visoku ocjenu ovog filma i sve pohvale.

Dvije stvari ću priznat - prva scena bjega je odlična i soundtrack je vrhunski. To je po meni lično sve što u ovom filmu valja.

Sam film je ponajviše karakterna drama. Priča je već viđena milion puta, gluma je krajnje osrednja (osim Ryana Goslinga koji je baš odradio posao), režija je totalno u art fazonu,  nije loša ali nekako ne odgovara. Negativcu su stereotipi i film je jaaaaako spor, baš se vuče. Režisera volim (Bronson i Pusher), ali ovdje je pokušao da napravi neku umjetničku verziju osvetničkog filma, ali slagalicu nije sklopio kako treba.

Što je najgore film ima toliko momenata u kojemu se gradi tenzija i pomisliš, "sada će scena gdje će im jebat majke", ali onda film jednostavno nište ne uradi i krene u totalno drugom pravcu. A i kulminacija priče je bezveze.

Ne znam, nikako mi se nije svideo. Film nema ništa novo u sebi. Naročito nemoj od ovog da očekuješ nikakvu akciju niti triler jer ćeš se u tom slučaju dobro razočarati.

Ovo je više eksperiment. Meni se nikako nije svideo.
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Before all else, be armed.

Zodijak Scorpio
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 33603
Zastava Beograd, Mirijevo
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Mozilla Firefox 3.6.24
HTC Smart
Е, јбг. Значи опет пренабуџен трејлер који гледаоца наводи на погрешне закључке. Наравно оцена на ИМДБ не мора ништа да значи. Хвала ти за инфо и за упозорење. Smile Већ сам га набавио па ћу га вероватно ускоро и погледати. Можда већ сутра. Одма' по гледању јављам утиске.  Smile
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Zodijak Aquarius
Poruke 4146
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Mozilla Firefox 3.6.24
Pazi možda je i do mene. Pošto ga očito svi vole, a video sam da se sviđa i vasabiju i zoranu.

Ja sam jednostavno očekivao nešto drugo, nešto jače. Elem isti slučaj kao i sa Valhala Rising (isti režiser), predstavljen u trailerima kao brutalni borbeni ep, a dobio se art psihološki ep, sa kvazi metaforama. Smile To nisam očekivao nikako.

U svakom slučaju, javi utiske. Sada kada su ti spuštena očekivanja možda ti i bude solidan. Smile
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Pol Muškarac
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gledao sam ga i dosadan je  Smile
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Jeka je moj drug 
And I won't show or feel any pain even though all my armor might rust in the rain!
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Americki patriota

Zodijak Pisces
Pol Muškarac
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Film je odlican sa fenomenalnom muzikom.... Smile
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Before all else, be armed.

Zodijak Scorpio
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 33603
Zastava Beograd, Mirijevo
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox 3.6.24
HTC Smart
Sada kada su ti spuštena očekivanja možda ti i bude solidan. Smile

Погледао сам и нисам баш пресрећан због онога штa сам видео. Једним својим делом је занимљив, али било је и момената када ми се чинило да ћу задремати. Не кажем да је лош, али филм је поприлично спор, можда чак и преспор а слична радња је виђена доста пута. Акције има мало, али је квалитетно урађена. Глума је океј баш као и музика, слаже се са динамиком филма. Да мe ниси јуче упозорио, очекивао би много јурњаве и рокања и на крају би био веома разочаран. Филм је сушта супротност ономе штa је сабијено у два и по минута колико трејлер траје.  Smile
« Poslednja izmena: 11. Dec 2011, 17:40:16 od monk13 »
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Zodijak Aquarius
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E pa to ti pričam. Zamisli mene kad sam očekivao neki dinamičan triler sa elementima akcije.

Krivim marketing. Smile

Kul je što imamo slično mišljenje u vezi ovog.
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Before all else, be armed.

Zodijak Scorpio
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 33603
Zastava Beograd, Mirijevo
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Mozilla Firefox 3.6.24
HTC Smart
Јашта. Smile

Мало ми је чудно то у вези рекламе. Ако су хтели да привуку љубитеље акције и луде вожње, зашто нису и снимили такав филм. Овај филм очигледно циља другу групу гледалаца, па ми није јасно због чега онакав набуџени трејлер који наводи на погрешан жанр? 
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Pol Muškarac
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pa da bi sto vise ljudi otislo u bioskop da ga pogleda
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Jeka je moj drug 
And I won't show or feel any pain even though all my armor might rust in the rain!
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