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Tema: Official Nokia Firmware Update software sa USB DKU kabla  (Pročitano 235234 puta)
24. Sep 2006, 10:46:40
Veteran foruma
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Samsung S6 & Lumia 9
Oficijalen sajt Nokia gde bi mogli da skidate Firmware za vas telefon

Lista kompatibilnih telefona:

Nokia Phone Software Update 

Browse this list of frequently asked questions before you download or if you have trouble installing Nokia phone software updates.


What phone software am I downloading, exactly?
What are the requirements for download?
How often do I need to update my firmware?
Do I have to pay for this software update?
How long does the update take?
Will I lose my user data if I update my phone software?
Do I really have to make a back-up of all my data?
What cable do I need to connect to my PC?
What if my phone runs out of battery during download or installation?
My friend could update his/her software but I couldn't. What's wrong?
Is the update different if I take my phone to a Nokia Service Center?
I get an error message. What should I do?
I get a message, "Update completed," but there is no visible activity. What should I do?
Which products can be updated?
What are the benefits of updating my software (firmware)?
Which USB mode do I use on my device?
My phone screen goes blank during the update, is this normal?
Nokia PC Suite says my phone has disconnected, is this normal?
I cannot connect to Nokia PC Suite after using updating via PC.
Can I make calls during an update?
My firewall says there is a “Land Attack” during the PC update. Is this normal?
My phone is dead; can I update the software?
My phone “died” during an update, who pays for the repair costs?
Can I update my phone with different software?
Do you keep a record of consumers’ download activities?

Questions and Answers

1. What phone software am I downloading, exactly?
You are downloading updates and improvements to the phone operation software (also known as firmware), that are embedded into the read-only memory of the device, including native applications such as the calendar and phonebook. This is similar to the operating system software on your PC.

User data such as contacts, photos, messages, and add-on applications such as Java games or Symbian applications are not part of the phone operation software. However, with some phone models, user data—such as contacts and pictures—will be deleted during the PC update, so it is strongly recommended that you make a back-up of your data such as contacts, messages, and images before downloading the phone software update, or these files will be lost. If you are performing the download with a PC and your phone requires a data back-up, the download wizard will instruct you how to perform a back-up of your data.

Note: Software cannot be downgraded. Once you have upgraded your device, you will not be able to restore to the earlier version.

2. What are the requirements for download?
Download over-the-air: you need a compatible phone, standard Nokia browser settings, and Internet access. If you don’t have settings you can order them from Check with your operator for more information on Internet access.

Download via PC: you need a PC with Windows 2000 (SP3 or later) or Windows XP (SP1 or SP2) operating system, administration rights, and an Internet connection (broadband highly recommended). You also need a USB connection between the PC and your compatible phone (Nokia Connectivity Cables CA-53, DKE-2 or DKU-2), a SIM card properly in place in phone, and a fully charged battery or charger connection to power source.

3. How often do I need to update my firmware?
It is recommended to check for updates approximately once a month to keep your phone software up-to-date, or fix a potential operation problem you may have.

4. Do I have to pay for this software update?
The software update package is provided by Nokia free of charge. You do, however, pay for the data transfer of the installation package if you download over a GPRS, 3G, or other mobile network.

However, if you download over WLAN, you don’t pay operator charges for data transfer. Check with your operator for details.

^ Top

5. How long does the update take?
Download over-the-air: Downloading the installation package over-the-air can take up to approximately 4 to 5 minutes. The installation process takes from 5 to 15 minutes, during which time your phone is not operational: you cannot send or receive calls or messages, perform any other phone functions, or stop the installation process. A status bar is displayed during installation to track progress.

Download via PC: Downloading the Nokia Software Updater installation package takes approximately 5 minutes over broadband. Installation takes another 2 minutes, plus PC restart time. Memory card back-up takes approximately 2 minutes. Updates take approximately 20 minutes. Memory card restore and device reboot take another 2 minutes. Total estimated time = 30 minutes.

6. Will I lose my user data if I update my phone software?
User data (contacts, photos, messages and files) and add-on applications such as Java games or Symbian applications are not part of phone operation software. However, with some phone models, user data—such as contacts and pictures—will be deleted during the PC update, so it is strongly recommended that you make a back-up of your data such as contacts, messages, and images before downloading the phone software update. If you are performing the download with a PC and your phone requires a data back-up, the download wizard will instruct you how to perform a back-up of your data.

Note: Software cannot be downgraded. Once you have upgraded your device, you will not be able to restore to the earlier version.

Nokia cannot guarantee compatibility with third-party add-on applications not supported by Nokia.

7. Do I really have to make a back-up of all my data?
With some phone models, user data — such as contacts and pictures stored in the phone memory — will be deleted during the PC update. If you are performing the download with a PC, the download wizard will inform you if your phone requires a data back-up.

You can back-up your phone memory data to your phone memory card, or to your PC using Nokia PC Suite. See your phone user guide for more detailed instructions.

8. What cable do I need to connect to my PC?
Find the cables compatible with your phone model in the Accessories section.

^ Top

9. What if my phone runs out of battery during download or installation?
It is strongly recommended that you connect your phone to a power source using a charger and/or that the phone battery is adequately charged before starting the update. If power is lost during the download phase, you will either have to start the sequence again or take your phone to a Nokia Care service point. If you are updating over-the-air and power is lost during the installation phase and then restored (i.e. by plugging your phone to a power source), the process should continue from the point prior to power loss.

If you are updating via laptop, it is strongly recommended that you connect your laptop to a power source.

10. My friend could update his/her software but I couldn’t. What’s wrong?
Update availability is based on many things including existing phone software (firmware) version, country, and operator. It may be due to one of these variables that your phone isn’t eligible for updates. You may also be lacking some required settings, or your phone may not be compatible with this phone update.

11. Is the update different if I take my phone to a Nokia Service Center?
No, this is the same update you would receive at a Nokia Service Center, with the added advantage of convenience, as you can perform the update from any location with network coverage or Internet connection.

^ Top

12. I get an error message. What should I do?

Download over-the-air:
“No software updates available.” There is no update available for your current software version. Try again later.
“No settings found. Contact your service provider.” There are no settings installed for the phone updates function. Go to and order “standard settings” for your phone model and network operator.
“Remote server not responding.” Most likely your phone cannot connect to the Internet, or the server is not available. Internet connectivity problems may have several causes, such as a temporary network failure in the operator's network or Internet, or missing or incorrect access point settings for the phone updates application. Try again. If it still does not work, go to and order “standard settings” for your phone model and network operator.
“Update cancelled by server” or “Update not allowed. Contact service provider.” Your phone may have not been able to send a message requested or expected by the server, or your service provider does not allow updates. If that is the case, the server may close the connection. Wait a moment and try again. If unsuccessful, contact your service provider.
“Phone is being updated. Try again later.” The update sequence is active until the GPRS data connection is closed. Wait a moment and try again. Check that your phone has no active GPRS data connections (i.e. you are not currently uploading or downloading anything other than this update).
“Update failed.” This indicates a version mismatch or wrong signature detected when installation starts. This kind of error is automatically recognized in the system and will be corrected. Try again later.
Download via PC:

“Could not find supported phone” This could be because:
The phone is not properly connected (“USB connected” icon should be present in the phone display and PC Suite USB mode should be selected).
The phone is not communicating properly with the PC (an “awake” phone is needed to use Nokia Software Updater. Most phones cannot be updated if “dead”).
The phone model is not supported by Nokia Software Updater.
The model type (e.g. operator variant) is not supported by Nokia Software Updater.
There is no Internet connection, or the connection is blocked by a firewall.
“Software update failed”. This could be because:
No SIM card inserted – please insert a SIM card.
Power or Internet connection was lost during the update. The update may have been successful. Remove the battery and if the software was not updated, try again.
Device in “Offline” mode – please select “General” mode by briefly pressing the power button.
“Connect charger”. A charger is required for the PC update to start.
13. I get a message, “Update completed,” but there is no visible activity. What should I do?

Download over-the-air:

Due to a mismatch in settings, your phone is not able to start downloading the update package. For example, if inappropriate Web browser settings are active, they can prevent the download client from connecting to the server. Go to to reset your standard operator settings for Internet browsing.

Download via PC:

The update may have been successful. Remove the battery and if the software was not updated, try again.

14. Which products can be updated?

The currently supported products are listed on the main page. Some products support only one method, while others support both methods. If your phone is not listed, check back as new products are added regularly.

^ Top

15. What are the benefits of updating my software (firmware)?
The benefits of updating the software (firmware) include additional functionality and improved performance.

16. Which USB mode do I use on my device?
If prompted, please use PC Suite mode.

17. My phone screen goes blank during the update, is this normal?
Yes, the phone screen should go blank while being updated. Do not disconnect the product at this time. Shortly after the Nokia Software Updater says “Software update completed”, the phone screen should be back to normal.

^ Top

18. Nokia PC Suite says my phone has disconnected, is this normal?
Yes. When the update starts, PC Suite shows the phone as disconnected. After the update is completed, the phone will show as connected again.

19. I cannot connect to Nokia PC Suite after using updating via PC.
Open the Nokia Connection Manager from PC Suite (Manage Connections option) and ensure the USB option is checked.

20. Can I make calls during an update?

Download over-the-air:

During the installation process your phone is not operational: you cannot send or receive calls or messages, perform any other phone functions, or stop the installation process.

Download via PC:

Calls may be made or received during step 1. During step 2, any incoming call should be rejected as this will prevent the updater from functioning properly. No calls can be made or received during step 3.

^ Top

21. My firewall says there is a “Land Attack” during the PC update. Is this normal?
Yes, please temporarily allow this.

22. My phone is dead; can I update the software?
If the phone cannot be turned on, then software updates are not possible.

^ Top

23. My phone "died" during an update, who pays for the repair costs?
If the phone is within its warranty period, Nokia will repair the phone under the usual warranty terms and conditions.

If the phone is not within its warranty period, Nokia is not liable for any loss as defined within the End-User Software Agreement.

24. Can I update my phone with different software?
No, the type of software cannot be changed. If you have operator-specific software, then the update you receive will be for that same operator software.

Neither update over-the-air or via PC can be used to change the operator's firmware version to the generic Nokia firmware version.

25. Do you keep a record of consumers’ download activities?
Nokia keeps a log of all serial numbers that are updated, but this log does not contain any customer or user data.
^ Top


Novi (apdejtovani) tutorijal za promenu produkt koda

Lista podržanih telefona i download NSU:

Download NSS:

NSS Tutorial:

1.Ugasiti PCSuite.

2.Konektovati telefon u PC Suite modu,telefon ce biti prepoznat.

3.Startovati NSS i kliknuti na lupu u gornjem desnom uglu.

4.Zatim kliknuti na Phone info i kliknuti na Read za trenutni Product Code.

5.Stiklirati Enable pored Product Code-a.

6.Ukucati zeljeni Product Code u polje i stisnuti Write,i to je to. ;)

Za svaki slucaj jos jednom stisnite Read da vidite da li stoji kod koji ste uneli.

7. obavezno sada apdejtujte software na vašem telefonu pomoću NSU.

Stari tutorijal za promenu produkt koda

Originally posted by Lomnica_city

Ovo je tutorial koji ce vam omoguciti da uradite apdejt softvera svoje BB5 Nokije na najnoviju originalnu verziju softvera sa Nokia sajta sa odgovarajucim paketom jezika koji vi sami odaberete bez obzira da li je vas telefon brendiran na softver nekog operatora ili ne!!
Nokia Software Updater vrsi apdejt vaseg telefona tako sto ocita Product code vaseg telefona i na osnovu njega nadje odgovarajuci softver za vas telefon kojim ce odraditi apdejt vaseg telefona!
Iz tog razloga moramo promeniti Product code u odgovarajuci da bi ste dobili originalni softver sa Srpskim jezikom,ukoliko vas telefon nije kupljen legalno kod nas i vec ima odgovarajuci Product code za Srbiju,odnosno Balkan a to ce te uraditi na sledeci nacin:

Skinite program Nemesis Service Suite (u daljem tekstu NSS) koji ce te koristiti za promenu Product code-a vaseg telefona sa sajta proizvodjaca sa Link
Zatim skinite najnoviju verziju Nokia Software Updater-a (u daljem tekstu NSU) sa Nokia sajta sa linka

Sada mozemo zapoceti proceduru promene Product code-a sledecim postupkom:
Instalirajte NSS
Instalirajte NSU
Povezite vas telefon preko USB kabla i sacekajte da Windows instalira drajvere.
Otvorite NSS i kliknite na „Scan for new device” u gornjem desnom uglu prozora.
Zatim kliknite na ikonicu „Phone info“ i sacekajte da NSS ocita podatke o vasem telefonu.
Sada kliknite na “Scan” ikonicu.
Sada mozete promeniti Product code vaseg telefona u odgovarajuci za vas telefon na desnoj strani prozora NSS-a tako sto ce te upisati odgovarajuci kod za VAS MODEL telefona (ovde ne sme biti greske jer mozete ostetiti softver svog telefona ako upisete pogresan kod koji odgovara nekom drugom modelu telefona,bilo slucajno ili namerno,zato pazite) za zemlju ili oblast koju zelite,zatim stiklirajte opciju „Enable“ i onda kliknite na ikonicu „Write“ u donjem desnom uglu prozora.
Ceo postupak traje svega par sekundi i moze se videti u prozorcicu sa leve strane NSS-a (pisace „Writing data… done!“) a telefon je sve vreme u normalnom modu i kad se proces zavrsi,mozete da zatvorite NSS i iskljucite telefon sa data kabla i kompjutera.
Sada mozete poceti apdejt vaseg telefona preko NSU-a a preuzimanje softvera i jezickog paketa mozete proveriti u folderu C:\Program Files\Common Files\Nokia\Service Layer\Service Modules\ServiceModule_00001\Products\
Ako kojim slucajem ne skida odgovarajuci softver (ako proces niste dobro odradili i Product code nije promenjen na odgovarajuci),odnosno najnoviju genericku verziju i Serbia ili Balkans paket jezika,na primeru N70 to bi bili fajlovi RM84_50638301.CO i RM84_50638301.V07 (ili .V27 ako ste promenili Product code da odgovara N70 ME) mozete prekinuti download softvera-a bez posledica po vas telefon a samim tim se prekida i apdejt softvera i moze se iskljuciti telefon sa data kabla i kompjutera.
Pozeljno je da pri obavaljanju ovih procesa iskljucite firewall i antivirus zbog mogucih komplikacija!!

Product code vaseg telefona za odgovarajucu zemlju ili oblast mozete saznati pretragom preko interneta ili iz samog NSS-a ili Phoenix-a i onda to PODELITE SA DRUGIMA!!
To mozete izvesti tako sto skinet softver za svoj telefon,povezete svoj telefon sa NSS-om, kliknite na „Scan“,zatim na „Flash“,a onda potrazite odgovarajuci Product code vaseg telefona kada u delu „Market“ vidite vasu zemlju ili oblast i zapisite taj broj negde da bi ste ga posle toga uneli u odgovarajuce polje u NSS-u!
Isto to mozete i preko Phoenix-a,tako sto instalirate EURO paket,pokrenete Phoenix,napravite i odaberete USB konekciju,zatim u File odaberete Scan product,pa Open Product,odaberete kod ili model svog telefona (sta imate od ta dva),onda na Flashing odaberite SW update i kad se otvori prozor za unos putanja do fajlova,u opciji CODE odaberite Serbia ili Balkans (takodje sta ima od toga za vas telefon) i zapisite broj koji stoji ispred tog teksta i to je to,saznali ste Product code za vas telefon!
Ja sam vec pronasao Product kodove za N70 i oni su: 0524100 za Silver model,onda 0524099 za Ivory model i 0539232 za N70 ME model a za N72 Black bi trebalo da je 0531487 a vi sada saznajte za svoje telefone i podelite to sa nama!!
Pozdrav 8)
Product Code:

Za N70 su kodovi 0524100 kao i 0524099  a za N70 ME je 0539232!
Za N71 su kodovi 0526149 kao i 0526150!
Za N72 je jedan 0531487 a drugi (za Pink model) jos ne znam!
Za N73 su kodovi 0529794 kao i 0529781 a za N73 ME je 0539291!
Za E50 su kodovi 0536233 kao i 0536251!
Za E60 su kodovi 0524654 kao i 0524655!
Za E70 je jedan 0526644 a drugi jos ne znam!
Za 6630 su kodovi 0518140 kao i 0518165 a za 6630 ME je 0529970!
Za 6680 su kodovi 0521779 kao i 0521778!
Za 6280 su kodovi 0539843, 0539820, 0536013, 0529704, 0528607, 0527338!
Za 6233 kod je 0532184!
Za Nokiu 6300 je 0537626 (it''s RM-217 no-branded, but for Central European with these languages: English, Deutsch, Slovak, Slovenian, Serbian, Hungarian, Czech and Croatian languages)
Za N95 - 0534853 BALKANS
Za N80 IE - 0542289 BALKANS Patina Bronze Internet Edition i 0543252 BALKANS Pearl Black Internet Edition
N82 product code za Balkan je 0551522
Pozdrav 8)

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Product codes: 
0559299 :: Balkans RED
0559395 :: Balkans BLUE

[Edit by sakingsny: 06.11.2006]


(01. May 2007, 10:30:42)


New Vesion NSU Nokia N95 8GB Firmware 31.0.015

Download NSU
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aco kuna svaka cast  =D> =D>
imam da probam na N70 pa cu reci kakav je onda :flower:
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Ja probao pre par dana. Uspelo bez problema. Uspesan update sa verzije 01.03.06 na verziju 24.04.06. Jedino je mana sto ne mozes da dodas jezik (ostaju oni jezici koje si imao u telefonu)
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uspelo sa 3.xxxx na 6.09.00  8) :D

svaka cast Aco  =D> =D>
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I spent my whole childhood growing...what a waste!

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Vidim da je fajl za 6630 oko 14mb.Jel to sve,ili kasnije mora jos da se skida sa neta da bi instalirao firmware
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znam za to,ali nisam probao!
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radi na mom burazerovom fonu i mogu vam reci mogo bolja poboljsanja na N70 :mrgreen:,brzi je za razliku od predhodnog firmwarea svaka cast aco  =D> =D>
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Vidim da je fajl za 6630 oko 14mb.Jel to sve,ili kasnije mora jos da se skida sa neta da bi instalirao firmware

kada instaliras taj faj u komp i kada ga pokrenes on ce da krene da dowanload-uje novu verziju softwera ali je cas skine
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Vidim da je fajl za 6630 oko 14mb.Jel to sve,ili kasnije mora jos da se skida sa neta da bi instalirao firmware

to ti je program za PC, pa instaliras u PC i onda prikacis kabel uTelefon i Flesujes Automacki ,,,ja jos nisam probao jer nisam Kuci ali kasnije cu da isprobam ali zato evo mladen+512mb ce da objasni kako je procedura

uspelo sa 3.xxxx na 6.09.00  8) :D

svaka cast Aco  =D> =D>

Cestitam uspesno Flesanje  :wave: :wave:
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