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Tema: Veliki projekti gradjevinarstva kod nas i u svetu~novoizgradjeni objekti  (Pročitano 49567 puta)
29. Sep 2006, 19:52:48
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Novi objekti.Buduci projekti kod nas i u svetu
« Poslednja izmena: 29. Sep 2006, 20:50:01 od goranse »
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Sava City

*Basic Information:

Investor: Neimar-V, Irva, and Kemoimpeks
Object info: One residential building and one office building
Construction start: April 2006
Construction finish: December 2007

*Extended Information:

Business complex within Block 20 ,between prestigious of the GENEX apartments, the “Intercontinental” and the “Hyatt” hotels, and in the vicinity of the neighbouring “Sava Centar”is supposed to be the first elite residental-business New Belgrade area, realized due to a comprehensive worked through, and creative project.To incorporate into the highest European standards the first class architecture has been programmed, including modern construction, modern technological equipment and high aesthetic of the ground floor, business, pedestrian and green areas.
The position of this location is situated at the left bank of the Sava river, 700 m distance of the river itself on one side, and in the vicinity of the heart of Old Belgrade on the other side.
The vicinity of the arranged green area, the confluence of the two big rivers, and the left bank of the Sava river, along the line from the mouth upstream two kilometres in length, with favourable wind resistance rose make this area very satisfactory from the microclimate point of view.
The object is centrally located between the streets Vladimira Popovica and Milentija Popovica bordered by the Sava Centar, “Intercontinental” hotel and the “Hyatt” hotel, the Delta Bank business building, Genex apartments, and Genex Tower.

Location area:
11785 m2

Total BGRP (gross building surface) of the object:
*Business 20.831,64m2
*Business apartments 14.911,02m2
*Underground parking lot 15.603,74m2

The approach to the location from the “Hyatt” hotel along the reef of the luxurious located diagonal of a nicely organized plateu within the block, the two corps are not intensive, torn off , the business part on the left, and the residential part on the right side.
The functional division on business and residential has been drawn according to the conditions with clearly indicated ground floor that bounds business to residential apartments along the pedestrian bridge creating an environment of a square between business objects overflowing into intimate spaces around objects of business apartments.
The ground floors of both functions are aimed to business, trade, tourism, catering, culture and other aspects. Lower ground floors in business premises and residential apartments are aimed for parking places, by vertical communications bound both to business premises and residential apartments.The lower garage level is an additional parking area.
The location organization is on three objects:business apartments P+M+9+Ps (ground floor, mezzanine, withdrawn floor) + tower , in three levels and business objects P+ M+7+Ps ( ground floor,mezzanine,withdrawn floor).
The advantage of this concept is a possibility of organizing objects in more independent unites which can be separated to more individual users, and within the object, different contents and aims can be organized.
All necessary services : termal substation, power distributing plant, diesel sets,water meter etc are located in the basement. The business part consists of two triangle objects in its foundation. The approach to each object is from the main square consisting a comfortable mileau, such as dominating entrance starecase , diverse arrangement of flowers, sculpture, fountain.
The entrance to each object has a stressed eaves and it leades both to the object and the entrance hall rich with contents: shops, banks, galeries, leading further to the info desk and communications in horizontal and vertical aspects ( elevators and stairs).
The foundation of the business part is created in such way that in the heart, all necessary communications are located ( elevators, stairs, fire exits) installations and sanitary blocks. The rest of the foundation is free for space organization due to potential users requests. Each repeating floor gives a possibility of separation into more functional units. The object of business apartments is bound to the business premises by the main plateau.
On that level of the access square, two main but separated objects are located: a restaurant or a coffee shop; and on the other side are objects for more tranquil contents.
At the entrance to the residental part , apart of the full control by the doorman, there are separated rooms for the storage of bicycles and similar equipment, toilets, and a small one room apartment for the doorman’s needs.
From the central entrance to the residental part, to the left and to the right, two hearts of communication are separated by elevators and stairs. That’s how is the object of business apartments separated into two blocks. Each consists of three apartments on each floor of 78m2 to 215m2 each.
The apartments offer various possibilities of space organization with always a strong living room, facing to the nicest views of Belgrade , both to the new and to the old part, and as well to the river that separates them, and to the bridges that bound them.


Satellite Overview:



Updated on July 21st, 2006:

Updated on September 28th, 2006:


*Source: Savograd Official Website
« Poslednja izmena: 29. Sep 2006, 20:48:44 od goranse »
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Energoprojekt and Napred Buildings in Blok 26

*Basic Information:

Investor: Energoprojekt and Napred
Object info: Two large office buildings
Construction start: 2004
Construction finish: 2007

*Extended Information:

The user of the land available for construction in Blok 26 is the consortium EPNA which involves both Energoprojekt and Napred that are each constructing an office building in the outer edges of the Blok.

The part of the land towards ul. Proleterske Solidarnosti and bul. Mihaila Pupina is being used by Napred, which has received permission to start the construction of an office building and parking garage with a 33137 square metres worth of space being constructed in the complex. The structure will have an underground floor, bottom floor, and six above-ground levels.

The part of the block that is positioned towards ul. Španskih boraca is held by Energoprojekt Visokogradnja which is constructing an office building with 34211 square metres of floor area. This building will have two underground floors, a bottom floor, and six above-ground levels.


Renderings of Napred's office building in Blok 26:

Renderings of Energoprojekt's office building in Blok 26:


Update from January 2006:

Update from April 2006:

Update from September 28th, 2006 (Napred building) :

Novi Beograd

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Graditeljske novosti: Delta holding počeo izgradnju novog tržnog centra na 87.000 m2 u Beogradu
Beogradski Delta holding počeo je 22. marta 2006. u Beogradu izgradnju tržnog centra od 87.000 m2, koji će koštati 82 mil EUR. (

Prvi trgovinski centar te veličine u Srbiji i regionu gradi se u novobeogradskom Bloku 67, blizu budućeg univerzitetskog sela, a očekuje se da bude završen za godinu i po, kazala je generalni direktor Delta M grupe Ivana Veselinović

Prema njenim rečima, objekat "Delta siti 67" (Delta City 67) projektovala je izraelska kuća Mur arhitekst (Moore arhitects) po ugledu na, takozvane, šoping-molove, a u njemu će osim Maksi supermarketa na 5.000 m2, biti još 160 objekata. Tržni centar će raspolagati i sa 1.700 parking mesta, bioskopom sa osam sala, nekoliko restoran, kafea, fitnes i spa centara, a u njemu će prodajne objekte imati i 20-tak poznatih trgovinskih firmi koje do sada nosu poslovale u Srbiji.

Kako je najavljeno, "Delta holding" će u naredne 3 godine izgraditi još četiri slična objekta, od kojih dva u Beogradu i po jedan u Novom Sadu i Podgorici.

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Za­di­vi­će i svet
S. BA­JIĆ, 2. maj 2006

No­vi sim­bol No­vog Sa­da. "Ma­ster cen­tar" No­vo­sad­skog saj­ma, re­pre­zen­ta­tiv­na i naj­mo­der­ni­ja zgra­da, op­to­če­na sta­klom i mer­me­rom, iako je za­pra­vo je­din­stven sa­jam­sko - kon­gre­sni i po­slov­no - tr­go­vač­ki cen­tar, vi­še li­či na le­te­ći ta­njir ko­ji će pr­ve put­ni­ke pri­mi­ti 13. ma­ja, na dan otva­ra­nja 73. me­đu­na­rod­nog po­ljo­pri­vred­nog saj­ma.
Reč je o osno­vi, za­pra­vo "soft­ve­ru" za pri­me­nu, or­ga­ni­za­ci­ju sa­vre­me­nih sa­jam­skih ma­ni­fe­sta­ci­ja, kon­gre­snih ak­tiv­no­sti ko­je či­ne saj­mo­ve "če­tvr­te ge­ne­ra­ci­je".
Pro­sti­re se na 28.000 kva­drat­nih me­ta­ra, a či­ne ga aula, kon­gre­sni, po­slov­ni, kan­ce­la­rij­ski, iz­lo­žbe­ni, ugo­sti­telj­ski pro­stor i ho­tel. Gra­đen je če­ti­ri go­di­ne u dve fa­ze. Naj­pre je po­dig­nu­ta iz­lo­žbe­na ha­la od 6.800 kva­drat­nih me­ta­ra, a za­tim, u dru­goj fa­zi, kom­ple­tan ar­hi­tek­ton­ski pod­vig od 22.000 kva­drat­nih me­ta­ra. Ukup­na in­ve­sti­ci­ja iz­no­si 21 mi­li­on evra.
- To je za nas iz­u­ze­tan po­du­hvat, jer ni­smo vo­di­li ra­ču­na o tre­nut­ku u ko­jem mi ra­di­mo, već raz­mi­šlja­li o bu­duć­no­sti - ka­že prof. dr Alek­san­dar An­dre­je­vić, ge­ne­ral­ni di­rek­tor No­vo­sad­skog saj­ma, ko­ji je pre pet go­di­na na­či­nio stra­te­šku vi­zi­ju raz­vo­ja te ku­će. - Još ta­da je bi­lo ja­sno da bu­duć­nost saj­mo­va po­či­va na kon­gre­snim ak­tiv­no­sti­ma, a sa­da smo, evo, obez­be­di­li sve uslo­ve. Dvo­ra­na ima 1.400 me­sta u ple­nu­mu, i pro­jek­to­va­na je ta­ko da se pro­stor la­ko i br­zo pri­la­go­di ma­njim sku­po­vi­ma, pa mo­že­mo or­ga­ni­zo­va­ti kon­gre­se po svet­skim stan­dar­di­ma, ali i iz­da­va­ti kom­pa­ni­ja­ma za nji­ho­ve kor­po­ra­tiv­ne do­ga­đa­je.
U ok­to­bru ove go­di­ne, No­vo­sad­ski sa­jam bi, uz po­dr­šku pak­ta za sta­bil­nost Ju­go­i­stoč­ne Evro­pe, tre­ba­lo da bu­de do­ma­ćin ve­li­kom kon­gre­su: "Re­in­te­gra­ci­ja ka­pi­ta­la" u ze­mlja­ma Ju­go­i­stoč­ne Evro­pe.
- U pre­go­vo­ri­ma smo s mi­ni­star­stvi­ma za eko­nom­ske od­no­se i pri­vre­du pri Vla­di Re­pu­bli­ke Sr­bi­je da se ofor­mi or­ga­ni­za­ci­o­ni od­bor u ko­jem bi na­ša Vla­da uze­la ak­tiv­no uče­šće sa vla­da­ma osam ze­ma­lja u re­gi­o­nu - ka­že An­dre­je­vić, i na­gla­ša­va da će kon­gre­sne ak­tiv­no­sti do­pri­ne­ti raz­vo­ju in­du­stri­je uslu­ga i uti­ca­ti na još ve­ći broj iz­la­ga­ča ne­go na kla­sič­noj sa­jam­skoj pri­red­bi. - Ono što se ču­je u kon­gre­snoj ha­li, mo­že i da se po­gle­da u iz­lo­žbe­nom pro­sto­ru. Neo­p­hod­no je, pri­tom, obez­be­di­ti do­bre pre­da­va­če, struč­nja­ke svet­skog re­no­mea, jer se sfe­ra in­te­re­so­va­nja sve vi­še pre­no­si u oblast zna­nja. Sve to je od ve­li­kog zna­ča­ja za No­vo­sad­ski sa­jam, kao i za grad i dr­ža­vu.

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The Troika   


Foster predstavio projekte novih nebodera u Kuala Lumpuru

Skoro svakodnevno se negdje u svijetu predstavljaju projekti nebodera ili izgradjeni objekti koji se bore za superlative, te se svi po pravilu takmiče i odmjeravaju u visini sa najvećim gradjevinama, ako ne svijeta, kontinenta ili zemlje, onda grada u kome će biti postavljeni. Za Kuala Lumpur gdje se već nalazi donedavni svjetski visinski rekorder Petronas Twin Tower Cesara Pellia, Foster and Partners su predstavili projekte kompleksa od tri nova nebodera koji su nazvali "The Troika".

Iako su sa visinom od 50, 44 i 38 spratova tri tornja "trojke" znatno niža od Petronas Twin Towera projektanti se prse time što će izgraditi jedan veliki "nebeski most" (Sky Bridge) kojim će biti sva tri nebodera povezana.
Za razliku od Pellijevih tornjeva oblikovanih korišćenjem elemenata stare malezijske umjetnosti građjenja, Foster je nove objekte oblikovao striktno na principima savremene arhitekture. U izgledu potpuno zastakljenih fasada ttornjeva oslikava se struktura unutrašnje nosive konstrukcije.

"The Troika" bi trebala stajati oko 650 miliona malezijskih ringgita (oko 144 miliona eura), a za tu cijenu bi se izgradila 164 luksuzna apartmana i 57 tzv. SOHO-a ( small Office / Home Office).

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Laki šinski sistem

Laki šinski sistem (Light Rail Transit) ili laki metro je glavni deo transportnog sistema mnogih svetskih gradova čiji je broj stanovnika približan Beogradu. U mnogim elementima razlikuje se od klasičnog ili teškog metroa, a za Beograd je najvažniji ekonomski - cena izgradnje lakog metroa je duplo niža.

U Beogradu se od sedamdesetih godina 20. veka čine napori da se krene sa izgradnjom šinskog sistema koji bi zadovoljio potrebe našeg grada. Početkom 21. veka Beograd se, u skladu sa Generalnim planom Beograda 2021. opredelio da započne projekat izgradnje lakog metroa koji će biti od izuzetnog značaja za budući sistem javnog prevoza grada. Na narednim stranicama možete pogledati delove projekta BELAM, koji je prva faza rada na beogradskom lakom metrou. Ovaj projekat finansirala je Direkcija za građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju Beograda, a njime se daje generalno rešenje trase prve linije lakog metroa kao i Prethodna studija opravdanosti.

Izvor: Direkcija za građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju Beograda

Trasa prve linije (Ustanička-Tvornička)

Shema Metroa

Koridor prve linije lakog metroa, koji je Generalnim planom Beograda za 2021. godinu definisan kao prioritetni, prostire se od Zemuna na zapadu do ukrštanja Bulevara Kralja Aleksandra i Ustaničke ulice, na istoku. U neposrednoj zoni uticaja koridora živi oko 270.000 stanovnika i ima oko 150.000 radnih mesta.
Trasa je postavljena površinski, u baštici, po sredini Bulevara kralja Aleksandra i ide do ukrštanja sa Sredačkom ulicom, gde ulazi u plitki tunel. Tunel ide ispod Bulevara, do Trga Nilole Pašića, zatim dubokim tunelom ispod Trga Republike i u blagom luku skreće ka ulici Pop Lukina.
Tu je formirana stanica Varoš kapija iz koje trasa dalje nastavlja novim mostom preko Save. Na levoj obali Save trasa ide do stanice Hyatt, gde se vrši ukrštanje sa postojećom tramvajskom trasom, zatim na zapad Ulicom Milentija Popovića i skreće u Bulevar AVNOJ-a gde nastavlja središnjom bašticom do ukrštanja sa Ulicom Omladinskih brigada. Trasa lakog metroa zatim skreće na sever, ka SO Novi Beograd i kod postojeće kružne raskrsnice nastavlja Bulevarom Mihajla Pupina do terminusa u Tvorničkoj ulici.

Ustanička - Varoš kapija (Download animacija01.avi 8,6MB)
Varoš kapija - Tvornička (Download animacija02.avi 11,1MB)

Izvor: Direkcija za građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju Beograda

Buduci izgled trase

Kliknite na sliku za uvećan prikaz izvoda iz tehničkog crteža trase prve linije lakog šinskog sistema (trasa.jpg 335KB)

Ukupna dužina predložene trase prve linije lakog metroa je 12,5 km, gotovo polovina trase je ili u tunelu ili na mostu tj. potpuno nezavisna trasa i to u centru grada što je karakteristika pravog metroa. Predviđeno je 20 stajališta od kojih je 8 podzemnih.
Planirano vreme trajanja izgradnje Prve faze lakog metroa iznosi 5 godina, a orijentaciona cena je oko 450 miliona EVRA. Broj putnika na novoj liniji lakog metroa procenjuje se na oko 40 miliona godišnje.

Laki metro izabran je i zbog ekonomski prihvatljive jedinične cene izgradnje po fazama, a tempo i način izgradnje usklađen je sa potrebama grada uz minimalno ometanje ostalog saobraćaja.
On će unaprediti sistem gradksog prevoza i ispuniti zahteve našeg grada i njegovih stanovnika.

Kada se svim navedenim karakteristikama dodaju i niski troškovi održavanja i eksploatacije, jednostavno se zaključuje da je ovo efikasan, siguran, isplativ, vizuelno privlačan i samim tim najbolji odgovor na potrebe savremenih Beograđana.

Izvor: Direkcija za građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju Beograda

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Unutrašnji magistralni poluprsten - UMP

Beograd je grad od gotovo 2 miliona stanovnika, urbana matrica nastala je uglavnom spontano i stihijski, a ne planski što je posledica nasleđa iz prethodnih vremena. Dobrim delom je uzročnik velikih problema u saobraćaju s obzirom na svoju izrazito monocentričnu strukturu.
Svakog dana veliki broj stanovnika Beograda upućen je na centar grada. Međutim zbog nepostojanja adekvatnih saobraćajnica veliki borj vozila samo prolazi kroz centar na putu ka drugim delovima grada i to rezultira gužvama koje svakodnevno usporavaju i parališu saobraćaj. Na pojedinim deonicama u gradu brzina saobraćaja često pada ispod 10 km/h.

Tako, na primer, ukoliko ne postoji prstenasta saobraćajnica putovanje iz tačke A do tačke B sa obaveznim prelaskom kroz centar Beograda traje 30 minuta. Korišćenjem prstena iz tačke A u tačku B stiže se za 20 minuta, a istovremeno se rasterećuje centar grada i izbegavaju zagušenja.

Dakle, vremenski se putovanje skraćuje za trećinu. Projekat UMPeSO sastoji se iz Urbanističko-saobraćajne studije, Geotehničke studije, Studije klimatskih parametara, Studije hidroloških i hidrografskih parametara, Analize uticaja na životnu sredinu, Studije uticaja na infrastrukturne i komunalne sisteme, Generalnog projekta i Predhodne studije opravdanosti.

Izvor: Direkcija za građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju Beograda
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UNIVERZIJADA 2009. godine

Desetog januara 2005. godine u Insbruku je doneta odluka kojom je našoj zemlji i Beogradu, poverena organizacija 25. letnje Univerzijade

Tokom 2004. godine saradnjom Ministarstva prosvete i sporta i Direkcije za građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju Beograda došlo se do zajedničkog opredeljenja lokacije u Bloku 67 u Novom Beogradu, kao odgovarajuće za izgradnju Sportskog sela za Univerzijadu 2009. godine. U kratkom roku Direkcija je pripremila idejno rešenje Sportskog sela u Bloku 67. Naša celokupna prezentacija bila je na znatno višem nivou u odnosu na protivkandidate, čime smo doprineli uspešnoj kandidaturi.

Bruto građevinska površina projektovanog naselja iznosi oko 200.000 m2. Ova površina je u skladu sa neophodnim funkcijama sela i standardima Međunarodne sportske studentske organizacije. Podeljena je na rezidencijalnu, komercijalnu i zonu sa objektima javne namene.

Javnim oglasom lokacija se nudi potencijalnim investitorima. Prvi stanovnici ovog bloka za vreme trajanja Univerzijade biće sportisti iz celog sveta. Opremljeno svim pratećim sadržajima (škola, vrtić, banke, pošte itd.), naselje će pružiti potpuni komfor kako sportistima tako i budućim, krajnjim korisnicima ovog stambenog bloka. U okviru bloka počinje gradnja najvećeg trgovinskog centra u Beogradu što je još jedna privilegija budućih žitelja.

Izvor: Direkcija za građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju Beograda
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The World's 12 Best New Buildings

 by  C. C. Sullivan
  Scottish Parliament Building, Edinburgh 
  Front Entrance at The De Young Museum, San Francisco 
  Agbar Tower, Barcelona 
  BMW Plant Leipzig — Central Building 
  The Central Piazza of The High Museum, Atlanta 
  Shaw Center for the Arts, Baton Rouge 
  Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Berlin, Germany 
 Art Collectors’ Residence, Toronto 
  New Trade Fair Milano, Italy (aerial view) 
  C.C. Sullivan 
  Without much introduction or fanfare, submitted here for your consideration are a dozen great building that emerged over the courseof 2005. None of these projects are, admittedly, found outside Europe or North America, and none are designed by Lord Norman Foster or Frank Gehry, the foremost architectural minds of our day.
But I make no apologies. In their defense, these buildings are quite varied, both typologically (noted for convenience) as well as stylisticallyand thematically (omitted to spare you).
In other words, there's a little something for everyone.
One caveat, however: Not all of these works actually had ribbon-cuttings in 2005, but they all became completed, occupied, usable and publishable last year.
If you haven't seen these works yet, now's the time to add them to your schedule. In their own ways, these works are defining what architecture will become tomorrow. Are you curious about our built future? Then have a look.
1. Best Civic Building:
Scottish Parliament Building (Holyrood)
Edinburgh, Scotland
Architect: Enric Miralles (EMBT/RMJM)
This is last year's best damn building, period. Not in several decades have we seen such a spectacularly mannerist display of referential organic ornament and creative space-making by one talent. That person, of course, was the late Catalonian, Enric Miralles, whose death in 2000 left his partner and wife, the gifted Benedetta Tagliabue, to finish this work.
Unlike the homes of most legislative bodies, Holyrood captures the anti-Classical and nonhierarchical nature of this Scottish institution. Miralles's swansong also employed materials and methods that make the place healthy and environmentally benign in ways truly perceptible to the eye. Miralles abstracted numerous historical references into a rich variety of forms, enlacing its warm, humane spaces. The effect is one of building a new small city in a way never quite seen before.
2. Best Museums:
de Young Museum, San Francisco
and Walker Arts Center Expansion, Minneapolis
Architect: Herzog & de Meuron
Forgive me the plural here, but Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron continue to astonish. Their work stands well above anything else produced today, giving us reasons to see anew a Minneapolis institution and a reopened destination in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park.
The projects provide unique parallels: The warped cube of the $70 million Walker is wrapped in a crinkled aluminum mesh, while the de Young's stacked massing is contained by a skin of perforated and embossed copper. Both have apparent blocked masses cut through with skylights, courtyards or terraces; both integrate landscaping and naturalistic forms in one way or another. And they generate drama: At the de Young, a 144-foot education tower gently spirals aloft, while in Minneapolis, a Herculean cantilever creates a memorable new entrance on Hennepin Avenue.
 (Yes,I know: By omission, I've dissed New York City's MoMA, and the fine-framed views and minimalist detailing of Tokyo's Yoshio Taniguchi. But the stream of unimpressed visitors exiting its cold galleries over the last year, I believe, validates choices elsewhere.)
3. Best Tower:
Agbar Tower
Architect: Jean Nouvel
Now another Frenchman dreams with Dalí and Gaudí: Jean Nouvel, whose new Catalonian tower is inspired as much by the hills of Montserrat as the spires of Sagrada Familia. The architect clads the 142-meter-tall oval cylinder in two skins: a polished aluminum in earthy blues, greens and grays enclosed by 60,000 sheets of clear and frosted glass. The effect obscures and dematerializes the shaft's 4,500 windows, tie-dyed in 40 dreamlike colors. Inside, a second cylinder, slightly off center, encloses elevators and stairs: No columns to mar the 31 spaciousfloorplates within. Like the famous Gaudinian cathedral, this was an epic undertaking as well, taking fully six years to build.
4. Best Factory:
BMW Central Plant
Leipzig, Germany
Architect: Zaha Hadid
Finally emerging from a hermetic world of high architectural theory and startling oil paintings, Zaha Hadid built big in 2005. (Her first major building, a museum, opened to applause two years earlier in Cincinnati.) The Central Building for BMW in Leipzig gives form to the notion of modern automated manufacturing. Connecting several auto assembly buildings and threaded through with actual production lines carrying half-built vehicles, this nerve center reflects the flow of ideas, people, and components through BMW's complex.
Finally, Hadid has found the criss-crossing trajectories (and the risk-taking client) to validate her deconstructed, sinuous forms and razor-sharp angles. The result is staggering.
5. Best Government Offices:
Caltrans District 7 Headquarters
Los Angeles
Architect: Thom Mayne / Morphosis
Thom Mayne, last year's winner of the high-prestige Pritzker Prize, has called the $190 million Caltrans offices "a very, very simple piece ofwork, designed and built in three years for absolutely no money."
Yet the result, like much of Mayne's oeuvre, is technically complex and highly evocative of its roots. For example, the 13-story, L-shaped structure sports a kinetic cladding of aluminum and glass that opens or closes based on weather conditions and solar angle. Photovoltaic cells line the south face, generating solar power for the occupants. And an outdoor lobby for public events features Motordom, a four-story work by artist Keith Donnier.
With its exaggerated structural elements and quirky façades, the building's outward image suggests the freeway culture that its owner, the state department of transportation, oversees. The result blends in with its context–in spite of its quirky self.
6. Best Expansion:
High Museum of Art
Architect: Renzo Piano
The magical daylight infusing Renzo Piano's recent works–at his Nasher inDallas, especially–again takes center stage at the expanded High Museum, alongside Richard Meier's 1983 attempt. A thousand light scoops face southward like sunflowers, or a platoon of robot soldiers, capturing and diffusing rays among the collection hanging in 17-foot-high upper galleries. The intimate piazza created by the new, bright-white structures comforts and shades visitors, in spite of their harsh aluminum and glass edges. Simple glass bridges span the gallery volumes.
Meier undoubtedly approves of the new quad on the Woodruff Arts Center campus. But while Piano respectfully maintained Meier's original design concept, the original spaces disappoint even more so today, next to the contained brilliance of the $110 million new wings.
7. Best Multi-Purpose Arts Building:
Shaw Center for the Arts
Baton Rouge, La.
Architect: Schwartz/Silver Architects
BatonRouge? That's right: Leaping well into the architectural vanguard, Louisiana's second city hired a lesser-known Yankee designer, paired him with New Orleans' talented home firm, Eskew + Dumez + Ripple, and discovered drama and pure energy.
Housing a museum, two theaters and educational spaces, the light green, banded volume of channel glass reaches up and cantilevers over a historic hotel. The architectural voids are what ignite this slumbering riverside city: Conspicuous openings at its terrace (with a Japanese restaurant), its sculptural plaza and a large slot cut right through the building itself.
8. Best Memorial:
Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe
Architect: Peter Eisenman
Non-architectureat its best: The Holocaust memorial by Eisenman (and, for a short time, Richard Serra) has generated considerable controversy, not so much for its unusual design–basically, an undulating field of 2,711 concreteblocks of varying heights–but for its lack of literal reference points.
Yet here (as elsewhere), abstraction wins. The solemnity and strength of Eisenman's unadorned, hard-edged gesture is palpable at a distance; other emotions take over as one meanders through the disorienting, scary stelae. While workaday worries like graffiti have plagued the architect since the opening, this memorial is plainly built to last–a good thing, considering it was almost two decades in the making.
9. Best Housing:
Sanchinarro Mirador
Architect: MVRDV
It's no surprise that the world's most remarkable housing block is a) a low-income public project; b) located in Spain; and c) by the Dutch trio known as MVRDV. The firm's track record of innovative, category-defying multifamily work is only a few years old, but also quite deep. Using their own research, the designers analyze market and occupant needs and create multiple solutions–the phrase "mass customization" leaps to mind–integrated into singular structures that express internal plurality.
Sanchinarro's 21 stories define an epic void: a massive, sculpted terrace bridged over by its upper floors. Bright-orange fire stairs connect many of the 156 units to thisa nd other public areas. More to MVRDV's point, the multicolored donut comprises nine unique housing blocks, each with its own variety of apartment plans. Stone, concrete and tile façades echo the diversity of spaces–and families–contained within.
10. Best House:
Art Collectors' Residence
Architect: Hariri Pontarini Architects
The best houses in the world are now designed in Toronto; the latest is by Siamak Hariri and David Pontarini. The sleek, materials-first modernism the designers espouse puts the world of "custom home" builders to shame.
Last year, the deliciously stoic Art Collectors' Residence garnered praise and awards by upstaging its high-end Toronto enclave with an image at once feather-light and fortified. Detailed with teak, copper and limestone, the house gently and unself-consciously melds functions with arcs and angles. These are new modernists, not ideologues. Perhaps Americans will catch on?
 11. Best Hospital:
General Hospital of Ciudad Real
Ciudad Real, Spain
Architect: Ángel Fernández Alba
In the heart of La Mancha, where Don Quixote tilted at windmills, a super-hospital of some 800 beds has appeared like a mirage on the outskirts of this relatively small city south of Madrid. But this is no dream. It's the real emblem of Spain's commitment to cutting-edge, universal healthcare.
Fernández Alba is influenced as much by Finnish and Swedish modernism as by the arid, ruddy earth surrounding this sprawling city-like structure. Its roofscape and public program are serene and, at times, surrealistic in the way that medieval cities can be. Rendered in earthy tones of brick, travertine and copper–and an array of mighty boulders pulled from its native lands–the hospital at Ciudad Real unites Spain's past and present as much as its land and its people.
12. Best Convention Center:
Milan Trade Fair
Milan, Italy
Architect: Massimiliano Fuksas
Seemingly knitted together by an undulating glass-and-steel canopy above its main, mile-long axis, the Fiera di Milano contains over 2 million square feet of exhibition hall, espresso bars and support program. The blobby veil of its spine contrasts starkly with the simple steel posts and boxy shapes it connects. But as he aspires to, Rome's future-focused Massimiliano Fuksas produces an architecture "of the emotions" by allowing forms that are organic (albeit computer-generated) into the artificial and often inhuman realm of the dreaded convention center. The results are striking–and, whether or not you have business to do there, definitely worth a peek.
C.C. Sullivan is a writer and consultant specializing in architecture, design and building technology. Formerly chief editor of Architecture and Building Design & Construction magazines, Sullivan has written for such magazines as SD Space Design (Tokyo), Architectural Review (London) and Progressive Architecture. Prior to that, he studied architecture at Yale and has worked for architects in New York, Madrid and Hartford, Conn.

Pictures Of The World's 12 Best New Buildings

Scottish Parliament Building, Edinburgh

Front Entrance at The De Young Museum, San Francisco

Agbar Tower, Barcelona

BMW Plant Leipzig — Central Building

The Central Piazza of The High Museum, Atlanta

Shaw Center for the Arts, Baton Rouge

Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, Berlin, Germany

Art Collectors’ Residence, Toronto

New Trade Fair Milano, Italy (aerial view)

Caltrans District 7 Headquarters Los Angeles

Sanchinarro Mirador Madrid

Jedino nisam uspeo naci sliku General Hospital of Ciudad Real
Ciudad Real, Spain
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