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Tema: Да ли је пола милиона Срба у Србији под истрагом за пат  (Pročitano 36781 puta)
21. Dec 2009, 16:53:31
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Да ли је пола милиона Срба у Србији под истрагом за патриотизам?

Ових дана у дневној штампи (Блиц, 18. децембар 2009) освануо је скандалозан наслов: „Држава ће испитати рад вероучитеља ултрадесничара”, посвећен Ивану Ивановићу, вероучитељу из Аранђеловца и председнику удружења грађана НАШИ. Поставља се питање да ли је под медијском оптужбом којом је изложен Иван Ивановић да је учествовао на митингу који је завршен нередима и рушењем града у овоме часу истовремено под истрагом и више од пола милиона Срба и других грађана Србије који су учествовали на митинзима у одбрану Косова и Метохије, Радована Караџића и од НАТО геноцида? Да ли су то екстремни медији у Србији постали и тужиоци и преки суд?Српски сабор Двери који се толико пута нашао на удару разних врста медијских етикета, прећуткивања, злонамерности и цензуре добро схвата о чему се овде ради. То што извесни медији себе представљају као објективне и независне не значи да то и јесу, већ могу бити управо носиоци нове идеолошке пропаганде и пресуђивања без суда. То што одређени новинари покрећу важне друштвене теме и проблематизују табуизиране друштвене групе може да им служи на част, али само у случају да то раде на објективан начин и дајући целину слике, а не само идеолошки пожељне делове са острашћеним коментарима којима би позавидело и тоталитарно новинарство ранијих епоха.Подразумева се, али нека буде и поновљено, да Српски сабор Двери јасно сматра да нити један новинар или било који други јавни делатник или обичан грађанин у Србији не сме због своје јавно изговорене речи постати предмет линча или било које друге врсте малтретирања и дискриминације. Овакво нешто је недопустиво и мора бити заустављено на време. Али исто тако екстремни медијски интелектуалци и медијске куће не смеју помислити да су замена за тужилаштво и судство у Србији и да имају право користећи националне фреквенције да се обрачунавају са ким хоће, лепећи медијске етикете какве им падну на нову идеолошку памет, вређајући достојанство многих појединаца и удружења, па и српског народа у целини, без аргумената и отварања неких других табу тема које им нису на идеолошку корист, а тичу се судбине српског народа и државе. Нама се понекад чини да је њихова интенција да кад не би било Срба и српског патриотизма овај свет би био савршен и да изузев проблема које ми стварамо других проблема на свету и у Србији нема.Ко стоји иза рушилаца патриотских протеста?Оно што смо у више наврата констатовали понављамо и овога пута: неколико највећих свенародних протеста у последњих неколико година, митинг Косово је Србија, митинг у одбрану Радована Каарџића и митинг сећања на 10-годишњицу од НАТО геноцида над српским народом, који су имали огромни опозициони друштвени потенцијал, завршени су по истом сценарију: рушењем града од стране непознатих вандала. До данас по имену и презимену нису познати они који су инспиратори и извршиоци ових нереда и рушења, а познато је да су ове ружне слике са београдских улица потпуно прекриле значај споменутих митинга који је био огроман. Зато изражавамо основану сумњу да је неко могао имати интерес да се ови митинзи овако заврше и опозициони бунт у Србији брзо компромитује и угаси, а да је за те потребе могао ангажовати старе полицијске кадрове унутар хулиганских редова. С обзиром да заиста никад нисмо сазнали пуну истину о виновницима изгреда, и да се никада нису раздвојили оправдани разлози за протесте од оних који их компромитују својим понашањем, наше сумње остају више него основане.Држава под контролом екстремних медија и НВОУ вези са овом крајње проблематичном и опасном друштвеном појавом која настоји да у Србији под изговором борбе против криминала, насиља и хилиганства укине слободу патриотске мисли и деловања, поставља се још низ питања:-зашто је започето гоњење једног вероучитеља и отворена дискриминација према њему по којој се настоји да изгуби радно место?-да ли је и по ком основу вероучитељској професији у Србији забрањено да се организује у удружења грађана и залаже за патриотске вредности?-да ли ће медијска конструкција о учествовању на митинзима који су завршили рушењем града и на којима су се певале извесне песме постати основа за оптужницу над више стотина хиљада грађана Србије који су у тим митинзима учествовали?-од када је патриотизам забрањен у Србији?-ко је овластио екстремне невладине организације, интелектуалце и медије да се баве тужилачким и судским послом у Србији и по ком основу државна министарства поступају по њиховим налозима?-ко између нас више од пола милиона који смо учествовали на свим овим митинзима је следећи?Иван Ивановић је један од нас, патриотски опредељених грађана Србије. Ако се са њим обрачунају рачунајте да су се обрачунали са сваким патриотом у Србији и немојте се изненадити ако будете следећи. Српски сабор Двери не жели да покуњено чека стварање нове тоталитарне државе и укидање патриотизма у Србији.
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Ja ne bih voleo da moj sin uci na veronauci kako da razlikuje ''izdajnike'' i ''patriJote'' i kako da bije homoseksualce,jer su takvi kakvi su,pa nisu ''pravi Srbi''...  Smile

Patriota je onaj koji svojim znanjem i filantropijom pomaze svom narodu,a ne onaj koji svoj narod naziva spijunom i bije ga  Smile

A vi se dicite patriotizmom od koga narod nema nista... Smile
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Ваш став о најваљеној геј паради у Београду заказаној за 10.10.2010. године?


Rasim je peder!
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Pol Muškarac
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A vi se dicite patriotizmom od koga narod nema nista...
Познатије под називом "кафански патриотизам".
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Јер, Они нису Ми.

Zodijak Cancer
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Али исто тако екстремни медијски интелектуалци и медијске куће не смеју помислити да су замена за тужилаштво и судство у Србији и да имају право користећи националне фреквенције да се обрачунавају са ким хоће, лепећи медијске етикете какве им падну на нову идеолошку памет, вређајући достојанство многих појединаца и удружења, па и српског народа у целини, без аргумената и отварања неких других табу тема које им нису на идеолошку корист, а тичу се судбине српског народа и државе.
са 9.-огодишњице Српког сабора Двери
Savindana 2008. navršava se i punih devet godina našeg rada. Ovim povodom Srpski sabor Dveri je ustanovio nagradu „Povelja slobode“ koja ce u okviru 100-te tribine biti urucena najdostojnijem strancu i Srbinu.

Ni sami nismo dovoljno shvatali znacaj ovog jubileja dok nismo poceli da se prisecamo svih gostiju koji su govorili na Mašincu. Ovo je prilika da i sve vas upoznamo sa znamenitim licnostima koje su doprinele ovom znacajnom jubileju.

Spisak ucesnika na tribinama na Mašincu:

1. Mitropolit crnogorsko-primorski Amfilohije
2. Arhiepiskop ohridski i Mitropolit skopski Jovan
3. Vladika žicki Hrisostom
4. Vladika umirovljeni zahumsko-hercegovacki Atanasije (Jevtic)
5. Vladika raško-prizrenski i kosovsko- metohijski Artemije
6. Vladika backi Irinej (Bulovic)
7. Vladika šabacki Lavrentije
8. Vladika budimljansko-nikšicki Joanikije
9. Vladika kanadski Georgije
10. Vladika zahumsko-hercegovacki i primorski Grigorije
11. Vladika australijsko-novozelandski Irinej (Dobrijevic)
12. Vikarni vladika dioklijski i iguman manastira Ostrog Jovan (Puric)
13. Vikarni vladika jegarski i iguman manastira Kovilj Porfirije
14. Vikarni vladika hvostanski Atanasije (Rakita)
Где је председник РРА да се огласи поводом овога линча?
О Србској Револуцији:или ти како против непријатеља...
"Сваки свога убијте субашу;;
"Жене, ђецу у збјегове кријте."

...и шта онда... Smile
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Вуковар је коштао хиљаде српских живота – добрим делом управо оних наочитих момака који су 10. марта 1991. у колонама пристигли на Теразијску чесму са Звездаре, Карабурме, Чубуре, Чукарице, и из разних приграђа.
Јер, све до слома „Шездесет осме“ у Београду би се и пролазници на улици умешали у тучу, јачему вичући: „Шта си навалио на слабијега!“
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Sreća je kada ti smrt zakuca na vrata a ti nisi tu

Pol Muškarac
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Je si li ti stariji brat Zoranavelikog? Zoki taj tvoj patriotizam je zombizam, suprotan od Jevropejstva. PatriJoti tvoga tipa su zaluđene na jednu , a Jevropejci na drugu stranu. I jedno i drugo je iskrivljeno gledanje na stvarnost, blago rečeno. Smile
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Pol Muškarac
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Ево јавили се ови да паметују...  Smile
« Poslednja izmena: 21. Dec 2009, 20:21:29 od aleksa »
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Sreća je kada ti smrt zakuca na vrata a ti nisi tu

Pol Muškarac
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Ako me patriJote ili Jevropejci proglase za izdajnike, znači da sam na pravom putu i da još dobro razmušljam. Smile
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Једина кривица овог човека јесте што се активно противи независности Косова... Како вас није срамота?  Smile
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Списак који и даље постоји на беее-92.

Milosevic's family

Gajic-Milosevic Milica - Daughter in law
Markovic Mirjana - Wife
Milosevic Borislav Brother
Milosevic Marija -Daughter
Milosevic Marko - Son
FRY Government
Aleksic Milutin Director of the Administrative Service of the Federal Government
Aleksov Ivan Assistant Federal Minister for Telecommunications
Andrejevic Goran Assistant Federal Minister for Communications
Antic Bozidar Deputy Minister, Ministry of Trade (Foreign)
Beko Milan Minister of Economy
Bogdanovic Miodrag Assistant Federal Minister for transport
Bogdanovic Radmilo Head of Committee on Security of Federal Parliament, born 7.10.1934, diplomatic passport number 016504
Bozovic Srdja Speaker, Federal Chamber of Republics
Bulatovic Gordana Deputy Federal Minister for Refugees, Displaced Persons, and Humanitarian Aid
Bulatovic Momir Prime Minister, born 21.9.1956, diplomatic passport number 013441
Crni Branko Senior Adviser in the Ministry of the Interior
Djeric Velizar Minister of Sport
Djokic Nenad Former Member
Dragas Mirjana Deputy Minister, Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Security
Drobnjakovic Dejan Minister for Transport, born 6.11.1933
Eric Milovan Minister of Internal Trade
Etinski Rodoljub Chief Legal Adviser at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, born 5.3.1952, diplomatic passport number 017924
Filipovic Rade Former Member
Gojkovic Maja Deputy Prime Minister, born 22.5.1963, diplomatic passport number 015947
Jankovic Nikola Assistant Federal Minister for the Economy
Jevtic Milan, Maj?Gen Head of Administration, Ministry of Defence
Jojic PetarMinister of Justice
Jovanovic Perisa (born 1946)Federal Secretary for Legislation
Jovanovic Zivadin Minister of Foreign Affairs, born 14.11.1938, diplomatic passport number 016801
Karaicic Zoran Assistant Minister in the Ministry for Transport, born 23.11.1950
Kikic Zlatan Director of European Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Kljajic Zoran Deputy Federal Minister for Development, Science and Environment
Knezevic Zoran Former Member
Korac Maksim Assistant Minister, Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Security, born 26.5.1949
Kostic Jugoslav Minister without Portfolio
Kovac Miodrag Minister of Labour, Health and Social Security, born 31.7.1948
Kutlesic Vladan Deputy Prime Minister, born 9.11.1955, diplomatic passport number 016446
Latinovic Dusan Deputy Minister, Ministry of Justice
Lazic Zoran Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Foreign Trade
Levovic Zlatko Assistant Federal Minister for Agriculture
Lilic Zoran Deputy Prime Minister, born 27.8.1953, diplomatic passport number 015043
Marjanovic Predrag Deputy Federal Minister of Finance
Markicevic Slavenko Deputy Minister, Ministry for Telecommunications
Markovic Dragan Without portfolio
Markovic Ivan Minister of Telecommunications
Markovic Milisav Deputy Minister, Ministry of the Interior
Matic Goran Without portfolio + Secretary to the Information Secretariat, born 6.6.1959, diplomatic passport number 018221
Minic Milomir Speaker, Federal Chamber of Citizens, born 1950
Mirkovic Cedomir Minister of International Cultural and Scientific Cooperation, born 18.1.1944
Nikcevic Zelidrag Minister without Portfolio
Nikolic Tomislav Deputy Prime Minister, born 15.2.1952
Nogo Sreto Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Communications
Novakovic Zoran Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ognjanovic Vuk Minister without Portfolio, born 29.10.1930, diplomatic passport number 016894
Ojdanic Dragoljub Minister of Defence
Pantovic Danilo Secretary General, FRY MFA
Pesic Dragisa Federal Minister of Finances
Popovic Ljiljana Assistant Federal Minister for Refugees, Displaced Persons and Humanitarian Aid
Popovic Ljubisa (born 1952) Secretary-General of the Federal Government
Radic Marinko Director of Federal Market Inspections
Radojevic Dojcilo Former Member
Radulovic Radomir Assistant of the Federal Secretary for Information, born 16.8.1949, diplomatic passport number 011223
Rasajski Slavenko Deputy Minister for Telecommunication
Sainovic Nikola Deputy Prime Minister
Savovic Margit Minister without Portfolio, born 16.8.1949
Sekulic Dusko Assistant Federal Minister for Internal Affairs
Simovic Svetozar Deputy Federal Minister for Internal Affairs
Sipovac Nedeljko Minister of Agriculture, born 5.7.1942, diplomatic passport number 010551
Sljapic Nada Minister for Development, Science and Environment
Sokolovic Zoran Minister of Internal Affairs, born 1938
Stankovic Nenad Head of the International Department in the
Federal Ministry for Telecommunications
Stevanovic Aco Deputy Minister, Ministry for Telecommunications
Terzic Milun Deputy Federal Minister for Sport
Veizovic Dobrosav Assistant Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs
Velickovic Nebojsa Minister without Portfolio
Vucic Borka Minister for Cooperation with International Financial Organisations, born 4.4.1926, diplomatic passport number 017085
Vucinic Drago Deputy Minister, Ministry of Finance
Vujovic Nebojsa Speaker of Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Vujovic Zoran Minister without Portfolio
Vukovic Borislav Minister of Trade (Foreign), born 16.11.1951, diplomatic passport number 016002
Vuksanovic Danilo Deputy Prime Minister
Zebic Jovan Deputy Prime Minister, born 5.5.1939, diplomatic passport number 017838
Zelenovic Jagos Former Member
Zivanovic Svetlana Assistant Federal Minister for Domestic Trade
Zivkovic Milovan Director of the Federal Statistical Office
Serbian Government
Aleksic, Dr Milos "Republic Adviser" to the Serbian Government Secretariat General
Aleksic Snezana Assistant to the Minister for Foreign Trade
Andjelkovic Zoran President of the Provisional Executive Council for Kosovo, born 1.11.1958
Arizanovic Vukoje Assistant to the Minister for Trade
Babic Slobodan Vice?President, born 24.10.1946
Babovic Jovan Minister of Agriculture, born 13.10.1946
Bacevic Milan Deputy Minister for Science and Technology, born 20.2.1953
Balinovic Zoran Deputy Minister for Justice
Barisic Bosko Member of Vojvodina Executive Council
Bassta Gordana Deputy Minister for Health
Begenisic Radomir Assistant to the Minister for Culture
Bojkovic Jovan Assistant to the Minister for Family Care
Borotic Djordje Assistant to the Minister for Tourism
Budakov Pavle Vice President of the Vojvodina Executive Council, born 9.7.1945, diplomatic passport number 018250
Blazic Branislav Minister of Environment
Bojic Milovan Deputy Prime Minister, born 13.5.1955, diplomatic passport number 015896
Cerovic Slobodan Minister of Tourism, born 30.3.1955, diplomatic passport number 019004
Cosic Milivoje Assistant to the Minister for Youth and Sport
Cosic Zivota Minister of Mining
Curcic Nikola Deputy Minister, Ministry of the Interior
Damjanovic Jovan Minister without Portfolio
Djogo-Antonovic Dusanka Assistant to the Minister for Information
Djordjevic Milutin Assistant to the Minister for Science and Technology
Djordjevic Vlastimir, Col?Gen Deputy Minister, Ministry of the Interior
Djurcic, Gen Nikola Assistant to the Minister of the Interior
Djurdjevic Dragan Assistant to the Minister for Transport and Communications
Djurekovic Mira Deputy Secretary General, Serbian Government Secretariat
General Dokmanovic Branko Assistant to the Minister for Mining and Energy
Drobnjak Bosko Member of the Provisional Executive Council for Kosovo
Dudas Natalija
Deputy Minister for Culture
Dudic Branislav Deputy Minister for Tourism
Dzigal Mustafa Assistant to the Minister for Mining and Energy
Elezovic Slobodan Assistant to the Minister for Connections with Serbs outside Serbia
Ferencak Miodrag Assistant to the Minister for Construction
Gajic Momcilo Chief of Protocol, Serbian Government Secretariat General
Golic Stojan Deputy Minister of Finance
Gavrilovic, Dr Ana Deputy Minister for Family Care
Grujic Dobrila Assistant to the Minister for Family Care
Hadzic Miroljub Serbian Deputy Minister for Privatisation
Haliti Bajram Member of the Provisional Executive Council for Kosovo
Hamidovic Ferid Deputy Minister for Environmental Protection
Ilic Miodrag Director, Directorate for Prices
Ilic, Dr Slobodan Assistant to the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Supply
Ilic Zivka Assistant to the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Supply
Injac Dragan Assistant to the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Supply
Ivkovic Branislav Minister of Science and Technology, born 7.8.1952
Jakovljevic-Kovacevic Nevenka Assistant to the Secretary, Secretariat for Legislation
Janjic, Dr Dragan Assistant to the Minister for Industry
Janjic Jevrem Minister of Secondary School and Higher Education, born 9.10.1949
Jankovic Dragoljub Minister of Justice
Jelicic, Dr Bozidar Assistant to the Minister for Education
Jezdimirovic Milenka Assistant to the Minister of Finance
Jokic Mihailo Deputy Minister for Education
Jovanovic Blagomir Assistant to the Minister for Industry
Jovanovic Dragan Deputy Minister for Industry
Jovanovic Ljubomir Assistant to the Minister for Tourism
Jovanovic Miroslav Assistant to the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Supply
Jovanovic Toplica "Republic Adviser" to the Serbian Government Secretariat General
Jovanovic Velimir Assistant to the Minister of Finance
Jovanovic Zlatan Deputy Minister for Mining and Energy
Karic Bogoljub Minister without Portfolio
Karlicic Miljkan Assistant to the Minister for Information
Kljajic Njegovan Secretary, Secretariat for Legislation
Knejevic Zoran General Secretary of the Serbian Government
Knezevic Zivka-Cica Secretary General, Serbian Government Secretariat General
Kocovic Dragoljub Minister of Youth & Sports, born 20.8.1949
Kojic Zeljko Assistant to the Minister for Industry
Kolarevic Dragan Assistant to the Minister for Culture
Kovacevic Dejan Minister of Construction, born 7.5.1940
Krasic Zoran Minister of Trade
Krasulja Branislav Assistant to the Minister for the sale of state owned assets
Krkic Predrag Director, Directorate for Roads
Krystajic Marija Deputy Minister for Health
Kujundzic Tomislav Assistant to the Minister for Labour, War Veterans and Social Policy
Kulic Mirko Assistant to the Minister for the sale of state owned assets
Lazic Djura Minister without Portfolio
Lazic Ljubomir Assistant to the Minister of Finance
Litricin Milica Assistant to the Minister for Education
Lukic-Havelka Dusanka Assistant to the Minister for Labour, War Veterans and Social Policy
Lukic Svetlana Deputy Minister for Culture
Maljkovic Vjerica Deputy Minister for Justice
Malovic Dragan Assistant to the Minister of Finance
Marcetic Ratko Minister for Transport and Communications
Marjanovic Mirko Prime Minister, born 27.7.1937
Markovic Radomir Deputy Minister, Ministry of the Interior
Markovic Ratko Deputy Prime Minister, born 8.12.1944
Milacic Borislav Minister of Finance, born 13.5.1953, diplomatic passport number 018485
Miladinovic Manojlo Assistant to the Minister for Construction
Milenkovic Tomislav Minister of Labour
Milicevic Leposava Minister of Health, born 12.8.1950, diplomatic passport number 015424
Milosavljevic Ljiljana Assistant to the Minister for Labour, War Veterans and Social Policy Milosavljevic Zarko Assistant to the Minister for Local Rule
Milutinovic Milan President, born 19.12.1942, diplomatic passport number 016749
Minjovic Srecko Assistant to the Minister for Trade
Mircic Miroslav Serbs in Diaspora
Mirovic Igor Deputy Minister for Finance, born 12.7.1968
Misic Stojan, Maj?Gen Deputy Minister, Ministry of the Interior
Mitic, Dr Ceda Deputy Minister for Health
Mitrovic Borislav Secretary General, President's Secretariat General
Mitrovic Luka Minister of Industry
Mitrovic Dr Radivoje Deputy Minister for Science and Technology
Mladenovic Slavisa Deputy Minister for Youth and Sport
Mledenovic Slavoljub Assistant to the Minister for Transport and Communications
Momcilov Paja Minister without Portfolio
Morina Bratislava Minister for Refugees, born 4.3.1947
Mosurovic Lazar Assistant to the Minister for Transport and Communications
Nedeljkovic Miroslav Minister of Family Care
Nenadovic Gradimir Assistant to the Secretary, Secretariat for Legislation
Nesovanovic Milojko Assistant to the Minister for Mining and Energy
Nikodijevic Zorica Assistant to the Secretary General, Serbian Government Secretariat General
Nincic Milan Deputy Minister for Construction
Novakovic Bosko Deputy Minister for Labour, War Veterans and Social Policy
Obradovic Zarko Deputy Minister for Local Rule
Panajotovic, Dr Zoran Assistant to the Minister for Health
Paripovic Dusan Assistant to the Minister for Justice
Pavlovic Miodrag Assistant to the Minister of Finance
Pavlovic Ratko Assistant to the Minister for Industry
Pavlovic Slobodan Deputy Minister for Construction
Perosovic Bosko Premier of the Vojvodina Government, born 17.11.1956
Plana Basri, Dr (1956) Serbian Deputy Minister for Health
Pop Lazic Gordana Minister of Local Government
Popovic Miodrag Assistant to the Minister for Information
Prstic Kosta Deputy Minister for Mining and Energy
Prvulovic, Dr Mladen Assistant to the Minister for Health
Racic Radoslav Deputy Minister for Religion
Radosavljevic Zivojin Assistant to the Minister for Transport and Communications
Radovanovic Milovan Religion Minister
Raicic Mirko Assistant to the Minister for Local Rule
Rebic Mihailo Assistant to the Minister for Education
Ristivojevic Dragisa Deputy Head of Public Security Department
Sabovic Gulbehar Member of the Provisional Executive Council for Kosovo
Sarac Miroslav Assistant to the Minister for Mining and Energy
Sedlak Ivan Minister without Portfolio
Seselj Vojislav Deputy Prime Minister, born 11.10.1954
Simak Jan Secretary for Information in the Vojvodina Executive Council
Simatovic Frenki Chief of Special Forces of State Security
Simic Zeljko Minister of Culture, born 21.5.1958
Simonovic, Milivoje Minister for Education
Simonovic Perisa Assistant to the Minister for Health
Smiljanic Zivorad, Dr. President of Vojvodina Parliament, SPS
Stakic, Dr Budimir Assistant to the Minister for Industry Stamenkovic Milan Deputy Minister for Trade
Stamenkovic Slobodan Assistant to the Minister for Transport and Communications
Stepic Zivojin Assistant to the Minister for Industry
Stevanovic Obrad Deputy Minister, Ministry of the Interior
Stevanovic Zoran Assistant to the Minister for Justice
Stojiljkovic Vlajko Minister of the Interior
Studen Stanko, Dr Deputy Minister for Agriculture
Subotic Zoran Deputy Minister for Labour, War Veterans and Social Policy
Tabakovic Jorgovanka Minister of Privatisation
Tanaskovic Svetomir Deputy Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Supply
Tapuskovic Vasilije Assistant to the Minister for Culture
Todorovic Danica Assistant to the Minister for Labour, War Veterans and Social Policy
Todorovic Dragan Minister of Transport/Communications, born 25.1.1953
Todorovic Jovo Minister of Education
Tomic Dragan Speaker of the Serbian Parliament and Director of JUGOPETROL, born 1936
Tomic Dragan Deputy Prime Minister, born 5.10.1937
Tomovic Slobodan Minister without Portfolio
Tubic Zoran Chief of Cabinet, Serbian Government Secretariat General
Vajt Ibro Member of the Provisional Executive Council for Kosovo
Vandic Dragan Assistant to the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Supply
Vasic Nikola Assistant to the Minister for Trade
Vasiljevic Cedomir Minister without Portfolio, born 6.3.1947
Veljko Odalovic Deputy Head of the Kosovo Okrug
Veselinovic Milan Deputy Minister for Education, born 24.12.1956
Visekruna Danko Deputy Minister for Transport and Communications
Visic Radmila Deputy Minister of Information
Vlajkovic Slavoljub Assistant to the Minister for Construction
Vucic Aleksandar Minister for Information
Vucurovic Bozidar Minister without Portfolio
Vukadinovic Dragica Deputy Minister for Family Care
Zdravkovic Stojan Assistant to the Minister of Finance
Zekic Ljiljana Assistant to the Minister for the sale of state owned assets
Zekovic Petar, Maj?Gen Deputy Minister,
Ministry of the Interior
Antanasijevic, Maj Commander 57 Battle Group Battalion 3 Army
Antonic, Col D Commander 52 Pristina Corps 3 Army
Arsenovic Konstantin, Lt?Col?Gen General Staff (VJ), Chief of Logistics
Brakovic, Col Zarko 124th intervention police brigade
Cirkovic Mladen, Col Commander 15 Armed Brigade 3 Army
Cvetic Lubinko Deputy Head of Security in Kosovo
Davidovic Grujica Commander of Vzice Army Corps
Delic Bozidar General Commander Belgrade Corps, 1st Army
Dimcevski Dragutin, Maj Officer 3 Army
Djakovic Milan, Col Officer 3 Army, born 5.10.1937, diplomatic passport number 014394
Djakovic Milorad, Col 52 Pristina Corps 3 Army
Djokic Dejan, Cap Officer 3 Army
Djosan, Col Commander 52 Light Air Defence Brigade 3 Army
Djudic, Col Commander 354 Infantry Brigade 3 Army
Djurkovic Ljubinko Lt Col Officer, 3 Army
Farkas Geza, Lt Col Gen Chief of Intelligence & Security Directorate, General Staff
Filic Bozidar, Lt Col MUP Speaker on Kosovo Issues
Gajic, Col Chief of Strategic Intelligence and Security Directorate, General Staff
Gajic David Head of Security in Kosovo
Gracanin Reserve Army General Petar
Gregar Mihajlo, Col Officer 3 Army
Grjkovic Milos, Maj Gen President of Military High Court
Grujic, Captain Radomir (Pavle) Commander, War Navy Fleet
Gusic Miroljub Judge at 3 Army Military Court
Jelic Kisman, Col Commander 243 Mechanised Brigade 3 Army
Jovic Radomir, Maj Commander 55 Battle Group Battalion 3 Army
Krga Branko, Maj Gen Head of Second Department (Intelligence), General Staff
Krstic Ninoslav (Vladeta) Head, VJ Inspection
Lazarevic Vladimir Commander VJ Third Army
Loncar Dusan, Maj Gen President of FRY Commission for Relations with OSCE
Lukic, Col Commander 72 Special Forces
BrigadeManic, Col Chief of Staff 125 Motorised Brigade 3 Army
Marjanovic Radomir, Col Gen Deputy Chief at General Staff
Mihaijlovic Bratislav, Cap Officer 3 Army
Miladinovic Radenko Judge at 3 Army Military Court
Milojevic Vukatin, Col Judge at 3 Army Military Court
Milosavljevic Milivoje, Cap I Class Local Commander Prizren
Novakovic Milivoje, Col Head of Information Department, General Staff
Obradovic Milorad, Lt Col Gen Commander 2 Army
Obrencevic, Maj Gen Chief of Military Prosecution
Orovic, Col Borivoje Deputy Commander, Uzice Corps
Panic Dragoljub, Maj Gen Acting Chief of General Staff for Ground Forces, General Staff
Pavkovic Nebojsa, VJ Chief of General Staff
Pelevic Reserve Major General Milorad
Perazic Reserve Major General Gavrilo
Pilcevic, Col Bozimir Chief, Uzice Corps
Radevic Reserve Major General Petar
Radjenovic Stevan, Cap Head of Police at Lipljane
Radojko, Col Head of State Security in Pristina
Radosavljevic Stanimir, Col Military Prosecutor, Nis
Rakocevic Aleksandar, Gen Head of Information Service of VJ
Ristic Miroljub MUP Kosovska Mitrovica
Samardzic Dusan, Col Gen Chief of Military Readiness Inspectorate, General Staff
Savovic Milorad, Lt Col President of 2 Army Military Court
Silanovic Reserve Major General Cedomir
Simic Milen, Maj Gen Head of Administration of Yugoslav Army's General Staff for Information and Morale
Simic Midrag Assistant Chief of Operational Staff Duties, VJ Chief of Staff
Slivcanin Dusko, Cap I Class Officer 3 Army
Smiljanic Spasoje, Lt Col Gen Commander Air and Air Defence Forces
Sorak Goran, Maj Commander 53 Battle Group Battalion 3 Army
Stankovic Ivica, Cap I Class Officer 3 Army
Stefanovic, Col Commander 52 Artillery Brigade 3 Army
Stojanovic Momir, Lt Col Stefanovic Local Commander Gnjilane
Stojimirovic, Ljubisa Assistant Chief of Land Forces, VJ Chief of Staff
Stojinovic Ljubisa, Maj Gen Commander Special Unit Corps
Susic Slavoljub, Col Gen Head of the Military Department at Presidential Office
Todorov, Lt ColCommander 63 Parachute Brigade
Todorovic Reserve Major General Bosko
Tomic, Lt Col Commander 211 Armed Brigade 3 Army
Trajkovic Sinisa, Col Chief of Staff 15 Armed Brigade 3 Army
Trajkovic, Col-Gen Srboljub 1st Army Commander
Trkulja, Col Commander Special Unit Corps
Vilic Reserve Major General Dusan
Vojinovic, Maj-Gen Dragan (Milutin) Commander, 1st Army Kragujevac Corps
Vucinic Reserve Major General Milan
Zdravkovic Srba, Col Commander 243 Motorised Brigade 3 Army
Zec Milan, Vice Adm Commander Navy
Zirojevic Zeljko, Cap I Class Press Officer, Pristina Corps, 3 Army
Zivanovic, Col Dragan 125th Motorised Brigade
Zivanovic Radojko, Col Commander 125 Motorised Brigade 3 Army
Police/Security Forces
Djuric Branko, Maj Gen
Joksic Ljuba Head of Department of State Security (RDB)
Mangotic Zoran Chief of the RDB 10th directorate's 2nd division
Mijanovic Zdravko VJ 7th Police battalion deputy
Radonjic Milan Head of State Security service, Belgrade
Stojakovic Vojislav General Manager, Serbian tax/financial police
Susic Jovan VJ 7th Police battalion
Trajkovic Bozidar Head, RDB Coordination Centre, Nis
Vasiljkovic Dragan ("Captain Dragan") Mercenary, SRS military wing, born 12.12.1954
Zivanovic Slobodan Head of Belgrade Police Department
Members of the Judiciary
Aleksic Snezana Belgrade
Andjic Magdalena Belgrade
Aresina Milena
Bakovic Slavica Belgrade
Benic Dragana Belgrade
Bjelobaba Radovan Belgrade
Blagojevic Zoran Nis
Botic Pancic Olga Belgrade
Bozic Goran Belgrade
Dabetic Trogrlic Vesna Belgrade
Djordjevic Mirko Belgrade
Djukic Mitrovic Ljiljana Belgrade
Filipovic Lidija Belgrade
Glavonjic Dragan Belgrade
Golubicic Marina Belgrad
Gudalovic Bojana Belgrade
Gudovic Branislav Belgrade
Jovanovic Svetlana Belgrade
Kajganic Slavica Belgrade
Kantar Dragan
Komadinic Maja Belgrade
Koricanac Stanica Belgrade
Kozarski Kamenko Belgrade
Krstic Nevenka Belgrade
Krstic Srejic Leposava Belgrade
Lazic Rodoljub Belgrade
Micic Emilija Belgrade
Mihailovic Polovina Gordana Belgrade
Mijalkovic Biljana Belgrade
Milic Sladjana Belgrade
Miljkovic Jasna Belgrade
Milovanovic Ana Belgrade
Mirkovic Snezana Belgrade
Murganic Gordana Belgrade
Nikolic Kujovic Vera Belgrade
Obradovic Vukoman Belgrade
Pandurov Nada Kikinda
Pesic Milen Belgrade
Petricevic Nikola Belgrade
Petrovic Borislav Belgrade
Planojevic Svetlana Belgrade
Popovski Nevenka Belgrade
Prokic Zorica Belgrade
Radovanovic Slobodan Belgrade
Rakovic Vera
Sakic Vladimir Sombor
Spasojevic Mirjana Belgrade
Stanisavljevic Ljiljana Belgrade
Stankovic Bratislava Belgrade
Stankovic Dragan Leskovac
Stijacic Petrovic Stojanka Belgrade
Tatalovic Kornelija Belgrade
Tirnanic Slobodan Belgrade
Todorovic Dragica
Trajkovic GoranVranje
Vujic Djordje Belgrade
Zec Snezana Belgrade
Zunjic Milomir Belgrade
Persons close to the regime whose activities support President Milosevic
Acimovic Slobodan Head of Beogradska Bank, Cyprus
Adzemovic Mersud Secretary of JUL Directorate
Aksentijevic Sinisa SRS Deputy in Serbian Parliament, Editor-in-Chief of Velika Srbija
Albunovic Veljko General Manager of Pozarevacka Banka AD
Andjelkovic Stanislav Mayor of Suva Reka Andric Milanka Director-General of Cacanska Banka AD
Antic Dragan General Director "Politika A.D."
Antic Oliver Dean, Belgrade Law School, born 16.6.1950
Arandjelovic Zoran Dunavski Industries, Nis
Atanaskovic Branislav (1944) General Director, Beko
Atanaskovic Mihajlo SPS regional head Paracin, Member of SPS main committee
Avramov Mita SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Babic Blazo Director of Prokupac Company Belgrade
Babic Momcilo (1952) Director, KDC, Bezanijska Kosa, born 20.1.1952
Babic Zoran JUL Directorate Secretary
Bacanin Ljubisav General Manager of Centrobanka AD
Bakovic Tatomir SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Baltovski Mira General Manager for International Operations of Beogradska Banka
Barac Milun SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Bjelic Novak (1939)Director, Trepca Kombinata, born 14.9.1939, diplomatic passport number 017839
Blazic MilovanSRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Bogdanovic Aleksandar Director of "Metropol" Press Centre
Bojic Milivoje Executive Director for Legal Affairs of Beogradska Banka
Bosiljkov Slobodan Director of Pancevo refinery
Bozalo Dragan SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Bozanic Dragan Member of JUL Directorate
Bozic Ljubinko Mayor of Lipljane
Bozinovic Slavisa SRS regional head, Majdanpek, Member of SPS main committee
Bozovic Radoman President of GENEX, born 10.1.1953, diplomatic passport number 015286
Brujic Milan Assistant Director-General of PTT Traffic of Serbia, born 1.6.1949
Budcanovcanin Sinisa SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Budimir Milana, Dr. SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Budimirovic Dobrivoje President of "Srbijasuma"
Budisin Radmila General Manager in the Legal department of Beogradska Banka
Cekovic Jovan Director of Jugoimport, SPDR official, born 11.9.1946, diplomatic passport number 018166
Celic Dragan (1955) SPS main committee member
Cicak Zoran Special Adviser to the President of Beogradska Bank
Ciric Miladin Director General, Krusik defence factory, Valjevo
Ciric Slobodanka Head of Pirot SPS
Cizmic Dragan Peri Trading, Cyprus
Colic Dragan SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Colic Momcilo SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Corovic Enes (1957) Director, Raska
Cukic Dusan (1937) Acting Director and editor-in-chief of Vecernje Novosti
Cvetanovic Ninoslav (1940) General Director, Rudarsko
Cvetkovic Aleksandar, Dr. Mayor of Doljevac, member of SPS main committee
Cvetkovic Radmila Secretary of the Serbian Red Cross, member of SPS main committee
Cvetkovic Srboljub (1950) Director, Machine Maintenance
Cvetkovic Zivota Mayor of Aleksandrovac, SPS
Dabisljevic Sveta Mayor of Klina
Dacic Ivica Head of SPS Belgrade, born 1.1.1966, diplomatic passport number 015777
Daja Jovan SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Damjanovic Jevrem Editor in Chief "Ilustrovana Politika
Danilovic Blagoje Judge at Serbian High Court
Deljanin Novica (1950) Branch Director, Yugobanka Krusevac, SPS regional head
Dimitrijevic Kosta Editor of Velika Srbija
Disic Miograd SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Djakovic Milan Director of NIS Jugopetrol, born 5.10.1937, diplomatic passport number 014394
Djedovic Gavrilo Director General for Foreign Affairs, National Bank of Yugoslavia (NBY), born 6.3.41, diplomatic passport number 016326
Djokovic Milan Chair of the Democratic Patriotic Movement of Kragujevacand Sumadija
Djokovic Vidan Director-General of IMT Engine and Tractor Plant
New BelgradeDjolic Gvozdan Local SPS Head, Aleksandrovac
Djonovic Ivko General Director of "Takovo
Djordjevic Aleksandar SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Djordjevic Dusan Acting Director of Tanjug News Agency
Djordjevic Ljubisa Director Commercial Bank
Djordjevic Miroslav Director-General of Trstenicka Banka AD
Djordjevic Nenad Vice President of JUL
Djordjevic Nemanja Marketing Director of "Rapid B-92"
Djordjevic Radoslav General Manager of Smederevska Banka
Djordjevic Zivorad JUL, Editor in Chief of Daily "Borba"
Djordjevic Zoran, Dr. Member of JUL Directorate
Djuka Dzafer Member of JUL Directorate
Djukic Dragomir (1955) Assistant General Director, PTT Serbia
Djuric Milotin (1954) Director, Radio Sumadija
Djurdjevic Radomir SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Djurkovic Milivoje Mayor of Decani
Djurovic Ivan Director for International Relations of Telecom Srbija
Djurovic Milovan Member of JUL Directorate
Djurovic Momcilo Director of Matros Cellulose Factory
Djurovic Vera Member of JUL Directorate
Dobric Aleksander Beogradska Bank Official
Doknic Slobodan Mayor of Vucitrn
Dragas Branko Chief Executive Beogradska Bank
Dragisic Stevo SRS
Dramlic Miroslav SRS Deputy in Serbian Parliament
Drazilovic Zoran SRS Deputy in Federal Parliament, born 19.5.1947
Dugalic Slobodan (1948) General Director, Elektroprivreda
Dujovic Milos General Manager of Raj Banka AD
Dukic Milorad SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Dumbelovic Cedo SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Dzamic Rodoljub (1951) Director, Beli IzmorFodor Oskar Member of SPS Executive Council
Gajevic Gorica SPS, Secretary-General
Galovic Predrag General Manager of Jugobanka AD
Gasi Camil (1958) Assistant Director,
Juko Drenica
Gavrilovic Lejla National Bank of Yugoslavia division head, born 18.3.1948
Gezovic Mirko Senior Vice President of JAT, born 19.9.1940
Golovic-Miljanovic Jovanka Member of JUL Directorate
Golubovic Dragan SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Govedarica Balsa President of Serbian High Court
Grbic Nenad Co-owner of Blik-Hem Company, born 27.3.1959
Grubetic Ivan SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Guzina Vojislav Executive Director of Beogradska Banka
Hadziantic (Antic) DraganGeneral Director "Politka A.D."
Hadzic Dragomir President, management board of "Srpska Fabrika Stakla", Paracin
Hinic Slavko SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Ilic Dragan Member of JUL Directorate
Ilkic Ljubomir SRS regional head, Vrsac, Member of SPS main committee
Ivancevic Sladjana Director of Marketing at PGP RTS
Ivic Zivorad SPS Vice President
Ivkovic Dragica Director General, "LIGAS" DP, Pozarevac
Jablanovic Dragan Mayor of Leposavic
Jakovljevic Dusica Director of Credit Lines Beogradska Banka
aksic MiloradFormer Director of "PTT Srbije", born 22.6.1949, diplomatic passport number 016023
Janackovic Zoran FRY Ambassador to FYROM
Jancic Momcilo General Manager of Postanska Stedionica
Janjic Stanisa Director of Jumko Holding, Member of SPS main committee, born 10.3.1948
Jankovic Tomislav Head of the Republican Institute for Social Security Funds, Director of Institute TORLAK, member of several boards incl. Galenika, Komercijalna Banka and Beogradska Banka
Jeftic Dragan Peri Trading, Cyprus
Jevremovic Miodrag, Dr SPS head Stari Grad/Belgrade, Member of SPS main committee
Jocic Goran SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Jocic Milos SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Jocic Ranko Director-General of Progress, Member of SPS main committee
Jocic Vladislav General Manager of Sabacka Banka AD
Jokic Aleksa Director-General of PTT Traffic of Serbia
Josic Milan General Manager of Loznicka Banka AD
Jovanovic Biserka Chief of Staff of JUL Directorate
Jovanovic Djuko Representative of the Serbian National Party
Jovanovic Dobrosav (1938) SPS main committee member
Jovanovic Ivana Director of JUL Press center
Jovanovic Natasa SRS, Regional Head, Sumadija
Jovanovic Zivotije Head of JUL Section Jagodino
Jovanovic Zoran Owner of Lebanese?based Serbian firms Nana Sal and Menta Sal
Jovic Nadezda General Manager of Prokupacka Banka AD
Jovic Ranko (1947) General Director, Progres
Kalezic Miomir Commercial Director, Yugoimport-SDPR
Kalicanin Selimir Head of SPS Section Kosovska Mitrovica
Karaklajic Rados SPS head Rakovica, Member of SPS main committee
Karic Bogoljub
Karic Dragomir Member of Karic family (bankers, etc.)
Karic Goran Director of Mobtel Sale Marketing
Karic Milanka Businesswoman, wife of Bogoljub Karic
Karic Sreten Member of Karic family (bankers, etc.)
Karic Zoran Member of Karic family (bankers, etc.)
Karlicic Miljkan (1968) Assistant Serbian Minister of Information
Kasas Karolj (1956) SPS Executive Committee member
Kilibarda Nenad Director-General of Jugomarka
Kiss JoszefManager of Zorka Holding
Kertes Mihalj Director, Federal Customs
Klipa Dusan Director General, "ZORKA", Sabac - born 9/4/1943, Sabac
Knezevic Branislav Director-General of Vranjska Banka AD
Knezevic Dragan Co-owner of Blik-Hem Company, born 26.5.1958
Knezevic ZoranSPS regional head Vranje, Member of SPS main committee, born 13.2.1948
Kolev Dragan SPS regional head Dimitrovgrad, Member of SPS main committee
Komrakov Milorad (1950) Editor in Chief, Information Programming RTS
Koprivica Miograd Member of JUL Directorate
Kosovac, Mihajlo Director General, Magnochrom, Kraljevo
Kostic Dragan, Dr. Member of JUL Directorate
Kostic Petar (1938) Assistant General Director, EPS
Kostic Veroljub General Manager TK Banka AD
Kovacevic Bojana TREF company
Kremic Dragoljub Peri Trading, Moscow
Krivokapic Milovan (1942) SPS main committee member
Krsmanovic Dragisa State Prosecutor of Serbia
Krsmanovic Ratko Member of JUL Directorate
Krstin Milorad SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Kurtesanin Sima SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Labalo Zora Executive Director of Beogradska Banka
Lackovic Stanislav Senior Vice President of JAT
Lakicevic Dragan (1952) General Director, Mackatica
Lazarevic Ivan Beogradska Bank Official
Lekic Zivadin SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Lenard Tatjana Member of JUL Directorate, Head of RTS information programme
Levic Milutin (1947) General Director, Trajal Corporation Krusevac
Lijesevic Dragan Foreign Exchange, NBY, born 19.5.1952, diplomatic passport number 019022
Lincevski Vladimir Beogradska Bank Official
Ljubenovic Vojislav Mayor of Vlasotince, Member of SPS main committee
Ljubicic Vladimir General Director "Geneks Hotels"
Ljubojevic Dragan SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Ljujic Radomir General Director of "Sloboda", Cacak
Maksic Predrag General Manager of Komercialna Banka Sirmium AD
Maljkovic Marko Director of Srbija-Promet, Member of SPS main committee
Maljkovic Nebojsa Member of JUL Directorate and President "Dunav" Insurance Company + President of the JUL committee for Finance and Banking, born 4.9.1954, diplomatic passport number 019044
Marinkovic Milan Director of AY Bank
Marinkovic Milan SPS regional head Zlatibor, Member of SPS main committee
Marjanski Lazar SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Markicevic Branislav Owner of TiM Trade
Markovic Dragomir SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Markovic Momir Editor of Velika Srbija
Markovic Vladimir Managing Director of Merima
Markovic Zoran Executive Director of Beogradska Bank
Martic Djordje Editor in Chief, Politika Express
Martinov Suzana Beogradska Bank Official
Marusic Drazimir Mayor of Gornji Milanovac, Member of SPS main committee
Matic Olivera Former Beogradska Bank Official
Matkovic DusanDirector of Smederevo Iron Works, SPS Vice?President, born 10.4.1956, diplomatic passport number 018700
Mihajlovic Ljubomir Executive Officer Commercial Bank
Mihajlovic Milivoje Mayor of Krusevac, SPS
Mihajlovic Radoslav Manager at "EPS"
Mihajlovic Zivota Director of AY Bank
Mihaljevic Nena Director of "Pekabeta"
Milekovic Dejan Editor in Chief "TV BK Telekom"
Miladinovic Biljana Assistant of the Mayor of Pozarevac, Member of SPS main committee
Milanovic Bradislav President of Gosa Holding, Member of SPS main committee
Milanovic Dragoljub Director-General of RTS, Member of SPS main committee
Milenkovic Milisav SPS regional head Pozarevac, Member of SPS main committee, born 6.3.1939, diplomatic passport number 016322
Miletic Milivoje (1951) Deputy, Serbian Assembly
Miljevic Mihailo born 21.2.1934, diplomatic passport number 015151
Milojevic Mihajlo President, FRY Chamber of Commerce
Milosavljevic Milos Director of AY Bank, born 2.10.1932, diplomatic passport number 015861
Milosavljevic Slobodan Director of Telecom Srbija
Milosevic Zoran Major of Obilic
Milosevic Zoran SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Milovanovic Dragoljub?Minja Member of SPS Executive Council
Milovanovic Dragutin (1957) Director, Kosovo Development Fund
Milovanovic Pera Director, Masinska Industrija
Milunovic Dragan SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Minic Vasilje SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Mircic Milorad SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Mitic Boban Editor of RTS centre and Pi Kanal
Mitrovic Biserka General Manager of Jugobanka AD Uzice
Mitrovic Goran Editor in Chief, L (Kragujevac)
Mitrovic Nikola, Dr.Member of JUL Directorate
Mitrovic Zeljko Owner of "TV Pink"
Mladenovic Slavisa SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Mladenovic Vladimir Assistant Director-General of PTT Traffic of Serbia
Modrinic Zoran Member of JUL Directorate
Mrkonjic Milutin Director, "CIP" + Director of the Agency for Reconstruction in Belgrade
Nesic Nenad Director, Serbian pension fund
Neskovic Milan Director of Prva Iskra Holding Ltd
Neskovic MiroslavSRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Neskovic Slavko SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Nesovic Milos Director-General of Telecom Srbija
Nikacevic Aleksandar Director "B92"
Nikolic Goran Head of Nis Customs House
Nikolic Goran Peri Trading, Cyprus
Nikolic Predrag Director of BK IIS
Nikolic Srdjan Assistant Director-General of EPS, Member of SPS main committee
Nojic Vojislav Mayor of Kosovska Mitrovica
Novakovic Mile Director-General of NITEKS, Member of SPS main committee
Obradovic Milan Director-General of Kolubara, Member of SPS main committee
Obretkovic Misa SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Panic Miodrag SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Pankov Radovan Member of SPS Executive Council
Pantic Dragoljub SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Pantovic Danilo Secretary of JUL Directorate
Papovic Radoslav (1950) SPS main committee member
Paunovic Radisav General Manager of Izvozna Banka AD
Pavlovic Andrija Director-General of Uzicka Banka AD
Pavlovic Dragomir SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Pejcic Dusan Mayor of Zajecar, Member of SPS main committee
Pelevic Borislav President, Presidency of Party of Serbian Unity, born 8.9.1965
Penezic Branislav General Manager of Dunav Banka AD
Penezic Tomislav SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Percevic Goran Member of SPS Executive Council
Peric Bogdan Mayor of Gnjilane
Perucic Zlatan President Beogradska Bank
Perucic Zlatan Member of EPS Management, born 8.5.1947, diplomatic passport number 015320
Peselj Ljubomir (1963) Director, Karneks Kombinata
Petkovic Jovan (1946) General Director, Zdravlja
Petric Radojko (1940) Beogradska Bank Official
Petrovic Bozidar (1944) Director of Development, Tigra
Petrovic Radoje General Manager of International Payments of Beogradska Banka
Pluazrevic Vitomir SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Popov Miodrag General Manager of Servo Mihajl Banka AD
Popovic Gordana Beogradska Bank Official
Popovic Jovo Head of District Pec
Popovic Nikola (1944) General Director, Mitros
Popovic Rajko Editor-in-Chief of RTS Komuna, Plaintiff against Kikindske Novine on 15 September 1999
Popovic Severin Editor of Velika Srbija
Popovic Tomislav General manager of Vrsacka Banka AD
Puric Jagos Belgrade University Rector, JUL Member
Radenkovic Dejan Member of SPS Executive Council
Radevic Milorad Head of the Patriotic Federation Belgrade, Head of Serbian Archive, plaintiff on 23 October 1998
Radovancev Zivanko SPS Regional Head Zrenjanin, Member of SPS main committee
Radovanovic Dusan SPS Regional Head, NIS
Radovanovic Milovan SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Radovanovic Slobodan Director of Telecom Srbija
Rahman Pavle General Manager for Funds and Liquidity of Beogradska Banka
Raicevic Tomica Member of SPS Executive Council, born 18.10.1943, diplomatic passport number 017634
Raicevic Aleksandar Member of SPS Executive Council
Rajicic Vojislav Managing Director of Milan Blagojevic Hemija D.P.
Raketic Srdjan Director-General of Privredna Banka Pancevo AD
Randjelovic, Dr Viden President of Cooperative Council of Serbia, Belgrade, born 25.6.1936
Ristic Ljubisa President of JUL, born 8.2.1947, diplomatic passport number 018934
Ristic Milorad Director-General of Niska Banka AD
Rodic Milan Member of JUL directorate, born 11.12.1948, diplomatic passport number 015395
Roza?Despotovic Gordana Member of SPS Executive Council
Rugova Hajrije Member of SPS Executive Council
Ruzic Veljka SRS Deputy in Federal Parliament
Sarenac Slobodan INEX, born 6.12.1946, Sarajevo
Savin Zoran SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Segrt Dmitar (1953) Director, Toza Markovic
Sekulic Radoslav Businessman
Sekulic Zarko Director-General of Agrobanka AD
Seselj Jadranka Editor of Velika Srbija
Simanovic Vojislav General Manager, PKB, President of the JUL Committee for Agriculture, born 23.9.1953
Simic Dusan Mayor of Pristina
Simic Sima Mayor of Srbica
Sladojevic Radomir Director-General of Chemical Industry Prahovo, member of SPS main committee
Smikic Milan Senior Vice President of JAT
Smiljkovic Srdjan Secretary of JUL Directorate
Sokolovacki Zivko Member of JUL Directorate
Stambuk Vladimir Member of JUL Directorate
Stamenkovic Dragoljub SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Stamenkovic Sladjana Member of JUL Directorate
Stanic Nikola Vice?Governor of NBY
Stanisavljevic Zivorad Director of RTB Majdanpek
Stankovic Srboljub Member of JUL Directorate, Director of NIS Naftagas
Stanojevic Momcilo Mayor of Djakovica
Stefanovic Zivojin Head of Jablanica Opstina + Chair of the Leskovac SPS Committee
Stepanovic Milorad Mayor of Loznica, Member of SPS main committee
Stevovic Vesna Beogradska Bank Official
Stojanovic Milorad SPS regional head Bojnik, Member of SPS main committee
Stojanovic Relja General Manager: Stocar Banka AD Cacak
Stojkovic Ivko General Manager of Vazljevska Banka AD
Stojkovic LiljanaGeneral Manager of Ingprom Banka AD
Stojkovic Velibor SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Stojiljkovic Mihajlo Head of Srbijasume Export Department
Stojimirovic Ljubisa SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Stojmenovic Jovica SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Suvakovic Uros (1970) SPS Executive Committee member
Sveljo Miroslav General Manager of Somborska Banka AD
Tasin Stojan Assistant Director-General of Yugoslav PTT
Terzic Radoslav SPS Regional Head Bor, Member of SPS main committee
Tiosavic Zivorad SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Todorovic Tihomir Director of "C?Market"
Todosic Tamara Editor-in-Chief of Radio S Smederevo, Member of SPS main committee
Tokovic Branko Executive Director of Investbanka AD
Tomasevic Ljiljana Executive Director of Beogradska Bank
Tomovic Slobodan SPS Regional Head Kragujevac, Member of SPS main committee
Tomic Milovan Mayor of Podujevo
Trajkovic Zdravko Head of District Kosovska Mitrovica
Trajlovic Dragan SPS Regional Head Velika Plana, Member of SPS main committee
Trbojevic Zarko First Vice?Governor of NBY, born 19.9.1937, diplomatic passport number 018274
Trboljevac Milan (1959) Director, Hrast
Tresac Slobodan Director of Petrochemija Pancevo
Trickovic Predrag General Manager Pirotska Banka AD
Trivan Goran (1956) Executive Director, Srbijasumama ("Serbian forests")
Tufegdzic Mirjana Executive Director for Personal of Beogradska Banka
Uncanin Rajko General Director "Grmec"
Unkovic Slobodan, Dr. FRY Ambassador to China
Vakic Branislav SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Vasiljevic Branko General Manager for Development Operations of Beogradska
Vasiljevic Miodrag SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Vecic Igor SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Veljkovic Miroljub SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Velkovic Vojin SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Veselic Jela (1956) Vice-Mayor of Sabac, Federal Deputy
Veselinovic Slavko SPS, Head of Council for information and propaganda in the SPS-Board
Vesic Dusan Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Velika Srbija
Vitezovic Milovan Editor?in?Chief, RTS
Vlatkovic Dusan Governor of National Bank of Yugoslavia, born 12.2.1938, diplomatic passport number 015909
Vucic Miroslav SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Vucicevic Slobodan Executive Director of Srbijasume
Vucurovic Bozidar SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Vucurovic Ratko Director General of the holding company "Industrija Kablova", Jagodina
Vujanovic Bozidar SRS Deputy in the Serbian Parliament
Vujicic Milan Senior Vice President of JAT
Vujnovic Mihajlo Chief Executive Officer of JAT
Vujovic Zoran, Dr. (1954) SPS Executive Committee member
Vukorovic Mirko Owner of Nivada watch company
Vukovic Slobodan General Manager of Prva Preduzetnicka Banka AD, born 2.1.1940, diplomatic passport number 014298
Vulic Slavoljub SPS regional head Despotovac, Member of SPS main committee
Vulin Spasenija (1958) Buducnost
Vunjak Nenad, Dr. (1953) Director, Vojvodina Bank Main Branch
Zagradjanin Vladan President of the Youth Council of Belgrade
Zaric Miodrag Representative of Hollywell-Neoprem healthcare company
Zaric Sinisa Director, World Trade Centre in Belgrade
Zecevic Milija Banker
Zecevic Miodrag Director of JUBMES bank
Zekolic Ratko Head of Toplika Opstina
Zikelic Milan Deputy President of JAT
Zivaljevic Zana Editor of Velika Srbija
Zivanic Radevoj Businessman
Zivanic Radomir Owner of Verano Motors
Zivanovic Milan General Director of "GSB"
Zivkovic, Dr Momcilo Director General, Duty Free Zone, Belgrade
Zivkovic Zivota Member of SPS Executive Council
Zizic, Professor Mileva Institute of Statistics
Zlatic Jovan Member of main SPS committee, Nis.".

» Branislav Kovačević Cole
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