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08. Avg 2010, 08:11:40
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Farv ponovo razmišlja o penziji

Kvorterbek Minesota Vikingsa Bret Farv ponovo razmišlja o penziji, prenose američki mediji.

Ni Farv ni tim još nisu potvrdili ovu informaciju, ali se zvanično saopštenje očekuje u toku utorka.

Izvor AP-a tvrdi da je 40-godišnji Farv javio treneru Bredu Čildresu da njegov povređeni članak ne reaguje dobro na operaciju i rehabilitaciju kao što je očekivao. Kasnije je potvrdio da to neće biti razlog ukoliko se povuče.

Međutim, sa Farvom nikada ništa nije bilo konačno u prethodnih 19 sezona koliko igra u NFL-u. Prošle godine je saopštio Vikingsima da neće igrati, ali se ipak vratio.

Tačnije, on je penzionisanje najavljivao svakog leta još od 2006. godine. To je dovelo do ružnog raskida sa Grin Bej Pekersima u kojima je imao status ikone. On je 2008. "izdao“ tim i prešao u Njujork Džetse. Posle prosečne sezone u "velikoj jabuci“, ponovo je saopštio da se penzioniše, ali je ipak potpisao za Minesotu.

Prošle sezone je imao jednu od najboljih godina u svojoj karijeri. Popravio je svoj rekord u procentu kompletiranih pasova (68.4), rejtingu (107.2) i najmanjim brojem presečenih lopti (sedam). Ukupno je bacio 33 tačdauna i kompletirao 4.202 jarde predvodeći Vikingse do titule na Severu NFC-a. U meču za titulu u konferenciji protiv Nju Orleans Sejntsa povredio je zglob. Sejuntsi su kasnije osvojili Superboul.

Ukoliko bude igrao i ove sezone zaradiće još 13 miliona dolara. Ukoliko se, pak, konačno povuče, Vikingsi će zamenu birati između Sejdža Rozenfelsa i Tarvarisa Džeksona.

Ako se Bret Farv završi svoju NFL karijeru, biće to kraj jedne ere, trostrukog MVP-ja i rekordera u svakom važnijem parametru kvorterbekova.

Izvor: B92
« Poslednja izmena: 08. Avg 2010, 08:16:51 od bojan.c »
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Sutra je pocetak predsezone  Smile

Dallas (0-0) at Cincinnati (0-0)

CANTON, Ohio (AP)—Call them America’s Team’s expatriates.

Terrell Owens(notes), Pacman Jones and Tank Johnson
(notes) are among the former Dallas Cowboys who now reside
in Cincinnati. The Bengals and Cowboys will meet Sunday night in the Hall of Fame game, and while T.O. and the other veterans might not spend much time on the field, they will draw plenty of attention when they are in the lineup.

Owens, of course, always gets the spotlight, whether he’s with the 49ers, Eagles, Cowboys, Bills or, now, the Bengals.

“I’m a playmaker,” Owens said. “I know Michael Irvin has adopted that title, but that’s what I do and have done throughout my career is make plays. The coaches know what I’m capable of once the ball is in my hands. They’re going to get all of Terrell on the field.

“I’m glad to be with my new team and we’ll see where it takes us.”

For now, it’s taken them to Canton’s Fawcett Field, where Owens will get some time with the regulars early in the first preseason game. He’s never caught passes from Carson Palmer(notes) against an opposing defense, and
while it’s too soon to expect that connection to click precisely, it’s never to soon to begin the process.

“I think the opportunity to play against other people is always good,” Bengals coach Marvin Lewis said. “I don’t know if it’ll affect Terrell and Carson as much since Terrell’s learning on the move. He’s a veteran player. There are things he has done that maybe we coach a little differently. The terminology may be different in some instances, but he’s basically carrying what he already knows.”

What Owens also knows is that he belongs in the Hall of Fame, saying earlier this week all he lacks is the bust.

Pacman Jones hardly is in that class.

The defensive back was out of the NFL last season, none of the 32 teams willing to sign him after his repeated off-field problems, including a run-in with a bodyguard that cost him his job in Dallas. The Bengals, known for giving second chances, twice worked out Jones before signing him in May.

Sunday night, he returns to the NFL on national television—against the Cowboys.

“Whoever it was it would have been special,” Jones said. “I haven’t played a real game in a whole season.

“I have a lot of friends on the Cowboys. I talk to those guys all the time. It was no love lost when I left there. People have to make business decisions, and it is what it is. I’m happy to be a Bengal.”

Johnson merely is happy to be healthy after a right foot injury limited him last year. Johnson served an eight-game suspension in 2007 for off-field issues, but had no such problems with the Cowboys or last season with Cincinnati.

“Injuries or not, I’ve been able to play through stuff most of the time,” Johnson said. “Being able to feel good going into a game rather than having to get injections just to make yourself feel good is a plus.”

Starters rarely go more than two series in this game. Lewis and Cowboys coach Wade Phillips admitted that’s likely to be repeated Sunday night.

Still, when the former Cowboys, particularly Owens, are on the field, interest will be high.

“That’s the Cowboys North,” Dallas wide receiver Patrick Crayton(notes) said.

“It will be good to see him again,” he added about Owens. “Him and a couple of other guys that were here and stuff. It’s always good to see old friends and old teammates.

“Is there anything about facing (Owens)? I never even thought about facing him, because I don’t have to stick him.”

Tony Romo(notes), who had his ups and downs throwing to T.O. over three seasons, won’t carry any bitterness
toward the former Cowboys into the game.

“I know. Dallas No. 2,” he said with a chuckle about the Cincinnati roster that also includes safety Roy Williams and defensive coordinator Mike Zimmer, who have strong ties to the Cowboys. “Those guys are all good guys and we enjoyed having every one of them. It allowed us to have great success when we were here, in a lot of ways. It’ll be good to see them and say hi and wish them good luck, hopefully not quite as good against us. I root for them.”

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Cowboys 16, Bengals 7

CANTON, Ohio (AP)—With Emmitt Smith and Jerry Rice in the house one night after going into the hall, an offensive show seemed in order.

Neither the Dallas Cowboys nor the Cincinnati Bengals got the message Sunday.

The NFL offensive icons who entered the Pro Football Hall of Fame on Saturday couldn’t have been comfortable with the action at Fawcett Stadium on Sunday night, when Dallas beat Cincinnati 16-7 to open the preseason.

But the Dallas defense sure came through for the team’s former star running back.

“Having Emmitt inducted into the Hall of Fame is special,” All-Pro linebacker DeMarcus Ware(notes) said. “For us now playing for the Cowboys, it does make
it extra special.”

The Cowboys hope this is the opening step, small as it was, toward becoming the first team to play in a Super Bowl in its home stadium. That goal will take months before it can be achieved, of course, and the most memorable moment this weekend for them will remain Smith’s entry into the Hall of Fame.

“Just being here makes for some great memories,” Tony Romo(notes) said.

Another instant memory: Chad Ochocinco’s(notes) footwear.

The Bengals receiver wore gold shoes for his few plays. Was that a tribute to Smith, Rice and the other members of the Class of 2010?

“That’s exactly what it was, how did you know?” he said. “That’s exactly why I did it.”

Asked about possibly being fined by the league for sidestepping the dress code, he threw up his hands in disdain and moved on to other questions.

“Chad has so many different-colored shoes, he is like a woman,” Terrell Owens(notes) chimed in.

The offenses generally sputtered all night and there were eight sacks in a sloppy affair. Clearly, none of the aura of the NFL’s career leaders in rushing and receiving rubbed off.

At least some of Saturday’s other inductees—the ones who played defense, Dick LeBeau, John Randle and Rickey Jackson—could appreciate the lack of scoring and the takeaways. Dallas picked off three passes and recovered a fumble; Cincinnati also recovered a fumble.

“I thought we were fundamentally sound and the effort was great,” linebacker Keith Brooking(notes) said. “Those are the two main ingredients you look for in
the preseason.”

Nobody could be impressed by the slew of penalties, 16 overall, 12 by Cincinnati for 90 yards. Then again, it was the preseason opener.

“The best thing about it,” Cowboys coach Wade Phillips said, “is you see what you did and what you need to improve on.”

Most of the regulars worked short shifts. At least the Cowboys’ starters looked sharp during their minimal stints.

Romo led them to the Cincinnati 2 with a steady opening drive before they stalled and David Buehler(notes) kicked a 20-yard field goal. Romo was 5 for 10
for 59 yards.

“You just have to continue to work on the things we’ve been doing through the offseason and in training camp,” Romo said. “You’re never sure until you get into a game-like mode, and some of the new stuff, it was nice to see it work out really well. It’s a start. We have to build off of it, but we still have a ways to go, and we’re on the way.”

Dallas certainly needs better protection for its quarterbacks after Cincinnati had five sacks, including two by linebacker Michael Johnson.

The Bengals made plenty of offseason news with the additions of Owens and Pacman Jones, who wasn’t signed by any teams last year because of his previous off-field issues and missed the season. Neither former Cowboys player had much impact, although Owens caught two passes for 18 yards and was thrown to four times by Carson Palmer(notes).

“It’s the start of the 2010 season and I am facing my former team in the Hall of Fame game. That’s a good start,” Owens said. “But this game was a learning experience and a stepping stone for all of us. There would have been a lot more interest and a lot more intensity if this had been a regular-season game against them.”

Buehler added field goals of 34 yards in the second quarter and 23 yards in the third. The last kick was set up when linebacker Brandon Williams returned an interception of Jordan Palmer(notes)—Carson’s younger brother and
Cincinnati’s third-string quarterback—36 yards to the Bengals 9-yard line.

Dallas capped the one-sided victory when Brandon Sharpe(notes) picked off Jordan Palmer’s fourth-quarter pass
and dived untouched into the end zone for a 6-yard score.

Bengals rookie Jordan Shipley(notes) ran back a punt 63 yards in the final minutes, and Jordan Palmer hit rookie
tight end Darius Hill(notes) for a 1-yard TD with 51 seconds remaining.

“It was looking like we’d get the shutout,” Ware said. “Almost did.”

Cincinnati’s best player was punter Kevin Huber(notes), who averaged 46.4 yards on 10 punts.

« Poslednja izmena: 09. Avg 2010, 23:53:05 od bojan.c »
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