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Tema: Osirumaseni uranijum  (Pročitano 2998 puta)
09. Nov 2006, 01:48:51
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Scientist questions use of depleted uranium munitions
AM - Thursday, 2 November , 2006  08:24:00
Reporter: Rafael Epstein
TONY EASTLEY: America and Britain's use of depleted uranium munitions has again been queried by a scientist who says information about their dangers has been suppressed.

The man who worked on a definitive World Health Organisation study on the dangers of the munitions, says studies pointing to a potential problem never saw the light of day.

Europe Correspondent Rafael Epstein.

RAFAEL EPSTEIN: In the 1991 war with Iraq, the United States fired 320 tonnes of depleted uranium munitions. In 2003 they used as much as 2,000 tonnes. This material is used because of its ability to penetrate heavy armour, like the hull of a tank.

When the US and Britain defend their use of these materials, they sometimes cite a World Health Organisation study compiled in 2001. It brought together all the available evidence on whether or not such munitions could lead to sickness and even cancer.

Dr Keith Baverstock was a senior radiation adviser with the WHO. He told the BBC a study showing the munitions could be carcinogenic was kept out of the final report or monograph.

KEITH BAVERSTOCK: When it wasn't included in the monograph I, with two other colleagues, prepared a paper for the open literature and the WHO did not permit me to submit that paper for publication.

RAFAEL EPSTEIN: And he believes the United States helped stop the publication.

KEITH BAVERSTOCK: It is naive to think that in institutions like the United Nations one is free from political influences. The member states have their own agendas.

RAFAEL EPSTEIN: But Dr Mike Repacholi disagrees. He coordinated the entire report as head of the WHO's Radiation and Environmental Health Unit.

MIKE REPACHOLI: Depleted uranium is basically safe. You can touch depleted uranium for hours and not cause any radiation damage. You can ingest it and it's excreted through the body, 99 per cent of it goes within about a day. You would have to ingest a huge amount of depleted uranium dust to cause any adverse health effect.

RAFAEL EPSTEIN: Dr Repacholi told the BBC, the studies showing possibly adverse effects were not included at the time, because they were not conclusive and could not stand up to scientific scrutiny. Since then there have been more studies on the possible dangers caused by such weapons. They suggest that depleted uranium chemically alters DNA and could be a precursor to tumour growth.

Much of this work has been done by scientists at the US Department of Defence, but their work has since ceased.

In London this is Rafael Epstein for AM. 
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"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that."
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dali je tačno ili se ja varam da imaju najviše ove rude Australija te Kanada..... Smile Smile Smile Smile
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Zodijak Aquarius
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Bosch ima centrifugu
Australija je No1 ubedljivo. Jedino ko im smeta su Aboridzini jer se sva nalazista nalaze na njihovoj svetoj zemlji. Rusi su isto veliki. Ima par rudnika na Uralu. Za Kanadu ne znam - oni su jaki na planu ocuvanja okoline .

Ali osiromaseni uranijum se doboja kao nusprodukt obogacivanja uranijuma kao gorivo nuklearki. Umesto da ga odlazu kao otpad oni ga stavljaju u caure 30mm topova.

Depleted uranium (DU) is uranium that has a reduced proportion of the isotope Uranium-235. It is mostly made up of Uranium-238. The names Q-metal, depletalloy, and D-38, which once applied to depleted uranium, have fallen into disuse.

Its high strength and density have made it a valued component in some technical applications, specifically in military projectiles. Such uses remain controversial, as U-238 is still radioactive.

Depleted uranium is a byproduct of the enriching of natural uranium for use in nuclear reactors. When most of the fissile radioactive isotopes of uranium are removed from natural uranium, the residue is called depleted uranium. A less common source of the material is reprocessed spent reactor fuel. The origin can be distinguished by the content of uranium-236,[1] produced by neutron capture from uranium-235 in nuclear reactors.

As a toxic and radioactive waste product that requires long term storage as low level nuclear waste, depleted uranium is costly to keep but relatively inexpensive to obtain. Generally the only real costs are those associated with conversion of UF6 to metal. It is extremely dense, 67% denser than lead, only slightly less than tungsten and gold, and just 16% less dense than osmium or iridium, the densest naturally occurring substances known. Its low cost makes it attractive for a variety of uses. However, the material is prone to corrosion and small particles are pyrophoric.
« Poslednja izmena: 09. Nov 2006, 12:55:33 od decky999 »
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"I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that."
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