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Tema: Burek Art Gallery ~ Hoogstraten ~ A Peepshow  (Pročitano 1613 puta)
31. Mar 2006, 11:15:28
Mudrijas Burek Foruma
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kad porastem, 'ocu bRe da budem tu-ri-STA!!

Poruke 26315
Opera 8.52

A Peepshow
Samuel van Hoogstraten

About 1660
Full title "A Peepshow with Views of the Interior of a Dutch House".
Signed on a letter on the floor of the box
Wood, 58x88 cm

A rectangular box; the interior is painted on three sides, as well as on the top and bottom. The sixth side is open; originally light would have entered the box from the side, perhaps through specially treated paper stretched across it. The box would have been placed cloes to a window or illumination provided by a candle. There are peep-holes in the two shorter sides which provide views of the interior of a house.

The box was probably painted in Dordrecht in the later 1650s.
A number of such peepshows were made in Holland but only a few examples have survived. This is one of the finest.

Hoogstraten's box is an unusually elaborate example of the type, decorated on the exterior with allegorical paintings which corresponds to chapters in a theoretical book that the artist was later to write. The long side illustrates love of wealth as a motivation for the artist, who appears with a putto holding a cornucopia. Love of art and of fame are the subject of the paintings on the short sides, while the top is decorated with a perspective allegory of physical love, representing Venus and Cupid in bed.

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