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Trenutno vreme je: 05. Mar 2025, 00:18:30
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Tema: Barbra Streisand  (Pročitano 195785 puta)
30. Okt 2005, 22:40:25
Mudrijas Burek Foruma
Svedok stvaranja istorije

Zodijak Aquarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 29267
Zastava Beograd

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IP sačuvana
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You can't get unfamous. You can get infamous but you can't get unfamous.
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Zodijak Aquarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 29267
Zastava Beograd
"Sing Me A Song With Social Significance"

I'm tired of moon-songs of star and of June songs,
They simply make me nap
And ditties romantic drive me nearly frantic
I think they're all full of pap

History's making, nations are quaking
Why sing of stars above
For while we are waiting father time's creating
New things to be singing of

Sing me a song with social significance
All other tunes are taboo
I want a ditty with heat in it,
Appealing with feeling and meat in it!

Sing me a song with social significance
Or you can sing 'til you're blue
Let meaning shine from ev'ry line
Or I won't love you

Sing me of wars and sing me of breadlines
Tell me of front page news
Sing me of strikes and last minute headlines
Dress your observation in syncopation!

Sing me a song with social significance
There's nothing else that will do
It must get hot with what is what
Or I won't love you.

I want a song that's satirical
And putting the mere into miracle
It must be packed with social fact
or I won't love you

Sing me of kings and conf'rences martial
Tell me of mills and mines
Sing me of courts that aren't impartial
What's to be done with 'em tell me in rhythm

Sing me a song with social significance
there's nothing else that will do
It must be tense with common sense
or I won't love you.
IP sačuvana
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You can't get unfamous. You can get infamous but you can't get unfamous.
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Zodijak Aquarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 29267
Zastava Beograd
"Doing The Reactionary"

It's darker than the dark bottom
It rumbles more than the Rumba
If you think that the two-steps got 'em
Just take a look at this number
It's got that certain swing
That makes you wanna sing

Don't go left, but be polite
Move to the right
Doing the reactionary

Close your eyes to where you're bound
And you'll be found
Doing the reactionary

All the best dictators do it
Millionaires keep steppin' to it
The Four Hundred love to sing it
Ford and Morgan swing it

Hands up high and shake your head
You'll soon see red
Doing the reactionary

Don't go left, but be polite
Move to the right
Doing the reactionary

Close your eyes to where you're bound
And you'll be found
Doing the reactionary

All the best dictators do it
Millionaires keep steppin' to it
The Four Hundred love to sing it
Ford and Morgan swing it

Hands up high and shake your head
You'll soon see red
Doing the reac-
Doing the reac-

So get in it, begin it
It's smart, oh, so very
To do the reactionary!
IP sačuvana
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You can't get unfamous. You can get infamous but you can't get unfamous.
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Zodijak Aquarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 29267
Zastava Beograd
"One Big Union For Two"

I've decided the only way I can woo
Is to take a hint from the AFFL and The CIO
Now you're talking, perhaps I might listen to you
I don't say that I'll yes,
But don't say I'll say no
Then it's not too late to negotiate
Oh, well, we'll see
Perhaps we can agree
I'm on a campaign to make you mine
I'll picket you until you sign
In one big union for two
No courts and junction can make me stop
Until your love is all closed shop
In one big union for two
Seven days a week I want the right
To call you mine both day and night
The hours may be long
But fifty million union members can't be wrong
When we have joined up perhaps there'll be
A new recruit or two or three
For that's what team work can do
In one big union for two
We won't have sit-downs inside our gate
We'll never need to arbitrate
In one big union for two
We will have no lock-outs to make us frown
No stabbing when I'm out of town
In one big union for two
Will you pay your dues,
They're very light
A kiss each day
And a kiss each night
Our life will be a song
Fifty million union members can't be wrong
When we have signed up and made the grade
We'll let a member-
Union made
Who looks like me and like you
In one big union for two

What's to be done with 'em tell me in rhythm

Sing me a song with social significance
there's nothing else that will do
It must be tense with common sense
or I won't love you.
IP sačuvana
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You can't get unfamous. You can get infamous but you can't get unfamous.
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Mudrijas Burek Foruma
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Zodijak Aquarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 29267
Zastava Beograd
"Nobody Makes A Pass At Me"

I want men that I can squeeze, that I can please, that I can tease
Two or three or four or more!
What are those fools waiting for?
I want love and I want kissing I want more of what I'm missing

Nobody comes knocking at my front door
What do they think my knocker's for?
If they don't come soon there won't be any more!
What can the matter be?

I wash my clothes with Lux, my etiquette's the best,
I spend my hard-earned bucks on just what the ads suggest
Oh Dear what can the matter be
Nobody makes a pass at me!

I'm full of Kellogg's bran, eat grapenuts on the sly,
A date is on the can of coffee that I buy
Oh dear, what can the matter be?
Nobody makes a pass at me!

Oh Beatrice Fair-fax, give me the bare facts,
How do you make them fall?
If you don't save me, the things the Lord gave me
never will be any use to me at all.

I sprinkle on a dash of "Fragrance de Amour,"
The ads say "Makes Men Rash" but I guess their smell is pour
Oh dear what can the matter be
Nobody makes a pass at me.

I use Ovaltine and Listerine, Barbasol and Musterole
Life Buoy soap and Flit, So why ain't I got it?

I use Coca Cola and Marmola, Crisco, Lesco and Mazola,
Ex-lax and Vapex, So why ain't I got sex?

I use Albolene and Maybellene, Alka Seltzer, Bromo Seltzer,
Odorono and Sensation
So why ain't I got fascination?

My Girdles come from the Best, Times ads say they're chick
And up above I'm dressed in the brassier of the week
Oh dear, what can the matter be?
Nobody makes a pass at me!

I use Pond's on my skin, with rye-crisp I have thinned
I get my culture in I began "Gone with The Wind"
Oh dear, what can the matter be?
Nobody makes a pass at me!

Oh Dor'thy Dix, please, show me some tricks,
please, I want some men to hold
I want attention and things I can't mention
and I want them all before I get too old

I use Mum ev'ry day and Angelus Liplure,
But still men stay away just like Iv'ry soap I'm pure
Just like I result of 99 and 44
One hundred percent P.O.
Oh dear what can the matter be?
Nobody makes a pass at me
IP sačuvana
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You can't get unfamous. You can get infamous but you can't get unfamous.
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Mudrijas Burek Foruma
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Zodijak Aquarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 29267
Zastava Beograd
"Not Cricket To Picket"

It's not cricket to picket not cricket
Oh, no it's just not coming for to picket
You haven't any right you know
You're acting in great haste
Just think of the predicament
In which your boss is placed
And entre-nous I think
It's an exceedingly bad taste
Not cricket to picket not cricket
It's not cricket to picket not cricket
Atrocious and gauche you know to picket
Go home and starve like gentlemen
Not like a noisy brood
Real ladies never make a fuss
Though they like clothes and food
And money's never talked about
For that would be quite rude
Not cricket to picket not cricket
It's not picket to cricket not picket
Uncultured and unmannerly to picket
You know you're misbehaving now
You mustn't lose your mind
You're being so inelegant
And frankly quite unkind
Excuse my indiscretion
But you're older than refined
Not picket to cricket not picket
It ain't ticket to stick it not picket
Now offer some
Get each man there a cricket
Oh, dear, where is your decency
No Vanderbilts or Asters
Would ask in such a vulgar way
Be fitting only dexters
I beg you get the hell away
You lousy bunch of...
What do you mean disturbing the peace?
Come with you often
Oh, you see, you're brushing my mink
Get your hands off, kid!
You don't seem to know who I am
Or whom I know
Listen, I'm an intimate friend of Jimmy Walker
You won't get me in the...
IP sačuvana
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You can't get unfamous. You can get infamous but you can't get unfamous.
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Zodijak Aquarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 29267
Zastava Beograd
"Back To Work"

Hey here comes Joe now running down the street, hey Joe!
He must have news the way he moves his feet, hey Joe!
He's coming from the meeting with the boss, hey Joe!
I hope they didn't throw him for a loss, hey Joe!
He must have news about the strike, I wonder what it's like.
Hey Joe! Hey Joe! Hey Joe, don't be so slow!
Tell us, Joe! Spill it, Joe! Joe, what do you know?

What do I know?
I ain't heard as good news since Lord knows when,
For the strike is over, boys,
Back to work again!


The fighting's through now,
There's no more fuss
For the strike is over, boys,
Back to work for us!


We gave a little, and we took a little.
It was quite a fight but things came out all right!
Shout to the rafters, let yourselves go.
For the striking all is done, let's have fun,
The day is won, back to work we go!

Back to work again!
Back to work for us! JOE:
We gave a little, and we took a little. We gave and we took--
It was quite a fight It was quite a fight

But things came out all right!
Shout to the rafters, let yourselves go.
For the striking all is done,

Let's have fun,
The day is won, back to work we go!
Back to work, Joe!
Back to work, Joe!
Back to work we go!
IP sačuvana
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You can't get unfamous. You can get infamous but you can't get unfamous.
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Zodijak Aquarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 29267
Zastava Beograd
"Status Quo"

Are you ready to hear your lesson for the day?
-Yes, Teacher! Yes, Teacher!
Are you ready to learn what History has to say?
-Yes, Teacher! Yes, Teacher!
Then take your books and follow me to 1776 AD
And as the History page is turned we will see what we can learn
-Yes, Teacher! Yes, Teacher! Yes, Teacher!

In 1776 Tom Paine was writing books with a might and main
The Tory said "now man alive"
Stop giving out with this here liberty jive
-Stop giving out with this here liberty jive

Don't sing of people's rights that way
They might believe in what you say
So stop your song it's not polite
Pipe down before you start a fight

-You don't say, Teacher, is that right?

Aha, but Tom Paine looked ahead
And to those Tories Thomas said no, no, no, no
When you got to go, you got to go
You can't stand still on freedom's track
If you don't go forward, you go back
You can't giddyup by saying Whoa
And sitting on your status quo

-Yes, Teacher! Yes, Teacher! Yes, Teacher! Yes, Teacher!

To Washington at Valley Forge
A wise guy whispered slow down, George
Why start up trouble for the king
This freedom racket is a corny thing

-This freedom racket is a corny thing

Your troops are ickys they can't move
You'll never get them in the groove
So if you're wise, you'll just lay low
and play with the guys that have the dough

-You don't say Teacher, is that so?

Aha, but George just looked ahead
And to that Tory Georgie, no, no
When you got to go, you got to go
You can't stand still on freedom's track
If you don't go forward, you go back
You can't giddyup by saying whoa
And sitting on your status quo

-Yes, Teacher! Yes, Teacher!

Now Paul Revere saw a bellfry light
and that boy rode to town one night
Sang to the farmers near and far
Here come the British beating eight to the bar

One slippery tory said now Paul
You're manners aren't nice at all
Turn back, don't be an old hep cat
The right people don't sing like that

-ButPaul Revere turn him down flat
Aha, that's right, he rode ahead
and to that Tory Paul just said, no, no, no, no
When you got to go, you got to go
You can't stand still on freedom's track
If you don't go forward, you go back
You can't giddyup by saying whoa
And sitting on your status quo

Yes, Teacher! Yes, Teacher! Yes, Teacher
So, students now you're hep, don't stop!
Keep stepping to that freedom hop
Although the tory's beef and blow
To keep you sitting on your status quo

-To keep you sitting on your status quo

When they say let's stand still a bit
Give up some rights, no harm in it
Remember those are just the tricks
That did not work in 76

-Now ain't that right, the same old tricks?

Though Torys talk: don't be misled
And do what all those others said

No, no, no, no
When you got to go, you got to go
You can't stand still on freedom's track
If you don't go forward, you go back
You can't giddyup by saying whoa
And sitting on your status ...
Sitting on, yes, sittin' on your, status...


IP sačuvana
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You can't get unfamous. You can get infamous but you can't get unfamous.
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Zodijak Aquarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 29267
Zastava Beograd
"Four Little Angels Of Peace"

Four little angels of peace are we
Loving our neighbors so peacefully
There's really no harm if we do not disarm
For we always in close harmony
Four little angels of peace are we
There is one thing on which we agree
With fall or with friend
We will fight to the end
Just for peace, peace, peace...
Though we butchered the boss
And I've own made the choice
And slaughter the Irish no end
Though I'm injured and poor
Slaying hoard upon hoard
We're but playing the part of a friend
Yes, our arms we ain't twist
But we'll be elected for peace
Except in the case of the crook
We conquered both spears
Now we're up to our ears
Just trying to keep what we took
Three little angels of peace are we
Living together so blissfully
Oh, we never fight unless
We're on the right
But we're always in the right, you see?
Three little angels of peace are we
There is one thing on which we agree
Until we are wrecks
We'll break each other's necks
Just for peace, peace, peace...
In Japan we've the right
In a generous night
But the Emperor knows peace is finer
It isn't our fault it's a case of absurd
We're picked down and buried by China
Oh, how we're deplored
I glad did it for the world
We're a nation of poets and thinkers
Also, though we bound without pity
And lay west to his city
It's because all the Chinese are stinkers
Two little angels of peace are we
Living together in amity
We'll sign any pack saying we won't attack
But it's just a mere formality
Two little angels of peace are we
There is one thing on which we agree
We try to keep calm
When we gas, we bump
Just for peace, peace, peace...
Now I know that our war
Is a thing to have horror
And that peaceful fill out
When we hope we have
With our love from the start
I atrocious did all my part
To civilize nearly the hope we have
Though you call me sadistic
My armies required a quarry
And though we may slave
What's a splendid day today
After all that we'll say that we're sorry
Though I fall for the urge
Of a nice bloody purge
And living my way I was carrying on
Though I clean up my Schmutz
Would I hear Nazi putz
It is all for the sake of the Aryan
My ambitions are small
I want nothing at all
My plans wouldn't be any littler
Now that Austria's Nazi
It will be hazy-gazy
To put the whole world under Hitler
Four little angels of peace are we
Drinking with older of saintity
Though we slaughter the meek
We confirm every week
And we talk it over peacefully
Four little angels of peace are we
There is one thing on which we agree
We'll shout and we'll shell
We'll get each other's hell
Just for peace, peace, peace...
IP sačuvana
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You can't get unfamous. You can get infamous but you can't get unfamous.
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Mudrijas Burek Foruma
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Zodijak Aquarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 29267
Zastava Beograd
"What Good Is Love?"

Everywhere I go
I hear sweet songs about the moon
Songs about the stars above
And songs of love and June
Songs of hearts that beat as one
To some sweet lovers tune
But they're not songs that sing for me
Songs about the dream that lies
Within a lover's eyes
Songs about the cloudless sky
And lover's paradise
Songs about the joys of love
And lovers lullabies
But there not songs that sing for me
What good is love?
If you have to face
Cold hungry days and sighing
What good is love?
If life's just a race
To keep your heart from crying
Let the poet sing of skies above
And endless love
And hearts that dance
Where is my chance?
For the call of romance
What good is love?
If you haven't got
All that makes life worth living
What good is love?
If you haven't got
Even a thing worth giving
You can keep your little songs
That sing of all the joy that love can bring
What good's romance?
What good is love to me?
You can keep your little songs
That sing of all the joy that love can bring
What good's romance?
What good is love to me?
IP sačuvana
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You can't get unfamous. You can get infamous but you can't get unfamous.
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