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Tema: Nokia Symbian [ Tips & Tricks & Secret Codes ]  (Pročitano 514206 puta)
11. Dec 2004, 22:17:07
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
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Tips&Tricks&Secret Codes

  • Question: How to full format your Symbian S60 phone [Answer]
  • Question: How to connect via IR [Answer]
  • Question: Solving jar = zip problem in Windows [Answer]
  • Question: How to get most space on your mmc [Answer]
  • Question: Explaining filetypes we use here (.sis, .jar, .rar, .zip, .ace) [Answer]
  • Question: Where are the files that you send to your phone via IR or BT?  [Answer]
  • Question: N-gage games explained [Answer]
  • Question: How to connect your Nokia Series 60 device via Bluetooth [Answer]
  • Question: How to manually make a serial connection to the Series 60 Handset to get the mRouter connection started [Answer]
  • Question: How to make or change operator logo [Answer]
  • Question: How to install applications/games (.sis/.jar files) on Ngage [Answer]
  • Question: How to delete files in your inbox you can't delete normal way [Answer]
  • Question: How to backup your phone on mmc [Answer]
  • Question: How to change storage for your sms messages [Answer]
  • Question: How to remove operator logo [Answer]
  • Question: The ultimate guide to get a cracked .app file on your Symbian S60 device [Answer]
  • Question: How to fix "App. Closed Main" error [Answer]
  • Question: How to convert iTunes music library into a format that you can play from your mobile [Answer]
  • Question: Tips / undocumented functions:
    • Question:  [Answer]
    • Question: Easy moving thru menus [Answer]
    • Question: Why left menukey in standby-mode takes more to open than right [Answer]
    • Question: How to switch from text to numbers while typing [Answer]
    • Question: How to launch your wap home page from stand-by [Answer]
    • Question: How to turn on light without unlocking your phone [Answer]
    • Question: How to keep backlight always on [Answer]
    • Question: How to check your firmware version [Answer]
    • Question: How to check your IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) [Answer]
    • Question: How to check your Bluetooth device address  [Answer]
    • Question: How to format the phone memory [Answer]
    • Question: How to call specific number on your sim in memory slots [Answer]
  • Question: Repairing A Corruptted MMC & Correct Treatment of your MMC [Answer]
  • Question: FExplorer Tips & Tricks
    • Question: [Answer]
    • Question: How to reset the operator logo [Answer]
    • Question: How to make a screenshot on a Nokia S60 [Answer]
    • Question: How to make a screenshot on a Siemens SX1 [Answer]
    • Question: Some shortcuts for users [Answer]
    • Question: Why 'send command' fails new firmware [Answer]
  • Question: Can't Uninstall Applications via Manager?  [Answer]
  • Question: What when phone hangs on Start-up [Answer]
  • Question: Operator Logos Explained [Answer]
  • Question: How to transfer Mp3s[Answer]
  • Question: Mp3 as ringtones for the 6600? [Answer]
  • Question: How to install and use new fonts on Symbian S60 phone [Answer]
  • Question: Disassembly info for Nokia 6600 [Answer]
  • Question: How to take Phone ScreenShots [Answer]
  • Question: How to Speed up 6600 [Answer]
  • Question: How to free more RAM on your phone [Answer]
  • Question: Do u know how to use the edit button (abc or pencil button)? [Answer]
  • Question: How to avoid being blue jacked [Answer]
  • Question: Save memory when installing apps, by installing over bluetooth [Answer]
  • Question: How to heck if the recepients phone is on [Answer]
  • Question: How to rotate image viewing a picture in your phone's gallery [Answer]
  • Question: Difference between A soft and Hard reset [Answer]
  • Question: Supported formats of images [Answer]
  • Question: How to copy & paste text in your Nokia [Answer]
  • Question: How to turn on/off the "click" sound made by the camera [Answer]
  • Question: How to change background image [Answer]
  • Question: How to display an image when someone's calling[Answer]
  • Question: How to add a personal ringing tone to a contact [Answer]
  • Question: How to send or hide your caller ID[Answer]
  • Question: How to make your Nokia 7610 work with regular sized MMC [Answer]
  • Question: Detailed code list for your Nokia [Answer]
  • Question: How to install Java and Applications Tutorial [Answer]
  • Question: Nokia N-Gage and N-Gage QD
    • Question: [Answer]
    • Question: What's the difference between the N-Gage and QD? [Answer]
    • Question: Which N-Gage is better? [Answer]
    • Question: Can my (input s60 phone here) play N-Gage games? [Answer]
    • Question: How do I check firmware and IMEI on my N-Gage/QD? [Answer]
    • Question: How do I change my operator logo for my N-Gage/QD? [Answer]
    • Question: How do I change my wallpaper on my N-Gage/QD? [Answer]
  • Question: How to convert MP3 to truetone AWB or AMR file [Answer]
  • Question: How to use your pc connection on your Symbian S60 device [Answer]
  • Question: How to copy Files From PC To Phone [Answer]
  • Question: How to install Files on your Symbian S60 device [Answer]
  • Question: How to uninstall Files on your Symbian S60 device [Answer]
  • Question: How to use Gmail On Your Mobile [Answer]
  • Question: How to set Bluetooth Connection from your mobile to your pc [Answer]
  • Question: Explaining Nokia Phone series
    • Question: [Answer]
    • Question: What represent the first number in my phone's name [Answer]
    • Question: What are main official Nokia resources [Answer]
    • Question: Where to find info about Nokia Phones and company [Answer]
    • Question: Which phonemanagers are good [Answer]
    • Question: What does series XX represent [Answer]
    • Question: SMS tips for Nokia series 40 [Answer]
    • Question: How to turn t9 off / on [Answer]
    • Question: All nokia phones with band and software version
      • Question: GSM 900 or 1800 [Answer]
      • Question: GSM dual band 900/1800 [Answer]
      • Question: GSM Triband 900/1800/1900 [Answer]
      • Question: Nokia UMTS 2100 [Answer]
      • Question: Nokia Communicators [Answer]
      • Question: Nokia Cardphones [Answer]
      • Question: Nokia Carphone [Answer]
  • Question: How to shorten (truncate)MIDIs [Answer]
  • Question: Drives on symbian phones [Answer]
  • Question: How to clear SMS reports [Answer]
  • Question: Problems with sending files from 7650 to PC via BT [Answer]
  • Question: Tutorial on making your own True Tones mp3 format [Answer]
  • Question: How to create .3GP (convert avi, mpg to .3gp file) [Answer]
  • Question: How to backup one MMC to another MMC [Answer]
  • Question: How To View Hidden Files in MS Windows [Answer]
  • Question: Installation procedure for DKU-5 cable [Answer]
  • Question: Series 40: I've installed a game and it is not fullscreen. Can it be fixed? [Answer]
  • Question: Series 40: What size can app/games are? [Answer]
  • Question: Series 40: I want install a sis-file, how it's done? [Answer]
  • Question: Series 40: Where do I get a blank operator logo? [Answer]
  • Question: Can Series 40 Games be played on Series 60 phones? [Answer]
  • Question: I've bought a cable for my phone but it won't work. Why? [Answer]
  • Question: Where are my messages saved? [Answer]
  • Question: I've formatted my MMC with a card reader, now I can't access the card with my phone. What now?  [Answer]
  • Question: Where to put my ringtones? [Answer]
  • Question: How do I install an app/ a game? [Answer]
  • Question: Which Symbian OS version does my phone use? [Answer]
  • Question: How can I upgrade my Symbian OS to a newer version? [Answer]
  • Question: Nokia 6230: When I want to upload something on the MMC I get a "The operation could not be completed" error. How to fix this? [Answer]
  • Question: Nokia 6230: Can I use mp3s as ringtones? [Answer]
  • Question: Nokia 6230: I've got a big movie on my phone and want to fastforward (rewind). How can I do this? [Answer]
  • Question: Nokia 6230: I've uploaded mp3s to my MMC and arranged them in folders. The phone won't find any of them. Can this be fixed? [Answer]
  • Question: Deleting leftover Game/App Icons [Answer]
  • Question: Simple Task Manager for Symbian S60 phones [Answer]
  • Question: How to connect your N-Gage to your PC [Answer]
  • Question: Some usefull N-gage tips:
    • Question: [Answer]
    • Question: Using USB cable without MMC [Answer]
    • Question: Using memory cards on your N-gage [Answer]
    • Question: Working with 7650/3650 appz and games [Answer]
    • Question: Is there a camera for N-gage? [Answer]
    • Question: Can I use larger MMC than 128 [Answer]
  • Question: Series 60 FAQ: E-Mail Issues [Answer]
  • Question: Email issue: Error Message: General System Error. [Answer]
  • Question: Able to receive but not send email. [Answer]
  • Question: Can I automatically check my email every x minutes? [Answer]
  • Question: How to use Linux on Symbian phones [Answer]
  • Question: Memory Cards: Can I use SD cards with my phone? [Answer]
  • Question: Memory Cards: What size of MMC cards are supported? [Answer]
  • Question: Memory Cards: What can I store on my MMC? [Answer]
  • Question: How to 6600 and iSync [Answer]
  • Question: More tutorials to come soon!

What else can I find on this forum?
Sta jos mogu pronaci na ovom forumu?
  • Cellphone related:
  • Symbian S60 download: Over 2000 appz and games [here]
  • Symbian All Freeware collection - [here]
  • SonyEricsson K500i/K508i/F500i/K700i/S700i/T610/T630 stuff - [here]
  • Jamster ~ Jamba movies ~ collection - [here]
  • Wallpapers for cellphones - [here]  [Serbian Only]
  • NGage games working on N6600 - [here]
  • Ringtones for cellphones - [here]  [Serbian Only]
  • Free sms sites - [here]  [Serbian Only]
  • Symbian Themes with Serbian motives - [here]  [Serbian Only]
  • Symbian Themes with general motives - [here]
  • Animations for phones - [here]
  • Disassembling all Nokia phones - [here]
  • Sony Ericsson [ FAQ, Tips & Tricks ] - [here]
  • Download Manuals for all phones! Both Serbian and English
    • All available manuals for Nokia phones - [here]
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  • ... and many many more topics

Full phone formatting on a 6600!

If you encounter situation like below on your 6600,
1. Blank screen phone unable to reboot.
2. Phone only able to boot-up to "Nokia" word screen.
3. Install some program but not able to uninstall it after that.
4. Error messages such as "Child Installer" keeps popping-up.

Do a Full phone formatting on your 6600! as steps below,

1. Make sure you have at least 3/4 charge of battery power left.

2. Backup your contacts list and personal files to MMC memory card.

3. Switch-off your 6600 phone.

4. Press and hold 3 keys;

Green dial key, * (star key) & no. 3 key and then press the power on/off to swtich on the 6600 phone.

Remember, do not let go all of the keys and hold keys until you see a formatting word screen show!

5. After a few minutes when the Full phone formatting completed, your 6600 will back to original system and factory settting.

All apps installed & not of the phones' default will be lost. If you did a backup on your mmc, you can restore it back to the C drive again.

(01. May 2007, 10:35:02)
« Poslednja izmena: 19. Apr 2008, 22:34:27 od X3mE »
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
I know IR is old skool but hey, it comes handy at times especially when BT acts-up on you. This one is written by a good online buddy of mine, qtdemon666.

This procedure assumes that the infrared device is connected to a serial port on your computer. Use this procedure only if Windows did not automatically install an infrared device when you turned on your computer. Typically, Universal Serial Bus (USB), PCMCIA, and other Plug and Play-compliant infrared devices are automatically detected and installed.

To add a new infrared device:
01. Click Start, point to Control Panel, and then click Add Hardware.
02. The Add Hardware Wizard starts.
03. Click Next.
04. Click Yes, I have already connected the hardware, and then click Next.
05. In the Installed hardware list, click Add a new hardware device, and then click Next.
06. Click Install the hardware that I manually select from a list (Advanced), and then click Next.
07. In the Common hardware types box, click Infrared devices, and then click Next.

Do one of the following:

01. If you do not have an installation disk for the infrared device, click the manufacturer of the device in the Manufacturer list, click the infrared device that best matches your hardware in the Infrared Device list, and then click Next.

02. If you have a manufacturer's installation disk for a compatible driver, click Have Disk. Insert the manufacturer's installation disk into the appropriate drive, and then click Next.
Follow the instructions that are displayed on the remaining pages of the Add Hardware Wizard to install the infrared device.

View the Properties of an Infrared Device
To use this procedure, there must be an infrared device installed on your computer. Note that the settings for the infrared device are configured automatically when you install the device, and typically do not have to be changed. To view the properties of an infrared device:

01. Click Start, click Control Panel, and then click Wireless Link.

02. Click the Hardware tab, click the infrared device for which you want to view properties, and then click Properties.

Configure a Serial Port for Infrared Communication
Your computer must support an infrared mode for a serial port. Use this procedure to install an IrDA transceiver that is provided by the computer manufacturer. To configure a serial port for infrared communication:

01. Start the BIOS configuration utility for your computer. Note that the method for starting the BIOS configuration utility varies from one computer to another. For many computers, you can start the BIOS configuration utility by pressing a function key that is indicated during the computer startup process. Some computers require that you start by using special configuration disks. For more information about how to enter BIOS Setup, see your computer manufacturer's documentation.

02. In the peripheral or serial port configuration section, change the mode to IrDA or Infrared.

Installing an IrDA transceiver disables the serial port. Do not attach a serial IrDA transceiver to a serial port.

Extracted from Filipino Owners of Nokia 6600 Yahoo Group. (FON6600)
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
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Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
Java files can be a bit tricky at times. Most of the time, after you have downloaded and saved the java file on your pc, windows tend to change the icon & extension of the file into a .zip.

And this will led to those not familiar with this issue to extract the file. Once that is done, you will see a lot of folders and files. This is not the right way but ofcourse theres a way to get around this. Heres what you should do instead;

First, on your PCs, launch Windows Explorer and then select

Tools>Folder Options>View and "un-tick" the Hide extensions for known file type.

Now only can you see the full extension of a file and change the .zip into .jar and send it to your phone.
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
Your files in MMC are stored in multiple (disk) blocks.
So if you format using 16K block, the space used will be 16K eventhough your file is just 1K.

If you buy MMC, it is usually preformatted with 16K block. Therefore alot of space is wasted as most installed program files are usually less than 2K.

You will need a card reader to do this:-

1. Connect card reader and copy all your files in the MMC to computer disk. (Make sure you set the show all/hidden/os files to "on")

2. Do a format of the MMC using command line "format" and use the /A=size option.

Alternative, you can use the Disk Management in Adminstrative Tools to format. Make sure you select FAT. For 256MB MMC, smallest block you can use is 4K, 128MB is 2K, 64Mb is 1K and 32MB is 512B.

(Note: You cannot use the phone "format MMC" to do this as the format just clear the allocation table and does not change the block size)

3. Copy back all files to MMC.

Now you will find that you will have more space.
256mb MMC got back 30+ mbs

By aragorn.elessar.
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
In downloads thread you can find diferent type of files (like you can find it over the web...)

.sis = Symbian installation file, just send it to your phone, and install.

.jar = Java installation, send file to your phone, and install.
Note about .jar files. You dont need to extract the .jar files into your PC, juest send them to your phone directly. By the way, if you get (or other extension) and when extract its content you get lot of files and folders, files like \META-INF\MANIFEST.MF, or *.class, it should be a .jar file... then, dont extract, just rename the main .zip to .jar. and send to your phone.

.zip = The standard compressed file, you can use winzip to extract the content...

.ace = Other format of compressed file:

.rar = And the compressed format about everybody ask...

Note: Its always best to extract .zip, .ace & .rar files on your PC first as your phone can only most of the time.
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
Where are the files that you send to your phone via IR or BT?

There are in mail folder:

If you store your messages in phone memory, there are in c:\system\mail\...

If you store your messages in MMC, there are in e:\system\mail\...
Files in inbox are in folders like "*_F "

For example: E:\system\mail\00001001_S\0\00100c60_F\ (file)
or E:\system\mail\00001001_S\1\00100bc1_F\ (file)
or E:\system\mail\00001001_S\2\00100bc2_F\ (file)

By aragorn.elessar.
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s

there are 2 types of ngage games. 1 is in .blz format, the other is a folder wif man other files and folders. im going to talk about the .blz version 1st.
u need the .blz file, and blzinstaller.sis to install it.
1) install the blzinstaller.sis, into fone or mmc, doesn matter.
2) send the .blz file to ur fone. for tis example, im gonna use sonic.blz.
3) move the .blz to the root dir of e:, which is ur mmc. meaning, DUN place it in any folders, place it in e:, so it looks like tis <e:/sonic.blz>
4) run blzinstaller to install, can take a while thou.

Note: if u send the .blz file to ur fone wifout using pc suite, it normally ends up in the inbox. For 6600 and 3650 users, space on c: is limited, so go to <messages>, <options>, <settings>, <other> set the mem in use to mmc.

and den, use a file explorer (example, fexplorer, seleq, etc), go to e:/system/mail/(1st folder), and find the .blz file, its in one of the 16 folders labelled 0-9, a-f. den cut, paste to e: root dir.

there u go! .blz version!
now, for the folder type of ngage games...

sometimes, when u get a ngage game from irc, it doesnt come in .blz format, but in a folder named <system>. open it, it shld be another folder name <app>. open it again, is a folder tts the game. for tis example, the folder name in system/app tt u downloaded is <fifa>

for ngage users, simple as hell, paste fifa folder into e:/system/app folder of ur fone, using the supplies usb cable. if u cant see the system folder when u plug the usb cable, change the folder settings to reveal all folders.

for 3650 and 6600 users, it will b a bit troublesome. u haf to move the files 1 by 1, into the exact place on ur mmc. so, u haf to create a <fifa> folder on ur e:/system/app, den copy the files to the exact same location, 1 by 1.

occasionally, u get another folder wif the system folder when u download the game. u haf to replace the 2 lib files in ur mmc. place them in e:/system/LIB. if theres no such folder, create one.

So thats about it!
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
This is a "How To" for Connecting the Nokia Series 60 device (Nokia 7650, 6600, 3650, 3660 etc...) via Bluetooth TM with the Windows Widcomm software used by TDK, Billington, MSI and others Bluetooth USB Vendors. The guide was created with the 7650 hadset but the steps are similar for other Series 60 devices and have been checked with the 3650 and 6600.

1.Pairing the computer and the Series 60 Handset
Pairing is the process of swapping pass keys and setting up a trusted connection between the Bluetooth USB adapter / card connected to the PC and the 7650 handset. Save any files and close any applications you may have been working on.

2. Set up Bluetooth TM on the 7650 by going to the Main Menu, selecting Connect and then Bluetooth.

3. Make sure the Bluetooth option is On and My Phone's Visibility is Shown to all. Remember what is in My Bluetooth Name - or edit it to one of your choice - this is what your 7650 will be seen as by other Bluetooth TM devices.

4. Right Click on the Bluetooth Icon in the system tray, on the menu that appears go to Setup and then click on Security.

5. A window appears and all being well the right hand pane will have your 7650 (titled what ever you have entered into the phone's My Bluetooth Name entry). If nothing appears click Refresh and your phone should then appear. Highlight the 7650 and click Execute Pairing.

6. A window will pop up asking for a PassKey. Enter in a numeric only passkey and click OK.

7. On the 7650 a screen pops up asking you to enter a passkey - key in the same number you just typed into the PC.

8. By default any connections from your PC to the 7650 must be manually accepted on the 7650. You have an option to set up a connection from the PC to your 7650 as authorized, this means when you connect from the PC to the phone it won't ask you if it's ok and will connect automatically.

9. To set it as automatic: On the 7650 in the Bluetooth TM Setting Screen, you joystick right to the Paired Devices screen, highlight the Computer you just paired with and press Options, select Set as Authorized and Yes. You will then see a padlock icon beside the paired device - this device will no longer require manual authorization for connections to the 7650.

Now you should set My phone's visibility to Hidden - so that unknown devices searching won't see your phone. You can still be connected to by any paired devices. Remember to switch it to Visible if you want to pair with a new device or receive a file / business card from someone with an unpaired device.

Guide by Brian Greene.
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Pol Muškarac
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Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
Manually make a serial connection to the Series 60 Handset to get the mRouter connection started:

1. To get a connection working you need one last step - you need to connect to the 7650's Bluetooh Serial port from the PC.

2.Right Click on the Bluetooth TM Icon in the system tray, on the menu that appears go to Services and then click on Bluetooth TM Serial Port. Select Find Devices from the sub menu. (A shortcut to this connection will be created so next time you will have the 7650 listed in Bluetooh Serial Port submenu to save the next step).

3. Select the 7650 from list and click Connect.

4. A window will appear telling you the connection is starting.

5. If you have not set the 7650 to automatically authorize a connection from this computer be ready to accept the connection request on the phone. If you have set it to automatically authorize then you won't be asked.

6. You should also see the Bluetooth icon on the 7650 start to flash showing a connection take place. Then you may get an error on the PC saying it can't connect and/or a message saying there is a Connection on COM0 (you can check the box to stop this appearing again), you can just ignore these message(s) for a minute. (Click OK once the mRouter connection is made described below.)

A couple of seconds later the mRouter icon in the tray shows a connection in starting and then a connection being made. You can see also the active connection in the mRouter Connection Properties. The PC Suite application should then be ready for use.

Guide by Brian Greene.
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Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Apple iPhone 6s
The operator logo is the picture on top of your phone screen, in most cases is the name of your operator.

How to change it for a nice picture? You can do this by diferent ways:

First create this folder if you dont have it:


The operator logo will be stored on it...)

You can use FExplorer (any jpeg/bmp, no resize), seleQ (any image, it will resize it) --> select the image you want be operator logo, select options-file-set as operator logo.

You can make your own logo:

The operator logos have the following format:


For example, for Spain:

Amena: 214 03 -> 214_3_0.BMP
Movistar: 214 07 -> 214_7_0.BMP
Vodafone: 214 01 -> 214_1_0.BMP

Smart: 515 01
Globe: 515 02

The size for bmp is 97 x 25 pixels.

Also, you can store diferent logos for diferent operators. For example if you change your SIM to other operator, you will see the other logo, or if you travel to other countries, you can store diferent logos for the operators in this countries.

You have a list of country codes and network codes here , just ignore the first "0" in network code if any.

If you want to delete the logo to restore the original (name of the operator) just delete the bmp file from c:\system\apps\phone\oplogo.

Written by my good buddy aragorn.elessar.
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