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Tema: Centar galaksije  (Pročitano 6254 puta)
24. Mar 2004, 14:05:44
Hronicar svakodnevice

Poruke 626
Paul O. Hewit

It is probably the second strongest spot in any astrology chart, following the Sun. It is a stunning source of energy, motivation, and aspiration. The Galactic Center is the Sun of our Sun. It is the source of most of the gravitational energy present in our galaxy, and probably the source of most of the energy in any chart, transformed through our own Sun.

In 1932, Karl Jansky, a Bell Telephone Laboratories engineer, was searching for the source of static affecting overseas telephone lines. To find the source he built the first 95 foot movable radio- telescope to detect it. Part of the static turned out to be created by the center of our Galaxy at 26 degrees of Sagittarius. Astronomers paid little attention to the discovery, but to the astrology of consciousness, this discovery should rank right up there with the discovery of Pluto in 1930.

In the late 1960's, astronomers finally honed in on the GC (Galactic Center) with radio and infrared instruments. They were astounded by the immense energies to be found there. A huge Black Hole is thought to be at the center, about the size of a large star, but containing the mass of four million suns. The staggering amount of material being drawn into the black hole radiates energy at many frequencies.

According to "Astrophysical Directions" by Michael and Margaret Erlewine, energy emerges from the GC over 2 entire degrees of longitude near the last degrees of Sagittarius. Perhaps it is even more than that.

Some interesting observations have come to light about the late degrees of Sagittarius. Horary astrologer William Lilly is the source of our observations on the Void-of-Course Moon. He observed that the Moon is not really Void-of-Course in late Sagittarius. Prior to the discovery of the Galactic Center, no astrologer would have known why.

A good measurement of the GC is 26sa10 (26 degrees, 10 minutes of Sagittarius) in 1950. According to standard rates of precession, that would have been 25sa28 in 1900, and will be 26sa52 in the year 2000.

Facts about the Milky Way Galaxy:

Age: 13-15 Billion years
Number of Stars: 100 billion
Diameter: 100,000 light years
Diameter of the central bulge: 25,000 light years
Distance of our sun from the GC: 27,000 light years
Orbital velocity of our Sun around the GC: 135 miles per second
Time for the Sun to orbit around the GC: 250 million years
The GC is so active that astrologers could think of it in planetary terms, since that is what astrologers seem most comfortable with. I look at the GC by house position in every chart, and the Sagittarian theme works well. Solar arcs and transits to this spot in every chart bring up travel, educational, spiritual and philosophical themes in client discussions. One of the most devastating times for a client has been Solar Arc Pluto square the natal GC. A profound crises of faith and belief occurs almost every time.

Another very curious impact of personal planets in aspect to the GC is the "other worldly" psychological impact these aspects seem to create. Some clients with aspects to the GC speak of not feeling 100 percent human, or not feeling they have had human ancestory. Their inner dynamic is centered around feeling as if they have come to this planet from some other place. They describe thinking like a galactic ambassador, and feeling as if they are here representing energies, knowledge and civilizations that are extraterrestrial in origin. One client with 26 degrees Sag rising, related nightly dreams in many different alien bodies.

As a career counselor, I am always looking for the most energized planets in a chart. Planets in aspect to the Galactic Center are certainly energized, and can be among the strongest planets in the chart. A search of the Galactic Center is built into my Career Report.

To illustrate planetary aspects with the GC, here are a few example charts, drawn from my files:

Alfred Adler, psychologist and psychiatrist, who in his analysis of individual development, stressed the sense of inferiority rather than sexual drives, as the motivating force in human life. He named this psychological feeling an "inferiority complex". His Saturn (the planet of inferiority) is 25 Sagittarius, while his Mars is 25 Aquarius.
Napoleon Bonaparte (Emperor of France, born Aug 15th, 1769) with his helio Mars at 23 Virgo, and Sun at 22 Leo. The GC in the late 1700's was 23 Sagittarius.
President George Bush, with conservative Saturn at 25 Libra, Node at 26 Leo, and his Mars at 25 Aquarius.
Prince Charles of England with his 29 Sagittarius Jupiter (the royal aristocratic planet) conjunct the GC. Mars is at 20 Sagittarius.
President Bill Clinton, with his Sun at 26 Leo, Jupiter at 23 Libra and Athena (the lawyer, social policy expert) at 27 Sagittarius.
Hillary Clinton with innovative, break-the-mold Uranus at 25 Gemini, Moon at 29 Pisces, and Juno (wife of) at 29 Sagittarius.
Princess Diana with Moon at 25 Aquarius, Athena at 25 Pisces, Juno at 26 Pisces, Uranus at 23 Leo and the mean Node at 28 Leo.
Bob Dylan with Mercury (great lyrics) at 27 Gemini, and Neptune at 24 Virgo.
Queen Elizabeth II of England with her Jupiter at 22 Aquarius, Uranus at 27 Pisces, and Neptune at 22 Leo.
As these few examples illustrate, the psychology, personality and sometimes the career choice of an individual, can be indicated by planets in aspect to the Galactic Center.

In late December of 1995 Jupiter conjuncted the Galactic Center once again. Perhaps with this new cycle, it is time for most astrologers to begin adding the Galactic Center to their clients' charts. Collectively we can then all expand our horizons beyond the solar system, and begin to study the Sun of our Sun.

Ephemeris of the Galactic Center

1900 25sa28 1926 25sa50 1951 26sa11 1976 26sa32
1901 25sa29 1927 25sa51 1952 26sa12 1977 26sa32
1902 25sa30 1928 25sa52 1953 26sa12 1978 26sa33
1903 25sa31 1929 25sa52 1954 26sa13 1979 26sa34
1904 25sa32 1930 25sa53 1955 26sa14 1980 26sa35
1905 25sa32 1931 25sa54 1956 26sa15 1981 26sa36
1906 25sa33 1932 25sa55 1957 26sa16 1982 26sa37
1907 25sa34 1933 25sa56 1958 26sa17 1983 26sa37
1908 25sa35 1934 25sa57 1959 26sa17 1984 26sa38
1909 25sa36 1935 25sa57 1960 26sa18 1985 26sa39
1910 25sa37 1936 25sa58 1961 26sa19 1986 26sa40
1911 25sa37 1937 25sa59 1962 26sa20 1987 26sa41
1912 25sa38 1938 26sa00 1963 26sa21 1988 26sa42
1913 25sa39 1939 26sa01 1964 26sa22 1989 26sa42
1914 25sa40 1940 26sa02 1965 26sa22 1990 26sa43
1915 25sa41 1941 26sa02 1966 26sa23 1991 26sa44
1916 25sa42 1942 26sa03 1967 26sa24 1992 26sa45
1917 25sa42 1943 26sa04 1968 26sa25 1993 26sa46
1918 25sa43 1944 26sa05 1969 26sa26 1994 26sa47
1919 25sa44 1945 26sa06 1970 26sa27 1995 26sa47
1920 25sa45 1946 26sa07 1971 26sa27 1996 26sa48
1921 25sa46 1947 26sa07 1972 26sa28 1997 26sa49
1922 25sa47 1948 26sa08 1973 26sa29 1998 26sa50
1923 25sa47 1949 26sa09 1974 26sa30 1999 26sa51
1924 25sa48 1950 26sa10 1975 26sa31 2000 26sa52
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    Galakticki Centar našeg Mlecnog Puta, se dokazao kao fascinantan i vrlo praktican dodatak u tumacenjima natalnih karti . Pojedini astrolozi smatraju, da je to, druga po redu važna tacka u natalnoj karti , odmah poslije Sunca . To je zadivljujuci izvor energije , motivacije i aspiracije . Galakticki Centar je Sunce Sunca , uslovno receno . To je izvor najjace / najvece galakticke energije , a verovatno je i izvor velike energije koja se kanališe preko natalnog Sunca .

  1932 Karl Janski , inžinjer "Bell Telefonske Laboratorije" tražio je izvor statickog uticaja telefonskih linija sa jednog kontinenta na drugi . Da bi mogao to da uradi , sagradio je prvi pokretni radio teleskop visok 95 stopa . Deo statickog impulsa se ispostavilo da se stvara upravo od energije koja dolazi iz Galaktickog Centa ( 26* Strelca   ) ! Astronomi do tada su obracali relativno malo pažnje na to njegovo otkrice , ali astrolozi su ovo otkrice uvrstili u rang sa otkricem Plutona 1930 godine .

   Krajem '60 tih su napokon obratili pažnju na Galakticki Centar , proucavajuci ga sa radiom i infracrvenim instrumentima . Bili su zateceni ogromnom kolicinom energije koji su otkrili da GC ima . Do tada su smatrali da Velika Crna Rupa je centar ( velicina je velike zvezde , ali ima masu milion Sunaca ) . Energija koja uvlaci u Crnu Rupu takodje je bila velika , kao i energija GC .

1950. pozicija GC je bila na 26° i 10' Strelca . Po klasicnim proracunima precesije , 1900 godine GC je bio na 25° 28' Strelca , a 2000 na 26°52' Strelca { bice interesantno kada se trPluton uskoro nadje na tom stepenu  ... moja upadica ... }

Neki osnovni podaci o GC :

~ starost : 13-15 bilioba godina 
~ broj zvezda koji ima u sebi : 100 bilona 
~ diametri : 100.000 svetlosnih godina
~ razmak / precnik od centra : 25.000 svetlosnih godina
~ razmak od Sunca do GC : 27.000 svetlosnih godina
~ orbitaža Suncaoko GC : 135 milja u sekundi
~ vreme koje je potrebno da bi Sunce obišlo oko GC : 250 miliona godina :ooooh.ž:

   GC uticaj je toliko da ga astrolozi koriste kao sastavni deo svojih analiza , pošto se jedino oni ocigledno osecaju "opušteno" u odnosu sa njim ( tj. razumeju ga i prihvataju ga ) . Ja sam posmatrao odnos GC na natusa u odnosu na poziciju koju ima u natusovoj natalnoj karti . solarni luk i
tranziti na taj stepen najcešce donose ~ putovanja , obrazovanje , duhovni i filozofski um . Nešto najteže što klijent može imati u svom cartu je GC afl. sa Plutonom iz carta Solarnog Luka ... tada se javljaju velike krize indentiteta , što je naravno loše i povlaci za sobom još niz drugih problema u životu .

Još jedna zanimljivost u odnosu na GC i natalne planete je : jedan sasvim nov nacin posmatranja svega i svakoga . Neki klijenti koji svojom natalnom aspekturom u odnosu na GC smatraju sebe "vanzemaljskim bicima" ili smatraju da njihovo poreklo definitivno nije sasvim "ljudsko" :green: Oni osecaju iz dubine svoje duše da jednim delom sebe pripadaju negde sasvim drugde , pa svoje utiske opisuju kao : "galakticki ambasadori" i smatraju da u sebi nose posebne energije , posebno znanje o nauci i drugim civilizacijama i da ima je poreklo vanzemaljsko . Jedan klijent ima Asc' na 26° i cesto ima snove u kojima on menja vanzemaljska tela {  }

Pošto sam ja prvenstveno savetnik za izbor zanimanja / karijere , ja prvo što tražim u cartu su snažne energetske tacke / planete / aspekti , narocito ako su vezani za GC , jer su primetno pojacane i imaju sasvim drugaciju energiju / uticaj nego ostale planete . Upravo zato istraživanja o GC su usko povezana sa mojim textom o izboru karijere .

Da bih bolje objasnio , dacu vam neke primere :

~ Alfred Adler : filozof i psihoanaliticar koji je u svojim radovima o individualnom razvoju , istakao da stres i strah od inferiornosti je mnogo jaci cak i od sexualnog nagona kao "okidac" za pokretacku snagu u covekovom životu , nazvao je taj problem "komplex inferiornosti" ~ njegov Saturn je bio upravo na 25° , dok mu je Mars na 25°Vodolije ...

~ Napoleon : sa njegovim Marsom na 23°Device , Suncem na 22°Lava a GC iz 1700~te na 23°Strelca .

~ Princ Carls : Jupiter na 29°Strelca konjunkcija sa GC i plus Mars na 20°Strelca .

~ Džordž Buš : Saturn na 25°Vage , Cvorom na 26°Lava i Marsom na 25°Vodolije .

~ Bil Klinton : Uran na 25°Bizanaca , Mesecom na 29°Riba i Juno na 29°Strelca .

~ Princeza Dajana : Mesec na 25°Vodolije , Atena na 25°Riba , Juno na 26°Riba , Uranom na 23°Lava i Cvor na 28°Lava .

~ Bob Dilan : Merkur na 27°Blizanaca i Neptun na 24°Device .

~ Kralica Elizabeta II : Jupiter na 22°Vodolije , Uran na 27°Riba i Neptun na 22°Lava .

Svi ovi primeri pokazuju psihološki , licni ili cak izbor karijere jedne individue baziran na uticaju GC na natalne planete .
« Poslednja izmena: 19. Okt 2006, 13:51:57 od andjela pizelly »
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Centar galaksije nije crna rupa nego veoam gusti klaster veoma velikih zvezda koje je Hubble slikao u 90tim . Zbog intenzivnosti zracenja u tom regionu tesko je reci sta je iza tog klustera i da li zaista postoji crna rupa u centru.

Crne rupe su otkrivene u centrima nekih drugih galaksija.
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"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that."
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Meni je MC na 27° Strijelca. te vanzemaljce, meni je to pomalo...  Smile  Smile Ja se toga tako bojim.  Smiley 1 Smile

I ako to sad gledam zasebno, prema ovim primjerima:
Moj Mjesec je u trigonu s njim, ali orbis je 1°
Također je i moj ASC u kvadratu s njim, ali je orbis nekih 2°.
Koliko utječe, ne znam.

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