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Tema: Otto Scorzeny [ss]  (Pročitano 20194 puta)
Veteran foruma
Zvezda u usponu

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus.

Zodijak Leo
Pol Muškarac
Poruke 2135
Zastava tako blizu, a tako daleko
Pa moram te razočarati, ali njegova važnost što se tiče vojne strane drugog svjetskog rata i nije toliko velika. Veća je npr. Rommelova kad smo već kod njemačkih vojskovođa.
Scorzeny je sigurno važan u samoj povijesti ratovanja. Desant na Gran Sasso je sigurno bio briljantna operacija, ali je Treći Reich imao malo koristi od toga. Na fakultetu, barem kod nas, što se vojne strane određenih događanja tiče puno je važnije kako su određene bitke i borbe utjecale na tijek političkih događanja. Scorzeny već kao operativac za posebne zadatke tu ne može imati neku pretjerano važnu ulogu jer njegove akcije nisu značajnije ni mogle, ni odredile tijek borbi i time samog rata.
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Ucesnik diskusija

Poruke 191
Evo kako je Skorceze uticao na našu istoriju.
Ja sam čuo da je Redlinc obožavao Skorcezea i da je na osnovu njegove operacije oslobađanja Musolinija pokušao da uhvati Tita u Drvaru (operacija Skok šahovskog konja). Samo se preračunao. Skorceze je udario na Talijane, a Redlinc na Ličane (međede) i tu je pukao.
Redlinc je svoje SS falšrim (vazdušno-desantne) jedinice popunjavao osuđenim Nemcima kojima je obećao slobodu ako ispune cilj.

Da li vam je poznato da su SS jedinice (komandosi nacionalsocialictičke radničke partije, osuđeni u Nirmbergu) prve jedinice u istoriji koje su imale kamuflažnu uniformu. Ispod nje su nosili crne uniforme što znači da ne priznaju Ženevsku konvenciju o ratovanju, tj. ne prihvataju zarobljenike.
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Capo di tutti capi

Underpromise; overdeliver.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
Pazi njegova najpoznatija operacija dakako jeste vadjenje musolinija iz zamka, ali nije jedina i prilicno je ne vazna.
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Capo di tutti capi

Underpromise; overdeliver.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
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Oto skorceni jeste bio vrhunski obavestajac. Ispostavilo se radio je i za Ruse i Amerikance. Nasao sam na nekim mestima indicije koje upucuju da je on bio srpskog porekla, a da se i sam potpuno mirno predao saveznicima. Za Gintera Bruma prvi put cujem da je stvarna licnost, a pogotov da je boravio na ovim prostorima, nasim. Ako neko ima memoare skorcenija neka mi posalje na meil ili neka me uputi na link...
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Ja_sam_negde_procitao_da_je_ob ucavao_Egipatske_specijalce_st o_mi_se_ucinilo_logicnim_sa_ob zirom_ko_je_njihov_najveci_nep rijatelj-Izrael
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Svedok stvaranja istorije

Pol Muškarac
Poruke 15472
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Opera 9.01
 desant na krit su izvrshile padobranske jedinice LW jer SS nije imao padobranske jedinice . takodje i spasavanje musolinija . to su oni isti ljudi koji su branili monte casino. otto scorzney je za tu operaciju bio potchinjen LW :

The rescue of Mussolini from the Gran Sasso. 12th September 1943

Propoganda coup for the SS
SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Otto Skorzeny was the man personally chosen by Hitler to lead the mission to rescue Mussolini, after the Duce had been removed from power by the King of Italy in July 1943 and replaced by Marshal Pietro Badoglio, whom Hitler feared may surrender Italy to the Allies. If this happened then southern Europe would be opened up to allied invasion.
If Mussolini were to be successfully rescued then troops loyal to him might stay on the side of the Germans.
The rescue mission was to be codenamed Operation Eiche (Oak), and was one of four operations ordered by Hitler to counter any attack on Italy by the Allies, or the early capitulation of his axis ally.
Operation Achse (Axis), was aimed at destroying or capturing the Italian fleet in the event of capitulation or invasion.
Operation Schwarz (Black), was aimed at the complete German occupation of Italy and disarming of Italian forces.
Operation Student, was aimed at the occupation of Rome and with the successfull execution of Operation Eiche, the restoration of Mussolini's regime.
Skorzeny was subordinated to the Luftwaffe for the mission and took his orders from General Kurt Student.
The first problem to overcome was the location of the Duce. After his arrest he was spirited away to an unknown destination and it was several weeks before the first lead came in. He was supposedly being held on the Island of Ponza off the West Coast of Italy.
By the time investigations had been carried out on this report he had been moved on, this time to the island of La Maddalena off the north east coast of Sardinia.
Plans were drawn up for a rescue attempt but before they could be carried out Mussolini was once again spirited away to a new destination.
The leads had now dried up and his whereabouts remained a mystery, until German radio intercepts confirmed that he had been moved to the Gran Sasso d'Italia, (an unusually high amount of signal traffic, which regularly referred to an person of importance) a high peak in the Appenine mountain region 80 miles north east of Rome. It was the best lead they had and preparations could now begin for the mission.
Built on the peak of the Gran Sasso was the Campo Imperatore hotel, part of a winter ski resort constructed a few years before the war. The only access to this hotel was via a cable car that ran up the side of the mountain from the valley below.
Any plans had to include the taking of the cable car station in the valley to stop any re-inforcements getting through. If Mussolini was being held on the Gran Sasso then it was guaranteed that he was being well guarded.
On September 10th 1943, Skorzeny, his adjutant and Luftwaffe planners carried out the first aerial reconnaissance over the Gran Sasso, which revealed an ideal landing place for an assault, a small meadow only yards from the front of the hotel.
Now only the method of assault was left, Skorzeny decided that a parachute assault was out of the question because of the risk of scattering the men, so a glider assault was planned.

It was decided to use 12 fully manned DFS-230 light assault gliders for the assault, consisting of several men from Skorzeny's Friedenthal Battalion and men of the 1st Kompanie, 1st Battalion, 7th Regiment, (the Fallschirm - Lehr Battalion), under the command of Oberleutnant Georg von Berlepsch.The remainder of the Battalion under the command of Major Otto-Harald Mors were to travel by road and take the nearby airfield at Aquila and the cable car station in the valley below. Another group of Skorzeny’s men were tasked with the job of freeing the Duce's family.
On the afternoon of the 12th September the gliders and their towing aircraft took off from the Practica de Mare airfield near Rome on their 1-hour flight to the Gran Sasso.They took with them a pro-german Italian officer called General Soletti who could be useful in negotiations if things became bloody.
Gliders #11 &#12 never made it off the airfield as they became damaged during takeoff (the airfield had been bombed shortly before H-hour), Skorzeny who was travelling in glider #3 took the lead as gliders #1 & #2 and their tows disappeared in dense cloud midway through the flight, they were only left with 8 gliders for the mission.
As they approached the Gran Sasso visibilty was still bad, it was only recognised because of the previous reconnaissance carried out by Skorzeny, they immediately prepared to be cast from their tows.
As they approached the target they saw that the meadow previously planned as the landing area was in fact covered in large rocks not observed during the reconnaissance. They made a crash landing only yards from the front of the hotel, the obstacles helping to brake the gliders.
Skorzeny led his men into the hotel, overcoming the resistance at the entrance and headed straight for the Duces room, which was guarded by two Italian officers. They offered no resistance and within minutes the commanding officer of the garrison had promised no resistance from the rest of his men . The whole complex fell into in German hands quickly and without bloodshed.
The hotel had been taken so quickly that gliders #6 & #7 were just coming in to land. Glider #8 made its approach shortly afterwards but crash-landed, badly injuring all those on board.
Mussolini had been released from his detention and now only the problem of getting him off the Gran Sasso remained.
There were 3 options for escape, the first was by road to Rome through the valley below which was now in the safe hands of Major Mors and the Fallschirm Lehr Battalion, this was risky due to the partisan activity in the area. The second was to transport the Duce to the nearby airfield at Aquila which was due to be attacked by paratroops and fly him out.
Skorzeny chose the third option, fly him directly off the Gran Sasso using the Feisler Storch recconaisance aircraft piloted by Student’s personal pilot Captain Gerlach, which was flying overhead.
Captain Gerlach made an emergency landing on an improvised airstrip and made preparations to take off with his precious cargo. German war correspondents were allowed up to the Gran Sasso after the battle, via the cable car to record the event and many photos and cine recordings were made for propoganda purposes. Many show the Duce being escorted to the Storch and being buckled in by Skorzeny himself. Some show the wreckage of the damaged gliders. Some photos show the Italian soldiers who were Mussolinis former guards escorting him to the plane and helping to make the makeshift airstrip.  Mussolini and Skorzeny climbed aboard and the plane took off barely making it off the plateau, as the Fiesler Storch was not made with 3 men in mind as well as the Duce's luggage.
They were flown to the Practica de Mare airfield where they changed planes and carried on with the journey to Vienna, where Mussolini was re-united with his family. Whilst staying in Vienna, Skorzeny was awarded the Knights Cross for his part in the mission.
Skorzeny flew with Mussolini to meet the Fuhrer on the 15th september at the Wolfs Lair in Eastern Prussia.
Skorzeny became the hero of the Gran Sasso raid, although the Fallschirmtruppe played a major part in the planning and execution of the operation.The argument over who should have got the credit for the mission will probably go on for years to come, but at the end of the day the plan was a daring exploit that turned in to a complete success.

It was even mentioned in the British Parliament when the news broke. The British took part in a kidnap raid themselves, although not an airborne operation it was still a daring mission. They kidnapped General Heinrich Kreipe from occupied Crete on 26th April 1944 and spirited him away by sea.

For more on this operation, see Bernd Bosshammer's account in the Veteran section, Alte Adler.
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« Poslednja izmena: 10. Avg 2006, 06:36:57 od bf_109_g_6 »
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Zodijak Taurus
Pol Žena
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Zastava Beograd
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Samsung Neki shit
Proucavao sam ga pre jedno 2 godine posto sam cuo da je njegov lik potpuno iskopiran za jednu igru pa sam se zainteresovao za njega....prilicno me je zapanjio sa operacijom bez ispaljenog metka.
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u spaniji je postao milioner. inace se tokom rata izmedju arapa i izraela stavio na raspolaganje egiptu - smatrajuci jevreje i dalje sojim najvecim neprijateljima. citavog zivota je ostao vjeran principima koje je kao mlad covjek usvojio. potice iz bogate porodice, bio je clan sokolskog drustva i prilikom macevanja pravom vojnickom sabljom zaradio je taj oziljak na licu. na njegovom grobu u madridu pise: moja cast je vernost.
to govori najbolje o njemu.
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Upravo sam procitao njegovu autobiografiju!!!  Zove se :  Specijalna misija  !! memoari najopasnijeg coveka evrope!!  I tu mozete iz prve ruke da procitate o njemu ko je sta je i kako su tekle operacije spasavanja Musolinija i ardenske operacije a i pominje kako je tekla operacija desanta na Drvar u kojem samo zbog Nemacke da kazem ljubomore izmedju jedinica nije im Tito pao u ruke!!

Pozdrav svim mojim saborcima iz 63.  Padobranske brigade!!! 
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