This game tells to the history of Tony Montana, following the plot us of the well-known one and acclaimed 1983 film, carried out by A the Pacino. They are the beginnings of the eighty and, in some place of the coast of Florida, a young person, ambitious of cold blood, Tony Montana, it finishes disembarking. Looking for its own piece of American Sue?o, Tony will do what it is necessary to promote and to become the criminal head number one of Miami. In the game Tony Montana it begins like an ex- presidiario that is to lead for its Omar head by all Chicago or to collect its money of the protection, most of the times only armed with a power saw, but that will change soon...
This it is a title with a complex faithful history to the original one, that it will know to content to fans and to discover a great film, through a great game, which not yet they know it.
(01. May 2007, 10:40:33)
Fajlovi prikačeni uz poruku(kliknite na slike za punu veličinu)
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