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Tema: Nanotechnology  (Pročitano 2561 puta)
14. Okt 2003, 19:30:08
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Pol Muškarac
Poruke 57
Zastava Stockton, CA
Apple 6 Plus

The next few paragraphs provide a brief introduction to the core concepts of molecular nanotechnology, followed by links to further reading.
Manufactured products are made from atoms. The properties of those products depend on how those atoms are arranged. If we rearrange
 the atoms in coal we can make diamond. If we rearrange the atoms in sand (and add a few other trace elements) we can make computer
chips. If we rearrange the atoms in dirt, water and air we can make potatoes.

Have fun rearrenging.

There is a brief and accessible video introduction to the basic idea of nanotechnology from Big Thinkers
 "Ralph Merkle: Nanotechnology"

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u njoj lezi nasa buducnos ali i nasa propat
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Ideja je rođena

Tako mnogo genijalnih ideja se rađa svakog dana , a tako malo ih se ostvaruje. Zašto je to tako? To je tako zato što ih sputavaju ljudi koji čine onu većinu (ljudi koji žive svoje žvote nerazmišljajući ni o čemu, a pogotovo o životu i stvarima-idejama koje ga mogu učiniti boljim ili iz svojih pobuda). Postoje ljudi koji su rešeni da svoje ideje isteraju do kraja i u tome ih niko neće sprečiti. Da li je to tobro? Da li sve ideje treba da ugledaju svetlost dana? Na ta pitanja ja nemam odgovore što me neće sputati da iznesem jednu od mojih ideja.

   Svako ko je ikada stavio prst na čelo pokušavajući da reši ili uradi nešto na lakši-jednostavniji način znači da je imao ideju. Ali ja neću da vam pišem o tome kako sam uradio nešto na lakši način već…Moja ideja je o unapređivanju čoveka (čovečanstva). Moja ideja možda zvuči naivno ali daljim čitanjem će te primetiti da to uopšte nije. Čovek od samog nastanka teži da dostigne svršenstvo i  konačno može da se počne raditi na tome.Mi još uvek nemamo svu potrebnu tehnologiju ali ja očekujem da ćemo za najviše deset godina imati sve što je potrebno.Ova ideja nemora poslužiti samo za dovođenje čoveka do savršenstva već kao pomoć onima kojima   treba (slepima, gluvima, invalidima...),  jer svet bi bio monoton da smo svi isti? Možda, ko to zna. Ali da se ja vratim na temu. Znači, čovek bi sebe unapredjivao pomoću nanotehnologije (robota) još na molekularnom nivou. Čoveku bi se po rođenju ubrizgavao nanorobot čija bi svrha bila da manipuliše genima DNK i koji bi imao moć samoreprodukcije. Takav nanobot bi za napajanje imao svoju bateriju koja bi mu omogućavala šest nedelja besprekidnog rada, a da se ne bi praznila, punila bi se tako što strujanjem kroz krvotok uzima elektrolite. Naravno na sebi bi imao pravu laboratoriju i laser sa kojim bi vršio izmene na DNK. Takođe, morao bi da ima nanokamer kako bi bilo moguće uvideti izmene u organizmu. Tako bi za 3-5 godina bilo dovoljno nanobotova u telu da bi na svakoj ćeliji  bilo moguće izmeniti DNK. Sad se samo postavlja pitanje kako njima upravljati? Pa, moja zamisao je da se u mozak ubaci jedan čip (implant) tako da ako se povredimo mozak automatski šalje informaciju implantu, a on prosleđuje do nanobotva koji su najbliži mestu povrede i vrše sanaciju oštećenog tkiva. Ovakva tehnologija imala bi najbolju primenu u medicini jer ljudi bi mogli da budu lečeni na sličan način u bližoj budućnosti. Ovakva ideja o iskorišćenju nanorobota može se iskoristiti i u vojne svrhe. Tačno je da svaka ideja ima svoju tamnu stranu. Sa takvom tehnologijom bi mogao da se napravi savršeni vojnik. Pošto nanobot menja strukturu DNK vojnik bi mogao neogrničeno dugo da ostane pod vodom jer bi uzimao vodonik iz vode, mogao bi  da menja pigment svojoj koži kako bi se prilagodio terenu. Možda snagu i izdžljivost koju bi mogao imati. Da li bi se takvi vojnici koristili za sprečavanje terorizma i stvaranje mira u svetu ili možda za suprotno? Da li bi ovakva tehnologija donela mir u svetu ili možda totalno uništenje ljudske rase?
   Kad razmislim malo, da li svaka ideja mora da ima dve strane? Da li sve što čovek stvori i smisli mora odmah da služi uništenju, a ne nečemu dobrom? Pošto ideja može načiniti više štete nego dobra, ostaje mi još jedno pitanje koje moram postaviti sebi: da li treba ideje da se rađaju ili da umiru za dobrobit čovečanstva?

By Nekron
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Improving Quality
Molecular manufacturing will make better products possible. We're likely to see some early applications in at least two areas: stronger materials and faster computers. Strong materials are simple, and will be hard to pass up. Computers are more complex, but the payoff will be enormous.

The computer industry has been under steady pressure to make computer chips ever smaller. As sizes have shrunk, costs have fallen while efficiency and capabilities have increased. The pressure to continue this process pushes in the direction of nanotechnology; it may even be one of the major motivations behind developing the technology.

John Walker, a founder of Autodesk, explains: "Even technologies with enormous potential can lie dormant unless there are significant payoffs along the way to reward those who pioneer them. That's one of the reasons integrated circuits developed so rapidly; each advance found an immediate market willing to apply it and enrich the innovator that created it.

"Does molecular engineering have this kind of payoff? I think it does. Remembering that we may be less than ten years away from 'hitting the wall' as far as scaling our existing electronics goes, a great deal of research is presently going on in the area of molecular and quantum electronics. The payoff is easy to calculate: You can build devices one thousand times faster, more energy-efficient, and cheaper than those we're currently using—at least one hundred times better than exotic materials being considered to replace silicon when it reaches its limits."

Federico Capasso, head of the Quantum Phenomena and Device Research Department at AT&T Bell Labs, agrees that electronics researchers will keep pushing for smaller devices once silicon's potential has been reached. He explains that "at some point we will reach difficulties: some people say at a hundred fifty nanometers, others think it's beyond that. What will happen then? It's hard to think that the electronics industry will say, 'Stop here. We'll stop evolving because we can't shrink the device.' From an economic point of view, in order to survive, an industry has to innovate continuously."

The computer industry's push toward devices of molecular size has an air of inevitability. Today's researchers struggle to build molecular electronics using bulk techniques, with no products yet in sight; with molecular manipulators, they will finally have the tools they need for fast and accurate experimentation. Once successful designs are developed, packaged, and tested, the pressure will be on to learn to make them in quantity at low cost. The competitive pressures will be fierce, because advanced molecular electronics will be orders of magnitude better than today's integrated circuits, ultimately enabling the construction of computers with trillionfold greater capability.

Strong, Lightweight Structures
At the opposite extreme from molecular electronics—complex and at first worth billions of dollars per gram—are structural materials: worth only dollars per kilogram in most applications, but much simpler in structure. Once molecular manufacturing becomes inexpensive, structural materials will be important products.

These materials play a central role in almost everything around us, from cars and aircraft to furniture and houses. All of these objects get their size, shape, and strength from a structural skeleton of some sort. This makes structural materials a natural place to begin in understanding how nanotechnology can improve products.

Cars today are mostly made of steel, aircraft of aluminum, and buildings and furniture largely of steel and wood. These materials have a certain "strength-to-weight ratio" (more properly, a strength-to-density ratio). To make cars stronger, they'd have to be heavier; to make them lighter, they'd have to be weaker. Clever design can change this relationship a little, but to change it a lot requires a change of materials.

Making something heavy is easy: just leave a hollow space, then fill it with water, sand, or lead shot. Making something light and strong is harder, but often important. Automakers try to make cars lightweight, aircraft manufacturers try harder, and with spacecraft manufacturers it is an obsession. Reducing mass saves materials and energy.

The strongest materials in use today are mostly made of carbon. Kevlar, used in racing sails and bulletproof vests, is made of carbon-rich molecular fibers. Expensive graphite composites, used in tennis rackets and jet aircraft, are made using pure-carbon fibers. Perfect fibers of carbon—both graphite and diamond—would be even better, but can't be made with today's technology. Once molecular manufacturing gets rolling, though, such materials will be commonplace and inexpensive.

What will these materials be like? To picture them, a good place to start is wood. The structure of wood can vary from extremely light and porous, like balsa wood, to denser structures like oak. Wood is made by molecular machinery in plants from carbon-rich polymers, mostly cellulose. Molecular manufacturing will be able to make materials like these, but with a strength-to-weight ratio about a hundred times that of mediocre steel, and tens of times better than the best steel. Instead of being made of cellulose, these materials will be made of carbon in forms like diamond.

Diamond is emphasized here not because it is shiny and expensive, but because it is strong and potentially cheap. Diamond is just carbon with properly arranged atoms. Companies are already learning to make it from natural gas at low pressure. Molecular manufacturing will be able to make complex objects of the stuff, built lighter than balsa wood but stronger than steel.

Products made of such materials could be startling by our present standards. Objects could be made that are identical in size and shape to those we make today, but simultaneously stronger and 90 percent lighter. This is something to keep in mind next time you're lugging a heavy object around. (If something needs weight to hold it in place, it would be more convenient to add this ballast when the thing is in its proper location than to build in the extra weight permanently.)

Better structural materials will make aircraft lighter, stronger, and more efficient, but will have the greatest effect on spacecraft. Today, spacecraft can barely reach orbit with both a safety margin and a cargo. To get there at all, they have to drop off parts like boosters and tanks along the way, shedding weight. With strong materials, this will change: as in the space-travel-for-business scenario in Chapter 1, spacecraft will become more like aircraft are today. They will be rugged and reliable, and strong enough and light enough to reach space in one piece.

Quickening Development
In some areas of high technology—spaceflight has been a notorious example—it takes years, even decades, to try a new idea. This makes progress slow to a crawl. In other areas—software has been a shining example—new ideas can be tested in minutes or hours. Since the Space Shuttle design was frozen, personal computer software has come into existence and gone through several generations of commercial development, each with many cycles of building and testing.

Fast, Inexpensive Testing
Even in the days of the first operational molecular manipulators, experimentation is likely to be reasonably fast. Individual chemical steps can take seconds or less. Complex molecular objects could be built in a matter of hours. This will let new ideas be put into practice almost as fast as they can be designed.

Later assemblers will be even faster. At a millionth of a second per step, they will approach the speed of computers. And, as nanotechnology matures, experimenters will have more and more molecular instruments available to help them find out whether their devices work or not. Fast construction and fast testing will encourage fast progress.

At this point, the cost of materials and equipment for experiments will be trivial. No one today can afford to build Moon rockets on a hobby budget, but they can afford to build software, and many useful programs have been the result. There is no economic reason why nanomachines couldn't eventually be built with a hobby-size budget, though there are reasons—to be discussed in later chapters—for wanting to place limits on what can be built.

Early Simplicity
Finally, established technologies are always pushing up against some limit; the easy opportunities have generally been exploited. In many fields, the limits are those of the properties of the materials used and the cost and precision of manufacturing. This is true for computers, for spacecraft, for cars, blenders, and shoes. For software, the limits are those of computer capacity and of sheer complexity (which is to say, of human intelligence). After molecular manufacturing develops certain basic abilities, a whole set of limits will fall, and a whole range of developments will become possible. Limits set by materials properties, and by the cost and precision of manufacturing, will be pushed way back. Competition, easy opportunities, and fast, low-cost experimentation should combine to yield an explosion of new products.

  Space Computers Nanotechnology
Precursor science and technologies Physics
Sounding rockets Mathematics
Electronics Theoretical chemistry
Chemical synthesis
Crucial advance Teams combine and improve technologies Teams combine and improve technologies Teams combine and improve technologies
Threshold capability First satellite First computer First assembler
Early practical applications Weather, spy and communication satellites Scientific calculations
Payroll calculations Molecular sensors
Molecular computing
Breakthrough capability Routine, inexpensive spaceflight Powerful mass-market desktop computers Powerful inexpensive molecular manufacturing
Further projected developments Lunar base,
Mars exploration Widespread electronic publishing New medical abilities
New, inexpensive products
More advanced developments Mining, development, settlement of solar system Major automation of engineering design Help with computer goals
Environmental cleanup
Yet more advanced developments Interstellar flight and settlement feasible Trillionfold computer power Help with computer goals
General tissue repair

This does not mean immediately, and it does not apply to all imaginable nanotechnologies. Some technologies are imaginable and clearly feasible, yet dauntingly complex. Still, the above considerations suggest that a wide range of advances could happen at a brisk pace. The main bottleneck might seem to be a shortage of knowledgeable designers—hardly anyone knows both chemistry and mechanical design—but improving computer simulations will help. These simulations will let engineers tinker with molecular-machinery designs, absorbing knowledge of chemical rules without learning chemistry in the usual sense.

Climbing Complexity
Making familiar products from improved materials will increase their safety, performance, and usefulness. It will also present the simplest engineering task. A greater change, though, will result from unfamiliar products made possible by new manufacturing methods. In talking about unfamiliar products, a hard-to-answer question arises: What will people want?

Products are typically made because their recipients want them. In our discussions here, if we describe something that people won't want, then it probably won't get built, and if it does get built, it will soon disappear. (The exceptions—fraud, coercion, persistent mistakes—are important, but in other contexts.) To anchor our discussion, it makes sense to look not at totally new products, but instead at new features for old products, or new ways to provide old services. This approach won't cover more than a fraction of what is possible, but will start from something sensible and provide a springboard for the imagination.

As usual, we are describing possibilities, not making predictions. The possibilities focused on here arise from more complex applications of molecular manufacturing—nanotechnological products that contain nanomachines when they are finished. Earlier, we discussed strong materials. Now, we discuss some smart materials.

Smart Materials
The goal of making materials and objects smart isn't new: researchers are already struggling to build structures that can sense internal and environmental conditions and adapt themselves appropriately. There is even a Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. By using materials that can adapt their shapes, sometimes hooked up to sensors and computers, engineers are starting to make objects they call "smart." These are the early ancestors of the smart materials that molecular manufacturing will make possible.

Today, we are used to having machines with a few visible moving parts. In cars, the wheels go around, the windshield wipers go back and forth, the antenna may go up and down, the seat belts, mirrors, and steering wheel may be motor-driven. Electric motors are fairly small, fairly inexpensive, and fairly reliable, so they are fairly common. The result is machines that are fairly smart and flexible, in a clumsy, expensive way.

In the Desert Rose scenario, we saw "tents" being assembled from trillions of submicroscopically small parts, including motors, computers, fibers, and struts. To the naked eye, materials made from these parts could seem as smooth and uniform as a piece of plastic, or as richly textured as wood or cloth—it is all a matter of the arrangement and appearance of the submicroscopic parts. These motors and other parts cost less than a trillionth of a dollar apiece. They can be quite reliable, and good design can make systems work smoothly even if 10 percent of a trillion motors burn out. Likewise for motor-controlling computers and the rest. The resulting machines can be very smart and flexible, compared to those of today, and inexpensive, too.

When materials can be full of motors and controllers, whole chunks of material can be made flexible and controllable. The applications should be broad.

Scenario: Smart Paint
Surfaces surround us, and human-made surfaces—walls, roofs, and pavement—cover huge areas that matter to people. How can smart materials make a difference here?

The revolution in technology has come and gone, and you want to repaint your walls. Breathing toxic solvents and polluting water by washing brushes have passed into history, because paint has been replaced with smarter stuff. The mid-twentieth century had seen considerable progress in paints, especially the development of liquids that weren't quite liquid—they would spread with a brush, but didn't (stupidly) run and drip under their own weight. This was an improvement, but the new material, "paperpaint," is even more cooperative.

Paperpaint comes in a box with a special trowel and pen. The paperpaint itself is a dry block that feels a lot like a block of wood. Following the instructions, you use the pen to draw a line around the edge of the area you want to paint, putting an X in the middle to show where you want the paint to go on; the line is made of nontoxic disappearing ink, so you can slop it around without staining anything. Using the trowel, you slice off a hunk of paperpaint—which is easy, because it parts like soft butter to the trowel, even though it behaves like a solid to everything else. Very high IQ stuff, that.

Next, you press the hunk against the X and start smoothing it out with the trowel. Each stroke spreads a wide swath of paperpaint, much wider than the trowel, but always staying within the inked line. A few swipes spreads it precisely to the edges, whereupon it smooths out into a uniform layer. Why doesn't it just spread itself? Experience showed that customers didn't mind the effort of making a few swipes and preferred the added control.

The paperpaint consists of a huge number of nanomachines with little wheels for rolling over one another and little sticky pads for clinging to surfaces. Each has a simple, stupid computer on board. Each can signal its neighbors. The whole mass of them clings together like an ordinary solid, but they can slip and slide in a controlled way when signaled. When you smooth the trowel over them, this contact tells them to get moving and spread out. When they hit the line, this tells them to stop. If they don't hit a line, they go a few handbreadths, then stop anyway until you trowel them again. When they encounter a line on all sides, word gets around, and they jostle around to form a smooth, uniform layer. Any that get scraped off are just so much loose dust, but they stick together quite well.

This paint-stuff doesn't get anything wet, doesn't stain, and clings to surfaces just tightly enough to keep it from peeling off accidentally. If some experimentally minded child starts digging with a stick, makes a tear, and peels some off, it can be smoothed back again and will rejoin as good as new. The child may eat a piece, but careful regulation and testing has ensured that this is no worse than eating plain paper, and safer than eating a colorful Sunday newspaper page.

Many refinements are possible. Swipes and pats of the trowel could make areas thicken or thin, or bridge small holes (no more Spackling!). With sufficiently smart paperpaint, and some way to indicate what it should do, you can have your choice of textures. Any good design will be washable, and a better design would shed dirt automatically using microscopic brushes.

Removal, of course, is easy: either you rip and peel (no scraping needed), or find that trowel, set the dial on the handle to "strip," and poke the surface a few times. Either way, you end up with a lump ready to pitch into the recycling bin and the same old wall you started with, bared to sight again.

Power Paint
Perhaps no product will ever be made exactly like the smart paint just described. It would be disappointing if something better couldn't be made by the time smart paint is technologically possible. Still, paperpaint gives a feel for some of the features to expect in the new smart products, features such as increased flexibility and better control. Without loading yet more capability into our paint (though there is no reason why one couldn't), let's take a look at some other smart properties one might want in a surface.

External walls, roofs, and paving surfaces are exposed to sunlight, and sunlight carries energy. A proven ability of molecular machinery is the conversion of sunlight to stored energy: plants do it every day. Even now, we can make solar cells that convert sunlight into electricity at efficiencies of 30 percent or so. Molecular manufacturing could not only make solar cells much cheaper, but could also make them tiny enough to be incorporated into the mobile building blocks of a smart paint.

To be efficient, this paint would have to be dark—that is, would have to absorb a lot of light. Black would be best, but even light colors could generate some power, and efficiency isn't everything. Once the paint was applied, its building blocks would plug together to pool their electrical power and deliver it through some standard plug. A thicker, tougher form of this sort of material could be used to resurface pavement, generate power, and transmit it over large distances. Since smart solar-cell pavement could be designed for improved traction and a similar roofing material could be designed for amazing leak-resistance, the stuff should be popular.

On a sunny day, an area just a few paces on a side would generate a kilowatt of electrical power. With good batteries (and enough repaved roads and solar-cell roofing), present demands for electrical power could be met with no coal burning, no oil imports, no nuclear power, no hydroelectric dams, and no land taken over for solar power generation plants.

Pretty Paint, Acoustic Paint
The glow of fireflies and deep sea fish shows that molecular devices can convert stored chemical energy into light. All sorts of common devices show that electricity can be converted to light. With molecular manufacturing, this conversion can be done in thin films, with control over the brightness and color of each microscopic spot. This could be used for diffuse lighting—ceiling paperpaint that glows. With more elaborate control, this would yield the marvel (horror?) of video wallpaper.

With today's technology, we are used to displays that glow. With molecular manufacturing, it will be equally easy to make displays that just change color, like a printed page with mobile ink. Chameleons and flatfish change color by moving colored particles around, and nanomachines could do likewise. On a more molecular level, they could use tunable dyes. Live lobsters are a dark grayish green, but when cooked turn bright red. Much of this change results from the "retuning" of a dye molecule that is bound in a protein in the live lobster but released by heat. This basically mechanical change alters its color; the same principle can be used in nanomachines, but reversibly.

How a surface appears depends on how it reflects or emits light. Nanomachines and nanoelectronics will be able to control this within wide limits. They will be able to do likewise for sound, by controlling how a surface moves. In a stereo system, a speaker is a movable surface, and nanomachines are great for making things move as desired. Making a surface emit high-quality sound will be easy. Almost as easy will be surfaces that actively flex to absorb sound, so that the barking dog across the street seems to fade away.

Smart Cloth
Looking further at the human environment we find a lot of cloth and related materials, such as carpeting and shoes. The textile industry was at the cutting edge of the first industrial revolution, and the next industrial revolution will have its effects on textiles.

With nanotechnology, even the finest textile fibers could have sensors, computers, and motors in their core at little extra cost. Fabrics could include sensors able to detect light, heat, pressure, moisture, stress, and wear, networks of simple computers to integrate this data, and motors and other nanomechanisms to respond to it. Ordinary, everyday things like fabric and padding could be made responsive to a person's needs—changing shape, color, texture, fit, and so forth—with the weather and a person's posture or situation. This process could be slow, or it could be fast enough to respond to a gesture. One result would be genuine one-size-fits-all clothing (give or take child sizes), perfectly tailored off the rack, warm in winter, cool and dry in summer; in short, nanotechnology could provide what advertisers have only promised. Even bogus advertising gives a clue to human desires.

Throughout history, the human race has pursued the quest for comfortable shoes. With fully adjustable materials, the seemingly impossible goal of having shoes that both look good and feel good should finally be achieved. Shoes could keep your feet dry, and warm except in the Arctic, cool except in the tropics, and as comfortable as they can be with a person stepping on them.

Smart Furniture
Adaptive structures will be useful in furniture. Today, we have furniture that adapts to the human body, but it does so in an awkward and incomplete manner. It adapts because people grab cushions and move them around. Or a chair adapts because it is a hinged contraption that grudgingly bends and extends in a few places to suit a small range of preferred positions. Occasionally, one sees furniture that allegedly gives a massage, but in fact only vibrates.

These limitations are consequences of the expense, bulkiness, clumsiness, and unreliability of such things as moving parts, motors, sensors, and computers today. With molecular manufacturing, it will be easy to make furniture from smart materials that can adapt to an individual human body, and to a person's changing position, to consistently give comfortable support. Smart cushions could also do a better job of responding to hints in the form of pats, tugs, and punches. As for massage—a piece of furniture, no matter how advanced, is not the same as a masseuse. Still, a typical massage setting on a smart chair would not mean today's "vibrate medium vigorously," but something closer to "five minutes of shiatsu."

And So Forth . . .
This tour through of the potential of smart matter has shown how we could get walls that look and sound as we wish, clothing, shoes, and furniture of greater comfort, and clean solar power. As one might expect, this just scratches the surface.

If you care to think of further applications, here are some ground rules: Components made by molecular manufacturing can be many tens of times stronger than steel, but materials made by plugging many components together will be weaker. For these, strengths in the range of cotton candy to steel seem achievable. The components will be sensitive to heat, and at high temperatures they will break down or burn. Many materials will be able to survive the temperature of boiling water, but only specialized designs would be oven-safe. Color, texture, and (usually) sound should be controllable. Surfaces can be smooth and tightly sealed (this takes some cleverness). Motions can be fairly fast. Power has to come from somewhere; good sources include electricity, stored chemical energy, and light. If nanomachines or smart materials are dunked in liquids, chemical energy can come from dissolved molecules; if they are in the open, energy can come from light; if they are sitting in one place, they can be plugged into a socket; if they are moving around in the dark, they can run on batteries for a while, then run down and quit. Within these limits, much can be accomplished.

"Smart" is a relative term. Unless you want to assume that people learn a lot more about intelligence and programming, it is best to assume that these materials will follow simple rules, like those followed by parts of drawings on computer screens. In these drawings, a picture of a rectangle can be commanded to sprout handles at its corners; pulling a handle stretches or shrinks the rectangle without distorting its right-angle corners. An object made of smart matter could do likewise in the real world: a box could be stretched to a different size, then made rigid again; a door in a smart-material wall could have its position unlocked, its frame moved a pace to the left, and then be returned to normal use.

There seems little reason to make bits of smart matter independent, self-replicating, or toxic. With care, smart matter should be safer than what it replaces because it will be better controlled. Spray paint gets all over things and contains noxious solvents; the paperpaint described above doesn't. This will be a characteristic difference, if we exercise our usual vigilance to encourage the production of things that are safe and environmentally sound.

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Temu ne bi trebalo "iskopavati" osim u slučaju da imate nešto važno da dodate. Ako ipak želite napisati komentar, kliknite na dugme "Odgovori" u meniju iznad ove poruke. Postoje teme kod kojih su odgovori dobrodošli bez obzira na to koliko je vremena od prošlog prošlo. Npr. teme o određenom piscu, knjizi, muzičaru, glumcu i sl. Nemojte da vas ovaj spisak ograničava, ali nemojte ni pisati na teme koje su završena priča.

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Prijatelji foruma: Triviador :: Nova godina Beograd :: nova godina restorani :: :: MojaPijaca :: Pojacalo :: 011info :: Burgos :: Alfaprevod

Pravne Informacije: Pravilnik Foruma :: Politika privatnosti :: Uslovi koriscenja :: O nama :: Marketing :: Kontakt :: Sitemap

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