IN < - Instant pomoc: Treba mi skripta za ... - >LO
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Autor: SerbianFighter :
Posto su pitanja ove vrste sve cesca, evo jedna tema na kojoj cete moci da postavite pitanja o gotovim resenjima koja vam trebaju.

Budite jasni!

Napomena: Imajte u vidu da je pitanja vezana za modifikacije odredjenih aplikacija (foruma, portala i drugih sistema) bolje postaviti u temama koje se bave tim sistemima.
Autor: ssaajjkkoo :
a sta je u stvari skripta???
ima li neka definicija za nju?
ja znam za mirc skripte. to su neki dodaci za lakse upravljanje mircom.

Autor: SerbianFighter :

1) In computer programming, a script is a program or sequence of instructions that is interpreted or carried out by another program rather than by the computer processor (as a compiled program is).
Some languages have been conceived expressly as script languages. Among the most popular are Perl, Rexx (on IBM mainframes), JavaScript, and Tcl/Tk. In the context of the World Wide Web, Perl, VBScript, and similar script languages are often written to handle forms input or other services for a Web site and are processed on the Web server. A JavaScript script in a Web page runs "client-side" on the Web browser.
In general, script languages are easier and faster to code in than the more structured and compiled languages such as C and C++. However, a script takes longer to run than a compiled program since each instruction is being handled by another program first (requiring additional instructions) rather than directly by the basic instruction processor.
2) A script is sometimes used to mean a list of operating system commands that are prestored in a file and performed sequentially by the operating system's command interpreter whenever the list name is entered as a single command.
3) Multimedia development programs use "script" to mean the sequence of instructions that you enter to indicate how a multimedia sequence of files will be presented (the sequence of images and sounds, their timing, and the possible results of user interaction).
Autor: aifel :
Kako mogu da napisem u opisu bordova na forumu ono Izdvajamo
Autor: SerbianFighter :
I onda se ljudi pitaju zasto se ja nerviram ...
Procitaj prvu poruku.
Onda uradi sta u njoj pise.
Pa procitaj to gde te salje.
Pa ces naci.
> Odgovori
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