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Tema: Nokia Symbian [ Tips & Tricks & Secret Codes ]  (Pročitano 514207 puta)
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Underpromise; overdeliver.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Windows XP
Opera 9.02
Apple iPhone 6s
Full Formatting Tips For Nokia 7710

Use This Method when "Screen is White,Only Nokia" and
"Phone Start Up Failed Contact the Retialer"

1. Disconnect the charger and remove the battery.
2. Wait for at least 10 seconds and insert the battery to start the device.
3. When you see the NOKIA Welcome screen, immediately press and hold down the "[=" (Left Key) +Menu Button +The Key "[." should be press at least 5-6s.
4. Confirm that you want to format. Formatting start.
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Underpromise; overdeliver.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Windows XP
Opera 9.02
Apple iPhone 6s
Nokia Series 40 and Series 60 Reset Codes:

Full Reset: (clears everything off the phone memory!! Be sure to back up your contacts!!): *#7370#, 12345 and then Yes.

Soft Reset: *#7780#, 12345 and then Yes. (Also works on Nokia S40 phones, NOTE: On the 6230/6230b, same as going to the Factory Reset option under Settings!! Thanks to Tris for the headsup!!)


This deletes the Email, GPRS, MMS settings that cannot be erased via phone options. (Series 40 phones only)

Nokia 9300 (not confirmed) and Nokia 9500

1. Turn off phone and take out battery
2. Insert battery, and while it boots up press and hold Ctrl + Shift + F
3. After a few seconds you will be asked if you want to format or cancel
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Underpromise; overdeliver.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Windows XP
Opera 9.02
Apple iPhone 6s
S60 History of the UI
History of the UI

In 1980, Psion Software was founded by David Potter.

EPOC16. Psion released several Series 3 devices from 1991 to 1998 which used the EPOC16 OS, also known as SIBO.

EPOC OS Releases 1–3. The Series 5 device, released in 1997, used the first iterations of the EPOC32 OS.

EPOC Release 4. Oregon Osaris and Geofox 1 were released using ER4.

In 1998, Symbian Ltd. is formed as a partnership between Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola and Psion, to explore the convergence between PDAs and mobile phones.

EPOC Release 5. Series 5mx, Series 7, Revo, netBook, netPad, Ericsson MC218, and the Ericsson R380 were released in 1999 using ER5.

ER5U. U = Unicode. The first phone, the Ericsson R380 was released using ER5U in 2000. It was not an 'open' phone - software could not be installed.

Symbian OS v6.0 and v6.1. Sometimes called ER6. The first 'open' Symbian OS phone, the Nokia 9210, was released on 6.0.

Symbian OS v7.0 and v7.0s. First shipped in 2003.

In 2004, Psion sold its stake in Symbian.

Also in 2004, the first worm for mobile phones using Symbian OS, Cabir, was developed, which used Bluetooth to spread itself to nearby phones. See Cabir and Symbian OS threats.

Symbian OS v8.0. First shipped in 2004, one of its advantages would have been a choice of two different kernels (EKA1 or EKA2). However, the EKA2 kernel version did not ship until SymbianOS v8.1b. The kernels behave more or less identically from user-side, but are internally very different. EKA1 was chosen by some manufacturers to maintain compatibility with old device drivers, whilst EKA2 offered advantages such as a hard real-time capability.

Symbian OS v8.1. Basically a cleaned-up version of 8.0, this was available in 8.1a and 8.1b versions, with EKA1 and EKA2 kernels respectively. The 8.1b version, with EKA2's single-chip phone support but no additional security layer, was popular among Japanese phone companies desiring the realtime support but not allowing open application installation.

Symbian OS v9.0. This version was used for internal Symbian purposes only. It was deproductized in 2004.

Symbian OS v9.1. Early in 2005, the newest version of Symbian was announced. Improvements in the OS mean that applications and content, and therefore a developers investment, are better protected than ever. The new ARM EABI binary model means developers need to retool and the security changes mean they may have to recode. The Nokia N91 will probably be the first SymbianOS 9.1 device on the market.

Series 60 becomes S60 late in 2005.
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Underpromise; overdeliver.

Zodijak Gemini
Pol Muškarac
Poruke Odustao od brojanja
Zastava 44°49′N - 20°29′E
Windows XP
Opera 9.02
Apple iPhone 6s
Access fee - A special fee that local telephone companies are allowed to charge all telephone customers for the right to connect with the local phone network. Cellular subscribers pay this fee along with a 3 percent federal telephone excise tax.

Airtime - Actual time spent talking on the cellular telephone. Most carriers bill customers based on how many minutes of airtime they use each month. Airtime charges during peak periods of the day vary from about 20 cents to more than 40 cents per minute, depending on the service plan selected. Most carriers offer reduced rates for off-peak usage.

Alphanumeric - A message or other type of readout containing both letters ("alphas") and numbers ("numerics"). In cellular, "alphanumeric memory dial" is a special type of dial-from-memory option that displays both the name of the individual and that individual's phone number on the cellular phone handset. The name also can be recalled by using the letters on the phone keypad. By contrast, standard memory dial recalls numbers from number-only locations.

Analog - A transmission method that relies on a continuous (rather than pulsed as in digital) electrical signal that varies in amplitude or frequency in response to changes of sound, light, position, etc., impressed on a transducer in the sending device; opposite of digital.

Antenna - A device used for transmitting, sending and receiving radio signals. Typical cellphone varieties include 1", 3", 6" rubber flex, stubby.

Authentication - A fraud prevention technology that takes a number of values to create a shared, secret value used to verify a user's authenticity.

Barred Phone - A phone that is blocked from use by a cell phone service provider for various reasons.

Belt Clips - Belt clip, swivel, vibrating, staight, available for specific models. Many incorporate a cover for the protection of the cell phone, and some of these covers provide intended protection from Radio Frequency or RF type radiation.

Bluetooth technology - A radio technology making transmission of signals over short distances between telephones, computers and other devices possible without the use of wires. It is possible to link household appliances to a controlling device, like your 3g cellphone.

Caller I.D. - A call-screening feature that allows the user to pinpoint the origin of an incoming call prior to answering the phone.

Cell - The basic geographic unit of a cellular system and the basis for the generic industry term "cellular." A city or county is divided into small "cells," each of which is equipped with a low-powered radio transmitter/receiver. The cells can vary in size depending on terrain and capacity demands. By controlling the transmission power and the radio frequencies assigned from one cell to another, a computer at the Mobile Telephone Switching Office (MTSO) monitors the movement and transfers (or hands off) the phone call to another cell and another radio frequency as needed.

Cloning - The changing of the ESN and MIN to match another phone with working service to get free service or use two phones on one service plan.

ESN (Electronic Serial Number) - Each cellular phone is assigned a unique ESN, which is automatically transmitted to the cellular tower station every time a cellular call is placed. The Mobile Telephone Switching Office validates the ESN with each call.

Faceplates & covers - Protective cellphone covers protect your phone and also gives your cell phone a unique appearance, or fashion statement. Face plates come in many different colors. Designs with your favorite music group, flags, even lights that flash when the mobile phone rings are available.

FCC - Federal Communications Commission. The Government agency responsible for regulating telecommunications in the United States, located in Washington, D.C.

Frequency reuse - The ability to use the same frequencies repeatedly across a cellular system, made possible by the basic design approach for cellular. Since each cell is designed to use radio frequencies only within its boundaries, the same frequencies can be reused in other cells not far away with little potential for interference. The reuse of frequencies is what enables a cellular system to handle a huge number of calls with a limited number of channels.

Ghost Number - A number that you change you own cell phone number to to obtain free service.

Handoff - The process by which the Mobile Telephone Switching Office passes a cellular phone conversation from one radio frequency in one cell to another radio frequency in another. The handoff is performed so quickly that users usually never notice.

Hands-free - An important safety feature that's included with most of today's mobile phones. It permits drivers to use their cellular phone without lifting or holding the handset to their ear.

Message alert - (Also referred to as "call-in-absence" indicator) A light or other indicator announcing that a phone call came in; an especially important feature if the cellular subscriber has voice mail.

MIN - Mobile Identification Number. Your cell phone number.

MTSO - Mobile Telephone Switching Office. The central switch that controls the entire operation of a cellular system. It is a sophisticated computer that monitors all cellular calls, tracks the location of all cellular-equipped vehicles traveling in the system, arranges handoffs, keeps track of billing information, etc.

Network - Any system that was designed to provide one or more access paths for communication between users at different geographic locations. Communication networks may be designed for voice, text, data, fax and video. They may feature limited access (private networks) or open access (public networks), and will rely upon whatever analog or digital switching and transmission technologies are appropriate.

No-answer transfer - A service feature (provided by some cellular carriers in combination with call-waiting) that automatically transfers an incoming cellular call to another phone number if the cellular subscriber is unable to answer.

Off-peak - The period of time after the business day has ended during which carriers may offer reduced airtime charges.

Peak - Highest-usage period of the business day when a cellular system carries the most calling traffic.

Phreak - A phreak is someone who breaks into the telephone network illegally, typically to get free cell phone service. The term is now sometimes used to include anyone who breaks or tries to break the security of any network. Recently, the phone companies have introduced new security safeguards, making phreaking more difficult.

Prepaid phones - Also known as "pay as you go" phones, the next generation of prepaid phones are ideal for the who have problem or no credit challenges.

Repertory dialing - Sometimes known as "memory dialing" or "speed-calling." A feature that allows you to recall from 1-to-99 (or more) phone numbers from a phone's memory with the touch of just one, two or three buttons.

Roaming - The ability to use your cellular phone outside your usual service area - when traveling, for example.

Scanning - Typing in numbers in series to test if they are ghost numbers.

Service plan - A rate plan selected by subscribers when they start up cellular service, usually consisting of a base rate for system access and a per-minute rate for usage. Service plans are designed to provide the most cost-effective rates for different types and amounts of usage by the cellular subscriber.

SIM Card - System identification module. Used to identify users on GSM phones. SIM cards enhance mobile phone security and make it easier to tranfer cell phone user data to another phone.

Standby time - The amount of time you can leave your fully charged cellular portable or transportable phone turned on before the phone will completely discharge the batteries. See talk time.

Talk time - The length of time you can talk on your portable or transportable cellular phone without recharging the battery. The battery capacity of a cellular portable or transportable is usually expressed in terms of so many minutes of talk time OR so many hours of standby time. When you're talking, the phone draws additional power from the battery.

Unlocking - Unrestricting your cell phone so you can use it on another service provider's network.

Voice-activated dialing - A feature available only on selected phones that permits you to dial numbers by calling them out to your cellular phone, instead of dialing them manually. This function is especially convenient for making calls from your vehicle while driving.

Voice mail - (Also called voice messaging) A computerized answering service that automatically answers your call, plays a greeting in your own voice and records a message. After you retrieve your messages, you can delete, save, reply to or forward the messages to someone else on your voice mail system.

WMF - Wireless Message Format Sends data through wireless means to mobile computers.

Network Types:

TDMA - (time division multiple access) is a technology used in digital cellular telephone communication that divides each cellular channel into three time slots in order to increase the amount of data that can be carried.
TDMA is used by Digital-American Mobile Phone Service (D-AMPS), Global System for Mobile communications (GSM), and Personal Digital Cellular (PDC). However, each of these systems implements TDMA in a somewhat different and incompatible way. An alternative multiplexing scheme to FDMA with TDMA is CDMA (code division multiple access), which takes the entire allocated frequency range for a given service and multiplexes information for all users across the spectrum range at the same time.
It was first specified as a standard in EIA/TIA Interim Standard 54 (IS-54). IS-136, an evolved version of IS-54, is the United States standard for TDMA for both the cellular (850 MHz) and personal communications services (1.9 GHz) spectrums. TDMA is also used for Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT).

CDMA - (code-division multiple access) refers to any of several protocols used in so-called second-generation (2G) and third-generation (3G) wireless communications. As the term implies, CDMA is a form of multiplexing, which allows numerous signals to occupy a single transmission channel, optimizing the use of available bandwidth. The technology is used in ultra-high-frequency (UHF) cellular telephone systems in the 800-MHz and 1.9-GHz bands.
CDMA employs analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) in combination with spread spectrum technology. Audio input is first digitized into binary elements. The frequency of the transmitted signal is then made to vary according to a defined pattern (code), so it can be intercepted only by a receiver whose frequency response is programmed with the same code, so it follows exactly along with the transmitter frequency. There are trillions of possible frequency-sequencing codes; this enhances privacy and makes cloning difficult.

GSM - (Global System for Mobile communication) is a digital mobile telephone system that is widely used in Europe and other parts of the world. GSM uses a variation of time division multiple access (TDMA) and is the most widely used of the three digital wireless telephone technologies (TDMA, GSM, and CDMA). GSM digitizes and compresses data, then sends it down a channel with two other streams of user data, each in its own time slot. It operates at either the 900 MHz or 1800 MHz frequency band.
GSM is the de facto wireless telephone standard in Europe. GSM has over 120 million users worldwide and is available in 120 countries, according to the GSM MoU Association. Since many GSM network operators have roaming agreements with foreign operators, users can often continue to use their mobile phones when they travel to other countries.
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General information about S60 3rd Edition devices

I have problems installing a .sis file on my Nokia device.

The new Symbian OS 9.1 package is known as SISX, which differs from the SIS format. Hence, old SIS packages are not supported. User tools, recognisers, file extension and mainstream documentation, however, will continue to refer to SIS packages.

Can I use old Nokia S60 applications with my Nokia device?

No. Your device only supports Series 60, 3rd edition applications.

I have problems connecting my Nokia device and my PC.

Please visit: official support page for specific questions on installing and using Nokia PC Suite software.

What can I do if my phone memory is low?

To free phone memory, transfer data to a memory card in the Office > File mgr view. Mark files to be moved, select Move to folder > Memory card and then a folder.

My phone is requesting a PIN/PIN2/PUK/PUK2 code.

PIN: set by yourself by following the instructions in your user guide.
PIN2: acts as a second layer of protection for certain features of your phone.
PUK: an 8-digit code request only when PIN code is entered incorrectly multiple times.
PUK2: Request when PIN2 code is entered incorrectly multiple times.

Both PUK & PUK2 are provided by your operator or service provider.

I got this error message: Installation security error. Unable to install.

Only carry out the following procedures if you can trust the application that you are installing.

Go to Application Manager>select the application that you are trying to install, ** on Options>Settings. You will see two options:
1) Software Installation (set this to "All")
2) Online Certificate. (set this to "Off")

Remember to turn these settings back on after installation.

Can I use my Nokia device without a SIM card?

Yes. The Offline profile is automatically activated when the device is switched on without a SIM card. This allows you to use your SIM card in another phone.

How do I switch WLAN off, so as to reduce the battery consumption?

You cannot switch it off, you can only specify that your phone does not scan for available networks.

To turn off the background scan:
1. Press the Menu key, and select Tools>Settings>Connection>Wireless LAN.
2. Select Scan for networks>Never.
3. To save your changes, select Back.

You can still use available WLAN networks as usual.


E61 FAQs

I have been getting pretty poor battery life.

You've to turn off your phone's need to search for a 3g network. To do this, ** on Menu>Tools> Settings>Network>then select GSM.

I cannot delte emails out of my inbox. I ** delete and it only puts a line through it.

Emails will be deleted once you re-sync with your email account.

Can i create themes for my phone?

Yes, you will have to use Theme Studio 3.0

How to change the resolution of the theme studio to 320x240 (w/h)?

1. Open a normal (240x320) theme with theme studio.
2. Drag an image (with the size of 320x240) from the browser tab on the right side to the active background rectangle.
3. In the toolbox, ** layer effects>layers. This should bring up a box showing your actual layers.
4. ** the tiny arrow right of the mini-preview in that box. A list of layer effects
should appears beneath the mini-preview.
5. ** Apply Graphics>Scaling mode.
6. Select - With aspect ratio
7. ** the save button at the bottom of the active background preview.

I get the message: no gateway reply while trying to connect wireless network (wi-Fi).

You could try to change the Wi-Fi setup of your phone from open key to share key.


N80 FAQs

How can i master my phone?

The user guide is the most complete source of information.

Why does my battery drain fast?

You could:
1. Try turning the Bluetooth technology off when you do not need it.
2. ** Connection settings>Packet data conn, change it to >When needed.
3. Close all the applications (which you do not need) that are running in the background. Do this by press and hold the Menu key, then select the application from the list. Lastly, exit the application.

Why is the blue status light of my phone always flashes?

It is an indication that the screen power has been turned off (to save battery life) but the phone is still on and active.

Can i turn the blue light off?

You could turn the sleep mode off. Settings>Phone>Display. However, this might reduce the battery life.

There is no autokey lock, what can i do?

You could install either one of the two freewares.
1. Autolock: It locks the keypad after a specified time period.
2. Mlock: Once installed, it will appear on your standby screen. It will lock your keypad with a simple **.

Mp3 songs that i added to the memory card wouldn't show up (as a playlist) in the music player.

After adding audio tracks to the memory card, go to Music player>Options>Music library>Options (again)> then choose Update. The phone does take a while to find all the audio files tho.

I am irritated by Not enough memory error message. (While zooming pictures in gallery from 50% above, or in the Web browser exiting to the iddle screen.)

Please check if you've got the latest firmwareinstalled in your phone (enter *#0000# on the phone while it is in standby). If not, you could either bring your phone to nokia service centre or do it at home

When transferring larger amounts of data to memory card, the crashes half way through.

Quick fix, is to press the power butten and choose the "remove memory card". Then, insert back the card again. The phone should resume to normal.


N91 FAQs

How do I transfer music from the PC to my phone?

There are three different methods:

1. Treat your phone as external hard drive: Connect your phone to the PC with USB cable or Bluetooth. Then, transfer the files.
2. Synchronize music with Windows Media Player: attach the USB cable and select Media player as the connection method.
3. Use Nokia Audio Manager (available in PC Suite): Attach USB cable, then select PC Suite as the connection method.

Can I transfer my Apple iPod music files to my Nokia N91 using iTunes or via DragDrop?

This depends on the music files you want to transfer. You can transfer unprotected files only, (files that imported from your own music CD). Transferring protected music files, (files you have bought from iTunes music store), is not possible.

1. Drag&Drop can be used in both Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac.
2. iTunes can be used only in Apple Mac with Nokia Music Manager

I have sent some mp3 songs to the N91 from the PC. I got the message - saved to Music Libary. But later, i cannot find it there.

This is very common problem. Instead of looking under Music Library, you should try to find it under File Manager> Attachments

Is it possible to use downloaded ringing tones or music tracks as message tones?


1. Connect your N91 to your PC using its USB connector and select 'Music transfer'.
2. Open your N91's files on 'My Computer' and select 'attachments', and drag and drop your desired tone here.
3. Disconnect your phone, and go to Menu> tools> file manager> attachments, your file should be in here.
4. Select file options> move to> sound clips> tones
5. Go to settings> profile manager> personalise.
6. Finally, go to the message tone option, and select your new tone.

The built-in browser is rather slow.

You could have a go at OperaMini (specifically designed for N91). Its a lot faster.

I can't use any themes downloaded over the internet.

This is a bug (feature). Please make sure you have the current firmware installed. If not, you could update it at Nokia Service Centre.

Why cannot other devices find my phone, even though Bluetooth is on?

Check that My phone's visibility is set to Shown to all. This can be done by selecting Menu> Connect> My phone's visibility> Shown to all.

I was asked to provide MAC address when i try to access a WIFI network or Bluetooth compatiable printer.

1. To check the unique Media Access Control (MAC) address that identifies your device, enter *#62209526# in the standby mode. (for WIFI settings)
2. To find the unique address of your device, enter the code *#2820# in the standby mode.

Can I hear my N91 with the music on the speakers of my car?

No. This is because N91 does not support Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP). A2DP, also refer to as AV profile, is designed to transfer a stereo audio stream like music from an MP3 player to a headset or car radio.


N91 Tips & Tricks

If you are in a call and want to close the slide of the N91:

Press and Hold the Left Soft Key then close the slide. The call should continue.

Tips that will help to improve battery life in long run.

When you get the phone be sure to charge/re-charge the battery at least 3 times, ie use the phone untill the batter goes dead, and keep repeating it.

In order not to take the risk of losing all your files:

Please make sure that you backup all your contacts and what ever else you intend to copy over to the Nokia N91. This is because from time to time, you might need to reformat the harddrive or do a major reset.

Tips for using RealPlayer.

1. To fast forward and Rewind, press and hold the joystick UP or DOWN then release when you get to the point you want.
2. To pause and resume, press the joystick.
3. To switch between full screen and normal screen, use the "2" key on the numeric keypad.

Tips on how to speed up song scrolling.

While you are scrolling (all songs or any other views) in music player, release joystick and press it again to the same direction. The speed will be much faster afterwards.

Tips on speeding up access to Media Gallery.

If you try to access the files (let say pictures that you've taken) via Menu> Media> Gallery> Images then select to open, you are likely to wait for about 30-40 secs.

Hence, to speed up the process, use the File Manager that comes with the phone. You can do this by Menu> Tools> File Manager> Select either the Phones Memory or the Harddrive (depending on where u put your pics).

Or, you could set it as either a softkey or on the active desktop.

Play with the Music Button.

** once: take you to the Music player, where you could play mp3 songs. Now if you ** the button again, the N91 will leave the song playing in the background and go back to the prevous screen.

If you hold the button down for about 5 secs it will take you straight to the radio function (regardless of which screen you are in).

Plz let me know if these tips have helped you, thanks for all your patience in reading them :wave: :wave:

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Koja je razlika između .sis i .sisx ekstenzija?

Symbian instalacije mogu imati dve različite ekstenzije:
- .SIS

Razlika između njih može stvoriti zabune kod krajnjih korisnika. SIS (Symbian Installation System) je originalna ekstenzija korišćena još od prvih verzija Symbian OS-a, međutim i dalje prisutna kod Symbian OS-a verzije 9, te mnogi korisnici pokušavaju instalirati stare i nekompatibilne programe na svoje S60 v3 telefone. SIS instalacija ne može instalirati nesertifikovanu aplikaciju. Upravo zbog sertifikata je nastala nova ekstenzija – SISX. Međutim, čak i ako instalacija ima ekstenziju SISX, ne mora da znači da će instalirana aplikacija biti sertfikovana, pošto ni SISX instalacije ne sadrže isklučivo sertifikovane aplikacije. Razlika je u tome što SISX instalacije ne moraju, a SIS instalacije ne mogu. I jedan i drugi tip instalacije ima MIME tip "application/vnd.symbian.install", te telefon na isti način gleda na njih, razlika se pravi tokom kreiranja instalacije.
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Any fool can use a computer. Many do.

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Koje sve tipove aplikacija mogu izvršavati Symbian telefoni?

Symbian OS “native” aplikacije se tipično razvijaju u nekom C++ IDE-u (Integrated development environment). Symbian OS može da izvrši (interpretira) i Java MIDP, kao i Python aplikacije, a takođe može da prikaže Flash Lite animacije, sa delimičnom podrškom za ActionScript programski jezik. Java podrška dolazi sa Symbianom, dok je za Python interpretaciju neophodno naknadno instalirati dodatne biblioteke. Ranije je se Flash Lite instalirao zasebno, ali sada se praktikuje da podrška dolazi uz sam firmver. Postoje i drugi emulatori za Symbian, te se sada na njemu mogu izvršavati Palm aplikacije, Pocket PC (.NET Compact Framework) aplikacije, kao i igre sa raznih konzola (Sega, Game Boy Advanced, …).

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Šta je to UID?

To je 32-bitna vrednost koja služi kao jedinstveni indentifikator svakog resursa u Symbian operativnom sistemu. Sastoji se iz 3 dela:

- UID1 – služi kao identifikator koji sistemu ukazuje da li se radi o EXE aplikaciji ili DLL fajlu;

- UID2 – pravi razliku između komponenti koje dele UID1, pa tako imamo shared DLL-ove, polimorfne DLL-ove, i tako dalje;

- UID3 – najviši UID nivo, koji mora biti jedinstven, inače može doći do nepoželjnog ponašanja u sistemu i nestabilnosti. Postoji centralna baza podataka za UID-ove Symbian aplikacija, kako se ne bi slučajno desilo da se isti UID ponovi.

Bitna stvar je da pri ponovnom “pravljenju” SIS fajla UID ne sme biti promenjen.
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Šta su privilegije (capabilities) i šta je sertifikacija?

Privilegije su uvedene od Symbian OS-a verzije 9. Sertifikacija je proces vezivanja digiralnog sertifikata sa određenim privilegijama za izvršne fajlove aplikacije, kako bi im telefon dozvolio pokretanje tzv. „osetljivih“ API funkcija. Osetljive API funkcije su one koje:

- pristupaju fajlovima korisnika;
- potencijalno stvaraju troškove (korišćenje interneta, telefonskih poziva);
- utiču na način rada telefona;
- utiču na druge aplikacije.

Programeri mogu izbeći korišćenje tih API-ja, odnosno ne moraju sve aplikacije biti potpisane, niti moraju imati sve privilegije. U svim ostalim slučajevima, aplikacija mora imati pripojen važeći sertifikat traženih privilegija kako bi bila instalirana.

Međutim, na Symbian OS-u 9 sertifikati se ne proveravaju i pri svakom pokretanju. Naime, pošto su sertifikati vremenski ograničeni, moguće je vratiti sistemski datum na telefonu (za vreme važenja sertifikata), instalirati aplikaciju, vratiti nazad vreme i koristiti aplikaciju normalno. Ovo je ozbiljan propust, a Symbian OS 9 postoji već duže vreme i to još uvek nije ispravljeno. Moguće je da je to učinjeno zarad performansi, ali ako su već sertifikati uvedeni sa vremenskim trajanjem, takav propust ne bi smeo biti dozvoljen.

Da bi developeri mogli da izdaju aplikaciju koja dolazi zajedno sa sertifikatom određenih privilegija, moraju da kupe Publisher ID. Njihove aplikacije prolaze kroz proces testiranja i, ako budu odobrene, mogu se komercijalno distribuirati. Međutim, tu nastaje problem jer taj isti Publisher ID moraju kupiti i pojedinci koji pišu freeware aplikacije, što ne može svako priuštiti, te je postojao problem nestanka freeware i open source aplikacija. Symbian Signed, telo zaduženo od strane Symbian-a za sva pitanja oko sertifikacije, je doneo kompromisno rešenje, i dozvolio tzv. „Open Signed“ proces, pri kojem pojedinci mogu sertifikovati aplikaciju online, za pojedinačni IMEI, u trajanju od 3 godine, te su programeri izdavali „unsigned“ (nepotpisane) aplikacije, koje bi korisnici sami potpisivali. Ovim procesom, međutim, ne mogu biti dodeljene sve privegije, te su neke API funkcije iz grupe tzv. „Restricted Capabilities“ i dalje zahtevale Publisher ID, no mali broj aplikacija ima realnu potrebu da ih koristi.
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Šta podrazumeva "imati sertifikat"?

To je fajl koji ima ekstenziju .CER. Isporučuje se zajedno sa tzv. privatnim ključem, koji ima ekstenziju .KEY. Sadržaj i jednog i drugog fajla je RSA kriptovan. U sertifikatu su zapisane relevantne informacije, poput privilegija koje on donosi, datum isteka i slično. Privatni ključ se vezuje za IMEI, i može imati u sebi zapisanu i šifru koju je neophodno uneti pri procesu sertifikovanja. Javno dobijeni ključevi obično nemaju šifru (u tom slučaju šta god da se unese, sertifikacija će proći). Ranije je bilo potrebno uneti šifru pri dobijanju sertifikata, pa se obično unosilo nešto poput 00000, 55555, 0123456 i slično. Na kraju, potrebno je imati izvršni fajl po nazivu signsis.exe, koji vrši samu sertifikaciju i prihvata parametre: putanju aplikacije, odredišta sertifikovane instalacije, sertifikata, privatnog ključa i šifru privatnog ključa. Sa komandne linije se poziva npr. ovako:

signsis aplikacija_unsigned.sis aplikacija_signed.sisx cert.cer key.key 0123456

Signsis.exe je inače aplikacija koju je izdala i zvanično odobrila sama Symbian korporacija. Ne postoji nativna verzija za druge operativne sisteme sem Windows-a, pa se moraju koristiti emulatori, ako postoje. Portovana je doduše na Symbian OS-u.

Gornji postupak je prilično zamoran i nepraktičan kada je potrebno sertifikovati više aplikacija zaredom. Pa čak i da je samo jedna u pitanju, bilo bi mnogo podesnije kada bi postojao GUI koji bi ubrzao proces. Pošto Symbian nije menjao signsis aplikaciju od njenog izdavanja, pojavile su se PC aplikacije koje automatski prosleđuju parametre signsis.exe fajlu, sa intuitivnim GUI-jem i jednostavnom upotrebnom, znatno ubrzavajući proces. Neke od njih su XSign, GenialSiS, Mobile Signer (mobilna aplikacija, koristi portovanu verziju signsis.exe-a na Symbianu), i drugi.
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