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Trenutno vreme je: 12. Mar 2025, 23:17:30
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Tema: Abigor  (Pročitano 10361 puta)
Legenda foruma

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 42576
Zastava BG, Savski Venac
Windows XP
Chrome 16.0.912.75
Unleashed axe-age

(This vision should not be seen as a part of the upcoming Viking trend)
Ancient!... we invoke
The polarities are united as one
We are united as one
By oaths once sworn - by blood
The powers of darkness are unleashed
Fire of Surt engulfes the world
Fenrir unbound...
Midgard drowned by the sea - let Naglfar be launched...
The chains of Fenrir are rent asunder
And the wolf shall course about...
An axe-age, a sword-age...
Come forth to receive the mark of fate
And prepare yourself for battle
The sun shall darken
Vapour and fire shall rage together
Till the leaping flame licks heaven itself...
That the earth will be renewed in splendour
And Surt shall endure, as Baldur endures...
..For the powers of darkness are eternal
The twilight as come
The dawn breaks in the east
The world is alive
Loki lives upon the earth
It is done...
The fire engulfs the earth
Fenrir is free - the stars are falling
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Legenda foruma

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 42576
Zastava BG, Savski Venac
Windows XP
Chrome 16.0.912.75
Untamed devastation

The limit is reached - untamed devastation
Moving down every breathing entity
Our wrath - our weapons are too real to ignore
Mercy - a forgotten word
aimless, blind ... just storming 'gainst everything
The gods you banished in the ancient days
Have still been worshipped by ones you fear
They gathered powr which you now loose
As your god fails by your side
The two ravens are there to pick your eyes
As we cry out the names of the pagan gods
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Legenda foruma

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 42576
Zastava BG, Savski Venac
Windows XP
Chrome 16.0.912.75
Utopia consumed

Forgive me father for I've sinned
I am a child of fire and the master of winds
But I'm still wide awake...

Fingers grip out of my brain
No control - my mind is lame

From the earth up to the trees I hear them calling me
The voices which rides on the breeze

Oh, its haunting me - in expectancy for your flesh
But this dream life is the only life -
An everlasting astral dimension
The dream death is the only death -
Total destruction of the soul

Within this astral plane Ill never be the same
Throwing myself at the sky while falling back to the ground
I'm off the earth but no one can hear my painful sound

I open the doors to the other side and step beyond mortality
Trapped in rage - it bursts my veins so feel the pain
I breathe your name

It isn't just a nightscape vision painted in blood
Utopia Consumed!

The dark silhouettes move towards me
As I confess the morbid desire
And I witness all the falling souls consumed
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Legenda foruma

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 42576
Zastava BG, Savski Venac
Windows XP
Chrome 16.0.912.75

A wasteland grows inside my mind
As the moons sets before my eyes
My dreams are old and milleniums passed by
Torn - in a strong reality
Born - into the wrong century
I am soldier of dark existence
I'll last eternally...
I am the triumphator
In the grip of eternal frost
Domination, devastation
Eternal damnation
..Not just evil imaginations
Drum auf bereit zum letzten Sto
Wie's uns're Ahnen waren
Der Tod sei unser Kampfgescho
Wir sind die schwarzen Scharen!
Eternal Damnation...
Und dem Leben soll kein Reich mehr bleiben
Total devastation!
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Legenda foruma

Zodijak Sagittarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 42576
Zastava BG, Savski Venac
Windows XP
Chrome 16.0.912.75
Wildfire and desire

In the ancient tradition of conjuration
To satisfy my bestial urge
I raise blackened magic to the heavens, against the light
So appear and bring forth my desire
Flesh is the slave - my spirit reigns
As naked servant to my rite - enslaved creation
Raging wildfire for ritual soul cremation

No flame burns brighter than desire
Lust and passion, and pain as sinful gift
Wildfire in the heart of man - uncontrollable
I'm the creature set ablaze with God's despised sin

Grant me irresistibility - power infinite
Let open up the earth to spew whores
Sexual rites to praise your name
Sitri! Twelveth of the great! Ioa Sabao!

No flame burns brighter than desire
Lust and passion, and pain as sinful gift
Wildfire in the heart of man - uncontrollable
I'm the creature set ablaze with God's despised sin
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Trenutno vreme je: 12. Mar 2025, 23:17:30
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