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Tema: Paris Saint-Germain  (Pročitano 336460 puta)
02. Mar 2008, 22:57:32
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Marseille On t'Encule!

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Allez Rouge et Bleu!!! Notre ferveur est sans limite-Supras Auteuil 1991 
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Marseille On t'Encule!

Zodijak Scorpio
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 253
Windows 98
Internet Explorer 5.01
Benq ef81
Evo mozda i ,nazalost,ocekivanog  poraza od Bordeaux-a na  Chaban-Delmas-u  3-0. Het-tric Wendela.Vrlo lose smo  igrali,prosto  bez  volje.Nije opravdanje,ali ipak malo  smo i istroseni  od  kupa protiv Auxerre-a koji smo  dobili  3-2.Mada  nama  je  29 mart najbitniji  dan jer  igramo  finale  liga  kupa sa Lens-om u  Parizu,koji smo udrugom delu  prvenstva na nasem Parc des Princes-u glatko  pobedili  3-0.Ako osvojimo kup  ulazimo u  UEFA ligu sto  nam je i najbitnije.Sad  imamo  tri  tske  utakmice gde ako  uzmemo  4  boda  bice super.Rennes  u  gostima,valenciennes  kuci i Lyon  na Gerland-u.Ali dobro bicemo  16,15 na  kraju ali i najverovatnije kup  a  ako  budemo  imali  srece sa  zrebovima i  da osvojimo drugi  kup-France  kup.Dupla  kruna a  da  budemo  17.  ko  bi  reko....Pozdrav svima SUPRAS AUTEUIL 1991
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Allez Rouge et Bleu!!! Notre ferveur est sans limite-Supras Auteuil 1991 
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Napisi nesto o klubu,kao na primer istoriju kluba,i ubaci neke slike,ovako ce ti zakljucati temu.  :[115]:
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Marseille On t'Encule!

Zodijak Scorpio
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 253
Windows 98
Internet Explorer 5.01
Benq ef81
Ma sta da mi  zakljucaju...sigurno onda navijaju  za marseille.Ubacicu neke slike imam ih u kompu  brdo.Pisacu  nesto,a  i  ako me nesto  neko pita.Pozdrav.  ALLEZ ROUGE  ET BLEU!!
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Allez Rouge et Bleu!!! Notre ferveur est sans limite-Supras Auteuil 1991 
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Paris Saint Germain F.C. (kraće PSG) je francuski nogometni prvoligaš.

Osnovan je 12. kolovoza 1970. godine u Parizu. Od 1974. godine pa do danas PSG igra u Prvoj francuskoj nogometnoj ligi (fra. Ligue 1). PSG je jedini klub koji je tako dugo u elitnom klupskom društvu francuskog nogometa. PSG svoje domaće utakice igra na stadionu "Park prinčeva" (Parc des Princes). Boje kluba su crvena i plava. Predsjednik kluba je Alain Cayzac, a trenutni trener je Paul Le Guen.

Momčad sezone 2007/08.
Ime i prezime   Dres   
Mickaël Landreau   1   
Jerôme Alonzo   16   
Edel   30   
Ceará   2   
Mamadou Sakho   3   
Bernard Mendy   5   
Mario Yepes   6   
Jean-Yves Mvoto   12   
Zoumana Camara   15   
Sylvain Armand   22   
Grégory Bourillon   24   
Vezni igrači
Didier Digard   8   
Marcelo Daniel Gallardo   10   
Clément Chantôme   20   
Jérémy Clément   23   
Jérôme Rothen   25   
Granddi Ngoyi   26   
Younousse Sankhare   27   
Pegúy Makanda Luyindula   7   
Pauleta   9   
Amara Diane   11   
Pierre-Alain Frau   13   
David NGog   14   
Loris Arnaud   18   
Yannick Boli   21   

Dosadašnji uspjesi

Prvak Francuske: 1986., 1994.
Osvajač domaćega kupa: 1982., 1983., 1993., 1995., 1998., 2004., 2006.
Osvajač domaćega liga-kupa: 1995., 1998.
Kup pobjednika kupova: 1996. (1997. bio finalist)
Intertoto kup: 2001.

Poznati igrači
Pauleta trenutno kapetan)
Jay Jay Okocha
Gabriel Heinze
George Weah
Christian Wörns
Marco Simone
Juan Pablo Sorín
Rai, Souza de Oliviera
Patrick Mboma
Patrice Loko
Paul Le Guen
Youri Djorkaeff
Nicolas Anelka
Raymond Domenech
Vahid Halilhodzić
Carlos Bianchi

Poznati treneri
Luis Fernández
Just Fontaine
Laurent Fournier
Alain Giresse
Vahid Halilhodzić
Gérard Houllier
Artur Jorge

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Predsednici kluba od njegovog nastajanja

Pierre-Etienne Guyot
(12/08/1970 to 05/06/1971)    

Guy Crescent
(05/06/1971 to 17/12/1971)    

Henri Patrelle
(17/12/1971 to 15/06/1973)    

Daniel Hechter
(15/06/1973 to 09/01/1978)    

Francis Borelli
(09/01/1978 to 31/05/1991)    

Michel Denisot,
PSG President-Delegate
(31/05/1991 to 11/05/1998)    

Charles Bietry,
PSG President-Delegate
(11/05/1998 to 21/12/1998)    

Laurent Perpère,
Then President of PSG
(22/12/1998 to 05/06/2003)    

Francis Graille
President of PSG
(05/06/2003 at 02/05/05)    

Pierre Blayau
Deputy Chairman PSG
(May 2005-June 2006)    

Alain Cayzac,
President of PSG
(Since June 2006).    

In addition, the Association PSG has undergone three presidents since 1991

Bernard Brochand,
President of the Association PSG
(21/05/1991 to 07/06/2001)    

Alain Cayzac,
President of the Association PSG
(07/06/2001 to June 2006).    

Simon Tahar,
President of the Association PSG
(Since June 2006).    


Abel, Carlos da Silva    1979/81    
Abreu, Manuel    1983/84
Abriel, Fabrice    1999/01
Adams, Jean-Pierre    1977/79
Alex Dias De Almeida    2001/02
Algerino, Jimmy    1996/01
Ali Messaoud, Rida    1976/77
Allou, Bernard    1994/98
Aloisio, Jose Da Silva    2001/03
Alonzo, Jerome    2001 ...
Alves, Joao    1979/80
Andre, Christian    1972/77
Anelka, Nicolas    1995/97
Anelka, Nicolas    2000/déc.02
Angloma, Jocelyn    1990/91
Ardiles, Osvaldo    1981/82
Arribas, Claude    1971/72
Arteta, Mikel Amatriain    2000/02
Assad, Salah    1983/84
Ayache, William    1986/87
Bacconnier, Thierry    1982/88    
Baden, Jacky    1973/76
Badiane, Jean-Michel    2003 ...
Bajoc, Pierre    1973/80
Baratelli, Dominica    1978/85
Barberat, Dominica    1975/77
Barrabe, Claude    1986/88
Bathenay, Dominica    1978/85
Bats, Joël    1985/92
Bauda, Denis    1974/77
Behier, Michel    1972/73
Belmadi, Djamel    1995/96
Beltramini, Jean-François    1979/81
Ben Mustapha Kamel    1972/73
Benachour, Selim    2001 ...
Benarbia, Ali    1999/01
Bensoussan, Michel    1974/80
Bereau Bernard    1970/74
Bernard, Daniel    1977/78
Berthaud, Dominica    1975/76
Bianchi, Armando    1978/80
Bianchi, Carlos    1977/79
Bianconi, Pierre    1987/88
Bibard, Michel    1985/91
Bied, Sylvain    1984/85
Bocande, Jules    1986/88
Bolzan Adailton Martins, Santiago    1998/99
Borrelli, Luc    1993/95
Boskovic, Branko    2003 ...
Bosser, Jean-Pierre    1989/91
Boubacar Sarr    1979/83
Bras, Jean-Claude    1970/72
Bravo, Daniel    1989/96
Brisson, François    1975/81
Brisson, Gilles    1977/78
Brost, Jean-Louis    1970/74
Bureau Bernard    1978/81
Calderaro, François    1992/94    
Calderon, Gabriel    1987/90
Calenda, Romeo    1993/97
Cana, Lorik    2003 ...
Cardiet Louis    1973/76
Cardinet, Gilles    1979/85
Caron, Bernard    1979/80
Carotti, Bruno    1998/00
Carre, Thierry    1970/71
Casagrande, Dominica    1998/03
Cauet, Benedict    1996/97
Cenzatto, Gérard    1974/77
Cesar Augusto    1999/00
Chaintreuil, Christophe    1999/04
Charbonnier, Jean-François    1984/91
Choquier, Camille    1970/74
Cisse, Aliou    1998/01
Cisse, Edouard    1997 / ...
Cloarec, Joël    1992/93
Cobos, José    1993/97
Col Philippe    1978/83
Colleter, Patrick    1991/96
Correia Dionisio, Christian    1999/01
Couriol, Alain    1983/89
Coutard, Thierry    1972/73
Cruz, Fernando    1970/71
Cubilier, Eric    2003/04
Da Fonseca, Omar    1985/86    
Ribeiroa Da Silva, Joaquim Agostinho    2001/02
Dahleb, Mustapha    1974/84
Dalmat, Stéphane    2000/01
De Falco, Marcel    1983/84
De Lucas Martinez, Enrique    2001/01
Debbah, James    1997/98
Dehouck, Philippe    1987/88
Déhu, Frédéric    2000/04
Delhumeau, Guy    1971/72
Deloffre, Jean    1973/75
Delplanque, Dominica    1970/71
Derrick, Jantzen    1971/72
Destrumelle, Jean-Pierre    1970/72
Dhorasoo, Vikash    2005/07
Diawara, Kaba    1999/00
Diawara, Kaba    2003/04
Dieng, Oumar    1994/96
Distin, Sylvain    2000/01
Djorkaeff, Jean    1970/72
Djorkaeff, Youri    1995/96
Dogliani, Jean-Pierre    1973/76
Domenech, Raymond    1981/82
Domi, Didier    1994/98
Domi, Didier    2000/03
Dossevi, Antoine    1975/76
Dossevi, Othniel    1972/75
Douis, Jean-François    1978/79
Dréossi, Pierre    1988/89
Ducrocq, Pierre    1994/oct.02
Dumot, Bernard    1972/76
Edmilson, Goncalves    1997/98
El Karkouri, Talal    1999/04
Fabiano, Nicolas    2000/01
Fernandes, Jean-Claude    1993/96
Fernandez, Luis    1978/86
Fernandez, Vincent    1994/97
Fitte Duval, Jean-Claude    1970/71
Fiorèse, Fabrice    2001/aoû.04
Floch, Louis    1974/76    
Fournier, Laurent    1991/94
Fournier, Laurent    1995/98
Garceran, Antoine    1979/81
Garriliere, Alain    1970/71
Gava, Franck    1997/98
Geraldo, Dutra    1991/92    
Germain, Bruno    1991/93
Gillet, Stéphane    2001/02
Ginola, David    1991/95
Girard, Jean-Luc    1984/85
Goma, Alain    1998/99
Goutey, Laurent    1988/89
Grappin, Patrick    1979/80
Gravelaine, Xavier    1993/96
Gravelaine, Xavier    1998/99
Guerin, Vincent    1992/98
Guicci, Daniel    1970/72
Guillochon, Yannick    1982/85





























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Paris Saint-Germain FC

Paris Saint-Germain Football Club, or PSG, is a French football club based in Paris. Their home stadium is Parc des Princes.


The club was founded 1904 with the name "stade Saint Germain". The actual name appeared in August 1970 by the merger of Paris FC (a pool of financial investors) and Stade Saint-Germain. Gathering funds from nearly 20,000 subscribers, the creation of Paris FC marked the reappearance of a major club in Paris after the demise of R.C. Paris, Red Star and Stade Français (among others). The union of F.C. Paris and Stade Saint-Germain was motivated by the need to find players, structures, and a place in a higher division, and it resulted in the creation of Paris Saint-Germain Football Club. The new club played in the Nationale (second) division for the 1970–71 season. The club won the division and was promoted to the top division in their first season. After finishing 16th in the 1971–72 season and under pressure from the Paris City Council to remove the reference to Saint-Germain, the club split in May. The professional part of the club joined C.A. Montreuil and remained in the top division as Paris FC, the amateur part of the club continued in the third division as amateur side Paris Saint-Germain. PSG was promoted to D2 in 1972–73, as champions following the disqualification of US Le Petit-Quevilly. The following season the club returned to professional status and finished second in the league, winning promotion to the top division in a play-off with Valenciennes. In an ironic twist for PSG supporters, Paris FC was relegated in that season and PSG would henceforth always play at the newly rebuilt Parc des Princes, once the ground of Paris FC.

Daniel Hechter era (1973-1978)

The club has remained in the top division since 1974), after going professional 2 years earlier. Jean-Pierre Dogliani, Mustapha Dahleb and François M'Pelé were notable players at this time. Staff-wise, Velibor Vasović and Jean-Michel Larqué are seen as notable. Daniel Hechter was responsible for the design of the “historical” club shirt. On November 4th 1975, the current training center, the Camp des Loges was inaugurated. Pierre Alonzo took the direction of it. The Tournoi de Paris also finds life again in 1975, until its dissapereance in 1993.

The presidency of Daniel Hechter ended following the scandal of double ticketing of the Parc des Princes in January 1978.

Francis Borelli era (1978-1991)

Francis Borelli takes over for 13 seasons. Under his control, the PSG gains its first major trophies: two Coupe de France (1982, 1983) and the championship of France 1985–86.

The most notable players of this period are Carlos Bianchi, Dominique Baratelli, Luis Fernandez, Ivica Surjak, Dominique Bathenay and Dominique Rocheteau then Safet Susic, Joël Bats, and Gabriel Calderon. George Peyroche, Gérard Houllier, Lucien Leduc and Tomislav Ivic were the principal trainers of the Borelli era.

Canal + era (1991-2006)

In 1991, Borelli is forced to pass the relay to Canal+ which invests in the PSG in order to compete with Olympique de Marseille, starting the intense rivalry. After three years, the club started some wonderful years winning the French Championship in 1994 - after Marseille's title was revoked for match-fixing. The club's fortunes in Europe were impressive, winning the European Cup Winners’ Cup in 1996, also reaching the following year’s final only to lose to Barcelona FC.

During the Canal + period, PSG was very effective in local cups as well, winning the Coupe de France in 1993, 1995, 1998, 2004, and 2006. In addition, PSG won two Coupe de la Ligue (1995 and 1998).

Several players were the foundations of the PSG success, such as Bernard Lama, Alain Roche, Ricardo Gomes, Valdo, David Ginola, George Weah, Raí, Youri Djorkaeff, and coaches such as Artur Jorge and Luis Fernandez.

This prize list could have been expanded by the title of champion of France in 1993 following the OM’s descend to second division. The League allotted the title to PSG but Canal + refused it. The TV chain feared the reactions of its subscribers in Province, and Canal+ even threatened to withdraw from football completely if the title was allocated to PSG. The “higher interests of Canal+” were before those of the PSG. The League and the Federation accepted and the title of 1993 remained “not allotted”. Canal + even refused PSG to dispute the UEFA Champions League after the exclusion of OM by the UEFA.[1]

The takeover of the club by Canal+ is gradually carried out. Starting in 1991, Canal+ started gaining shares of the club, but it wasn’t until 1997 that the TV channel started to own the majority of the shares. After June 2001, Canal+ obtained another 34% of the shares, and in August 2005 they obtained the other 2% held by Alain Cayzac, making the TV Channel PSG’s only shareholder.

In 1998, after seven years with Michel Denisot, Charles Biétry takes over but resigns after six months leaving the club heavily involved in debt, while losing important deals such as the sale of Nicolas Anelka to Arsenal FC, which proceeded to sell the player a year later to Real Madrid for 33.2M€. Since then, PSG is trying to find balance and stability.

In 2000, the PSG was one of the 14 founder members of G14. During this period, the return of Luis Fernandez did not improve the sporting situation in spite of the talent of players such as Ronaldinho, however the debt of the club had been multiplied by two. The combinaton of Francis Graille-Vahid Halilhodzic is called with to rescue of the club, who is going through a 40% expenditure reduction. In spite of this problem, the PSG had a beautiful 2003-2004 season, winning the Coupe de France and reaching a second place on Ligue 1 which opens the doors of UEFA Champions League 2004-05.

The season 2004-2005 is more difficult. The club was quickly eliminated from the UEFA Champions League 2004-05 and was having a sluggish performance in the championship creating a crisis with the supporters, who were against the policy followed by Canal+. Vahid Halilhodzic is fired on February 8 2005 and replaced by Laurent Fournier, former player of the club. President Francis Graille is also fired by Canal+ on May 2 2005. Pierre Blayau succeeds to him. The project of Francis Graille which consisted in repurchasing shares of the club did not impress Canal+, which reaffirm its desire to remain in charged of PSG, contrary to all the rumors announcing progressive disengagement of the majority shareholder.

In the December 27th, 2005 Laurent Fournier is fired by Pierre Blayau, even though PSG is only one point of the second place of Ligue 1. Guy Lacombe is named to replace it after Paul Le Guen refused the post.

April 11, 2006 Canal + announces the sale of the club to the American investment company (Colony Capital), the French investment company (Butler Capital Partners) and the American investment bank (Morgan Stanley). Canal + yields the club for an amount which is not communicated while taking responsibility for its important debt contracted by the club under its direction. This sale becomes effective June 20 2006. After that, Alain Cayzac replace Pierre Blayau.

PSG began the 06-07 season poorly, and headed into the winter break in 16th position. After their second UEFA Cup group match against Hapoel Tel Aviv in Paris on November 24, which they lost 4-2, angry fans (in particular members of the non-recognized independent groups in Boulogne, associated with far-right political ideals which include racism and anti-semitism) used violence as a means of showing their discontent with their team's poor performance. Incensed by the shock defeat, in conjunction with the club's poor domestic league form, and the fact PSG were beaten by an Israeli team, a group of supporters chased and threatened a French fan of Hapoel Tel Aviv. In response, a lone black policeman came to the defense of this threatened Hapoel Tel Aviv fan. The large crowd reportedly shouted many derogatory phrases towards both the policeman and the fan. After firing warning tear gas shells, the policeman fired his gun twice, killing a Paris fan and wounding another. Following this incident, lower stand of Boulogne was closed for two months.Followed a home defeat to Valenciennes, on January 15th, Guy Lacombe was sacked, and replaced by former PSG player and ex-Rangers manager, Paul Le Guen. Le Guen guided PSG to the UEFA Cup quarterfinal, where they were defeated by against Portuguese side Benfica, and a 15th place finish. Portuguese striker Pedro Pauleta again finished the season as Ligue 1's top scorer.

Team honours

    * Championnat de France
          o Champion : 1986, 1994
          o Vice-champion :1989,1993,1996, 1997, 2000, 2004
          o Third : 1983 1992 1995

    * Coupe de France
          o Win :1982, 1983,1993, 1995, 1998, 2004, 2006
          o Final : 1985, 2003

    * Coupe de la Ligue
          o Win : 1995, 1998
          o Final : 2000

    * UEFA Cup Winners' Cup
          o Win : 1996
          o Final : 1997

    * UEFA Intertoto Cup
          o Win : 2001

    * Trophée des Champions
          o Win : 1995, 1998

    * Ligue 2
          o Champion : 1971

    * Championnat DH Paris
          o Win : 1957


    * Miscellaneous :
          o Tournoi de Paris : 1980, 1981, 1984, 1986, 1992, 1993
          o Tournoi international de Troyes : 1980
          o Trophée de Palma de Majorque : 1982[9]
          o Tournoi international de Sedan : 1992
          o Trophée de la Céramique de Villareal : 2001

    * Joung
          o Coupe Gambardella
                + Win : 1991
                + Final : 1978, 1989, 1998
          o Championnat de France des moins de 18 ans
                + Champion : 2006
          o Championnat de France Cadets
                + Champion : 1988
                + Vice-champion : 1980

    * Female
          o Championnat de France féminin D2
                + Champion : 2001
                + Vice-champion : 1983, 1985

Current squad

Mickaël Landreau
Jérôme Alonzo
Apoula Edima Bete Edel

Bernard Mendy
Mamadou Sakho
Mario Yepes
Zoumana Camara
Sylvain Armand
Grégory Bourillon
Larrys Mabiala

Didier Digard
Clément Chantôme
Jérémy Clément
Jérôme Rothen
Granddi Ngoyi
Younousse Sankharé


Péguy Luyindula
Amara Diané
David N'Gog
Loris Arnaud
Everton Santos
Yannick Boli

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Marseille On t'Encule!

Zodijak Scorpio
Pol Muškarac
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Benq ef81
Lepo sto ste  nabacili  istoriju,mene  bi  mrzelo veceras,ali ja znam  90% tih stvari.Jedino  one sve  igrace  od  nastajanja  kluba nisam zapamtio :D.Povredio se Rothen,nadam se nista ozbiljno.Pozz
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Allez Rouge et Bleu!!! Notre ferveur est sans limite-Supras Auteuil 1991 
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Marseille On t'Encule!

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Benq ef81
Hvala  ti.Te  grafite imam  u kompu,sem  jednog tu.Jer znas kako  da  ubacim sliku  u  poruku.Nisam  jos  razradio  forum...
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Allez Rouge et Bleu!!! Notre ferveur est sans limite-Supras Auteuil 1991 
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Trenutno vreme je: 13. Feb 2025, 22:37:13
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Poslednji odgovor u temi napisan je pre više od 6 meseci.  

Temu ne bi trebalo "iskopavati" osim u slučaju da imate nešto važno da dodate. Ako ipak želite napisati komentar, kliknite na dugme "Odgovori" u meniju iznad ove poruke. Postoje teme kod kojih su odgovori dobrodošli bez obzira na to koliko je vremena od prošlog prošlo. Npr. teme o određenom piscu, knjizi, muzičaru, glumcu i sl. Nemojte da vas ovaj spisak ograničava, ali nemojte ni pisati na teme koje su završena priča.

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Prijatelji foruma: Triviador :: Nova godina Beograd :: nova godina restorani :: :: MojaPijaca :: Pojacalo :: 011info :: Burgos :: Sudski tumač Novi Beograd

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