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Trenutno vreme je: 18. Feb 2025, 10:32:04
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Tema: Vampiri  (Pročitano 6050 puta)
07. Avg 2004, 15:07:18
Veteran foruma
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Reign in Blood

Zodijak Cancer
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 20579
Zastava SRBIJA
Danas ne verujem da iko veruje u postojanje vampira mada i dalje izazivaju strah u raznim filmovima strave i uzasa. Gde je stvarna istina.. da li su duboka verovanja u narodu nasla podlogu u stvarnim bicima...
   Sama rec vampir je nasa i iz naseg jezika su ga i drugi preuzeli. Cesto se to demonsko bice povezuje sa istorijskim likom cuvenog Transilvanskog vladara Vlada Tepeca poznatog jos i kao grof Drakula. Bio je poznat kao neustrasiv borac protiv Turaka i veoma surov. Ali ni u kom slucaju nije bio vampir.
   Najnovija istrazivanja su nasla vezu izmedju pojave vampira i epidemija besnila u Evropi. Vampiri su se javljali uvek u to vreme i istrazivaci su na neki nacin uspeli da odgonetnu predanje o vampirima. Cela stvar lezi u samim poznim simptomima besnila. Zarazeni ima stegnuti grlo i jako tesko guta. Ima neutoljivu zedj. Meso oko zuba se povlaci i zato imaju iskezen zlokoban i krvav izgled. Smeta im svetlo i krecu se samo nocu. Javlja im se seksualni poremecaj i mogu i cetrdesetak puta da imaju odnos. Ejakulacije im je bolna. I naravno, posto je besnilo u pitanju, krajnje zversko ponasanje.
   To se i prilicno poklapa sa onim sto prikazuju na filmovima iskezeni zubi, kretanje nocu i obavezno maznu neku ribu...
   Kod nas u Srbiji nije bilo desavanja kao recimo spaljivanje vestica ali bilo je "pojava vampira". Zabelezen je i slucaj da je u 19. u okolnim Krusevackim selima boravila komisija iz Beca da bi ispitali slucajeve pojave vampira. Da stvar bude zanimljivija prvi film snimljen o vampirima [ Engleska, 20-ih godina proslog veka] je bio sa radnjom smesten u Srbiji. filmu je prikazano malo srpsko srednjovekovno mesto, gde su Srbi danji mirni i pitomi stanovnici a nocu se pretvaraju u vampire i dave Turke. To je bio pravi narodnooslobodilacki horor film.
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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 3592
Evo ja sam vampir :) Ako mi ne verujes,imam jako ostre ocnjake.
P.S. Danas za rucak imam beli luk :)
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Underpromise; overdeliver.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
Vazno je da smo mi uvek imali presudnu ulogu u borbi protiv najvecih svetskih neprijatelja :) pa makar ih klali i zubima :)
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Zodijak Virgo
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 3156
Zastava Shorewood, WI
Samsung Galaxy S6
Moram malo da procunjam, ima jos pokusaja objasnjenja, jedan se odnosi na neki metabolicki poremecaj koji se prevazilazi pijenjem krvi, pa je predpostavka da je zbog toga nastao mit...
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Reign in Blood

Zodijak Cancer
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 20579
Zastava SRBIJA
Mnogo mi zao sto nisam sacuvao taj clanak gde sam to nasao, bas bi bilo zanimljivo da se uporede podaci.
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Poruke 3021
Nokia n80-1
40 x 45 minuta .. more oću i ja da budem vampir .. :)
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Poruke 2180
jaooj,imam ja zivu enciklopediju o vampirima u razredu...taj ako ne zna sve nacine ubijanja istih,oce da crkne...sad da ga pitas bilo sta,ispuco bi za tri seconde
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Nisam vegeterijanac zato sto volim zivotinje vec zato sto mrzim biljke
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Poruke 3021
Nokia n80-1
pitaj ga kako da postanem vampir ..  
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Underpromise; overdeliver.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
Prvo moras da budes vampir pripravnik :)
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Poruke 3021
Nokia n80-1
Ček .. ček .. terba prvo da se odreknem vere .. ili ne ?
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Underpromise; overdeliver.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
Ma jok, nasli bi za to kompromisno resenje :)
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Nikad bolje

Zodijak Libra
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 14582
Zastava High
Samsung S4
pitaj ga kako da postanem vampir ..  

Vampir se ne postaje vampir se radja :)

Fajlovi prikačeni uz poruku (kliknite na slike za punu veličinu)

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Kakva bi tišina nastala kad bi ljudi govorili samo ono što znaju !
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Poruke 3021
Nokia n80-1
znači zadržavam status pravoslavlja .. pravoslavni vampir .. al bih se nasrkao dušmana ..
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Zodijak Virgo
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 3156
Zastava Shorewood, WI
Samsung Galaxy S6
Mora prvo da te glocne neki vampir, da te zarazi, prenosi se... ali gledaj da obezbedis smestaj za preko dana, jer neces moci na dnevno svetlo... I nema vise da se krka beli lukac! Ne mozes da ostanes pravoslavac, ne mozes u crkvu, ali mozes posle da klopas koga hoces...
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Reign in Blood

Zodijak Cancer
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 20579
Zastava SRBIJA
Kolko ja znam vampiri nisu vernici a i sto bi jeli luk kad je krv bolja... dok sam bio ziv nisam je pio al sad...
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Underpromise; overdeliver.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
E jebes ga... ne volim przeno meso ako nije lepo zacinjeno belim lukcem..
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Poruke 3021
Nokia n80-1
Baš da ga eb ... ušli u 3 milenijum a zakoni iz srednjeg veka .. :(
dal su vampiri imuni na sidu ?? .. baš me nešto interesuje ..  :idea:
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Svi za jednog - jedan za sve! Te noći kad me stignu potere, kurve sudbine .. sa dva lica ..
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Nikad bolje

Zodijak Libra
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 14582
Zastava High
Samsung S4
Jesu,malo doduse odmamuraju posle sidasa :D
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Kakva bi tišina nastala kad bi ljudi govorili samo ono što znaju !
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Poruke 2225
Zastava in the back of your mind ;-)
Citat: pilot

   Kod nas u Srbiji nije bilo desavanja kao recimo spaljivanje vestica ali bilo je "pojava vampira". Zabelezen je i slucaj da je u 19. u okolnim Krusevackim selima boravila komisija iz Beca da bi ispitali slucajeve pojave vampira. Da stvar bude zanimljivija prvi film snimljen o vampirima [ Engleska, 20-ih godina proslog veka] je bio sa radnjom smesten u Srbiji. filmu je prikazano malo srpsko srednjovekovno mesto, gde su Srbi danji mirni i pitomi stanovnici a nocu se pretvaraju u vampire i dave Turke. To je bio pravi narodnooslobodilacki horor film.

Nije rec o selu kod Krusevca, nego kod Mladenovca, a zove se Medvedja (danas selo ne postoji). Verovatno si zato podsvesno povezao sa danasnjims elom Medvedja kod Krusevca.

Zatim, nije 19. nego 18. vek, to jest period kad je Austrija 22 godine vladala Srbijom dok je Turci nisu ponovo osvojili (1717-39).

Jeste bila komisija iz Beca i jeste zabelezen "Arnold Paole" -- verovatno Randjel(ovic) Pavle, koji je navodno dosao bolestan iz Grcke, i ubrzo umro.

Google-uj "Arnold-a Paole-a" i izaci ce ti svasta nesto. A mozda je i Arnold Schwarzenegger vampir? Svi oni proteini koje bilderi gutaju -- mozda su ljudskog, a ne zivotinjskog porekla, what do you say?


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Лонг лив ћирилица!

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 6247
Nokia Lumia 1020
I ja imam pomalo vampirske ocnjake, prilicno su mi ostri! Ponekad se zbog toga osecam mocno :) :) :)
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Молим паметније да више не попуштају.
Стање је веома критично.
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Reign in Blood

Zodijak Cancer
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 20579
Zastava SRBIJA
Tralala- nista nisam pomesao, bas je ovako kako sam napisao a inace istrazio je jedan istoricar iz krusevca. A verujem da je bio i ovaj drugi slucaj.
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Poruke 2225
Zastava in the back of your mind ;-)
A disturbing and serious example of mass vampire hysteria occurred in the strange case of Arnold Paole, a dangerous vampire whose extermination warranted a delegation from Belgrade (on the orders of Charles VI) which was composed of both soldiers and civic dignitaries.

The expedition was commanded by Charles Alexander of Wurtemberg, who was Governor of the kingdom of Serbia. In all twelve hundred people came to Meduegna (Paole's village) to deal with the outbreak.

This is probably the most detailed and best-attested vampire history of all time. It was signed, in January 1732, by three army surgeons, a lieutenant-colonel and a sub-lieutenant. The legend is recounted in The History of Magic by Ennemoser.

In the spring of 1727 there returned from service in the Levant to his native village Meduegna, a young man named Arnold Paole, who although he had seen military service but a few years had, according to his own accounts, met with many and varied adventures in that part of the world, a career which afforded him opportunity to save enough to purchase a good cottage and an acre or two of land in his native place, whence he was determined not to stir for the remainder of his days. It appeared a little remarkable to some that a man in the early prime of life, far from ill-looking, one who must have seen the rough as well as the smooth and companied with many a good fellow, should settle down so early in a quiet and out-of-the-way village. Yet his scrupulous honesty in all business transactions, his disciplined habits of work, his steady conduct, soon showed that the adventures with which he must have met in his travels had not, as is only too often the case with young soldiers, affected his probity and self-control. Nevertheless some noticed a certain uneasiness, a certain strangeness in his manner, which gave them food for suspicions, although they could not exactly tell whither these suspicions tended. It seemed as though he almost systematically avoided meeting Nina, the daughter of a rich former whose land ran along his own. And yet, as the gossips of the village said, what more equal match could there be? He was young; he had a decent property which in time would greatly improve; he had health, he was obviously of industrious habits, and he himself had been heard to declare that he had formed no connexions and had no other lands.

As time passed on Arnold could not always avoid the society of his neighbours, and no surprise was felt when it was announced that he had been formally betrothed to Nina. And yet, as she often told her friends, the maiden felt that there was a shadow between them. At last she resolved to tackle him on the subject and she boldly asked what trouble so continuously oppressed him. After a while he consented to tell her, and having informed her that he was always haunted by the fear of an early death he related a strange adventure which had befallen him at Kostartsa near Granitsa whilst he was an active service. He said that in those parts of Greece the dead returned to torment the living, By some evil chance they had been stationed in a terribly haunted spot, and he had experienced the first visiitation. Immediately he sought the unhallowed grave and executed summary vengeance upon the vampire. He had then, in spite of the persuasion of his superiors, sent in his resignation from the army. and had literally fled to his native village. It was true that so far he had experienced no ill effects, and he trusted that he might have been able to counteract the evil.

It so happened that during the harvest-home Arnold fell from the top of a loaded hay-wagon and was picked up insensible from the ground, They carried him to bed but he had evidently received some serious injury, for after lingering a short time he died. In a few days his body was laid to rest, as they thought, in the village churchyard.

About a month later, however, reports began to be circulated that Arnold had been seen wandering about the village after nightfall, and several persons, whose names are entered upon the official report, complained that they were haunted by him, and that after he had appeared to them they fell in a state of extraordinary debility. After only a short time several of these persons died, and something like a panic began to spread through the neighbourhood. As the dark winter nights approached no man dared to venture outside his doors when once dusk had fallen, yet it was whispered that the spectre was able easily to penetrate closed windows and walls, that no locks or bars could keep him out if he wished to enter. Throughout the whole winter the wretched village seems to have lived in a state of frantic terror and dismay. The evil, as we may well imagine, was aggravated by the cold hungry nights of a snow-tossed December and January. At length some ten weeks, or rather more, after his funeral it was resolved that the body of Arnold must be disinterred with a view to ascertaining whether he was indeed a vampire. The party consisted of two officers, military representatives from Belgrade, two army surgeons, Unterfeldscheren, a drummer boy who carried their cases of instruments, the authorities of the village, the old sexton and his assistants. Dr Mayo thus reconstructs the scene.

'It was early on a grey morning that the commission visited the quiet cemetery of Meduegna, which, surrounded with a wall of unhewn stone, lies sheltered by the mountains that, rising in undulating green slopes, irregularly planted with fruit trees, ends in an abrupt craggy ridge, feathered with underwood. The graves were, for the inost part, neatly kept, with borders of box, or something like it, and flowers between and at the head of most a small wooden cross, painted black, bearing the name of the tenants. Here and there a stone had been raised. One of considerable height, a single narrow slab, ornamented with grotesque Gothic carvings, dominated over the rest. Near this lay the grave of Arnold Paole, towards which the party moved. The work of throwing out the earth was begun by the bent crooked old sexton; who lived in the Leichenhaus beyond the great crucifix

He seemed unconcerned enough. But, as might well he supposed, the young drummer-boy was gazing intently, fascinated by horror and suspense. Before very long the coffin was rather roughly dragged out of the ground, and the grave-digger's assistant soon knocked off the lid. It was seen that the corpse had moved to one side, the jaws gaped wide open and the blue lips were nioist with new blood which had trickled in a thin stream from a corner of the mouth. All unafraid, the old sexton caught the body and twisted it straight. 'So,' he cried, 'you have not wiped your mouth since last night's work.' Even the officers accustomed to the horrors of the battlefield and the surgeons accustomed to the horrors of the dissecting room shuddered at so hideous a spectacle. It is recorded that the drummer-boy swooned upon the spot. Nerving themselves to their awful work they inspected the remains more closely, and it was soon apparent that there lay before them the thing they dreaded - the vampire. He looked indeed, as if he had riot been dead a day. On handling the corpse the scarfskin came off, and below there were new skin and new nails. Accordingly they scattered garlic over the remains and drove a stake through the body, which it is said gave a piercing shriek as the warm blood spouted out in a great crimson jet.

When this dreadful operation had been performed they proceeded to exhume the bodies of four others who had died in consequence of Arnold's attacks. The records give no details of the state in which these were found. They simply say that whitethorn stakes were driven through them and that they were all five burned. The ashes of all were replaced in consecrated ground'.

It might have been thought that these measures would have put an end to vampirism in the village, but such unhappily was not the case, which shows that the original vampire at Kostartsa must have been of an exceptionally malignant nature. About half-a-dozen years after the body of Arnold Paole had been cremated the infection seems to have broken out afresh and several persons died apparently through loss of blood, their bodies being in a terribly anaemic and attenuated condition. This time the officials did not hesitate immediately to cope with the danger, and they determined to make a complete examination of all the graves in the cemetery to which any suspicion attached. Accordingly several surgeons of eminence were summoned from Belgrade and a very thorough investigation took place which yielded the most extraordinary results. The medical reports from which the following cases of vampirism are quoted were officially signed on 7th January. 1732, at Meduegna by three distinguished army surgeons, Johannes Flickinger, Isaac Siedel, and Johann Friedrich Baumgartner, and formally countersigned by the lieutenant-colonel and a sub-lieutenant then in residence at Belgrade.

The most remarkable examples were the following:

A woman by name Stana, twenty years of age, who had died three months before, after an illness which only lasted three days and which followed directly after her confinement. Upon her deathbed she confessed that she had anointed herself with the blood of a vampire to liberate herself from his persecutions. Nevertheless, she, as well as her baby, had died. The body of the child, owing to a hasty and careless interment, had been half scraped up and devoured by wolves. The body of the woman, Stana, was untouched by decomposition. When it was opened the chest was found to be full of fresh blood, the viscera had all the appearance of soundest health. The skin and nails of both hands and feet were loose and came off, but underneath was a clean new skin and nails.

A woman of the name of Miliza, who had died after an illness lasting three months. The body had been buried nearly one hundred days before. In the chest was liquid blood, and the bowels were sound and entirely healthy. The corpse was declared by a heyduk who recognized it to look better and to be far plumper than during life.

The body of a child eight years old, that had likewise been buried ninety days. It was in the vampire condition.

The son of a heyduk named Milloc, a lad some sixteen years old. The body had been buried ninety days; it was rosy and flabber, wholly in the vampire condition.

One Joachim, a boy of seventeen, who was likewise the son of a heyduk. He had died after a short illness of three days, and had lain buried for eight weeks and four days. His complexion was fresh, and the body unmistakably in the vampire condition.

A woman, named Ruscha. She had died after a sickness lasting ten days. She was buried six weeks before. New blood and warm was found in her chest and in fundo uentriculi.

A young girl ten years of age, who had died two mouths before. Her body was in the vampire condition, and when pierced with a stake a great quantity of hot blood poured forth and swilled the grave.

The wife of a villager named Hadnuck, who had been buried seven weeks before; and that of her babe, eight weeks old, who had lain interred only twenty-one days. It was remarked that.these corpses although buried in the same ground and hard by the others were far gone in decomposition.

A serving-man, Rhade, who was twenty-three years old. He had ailed for some-three months before his death, and the body which had been buried for five weeks was much tainted with corruption.

A woman and a child who had been buried five weeks, and whose bodies were entire, showing every trace of vampirism.

A heyduk named Stanko, a much-respected and important character in the village. He had died six weeks previously at the age of sixty. In the chest and abdomen there was found to be a quantity of rich new blood, and the whole body was in the vampire condition.

Millock, a heyduk, twenty-five years old. The body, which bore every trace of vampirism, had been in the earth six weeks.

Stanjoika, the wife of a heyduk, twenty years old. She died after a brief illness of three days and had been buried more than a fortnight before. Her face was full and florid; the limbs supple and without any cadaverous coldness. There was a quantity of new blood in her chest and in uentriculo cordis. The viscera were sound and healthy. The skin appeared fresh and comely as in life.
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