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Tema: Novi stealth avioni  (Pročitano 15228 puta)
25. Jan 2010, 23:32:41
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Zodijak Leo
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Ima tema o FB-22/FB-23,ali od pre 6 meseci. Smile

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In 2002, Lockheed Martin began studying a modified bomber version of the F-22 Raptor fighter, featuring a delta wing, longer body and greater range and payload. The FB-22 medium bomber is based on existing and planned capabilities of the F-22 fighter, a heritage that would limit development costs and risks should the idea go into production. The FB-22 was planned to serve as a regional bomber, a role previously covered by the General Dynamics F-111.

The FB-22 differs from the original F-22 design significantly. A lengthened fuselage and larger delta wing provide greater fuel capacity for greater range of some 1,600 miles (2,600 km), compared with the F-22's 600 miles (970 km). This also allows room for a larger internal weapons bay, better suiting long range attack missions and improved stealth. Changing to an improved engine such as the F-35's Pratt & Whitney F135, or the General Electric/Rolls-Royce F136 is possible. The FB-22 would have a maximum speed of Mach 1.92.
One early FB-22 concept featured no tailplanes. The FB-22 design incorporated twin tailplanes and likely would have fixed engine nozzles as opposed to the thrust vectoring nozzles on the F-22. The FB-22 design could carry 30 Small Diameter Bombs (SDB), which weigh just 250 pounds (110 kg).

Research is currently being conducted to develop stealth ordnance pod and pylon. Such a pod would comprise a low observable shape and carry its weapons internally, then would open when launching a missile or dropping a bomb. The pod and pylon could be detached when no longer needed. This would allow a stealth aircraft to carry a far greater amount of ordnance than the internal bays alone, while still allowing the craft to maintain its stealth characteristics. Because of the work already done on the F-22, developing the FB-22 might cost about 25% of designing a new bomber.

  Interim bomber

The FB-22 is considered an entrant to a new USAF proposal for an interim bomber with strategic capabilities to become operational by 2018. In order to achieve such an ambitious entry into service date, an aircraft based on an already proven platform (such as the FB-22) may be desired. The 2018 bomber will be an interim bomber to a future bomber to be fielded by 2037. However, the FB-22 in its planned form appears to have been canceled with the 2006 Quadrennial Defense Review, in lieu of a long range bomber with a much greater range than the FB-22


The X-44 MANTA (Multi-Axis No-Tail Aircraft) was a conceptual Lockheed Martin aircraft design that has been studied by NASA and the U.S. Air Force. It was intended to test the feasibility of full yaw, pitch and roll control without tailplanes (horizontal or vertical). Attitude manipulation relies purely on 3D thrust vectoring.

The aircraft itself was an F-22 Raptor-derived design featuring a stretched version of the delta wing and deleted tail surfaces. Funding for the X-44 program was ended in 2000.

Design and development

The X-44 was designed by Lockheed Martin to demonstrate the feasibility of an aircraft controlled by vectored thrust alone. The X-44 design had a reduced radar signature and was made more efficient by eliminating the tail and rudder surfaces, and instead using thrust vectors to provide yaw, pitch and roll control.[1]

The X-44 MANTA design was based on the F-22, except without a tail and incorporated a full delta wing. The basic X-44 MANTA will entail a larger weapons payload and a greater fuel capacity than the F-22. The X-44’s delta wing would allow it to carry more weapons and fuel. The MANTA was designed to have reduced mechanical complexity, increased fuel efficiency and greater agility. The X-44 MANTA combined the control and propulsion systems, using thrust vectoring.

The X-44 MANTA was an experimental design that was never brought to reality.

Boeing X-45

The Boeing X-45 unmanned combat air vehicle is a concept demonstrator for a next generation of completely autonomous military aircraft, developed by Boeing's Phantom Works. Manufactured by Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, the X-45 is part of DARPA's J-UCAS project.

Boeing developed the X-45 from research gathered during the development of the Bird of Prey. The X-45 features an extremely low-profile dorsal intake placed near the leading edge of the aircraft. The center fuselage is blended into a swept lambda wing, with a small exhaust outlet. It has no vertical control surfaces - split ailerons near each wingtip function as asymmetric air brakes, providing rudder control, much as in Northrop's flying wings.

Removing the pilot and its associated facilities dramatically reduces the aircraft's cost. Operators may remotely command the aircraft, but the actual piloting is autonomous.


Boeing built two of the model X-45A; both were scaled-down proof-of-concept aircraft. The first was completed by Boeing's Phantom Works in September 2000.[1] The goal of the X-45A technology demonstrator program was to develop the technologies needed to "conduct suppression of enemy air defense missions with unmanned combat air vehicles."[1] The first generation of unmanned combat air vehicles are primarily planned for air-to-ground roles with defensive air-to-air capabilities coupled with significant remote piloting.
X-45A underside with weapons bay door open

The X-45A had its first flight on May 22, 2002, and the second vehicle followed in November of that year. On April 18, 2004, the X-45A's first bombing run test at Edwards Air Force Base was successful; it hit a ground target with a 250-pound inert precision-guided munition. On August 1, 2004, for the first time, two X-45As were controlled in flight simultaneously by one ground controller.

On February 4, 2005, on their 50th flight, the two X-45As took off into a patrol pattern and were then alerted to the presence of a target. The X-45As then autonomously determined which vehicle held the optimum position, weapons (notional), and fuel load to properly attack the target. After making that decision, one of the X-45As changed course and the pilot-operator allowed it to attack the simulated antiaircraft emplacement. Following a successful strike, another simulated threat, this time disguised, emerged and was subsequently destroyed by the second X-45A. This demonstrated the ability of these vehicles to work autonomously as a team and manage their resources, as well as to engage previously-undetected targets, which is significantly harder than following a predetermined attack path.

After the completion of the flight test program, both X-45As were sent to museums, one to the National Air and Space Museum, and the other to the National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, where it was inducted on November 13, 2006.


The larger X-45B design was modified to have even more fuel capacity and three times greater combat range, becoming the X-45C. Each wing's leading edge spans from the nose to the wingtip, giving the aircraft more wing area, and a planform very similar to the B-2 Spirit's. The first of the three planned X-45C aircraft was originally scheduled to be completed in 2006, with capability demonstrations scheduled for early 2007. By 2010 Boeing hoped to complete an autonomous aerial refueling of the X-45C by a KC-135 Stratotanker. Boeing has displayed a mock-up of the X-45C on static displays at many airshows.
The newer, larger X-45C

The X-45C portion of the program received $767 million from DARPA in October 2004, to construct and test three aircraft, along with several supplemental goals. The X-45C included a F404 engine. In July 2005 DARPA awarded an additional $175 million to continue the program, as well as implement autonomous Aerial Refueling technology.

As of March 2, 2006, the US Air Force has decided not to continue with the X-45 project. However, Boeing submitted a proposal to the Navy for a carrier based demonstrator version of the X-45, designated the X-45N.


The X-45N was Boeing's proposal to the Navy's Unmanned Combat Air Systems demonstration project. When it became known that the US Air Force would end funding to the Joint Unmanned Combat Air System program(which included the X-45 and X-47), the US Navy started its own UCAS program. Requirements were defined over the summer of 2006, and proposals were submitted in April 2007.

The first flight of the X-45N was planned for November 2008, had Boeing won the contract.The contract was eventually awarded to Northrop Grumman's proposed naval X-47, thus ending the X-45 program.Northrop by that point had already been responsible for the first autonomous carrier landing of a UAV.

The software Boeing developed to allow the X-45N to land and takeoff autonomously on aircraft carriers has recently been installed on the first F/A-18F, which has used it to perform autonomous approaches. All autonomous approaches ended with a wave-off by design. This Super Hornet is expected to be able to hook the carrier's arrester cables autonomously by the 2009 timeframe, setting the stage for carrier-borne UAV operations.
« Poslednja izmena: 25. Jan 2010, 23:33:54 od sasa92 »
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koliko ja znam od projekta F22 reptor se odustlo zbog cene i nikakve modernizacije nece da se prave na reptoru ovo sto pise iz 2002 je tacno isto koliko je tacna informacija iz iste godine da ce ameri da nabave 648  letelica pa su se 2003 odlucili na 339 pa su do sad spali na 148  isto tako ce se modernizovati reptor.
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E moj Berkute.To sto Ameri nemaju love za 650 F-22,ne znaci da nece naci.Bliski istok je pun nafte Smile

Onda...Ameri nikada nisu rekli da odustaju od F-22,njegovih modifikacija i modernizacija i svega sto bi u blizoj/daljoj buducnosti porizislo iz tog projekta.Svi F-15 avioni moraju biti zamenjeni F-22.Na ovaj ili onaj nacin.

F-22 je mnogo dobar aviono,previse.Nece odustati od njega i modifikacija njegovih zbog toga sto je skup.Nikada oni nisu rekli  da nemaju pare,nego da im mnogo kosta.Kada neko u vrhu bude pritisnu,i te kako ce da ga kupe Smile

F-22 je nesto najbolje sto je ikada napravljeno u avijaciji.Stealth avion,takvih manevarskih sposobnosti...To sto MiG-29 radi kobru vec 30 godina,a F-22 kao najbolji stigao tek do 120 stepeni,nije sprecilo americke F-15 i F-16 da obaraju nase MiG-29 kao muve na zidu.Zamisli sta bi F-22 uradio.

Nemoj mi sada govoriti da nasi avioni prakticno nisu ni imali avioniku(to bi bio moj kontra-argument,sto je i tacno),ali ne zaboravi da  se gleda samo odnos broja protivnickih oborenih i sopstvenih srusenih aviona.

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X-47A Pegasus

The Northrop Grumman X-47 is a demonstration Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle. The X-47 began as part of DARPA's J-UCAS program, and is now part of the United States Navy's UCAS-D program to create a carrier-based unmanned aircraft. Unlike the Boeing X-45, initial Pegasus development was company-funded. The original vehicle carries the designation X-47A Pegasus, while the follow-on naval version is designated X-47B.

The US Navy did not commit to practical UCAV efforts until mid-2000, when the service awarded contracts of US$2 million each to Boeing and Northrop Grumman for a 15-month concept-exploration program.[1]

Design considerations for a naval UCAV included dealing with the corrosive salt-water environment, deck handling for launch and recovery, integration with command and control systems, and operation in a carrier's high electromagnetic interference environment. The Navy was also interested in using their UCAVs for reconnaissance missions, penetrating protected airspace to identify targets for the attack waves.

The Navy went on to give Northrop Grumman a contract for a naval UCAV demonstrator with the designation of "X-47A Pegasus", in early 2001. The proof-of-concept X-47A vehicle was built under contract by Burt Rutan's Scaled Composites at the Mojave Spaceport. The Pegasus demonstrator looks like a simple black arrowhead with no vertical tailplane. It has a leading edge sweep of 55 degrees and a trailing edge sweep of 35 degrees. The demonstrator has retractable tricycle landing gear, with a one-wheel nose gear and dual-wheel main gear, and has six control surfaces, including two elevons and four "inlaids". The inlaids are small flap structures mounted on the top and bottom of the wing forward of the wingtips.

The X-47A is powered by a single Pratt & Whitney Canada JT15D-5C small high-bypass turbofan engine with 3,190 lbf (14.2 kN) thrust. This engine is currently in use with operational aircraft such as the Aermacchi S-211 trainer. The engine is mounted on the demonstrator's back, with the inlet on top behind the nose. The inlet duct has a serpentine diffuser to prevent radar reflections off the engine fan. However, to keep costs low, the engine exhaust is a simple cylindrical tailpipe, with no provisions for reducing radar or infrared signature.

The X-47A's airframe is built of composite materials, with construction subcontracted out to Burt Rutan's Scaled Composites company, which had the expertise and tooling to do the job inexpensively. The airframe basically consists of four main assemblies, split down the middle with two assemblies on top and two on bottom.

The X-47A was rolled out on 30 July 2001 and performed its first flight on 23 February 2003 at the US Naval Air Warfare Center at China Lake, California. The flight test program did not involve weapons delivery, but Pegasus does have two weapons bays, one on each side of the engine, that may be each loaded with a single 500 pound (225 kg) dummy bomb to simulate operational flight loads. The Pegasus was also used to evaluate technologies for carrier deck landings, though the demonstrator did not have an arrestor hook. Other issues related to carrier operations involve adding deck tie-downs without compromising stealth characteristics, and designing access panels so that they would not be blown around or damaged by strong winds blowing across the carrier deck. The J-UCAS program was terminated in February 2006 following the US military's Quadrennial Defense Review. The US Air Force and US Navy proceeded with their own UAV programs. The Navy selected Northrop Grumman's X-47B as its Unmanned Combat Air System demonstrator (UCAS-D) program.

Boeing X-46

The Boeing X-46 was a proposed Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV) that was to be developed in conjunction with the U.S. Navy and DARPA as a naval carrier-based variant of the Boeing X-45 UCAV being developed for the U.S. Air Force. Two contracts for technology demonstrators were awarded in June 2000, to Boeing for the X-46A and to Northrop Grumman for the X-47A.

However, in April 2003, the Air Force and the Navy efforts were formally combined under the joint DARPA/USAF/Navy J-UCAV program, later renamed J-UCAS (Joint Unmanned Combat Air Systems), and the X-46 program was terminated as redundant.

The J-UCAS program was later terminated[1], and a Navy-only N-UCAS demonstrator program started in the summer of 2006[2]. Boeing will use material developed for the X-46 and X-45 to propose the X-45N as a naval UCAV demonstrator.

Boeing X-50

The Boeing X-50 Dragonfly, formerly known as the Canard Rotor/Wing Demonstrator, was a gyrodyne unmanned aerial vehicle that was developed by Boeing and DARPA to demonstrate the principle that a helicopter's rotor could be stopped in flight and act as a fixed wing. The X-50A built upon the work of the Sikorsky S-72 X-Wing program of the 1980s by designing the vehicle as a multi-mode aircraft from the ground up. The X-50A was one of two projects funded by DARPA in its "Heliplane" program.

Neither of the two prototype aircraft ever successfully transitioned to full forward flight. DARPA withdrew funding for the X-50 program in late 2006 due to inherent design flaws.

The X-50A was a joint program between Boeing and DARPA, with each paying for half the development costs. The X-50A was powered by a single conventional turbofan engine. For rotary-wing mode, the engine's exhaust was diverted to nozzles in the tips of the rotor blades. When the aircraft transitioned to full forward flight, the engine exhaust was directed through a nozzle at the rear of the aircraft and the rotor was locked into a fixed position and functioned as a conventional wing.Two proof-of-concept aircraft were built as part of the program. The X-50A's maiden flight took place on 24 November 2003.


During the third flight of the prototype X-50A, on 23 March 2004, the vehicle crashed, as a result of cross-coupling in the controls.

A second, improved prototype ("Ship 2") was then built. On its sixth of 11 planned test flights, Ship 2 was completely destroyed in a crash at the Yuma Proving Grounds on April 12, 2006. Subsequent investigation revealed that the aircraft's fuselage was subject to an aerodynamic pitching moment of extreme sensitivity. Both airspeed and rotor wake would produce a nose-up pitching motion that was greater than the flight controls could compensate for.

Neither aircraft was able to achieve transition to full forward flight mode during the portions of the test flight program that were completed. In September, 2006, DARPA recognized the inherent design flaws and withdrew funding for the program.
« Poslednja izmena: 27. Jan 2010, 21:03:13 od sasa92 »
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-Na decijem kostimu "Supermen":
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Sta je najace a sta nije to mora da se dokaze u borbi a ja kolko znam taj F22 nije bio  ni  jendoj a to sto ti pricas da su
F-15 i F-16  obarali nase Migove 29 kao od sale to je zbog toga sto su imali mnogo vise letelica u vazduhu nego mi jos plus su nasi migovi   stara verzija miga 29 .Kada Amerikanci budu napali neku silu koja moze da im odgovori onda cemo moci da pricmao koliko su jaki njihovi avioni a do tada mozemo samo da mastamo .
Tj koliko je tih aviona oborila nasa vojska sa nasim jadnim i zastarelima sistemima .
Po meni F22 ce imati svoj Budjanovac toliko o toj masini.
Ameri sada idu na bespilotne letelice jer su videli da su se malo prekombinovali sa F22.

« Poslednja izmena: 27. Jan 2010, 21:14:51 od dzoni »
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U simuliranim borbama F-22 je obarao po nekoliko F-15/F-16.Isti ti F-15/F-16 su obarali nase MiG-29.

Naravno to nije ekvivalentan podatak.Ima tu i lovackih prica.Svaki ciga svog konja hvali,pa tako i ameri.
Ali cinjenica je da F-22 ne bi bio uveden u USAF da nije vredan toga.Imaju oni mnooogooo varijanti,kao i love.

a ja kolko znam taj F22 nije bio ni jednoj borbi

Ima i toga.Slozicu se.Al je bilo takozvanih simuliranih.Ponovicu se,ima tu preuvelicavanja,ali da je F-15 oborio F-22 1 na 1,i tako vise puta,ne bi ga uveli.Nego bi ga sutnuli kao brdo navedenih projekata.
Oni imaju mnogo veci interes da taj F-22 bude efikasan nego ja.

Meni je stalo do ruskih aviona.Za zapadne me zabole.Nek pada F-22 svaki dan.Naravno da se kao i svaki ljubitelj avijacije odusevim kada na tv-u ili internetu vidim jedan F-22 kako brise po americkim pustinjama,i cujem kako pricaju da je to sjajan avion.
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posto vidim da se otvorili prica oko F22reptora na jednom od foruma sam procitao da do prvih vecih kvarova na motoru dolazi posle leta od 1.7h=102minuta a da nezvanicna informacija kod pak fa je 198 minuta,ako neko moze da mi potvrdi ovu informaciju ili ako nije tacna dati svoje podake???

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To je dezinformacija. Pored toga, motor za Pak fa nije još uvek završen tako da se o mtbf ne može govoriti, ali je svakako kod oba motora daleko veći od toga što si naveo, jer da nije, oni se ne bi vraćali sa većine misija na koje idu.
Inače međuremontni ciklus je oko 1000 sati za moderne zapadne avione tipa F-16, mirage 2000 i slične iz te generacije, dok je kod našeg MiG-29 450 sati, kod modernijih verzija RD-33 je i to uvećano.

Očekujem da će kod modernih aviona pete generacije i ove cifre biti jednake ili veće.
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Ja nisam reko da je on los avion ali isticati da je nesto najbolje a da nije jos doziveo vatreno krstenje protiv adekvatnog protivinika.Slazem se da je on mozda naj napredniji avion sa posadom trenutno ali cisto sumnjam da bi jedan takv avion mogao u pravoj borbi da skine dva MiG-29OVT ili jos nesto novije sto Rusi imaju u svom arsenalu .
Takodje je po meni F22 mnogo skup avion i pitanje koliko ce takvih aviona uci u upotrebu .
Kao sto vidimo iz tvojih slika koje si postavio Amerika ide u pravcu bespilotnih letelica Boeing X-45 X-47A Pegasus itd.To mi deluje kao mnogo bolje resenje a mozda cak i ekonomicnije .
Isto tako pitnaje dali je stelt pravi pravac jer novi Ruski PVO sistemi preme nekim njihovima podacima mogu da prate i da uspesno eliminisu stelt avione.Tu mislim na S-400 i na S-500 koji je u razvoju .

Fajlovi prikačeni uz poruku (kliknite na slike za punu veličinu)

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I znaci,oni ovaj avion posalju na Srbiju.Pilot se nesto zezne,ostane 1.71h,padne u sred Srbije,mi kazemo da smo ga oborili.Nacrtamo siluetu F-22 na nasim radarskim kucicama.Srbi eksperti za stealth!Mozda smo mi stealth odavno prevazisli,ali se to drzi u tajnosti! Smile

Glupo je porediti borbu F-22 i MiG-29OVT.Ako dodje do borbe ta dva aviona 1 na 1 ,onda je to nuklearni rat,i kraj sveta.Pricajmo o normalnim migovima,u najboljem slucaju o MiG-29K,ili SMT verzijama.Ako dodje do rata sa Iranom,ili nekim 3cim zemljama.

S-400 i S-500 nema niko sem Rusa.Opet,tesko ce doci do rata sa rusima.A ako  do rata dodje,onda avijacija nece imati,ama bas nikakav znacaj,jer nece imati ko da pilotira tim avionima! Smile
« Poslednja izmena: 28. Jan 2010, 10:04:43 od sasa92 »
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Ljudska glupost nema granice!

Na svedskoj motornoj testeri:
"Ne pokusavajte da zaustavite testeru rukama ili genitalijama."

-Na decijem kostimu "Supermen":
"Nosenje ovog kostima vam ne daje moc da letite.

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