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Trenutno vreme je: 05. Feb 2025, 18:53:12
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Tema: Samopouzdanje, zelja, igra  (Pročitano 23483 puta)
16. Feb 2009, 00:47:54
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S pocetka zamolio bih vas da pročitate ceo post i da tek nakon toga ostavite komentar ukoliko želite.   Svestan sam u startu da će post naići verovatno na neke osude, negodovanja i slično, ali mislim da je dovoljno da samo jedna osoba ovo zaista pročita i usmeri se ka tome da znam da nije uzaludno ovo silno kucanje.   

Dakle, o čemu je reč, čujete siguran sam na sve strane od mnoštva ljudi okolo, kolega, prijatelja.  .  .   kako im ništa ne ide od ruke, kako nemaju sreće, kako njih uvek nešto ono preskače i slično.   Pročitali su gomilu tekstova, motivacionih knjiga i ostalog „materjala“, medjutim i dalje ništa, i dalje im se desavaju iste stvari, isti problemi.  .  .  

Najteži deo nije naučiti novo, već odučiti se svih sranja kojima su nam ranije prali mozak.  

Nisam ni svestan koliko sam toga pročitao, šta sam sve pisao, o čemu sam sve pričao, razmišljao i najbitnije, šta sam sve URADIO, jer je sve to samo mali procenat, mala je promena ako samo čitaš, a ništa ne radiš.   Ustani iz te stolice i UČINI NEŠTO OD SEBE.  

Mislim da je na početku svakom potrebno usmerenje.   Najbolji način da uspete je da kopirate uspešne, samo shvatite šta su oni tačno radili, uradite isto to i postignete iste rezultate.   Meni je recimo na početku falilo da me neko usmeri, ali eto malo po malo i evo me tačno tu gde sam zadovoljan.   (iako uvek može bolje).   Kako je vreme prolazilo, menjali su mi se i ciljevi i želje.   Sad želim potpuno druge stvari od onog što sam želeo pre 5 meseci.   Ciljevi i targeti su mi „porasli“ u svakom njihovom smislu.   Naravno, idite uvek korak po korak, ne preskačite više stepenika odjednom ka krajnjem cilju.  

Uspeće samo oni koji su odlučni, samo oni koji STVARNO žele da se promene i stvarno žele da uspeju.   Samo oni.   Ovi ostali se plaše promene, lakše im je da sede kući i masturbiraju i suoče se sa jadnom "sudbinom" nego da ustanu i budu muškarci, mislim, pravi muškarci.   Da se suoče sa svojim strahovima, sa svojom tamnom stranom, da se izbore, da budu pobednici, a ne luzeri.   Svako želi da bude uspešan, ali samo mali broj će STVARNO NEŠTO DA URADI POVODOM TOGA.   Svi samo kenjaju kako hoće to i to, a samo oni koji RADE nešto i urade.   E to je problem, većina ljudi ima preslabu snagu volje, na kraju nikad ništa ne urade, samo sede i ceo život kenjaju.  

Izađi iz "matrixa", take the red pill i živi onim životom koji stvarno želis, postani slobodan, uživaj u životu.   Stvar je u tome da kad savladaš osnove, shvatiš da sve možeš, sve možeš ako hoćeš, ako si disciplinovan, istrajan i odlučan da uspeš, sve možeš.   Time što postaneš bolji u jednom sektoru, ti postaneš bolji u svemu, baš u svemu, ceo život može da ti se popravi, samo moraš da budeš u balansu, ne sme jedan orijentir da ti bude život, već nešto usput.   Dobra igra je moć, daje ti jedno samopouzdanje u svemu.   
Neko  ko je tek na početku sa ovim i naporno mu je, hoće da odustane i da se vrati da igra WOW po ceo dan, nek shvati da ovo vredi, ovo vredi više nego bilo šta drugo.   Meni je ovo promenilo tok života, meni je ovo promenilo budućnost.   Shvatio sam da MOGU SVE, sposoban sam da postignem ono što želim i jako je bitno to shvatiti, da imaš moć, da od tebe zavisi, ne od drugih, nego samo od tebe.   

Tadkodje  prvo, poradi na onome što možeš.   Pod broj jedan IZGLED.  
Ništa ne treba previše komplikovati, to je moj problem, što previše razmišljam ponekad.   Najlakši način za početak je da počneš da vodiš računa o svom izgledu.   Kajem se što nisam od prvog dana krenuo u teretanu, dobro, nema veze, bolje nekad nego nikad.   Nemoj neko sad da dođe da kenja: "da ali ima likova koji su nikakvi, ružni, a opet su top menadžeri, vrhunski prodavci, glavni „jebači“ u kraju.  .  .   .   OK.   Ima, slažem se, znam takve lično i svaka im čast, jer imaju super samopouzdanje i odličnu verbalnu iogru, svaka njima čast što ne moraju da vode računa o izgledu, respect za njih.   Ali ti nisi TAJ LIK.   Ti nisi on, a dok bi razvio takav skill kakav on ima bi ti trebalo dugo, predugo.   Kad dodjes u kontakt sa klijentom, ribom, poslovnim partnetom.  .  .   jel oni vidi istog trenutka šta je unutra u tebi? Ne, prvo što vidi je kako izgledaš, tako da izgledaj što bolje moguće.   Svako može da izgleda dobro, teretana, dobra ishrana, super se obuče, izbeli zube, skini cvikere, dobar friz ---> dobro izgleda.   Prosto.   

Tako da zašto komplikovati? Čitaj Mens Health ako ne znaš kako da se obučeš, posavetuj se sa likovima koji se dobro oblače.   Treba da razviješ neki svoj stil.   Nemaš para? Jebiga, barem počni da radiš sklekove, to te ništa ne košta.   Fizički izgled nije od presudnog značaja, ali je jebeno bitan.   Ovo je prost način.   Ako si debeo, skini salo, ako si mršav, nabaci masu, kreni u  teretanu, budi istrajan, toliko su dobri efekti.   Nemoj da si pička, pičke ne uspeju, budi odlučan, budi muško.  

Jači si fizički (po meni je to povezano, tako da ako si fizički jači, jači si i mentalno), imaš više samopouzdanja, bolje izgledaš, privlačniji si, bolje se osećaš u svom telu, ma 100 u 1 efekat.   Ako hoćeš da budeš igrač onda izgledaj kao igrač, a ne kao kreten.   Ovo nije teško, samo budi disciplinovan i videćeš odlične rezultate.   Većina likova se oblači sranje, većina likova nema nikakvu igru.   Ne treba ti mnogo, samo treba da budeš bolji od proseka.  

Novac.   Fokus treba da bude na tebi, pare troši na sebe (odeća, obuća, teretana, kola, stan, obrazovanje).   Štekaj pare i uloži ih u sebe, unapredi.   Fokusiraj se na sebe, TI SI NAJBITNIJI.  

Korak po korak, ne žuri, sve će doći na svoje kad tad.   Što se više potrudiš, to ćeš pre da postaneš bolji, ali opet, potrebno je vreme, jer se promena ne dešava odjednom, imaćeš trenutke kad ti samo klikće u glavi, klik, klik, klik, sve bolje kapiraš svet oko sebe, sve su ti jasnije stvari, i počinješ da vidiš stvari onako kakve jesu, a ne onako kakve su te ceo život lagali da jesu.  
Gledali ste sigurno film Munje, sećate se sigurno Duletove replike „nije bitno da dostignes, cilj, bitno je da se trudiš, ako ne danas, sutra, ako ne sutra, prekosutra“.   Zaboravite prvi deo rečenice, ukoliko želite da uspete u svojoj misli, želji, MORATE dostići cilj.   Ključni faktor u postizanju uspeha je vreme.  

Dakle, vreme.   Svet pripada strpljivom čoveku.   Nikad nisam bio strpljiv, onda polako kako sam razvio neko samopouzdanje i kad sam ozbiljno shvatio koliko je neverovatno bitno da budeš opušten i smiren (da se ne nerviraš oko gluposti i da te boli uvo, da se ne uzbuđuješ oko nebitnih stvari, da budeš "bezobziran"), generalno u životu, tad sam shvatio koliko je u stvari važno da budeš strpljiv.   Naravno ne uvek, sve se to vremenom oseti, posle nekog vremena jednostavno počneš da osetiš kad, šta, kako, gde i zbog čega.   Izoštre ti se čula, bolje vidiš, bolje čuješ, bolje shvataš od ostalih.   Većina ljudi jednostavno puste, puste da im život bude sranje, misle da im je to sudbina i predaju se.   NE! Uvek može da bude bolje, samo što ih mrzi da rade na sebi i da se potrude.   Njih se klonite.   Kad budeš počeo da napreduješ biće tona ljubomornih, to je normalno, boli te uvo, samo napred.   Nemojte da idete linijom manjeg otpora, nemojte da se predajete.   Nekad će da bude teško, nekad lako, nekad će da ti se smuči, ali nemoj da se predaješ, nikad.   Pobednici nikad ne odustaju.   Oni koji odustaju nikad ne pobede.   

Biće ljudi koji će da ti stanu na put, biće onih kojima se neće sviđati to što se menjaš, to što si bolji, biće ih mnogo.   Samo jednu stvar mogu da ti kažeš, SVE IH PREGAZI, SVE! Znači niko nikad tebi ne može da kaže da nešto ne možeš ili da nisi dovoljno dobar, niko! Ti ćeš da uspeš i tačka, zabole te uvo šta ti drugi kažu, (slušaj, posmatraj, razmisli, ali ne daj nikom da te zaustavlja na tvom putu ka uspehu i ostvarivanju svojih želja) sve ih pregazi i nastavi da se penješ, nema stajanja do vrha!

Nema ništa bez akcije.   Da bi se razvio u dobrog igrača moraš da MNOGO RADIŠ NA SEBI.   

Što se para tiče.   OK.   Neki će reći da ti ne trebaju pare da bi imaodobar socijalni status.   Slažem se, nije neophodno, nije, ali OLAKŠAVA STVAR.   Ljudi se lože na moć, pare ti daju moć To bi bilo logično, iako su mnogo jako protiv toga, ljudi, da se ne lažemo.  .  .   Pare su bitne i tačka, nisu malo bitne, nego mnogo, jer ako imaš pare onda imaš više izbora i više načina da radiš na sebi.   Svako može da bude bogat ili barem dovoljono materijalno obezbeđen ako hoće i ako se potrudi.  

Što se tiče pozitivnosti.  .  .   sve je to OK.   Ja sam iz poludepresivne, pomalo negativne prema sebi, emotivno nestabilne, introvertne i frustrirane osobe, prešao u uglavnom pozitivnu osobu koja razmišlja o onome što hoće, a ne o onome što neće, koja voli sebe i svoj život, koja poštuje sebe.   Jako je bitno da ste pozitivni, ali treba biti i realan.   Međutim to nije dovoljno.   Ključ uspeha nije: "budi pozitivan".   Tajna uspeha je RAD, RAD i samo RAD.  Ako usput ubaciš u sve to da budeš pozitivan, odlično, super, ali kako bi bio uspešan u bilo čemu, nebitno je da li su ribe, zarađivanje para, škola, posao,  sve jedno, nije u tome što ćeš da koristiš taj law of attraction, nego da ustaneš iz svoje stolice i uradiš to što nameravaš.   Znači pozitivnost je OK, ali nije dovoljno.   Za veliki uspeh je potreban veliki rad.  

Samopouzdanje se stiče vremenom, iskustvom i najbitnije: uspehom.  

Ne dopuštaj da tvoje samopouzdanje zavisi od bilo koga.   Samouveren si i tačka, nebitno je .   Tebi niko ne treba, ti možeš bez njih, oni ne mogu bez tebe, niko tebi ništa ne duguje.   Boli te uvo, ništa ne sme da utiče na tvoje samopouzdanje.   Niko ne sme tebe da gazi.   Ne moraš sve da gledaš sa visine, ali nemoj nikad da dopuštaš nekom da se zajebava s tobom, ako neko laje na tebe, laj i ti na njega, pet put jače, da drhti zemlja, nemoj bežati .   Sve je u glavi, igra se igra uz pomoć tvoj uma.   Koristi svoj mozak.   

Što se tiče komplikovanja.  .  .   evo moj praktični savet još jednom za sve početnike:

1.   Kreni u teretanu, idi redovno, budi istrajan.   Skupi pare, kupi dobru odeću i uloži u svoj izgled.   Nemoj da se pederišeš sa previše „nakita“, ne treba da izgledaš kao klovn.  .   Bolje je kupiti jednu super košulju nego tri sranje.   Nemoj preko noći da se promeniš, postepeno.   Ako si metalac nemoj sutra odjednom da budeš fenser, polako.  

2.   Budi normalan, opušten, pozitivan i kul.   Fokusiraj se na proste stvari.   Jednostavno je genijalnost.   Nemoj odjednom da pokušaš milion stvari da radiš.   Imaj neke BASIC stvari: a) opušteno b) pozitivno c) iskreno i uvek se sećaj toga, nek ti uvek bude u glavi.   

3.   Pričaj.   Pričaj što više s ljudima, o svemu i svačemu, izađi napolje, pokreni
se, zovi ljude da izađete na piće, budi prijatan i druželjubiv, samo pričaj što više i budi socijalan.   O čemu? Previše razmišljaš.   Nebitno, pričaj o majmunima, o fudbalu, poslu, vremenu, pričaj O NJIMA (to je najbolje od svega), tačnije, nateraj ih da oni pričaju o sebi.  

4.   Čitaj knjige, obrazuj se što više, opismeni se, budi obrazovan, to će ti
isto MNOGO pomoći u svemu.   Ne mnogo, ovo će najviše da ti pomogne.   Znanje je moć (potencijalna moć u stvari, jer ima ljudi koji mnogo znaju ali to znanje ne koriste).   Uči, obrazuj se, čitaj knjige, nemoj da budeš neki nepismeni kreten, neka baraba, nebitno je koliko godina imaš, nikad nije kasno sesti i čitati knjige.   Obrazovanje je najbitnije, jeste i biće, uvek.   Kvalitet i znanje će uvek da nadvlada sve, zato knjige u ruke i čitanje.  

5.   Piši.   Otvori word, i kreni da pišeš, šta želiš, koji su ti ciljevi itd.   moraš da
znaš šta želiš i nemoj da se plašiš da želiš mnogo, imaj velike snove.   Nemoj da se plašiš da imaš velike snove, imaj OGROMNE SNOVE.   Zaslužuješ najbolje žene, zaslužuješ pare, zaslužuješ najbolja kola, zaslužuješ uspeh.   Nemoj da se plašiš toga nikad.   Piši dnevnik, prati svoj uspeh, prati svoje misli.   Mnogo je dobro da svoje misli baciš na papir, jasnije ti je tako i bolje si fokusiran na cilj.  

6.   Druži se sa boljima od sebe.   Nađi igrače i uči od njih, okruži se sa uspešnima i bićeš uspešan.   Budi spreman da učiš, slušaj, kapiraj, zapisuj.   Nikad ne treba da te bude sramota da pitaš nešto ako ne znaš i da želiš da saznaš, nikad.   Ko pita ne skita.   Ako ti je trenutno društvo puno negativnih blejača, onda se skloni od njih.   Meni je trebalo više od godinu dana da postanem imun na budale, da dođem do nivoa da ne utiče na mene to što su ostali negativni i smoreni.   Ranije mi je to bio toliki problem, lako su uticali na mene kreteni i depresivni (kojih uvek ima više nego pozitivnih), mora da prođe dosta vremena da ti postaneš do te mere jak i pozitivan i odlučan da negativnost 20 ljudi ne može da te dotakne, da ti utičeš na mase, a ne mase na tebe.   Tako da nađi dobro društvo i okruži se uspešnima.   

7.   Fokusiraj se na osnovne stvari.   SAMOPOUZDANJE i OPUŠTENOST.   To ti je cilj, da stekneš super samopouzdanje i da si u stanju da budeš totalno cool, totalno opušten, da možeš 100% da uživaš u trenutku.  

8.   Uživaj.  .  .   uživaj u ovome, ovo nije mučenje, ovo je prelepo, uživaj u procesu dok postaješ bolji, uživaj svaki dan,, imaš sreće, budi zahvalan što imaš internet da čitaš ovo, svaki dan ljudi umiru od gladi, budi zahvalan i UŽIVAJ u ovome, uvek postoji nešto zbog čega možeš da budeš srećan, gledaj na svetlost, ne na mrak, ti to možeš, uspećeš sigurno, samo veruj u sebe, veruj da možeš i uspećeš.  

9.   Nauči da slušaš druge.   Nauči da ćutiš.   Nauči da posmatraš.  


Nauči da slušaš ljude, svi samo pričaju, ćuti malo i slušaj, to je veština.   Inače povremena tajanstvenost čini čuda.   Ljudima je generalno dosadno.  .  .   smorili su se, toliko ima kretena da ne znaju više šta da rade sa sobom, muka im je.   Treba svi da se probudimo i budemo ono što je priroda odredila, muškarci su muškarci, žene su žene i tačka.   Svako treba da zna gde mu je mesto.   


Nemoj da pokušavaš sve da kontrolišeš, ne može sve da bude perfektno, Čak i kada ide sve kako treba, zastani, ni iz čega napravi problem i onda ga zajedno sa sagovornikom, partnerom, kolegom.  .  .   reši.  .  .  .   Uzbuđenje je mnogo veće i ljudi postaju prisniji sa vama kada im „rešite“ neki problem.   

Budi lud malo, radi stvari koje inače ne bi radio, zajebavaj se, na kraju se sećaš samo trenutaka kada si napravio sebi izazov, kada si uradio nešto ludo, nešto što inače ne radiš, samo ćeš te stvari da pamtiš.   Napravi sebi zanimljiv život, nađi neki hobi, obogati svoj um znanjem.  

Od tebe zavisi da li ćeš da budeš još jedan običan, prošečan stanovnik ove planete, ili ćeš da imaš super zanimljiv život na koji možeš da budeš ponosan, da možeš kad si mator da sedneš i napišeš knjigu o svom neviđenom životu.   Stvar je u tome što uvek imaš izbor.   You have the power of choise.   Uvek.   Možeš da ideš levo, a možeš i desno.   Biraj.   Luzer ili igrač , tužan ili srećan, negativan ili pozitivan, car ili kreten? Biraj! Nema između, između je najgore, taj odvratan osećaj kad nisi ni jedno ni drugo, kad si na polovini, kad si prosek.   Kad znaš da možeš bolje a nisi bolji.   TO JE NAJGORE.   To mene ubija, to je ono što me i dalje proganja.   Super sam, zadovoljan sam, ali znam da mogu bolje.   Kad ne iskorišćavaš svoj potencijal.  .  .   ti sereš sam po sebi, sam sebe brukaš, ako imaš potencijala i želje da postaneš nešto, nebitno da li je to milioner, zavodnik ili nešto treće, ili sve to zajedno.   Kada imaš potencijala, kada je to u tebi, ali ne radiš to, to je najgori mogući osećaj, jer si se predao, zašto? Pitaj to sebe svaki dan, treba da te je sramota ako si takav.   Zato uvek daj sve od sebe, uvek se trudi i nikad nemoj da se predaš, nikad.   Kad padneš, ustani, hodaj dalje, pa makar pao milion puta, ustani opet, jednom ćeš stići tamo gde si krenuo.  .  .   doćiće taj dan ako si uporan i istrajan, samo se pičke predaju, jer kad se predaš izdao si sam sebe, ako ćeš da se predaš onda najbolje sad odmah idi i ubij se.  

Nemojte nikad da se plašite da sanjate, nikad, maštajte slobodno, ali radite.   Meni se mnogo toga što sam želeo ostvarilo jer sam bio uporan i jer sam imao, a i dalje imam, strašnu želju da postanem bolji i da ostvarim svoje snove.   

OK, pretpostavljam da vam je jasno da bih mogao još tri dana da pišem ovaj post koji je već i ovako predugačak, hteo bih još svašta da napišem ali neću da preterujem, dosta sam rekao.  .  .   Stay cool Wink
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7 Dumb Things We Do And 8 Tricks To Keep Errors at Bay

We all know the expression "To err is human." And this is true enough. When something goes wrong, the cause is overwhelmingly attributable to human error: airplane crashes (70 percent), car wrecks (90 percent), workplace accidents (90 percent). Once a human is blamed, the inquiry usually stops there. But it shouldn't—not if we want to eliminate the mistake.

We're all affected by certain biases in the way we see, remember, and perceive the world, and these biases make us prone to commit certain types of errors. As a journalist who's spent years studying the science of human error, I've identified common mistakes that afflict us all. Here are seven, along with ways to avoid making them in the first place.

1. We make slips of the tongue.
There is a mistake committed by people of all ages and cultures: We fail to come up with the name of a person we know or, even more embarrassing, we call the person by the wrong name. Researchers call these gaffes slip-of-the-tongue or tip-of-the-tongue errors, or TOTs, for short. For most people, they occur about once a week.

One of the more infamous slips occurred just before the 1992 Super Bowl. Joe Theismann, a former quarterback for the Washington Redskins, was interviewed by two reporters about Redskins coach Joe Gibbs. Gibbs was, and still is, considered one of the finest offensive strategists. The reporters wanted to know whether Theismann thought Gibbs was a genius.

Theismann didn't think so. In the first place, he said, the word genius isn't applicable to a sport like football. Added Theismann, "A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein."

Norman Einstein? Clearly Theismann meant to say Albert Einstein. Too late. His slip made national news, and Theismann became the poster child for dumb jocks everywhere. But his remark really wasn't as dumb as it first appeared to be.

Research shows that most TOTs involve the unique names of people or places. If you're searching for a common noun—such as the name of the computer part that displays text—you can say monitor or screen. But for a proper name, only one word will do.

When a proper name is on the tip of our tongues, we can usually recall some of the information we need. For instance, people can often guess the right number of syllables in the name, even the name's first letter. In one study, a participant tried to identify a picture of the actress Liza Minnelli. The person couldn't produce her name but wrote out names that came tantalizingly close: Monetti, Mona, Magetti, Spaghetti, Bogette.

Another clue to the TOTs riddle is that recall of the right name is often blocked by a wrong name. But not just any wrong name. The wrong name typically has the same meaning as the right name. If you're thinking about a smart person like Albert Einstein, for instance, the wrong name will likely be that of another person you also consider very smart. This is where the Theismann story gets interesting.

There really is a Norman Einstein. He's an emergency room physician at Catawba Valley Medical Center in Hickory, North Carolina. He and Joe Theismann were classmates at South River High School in New Jersey.

"I was a senior when he was a sophomore," Dr. Einstein said. As boys, they lived just blocks apart. "We played a little bit of basketball, touch football-that kind of stuff." But they weren't close friends: Theismann was a jock, Einstein a brain. Einstein graduated in 1965 and was the class valedictorian. He attended Rutgers University and then medical school at Tufts University. Theismann headed to the NFL. Twenty-seven years later, in a corner of the Metrodome in Minneapolis, Norman Einstein's name popped back into Joe Theismann's head.

In Theismann's mind, the surface details regarding Norman Einstein and Albert Einstein may have faded, but their common meaning had not: Both were very smart guys.

2. We wear rose-colored glasses.
Without intentionally trying to distort the record, we're all prone to recalling our own words and deeds in a more favorable light than others may recall. To demonstrate, answer this question objectively (but only if you kept all your old report cards): How did you do in high school?
The answer: probably not as well as you remember-at least not if students at Ohio Wesleyan University are any guide. In one study, they were asked to recall their high school grades. Researchers checked the students' responses against the actual transcripts. No less than 29 percent of the recalled grades were wrong. This was not ancient history; the students were college freshmen and sophomores being asked about their grades just a few years earlier.

What's more, the errors weren't neutral. Far more grades were shifted upward (recalling an A rather than a B) than downward. Students also had a better memory for good grades than for bad. The recall accuracy for A's was 89 percent; for D's, it was 29 percent (researchers threw out the F's). Overall, 79 percent of students inflated their grades.

Time and again, people have been shown to reconstruct their memories in positive, self-flattering ways. Parents have been shown to remember their parenting methods as being far closer to what expert opinion would prescribe than they actually were. And gamblers remember their wins more keenly than their losses.

This inclination is so powerful that, according to researchers at the University of Chicago and the University of Virginia, we also recognize our own faces as being more physically attractive than others judge them to be.

3. When we multitask, we get stupid.
The brain slows down when it has to juggle tasks.

In one experiment, researchers asked adults between the ages of 18 and 32 to identify two images: colored crosses and geometric shapes, such as triangles. Seems simple enough, right? But when the participants saw colored crosses and shapes at the same time, they needed almost a full second of reaction time to press a button. Even then, they often made mistakes. If the participants were asked to identify the images one at a time—crosses first, then shapes—the process went almost twice as quickly.

Switching from task to task creates other problems. We can forget what we were doing or planned to do. The to-do list in our brains is known as working memory, and it keeps track of all the short-term stuff we need to remember, like an e-mail address someone just gave us.

But the contents of our working memory can evaporate like water in a desert; after only about two seconds, things begin to disappear. Within 15 seconds of considering a new problem, you'll have forgotten the old problem. In some cases, the forgetting rate can be as high as 40 percent. Workplace studies have found that it takes up to 15 minutes to regain a deep state of concentration after a distraction.

This squares with what researchers found when they looked at the work habits of Microsoft employees. A group of them took, on average, 15 minutes to get back to serious mental tasks, like writing reports or computer codes, after they responded to incoming e-mails. Why so long? Typically, the employees strayed off to reply to other messages or browse the Web.

In workplace cubicles, we're safe (most of the time). But out in the real world, multitasking can be dangerous. In 1999, the U.S. Army studied the effect talking on a cell phone had on driving ability. Its conclusion? "All forms of cellular phone usage lead to significant decreases in abilities to respond to highway traffic situations."

This was especially true for older drivers. The older we are, the harder it becomes to screen out distractions. The decline is noticeable after age 40.

4. We see, but we don't see.
Sometimes a person can look directly at something and still not see it. In experiments done in the early 1990s, researchers found that a surprising number of participants were unaware of certain objects that were presented to them in visual tests. This tendency held true not only when the presented objects were small but when they were large and quite obvious. (Consider, also, how eyewitness testimony persistently fails.)

A real-life demonstration of the "we see, but we don't see" mistake occurred in 2004 near Washington, D.C. On November 14, a 44-year-old charter bus driver picked up a group of students at the Baltimore/Washington airport for a trip to Mount Vernon, George Washington's home. By all accounts, the driver was in a bad mood that day. He was upset about the way another driver in the entourage was treating him. So he got on the phone and vented about it.

The students' route that morning took them along the George Washington Memorial Parkway. The parkway passes through rolling hills and beneath arched overpasses, including a stone bridge. About a quarter of a mile before it, a large yellow sign warns that the arched overpass ahead has a clearance of just over ten feet in the right-hand lane.

For cars, this is no problem. But the charter bus was 12 feet tall. The driver needed to move toward the center lane, under the peak of the arch, where the clearance is well over 13 feet. This is what the lead bus did.

Yet the second bus never changed lanes. The driver continued talking on the phone. The bus slammed into the bridge, and the collision sheared off the right side of the bus's roof, exposing a gaping hole. One student was seriously injured.

After the accident, the driver was interviewed by the National Transportation Safety Board. His statement shows the power of inattentional blindness. He told investigators that not only did he fail to see the yellow warning sign, he failed to see the bridge itself.

5. We notice on a need-to-know basis.
Often we fail to pick up major changes to scenes even while we're actually viewing them.

The profound impact of this "change blindness" was demonstrated a decade ago in an experiment by Daniel Simons and Daniel Levin, then at Cornell University. The experiment was simple: The researchers had strangers on a college campus ask pedestrians for directions. But there was a twist. As the stranger and the pedestrian talk, they're interrupted by two men who pass between them while carrying a door. The interruption is brief—it only lasts a second—but something important happens. One of the men carrying the door trades places with the stranger. When the door is gone, the pedestrian is confronted with a different person, who continues the conversation as if nothing had happened.

Would the pedestrians notice the change?

In more than half of the cases, the answer was no. Only seven of the 15 pedestrians reported noticing.

You may think, I would have noticed a change like that. And maybe you would have. But consider that you've probably seen countless similar changes and not noticed them—in the movies. Movie scenes, of course, are not filmed sequentially but shot in a different order than they appear in the film, usually months apart. This process often results in embarrassing mistakes known in the industry as continuity errors.

One of the most famous of these comes in the chariot scene in the 1959 Hollywood epic Ben-Hur, which lasts for 11 minutes but took three months to film. During the race, Messala damages Ben-Hur's chariot with his saw-toothed wheel hubs. But at the end of the race, if you look closely, you will see that Ben-Hur's chariot appears undamaged.

There's also a mix-up in the number of chariots. The race begins with nine; during the race, six crash. That should leave three at the end, but there are four.

Even experts cannot catch every mistake. "It's not humanly possible," says Claire Hewitt, who has supervised scripts on a variety of movies over the years. The best you can do, she says, is to try to spot the most important things.

6. We skim when we shouldn't.
Few industries make a habit of confessing their errors. But one does on a daily basis: newspapers. Their correction columns often make such delicious reading that in 2004 Craig Silverman, a freelance writer in Montreal, launched a website devoted to them, Each year, he compiles the industry's greatest hits, as it were, into a book of the same name. A favorite was published a few years ago in the Wall Street Journal: "Some jesters in a British competition described in a page-one article last Monday ride on unicycles. The article incorrectly said that they ride on unicorns." How could the editors have missed that? While it's tempting to attribute mistakes like this to simple carelessness, the explanation is more complicated.

When we read an article, odds are, we don't read every single letter in every single word in every single sentence. We've read enough words and sentences that we can recognize patterns. If the sentence begins, "The thirsty man licked his …," the final word is probably lips. Likewise, if our eyes pick up a short word that begins with th-, we will probably assume that the final letter is e.

Human perception is, above all, economical; we notice some things and not others. And the better we are at something, the more likely we are to skim. Good sight readers of music don't read music note by note; they scan for familiar patterns and cues. This lets them play with the fluidity that other musicians must practice to achieve.

But with this ability comes a trade-off: Details are overlooked. Decades ago, a distinguished piano teacher, Boris Goldovsky, discovered a misprint in a much-used edition of a Brahms capriccio after a student played the note at a lesson. Goldovsky stopped the pupil and told her to fix her mistake. She looked confused; she had played what was written. To Goldovsky's surprise, there was an apparent misprint in the music. Why, he wondered, had no one—the composer, the publisher, the proofreader, other pianists—noticed the error? They had all misread the music and misread it in the same way. They had inferred a sharp sign in front of the note because in the musical context, it had to be a G-sharp, not a G-natural.

Goldovsky conducted his own experiment. He told skilled pianists that there was a misprint in the piece and asked them to find it. He allowed them to play the piece as many times as they liked. Not one musician found the error. (For music fans, the piece is Brahms's op. 76, no. 2. The mistake occurs in bar 78.)

7. We think we're better than we are.
When a Princeton University research team asked people to estimate how susceptible they and the "average person" were to judgmental biases, most people claimed to be less biased than others. Which should come as no surprise. Most of us hate to think of ourselves as average or, heaven forbid, below average. So we walk around with this private conceit that we're above average, and therein lies the seed of many of our mistakes. "Overconfidence is, we think, a very general feature of human psychology," says Stefano DellaVigna, an associate professor of economics at the University of California, Berkeley.

He's studied the ways in which overconfidence induces us to commit everyday errors of judgment, from signing up for gym memberships we'll never use to buying time-shares in a condo (which we also won't use, at least not as much as we think we will). "Nearly everyone is overconfident," he says, "except the people who are depressed. They tend to be realists."

Oddly, as tasks get harder, overconfidence tends to go up, not down. Even when given a nearly impossible job—like telling the difference between drawings by Asian children and those by European children—people think they'll perform better than they do.

So strong is our belief in our own abilities that we often believe we can control even chance events, such as flipping a coin or cutting a deck of cards. But it's an illusion of control. And it's not limited to those who make a living at the racetrack or in other high-stakes endeavors.

Corporate executives often display overconfidence in their judgments about the thing they think they know best: their businesses. In a well-known series of tests, managers were quizzed about their knowledge of their own industries; 99 percent proved overconfident.

Mistake-Proof Your Life
1. Think small. Each year in the United States, some 7,000 people die from medication errors—and many of them are made because of doctors' sloppy handwriting. Little things do mean a lot.

2.Think negatively. When you have a major decision to make, ask, What could go wrong? While putting a positive spin on things can influence their outcome, positive thinking also blinds us to pitfalls. So look for and even expect failure. It's "the power of negative thinking," says Atul Gawande, MD, of Harvard Medical School.

3. Think differently. Habit is a great friend, saving us time and mental effort. But it can kill our ability to perceive novel situations. After a while, we see only what we expect to see.

4. Slow down. Multitasking can cause our error rate to go up, as our attention becomes divided. It makes sense to slow down and do things one at a time. The slower approach may actually be more efficient in the long run.

5. Get more sleep. Sleepy people make mistakes, and there are staggering numbers of sleep-deprived people out there.

6. Beware anecdotes. When making decisions, we often give vivid bits of information-like diet testimonials—more credence than they deserve. The power of anecdotes to lead us astray is so strong that an influential CIA study advises intelligence analysts not to rely on them. Ask for averages, not testimonials.

7. Put off decisions until you're in a better mood. Good feelings increase the tendency to combine material in new ways and see relatedness between things. Happy people tend to be more creative and less prone to errors.

8. Use constraints. Simple mental aids keep us on the right track. The color red works well because this extreme and powerful color signifies "stop." A song's melody can be a constraint against forgetting; it's why jingles stay with us long after commercials do.

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And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

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