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Tema: Automatsko kopiranje zeljenog foldera na USB  (Pročitano 8618 puta)
Hronicar svakodnevice

Pol Muškarac
Poruke 684
Windows Vista
Mozilla Firefox 3.0.13
Na Tom's Hardware imate uporedni pregled najpopularnijih programa za sinhronizaciju podataka:,review-1060.html


When choosing a syncing solution, it’s probably a good idea to first figure out your own usage scenario. Do you need to do local backups to a local network storage or USB thumb drive or do you need an always-on PC-to-PC backup? Or is it something in between?

It terms of an all around solution that can do both local and remote, GoodSync is a solid choice. That said, GoodSync’s local syncing features are not as robust compared to what Allway Sync offers and its remote PC syncing isn’t as feature rich as either BeInSync or FolderShare’s offerings. But you can do both local and remote, so if that’s what you need, give GoodSync a try.

If you’re just looking for a powerful local synchronization solution, Allway Sync with its multi-way synchronization options and really complete options for handing file deletions is a very good choice.

For remote PC-to-PC synchronization, both BeInSync and FolderShare are impressive easy-to-use solutions. At this point the edge goes to BeInSync as it offers more features for controlling transfers and because it makes it easy to identify on your desktop what is synced and what is shared. However, BeInSync is a significantly more expensive product compared to FolderShare, which currently is free (although that is likely to change once Microsoft moves it out of beta).
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