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Tema: Samsung D600 igrice  (Pročitano 1009 puta)
16. Avg 2006, 08:42:50
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Zodijak Aquarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 4077
Zastava BGD
Windows XP
Mozilla Firefox
BlackBerry bold 9000
Ima li neko igrice za ovaj telefon i da li se na njemu mogu vrteti java igre pisane za druge platforme, mislim zbog velicine ekrana...

Unapred hvala...

(01. May 2007, 10:42:55)
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Hrvati su najhrabriji narod na svetu, ali ne zato što se ničega ne boje, već zato što se ničega ne stide!
Jovan Dučić

Boj se ovna, boj se govna, a kada ćeš onda živeti...
Meša Selimović
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Pol Muškarac
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HTC desire s
Znas kako ti ne moras da trazis igre sa drugih platformi jer ima i za njega orginalne igrice. Evo ti upustvo kako da instaliras, prvo malo googlaj i naci ces za njega igre ja sam brzo nasao.
Installing games on the Samsung D600

This is a tutorial on how to install the files on a D500. The same should apply for the Samsung D600 You will need to download a few small files which I have uploaded to Rapidshare. I would also like to thank ZeroOne for coming up with this method originally.

This tutorial will allow you to install games over bluetooth or cable.
You will need the following files : (click on the links to download the files)

1. Softtick PPP221
2. Uploader

   1. Once you have installed Softtick PPP221, run the program and choose "Use USB port in exclusive mode"
      USB Sharing Mode
   2. Ignore any error messages you may get like the ones below either during installation or activating/running the file.
      Unable to locate

Do not run Softpick PPP yet.

I am going to give you all the methods of installing for the benefit of all.
Installing java games on the Samsung D600 via Bluetooth

   1. Start Softick PPP, and check if it has your connection in its 'Settings->Bluetooth/Serial'. Active it if done.
      Softick PPP Settings
   2. Move to the FINAL STEP

Installing java games on the Samsung D600 via USB Cable

If you are using an USB cable, please take the following steps:

   1. Connect the USB Cable
   2. Run Samsung's PIM & File Manager to make sure that you get connected. If you can't get connected, please switch yoour phone on & off and try it again.
   3. Run Softick PPP
   4. Go to 'Settings->Bluetooth/Serial' to check if it has a connection such as COM7 \Device\ss_mdm0 (the COM port number may differ on your pc). If so, select it, otherwise exit the Softick PPP and go back to the first step. (you may find the proper COM setting from the windows device manager->modems->Samsung Mobile USB modem)
      Softick PPP Settings
   5. Active Softick PPP.
   6. go to THE FINAL STEP

If your phone crashes, you can try taking the following steps:

   1. Switch your phone off/on
   2. De-Activate Softick PPP.
   3. !!!!! ---- Disconnect the USB cable and reconnect it. ---- !!!!!!
   4. Start EasyStudio to check if the computer can connect to your phone.
   5. Active Softick PPP

Now move to the top and u can upload Java apps again.
Installing java games on the Samsung D600 via Infrared

   1. Deactive Softick PPP, and exit it.
   2. Active your IR connection
   3. Approach your laptop/ PC IR connection with your phone, and make sure that a tray icon pops up saying the message 'there is a device found...'
   4. Run Samsung's PIM & File Manager to make sure that you get connected via IR. If you can't get connected, please switch yoour phone on & off and try it again.
   5. Run Softick PPP.
   6. Enable IRDA interface support in 'Settings->Options'
   7. Go to 'Settings->Bluetooth/Serial' to check if it includes a connection such as 'COM4 \Device\0000010b', if not, go back to the first step.
      Softick PPP Settings
   8. Move to the FINAL STEP

The Final Step

   1. Run 'Uploader.exe' program and add a jad file.
      Java Uploader
   2. Enable Serial Java download - #*536963#.
      Serial Disable
   3. Enter Serial Java menu #*5737425#, and choose USB (if you are using an IR connection you must also choose USB) or Bluetooth (depending on your connection type) from "1 PPP UP". Please bear in mind, just do it once for each switch on/off
      !PPP UP
      Select second option - "2.Serial Download"
      JAVA Serial
   4. Let upload and softick PPP access the net if you installed a firewall.

If you do see the progress bar but the phone freezes for a couple of seconds and then it reboots itself, it may mean that the connection is all right, but the Softick PPP is not actived or your device is not ticked in settings.

When finished, use the code #*536961# to avoid problems with WAP.
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Long live Rock n' Roll

Poruke 11469
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Ja postavio link u sekciji o SE telefonima sa preko 200 igrica za Sony Ericsson W900, S700i (240x320 piksela)!
Imajući u vidu da Samsung D600 ima istu takvu rezoluciju od 240x320 piksela .... možda sve igrice i budu radile na njemu.
Proveriti zadnju stranu sa softverom za SE telefone!
Ovo oko upload-a igrica u D600 je najbolje objašnjeno ovde:
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Bogatstvo je dobrodošlo!

Zodijak Aquarius
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 4077
Zastava BGD
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Mozilla Firefox
BlackBerry bold 9000
hvala mlooooogo!
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Hrvati su najhrabriji narod na svetu, ali ne zato što se ničega ne boje, već zato što se ničega ne stide!
Jovan Dučić

Boj se ovna, boj se govna, a kada ćeš onda živeti...
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